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Topics - Kaiborg

After nearly a year of contemplation and half-assed planning, I got it together and started the MetalSlut podcast.  I'll be honest- a HUGE inspiration for doing this (initially) was hearing the constant suckage by jorch noary on a nightly basis, and thinking "gee whiz, not only would I do a better job, but SOMEONE needs to do a better job".  Of course, there are other great podcasts out there already doing justice to the art of the interview, but with so much suckage on a national level by GN...  What's a guy to do?  At one point I really wanted to do something similar to Art Bell's C2C, or even the Ian's C2C, but along the way... it morphed into this.  I'm only 4 shows in, so I don't even know where this is going.  I've also learned it's not always easy to stay attentive and on top of a guest (though I should give myself a break here- I self-engineer the whole show with a psychotic co-host), but I still have to say that the job performance by GN is inexplicably bad.  Still, I need to be a bit more challenging with my questions.  The pint here, really is to be the anti-noory in a way.  I should get some Hollywood "psychics" on debate the crap out of them.

Anyway, about the actual podcast... It's loosely based around upcoming bands and musicians in the LA area (not necessarily metal), but we've also got porn stars and strip club bouncers stopping by.  Check it out if you have a moment.   Episode #4 just went up and we're doing #5 tomorrow with a guy who's big in Aruba.

Happy Holidays!  Merry Festivus!  Christmahanukwanzika! 

Here's a nice little trilogy of classic Holiday tunes for you to enjoy.  And if you're wondering why it's dubstep...  what better way to subject your family members to passive-aggressive behavior?  I kid. 

Seriously, I hope everyone is starting their season in good health, and in good spirits.  I actually just had my motor scooter stolen yesterday, but whatever.  Things could be worse, right?  8)

A Very Special, Very Dubstep Xmas
Random Topics / My cover of "Also Sprach Zarathustra"
September 28, 2012, 04:46:23 AM
A classic piece of... er, classical music.  With a modern touch, of course.  I thought you folks here might be into this, so here it goes.  Enjoy.

Oh jeezus, this has been eating at me for a while.

Does anyone remember a guest back in '03, or maybe '04, who came on to talk about how bigfoot is actually a dimensional creature?  My hazy memory says that it wasn't Red Elk, but was an Art Bell show.  Anyway, the reason this guest sticks out should be the dead giveaway.  His first answer/response that he opened with literally went something like this:

"You cannot use guns, knives, fire, or conventional weapons of any kind to kill bigfoot.  Bullets of any caliber are useless.  You cannot use a grenade or explosives, nor can he can be bludgeoned, crushed, or dismembered."

If memory serves correct, he went on like this for a while in an utterly serious tone, and I know for a fact I ended up on the floor laughing that night.  I always thought it would be a great sample to use in a song.  Does this ring any bells?
Not surprisingly, a C2C alumni just got arrested for waterboarding his own daughter.  And this is on the heels of other child-abuse allegations.  What a f'n creep...
Wasn't Sunday's show w/ David Paulides fun?  Personally, I'm inclined to believe that the research was honest...  Especially after Knapp's claims that he got a similar answer of "no records kept" when he did his own homework.  Even if you don't agree 100%, let's suspend disbelief for a moment, and assume that everything said was factual and accurate. 

So, who or what is snatching these people in the woods?  Here are some ideas, in order of increasing wackiness:

1) Mountain Men.  To the MAX   :o  Seriously, it could just be a real case of Deliverance/Texas Chainsaw/The Hills Have Eyes

2) Bigfoot.  I thought this after listening to the first show.  The details from pt. 2 heavily add to my suspicions.

3) The Creeper, from "Jeepers Creepers". This could explain so much.  For instance, the total lack of bodies, the odd body part left behind, and the occasional "bringing back" of mutilated bodies, especially those left in elevated, inaccessible, or wide open places.  I mean, the dude flies around, needs to use people parts, and can be a picky eater. 
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