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Topics - area51drone

Random Topics / What do you think user XXXX looks like?
February 15, 2014, 06:52:38 AM
Take your best shot at what you think other forum members might look like for real.   I'll start:

Jazmunda, circa 1995, complete with eyebrow piercing.
Random Topics / I just come to Bellgab for the laughs
February 07, 2014, 02:18:48 PM
Otherwise this forum is useless... like 99.9% of my threads.
Random Topics / Fun Desk Toys
February 06, 2014, 11:40:11 AM
Looking for fun desk toys...  post links to your favorite.  Here are some of mine:

Toysmith Magnetic Levitator


Thermal Drinking Bird

Magic Spinning Top - runs forever with a 9v battery.. well until the battery dies
Technology / Over the Air DTV Antennas
February 02, 2014, 03:18:21 AM
Anyone know a lot about over the air TV antennas?  My wife and I really only watch one station for the news, and even though we cut our cable back over a year ago to the most basic offering, it's still $30 a month.  Although I can afford it, I hate giving the cable company money for one station every month.   I bought this:


Along with a 24db pre-amp.  I can get a number of stations, but not ABC, CBS or NBC which sucks.   Using TSReaderLite to test, I can get about a 2% signal on those stations.  The stations that come in seem to need about a 40% signal before they work.  Should I try a 50db pre-amp or do you think I need a bigger antenna?

MV.. hint: tubeplus for gold rush and other cable shows
Technology / Oculus Rift and other VR
February 02, 2014, 01:42:40 AM
Listening to spec sheet now... I've been following the rift for a while, and I too would love to know when they're coming out for real.

The biggest problem I see with the rift is you can't use it on an Xbox or PS. 

My current VR setup is a Sony HMZ-T1 combined with a TrackIR.   It's pretty good, but it's not completely immersive because the screen is like being in a movie theater rather than full peripheral vision.   Better than nothing though!  I use it for flight simming.    I CAN hook it up to the Xbox and it's definitely more immersive than just a regular tv, but no head tracking, which can get confusing because it's immersive enough that you tend to want to turn your head.
Radio and Podcasts / How To Create Your Own Podcast
February 02, 2014, 01:05:30 AM
Well, I think this thread is LONG overdue, and MV, go read my post in the people we miss thread - this thread is for you if you agree with me.   I would like to see any of you who have succeeded in creating podcasts describe and discuss software, hardware/equipment, methods and self promotion.    What makes a podcast hard to do?   How exactly are you getting your voice into the computer and out there to the masses?   What technical challenges have you faced?   Where have you posted your content besides here?
Technology / Coming soon to a gameroom near you....
January 02, 2014, 01:02:09 PM

The Big Lebowskiâ„¢ Pinball - Teaser 1

I thought onan might like this, but I don't know if he reads the tech thread.
Random Topics / The Jet Thread
December 30, 2013, 04:30:48 PM
Previously there was a thread on airplanes, but everyone wanted to talk about old airplanes.  I want to talk about jets, so we can leave Bateman's thread alone, and you can post your cockpics here.    Anyway, I am watching this interview with an SR-71 pilot today that I am finding fascinating.   Thought some of you guys might be interested.

SR-71 Pilot Interview Richard Graham Veteran Tales

One thing that struck me, that's really not jet related, but is he said their astro navigation could track on to stars and get their position as soon as they pulled out of their hangar during the daylight.   He does a lot of talking, probably some stuff he shouldn't have said as well.   Also check out his cockpit walkthrough and engine walkthrough.   Very cool.   I watched another SR-71 documentary where one of the guys talks about imaging, and he said their camera was the equivalent of being able to take a SLR up to 80,000 feet, shoot and image of the ground and be able to count the shoe-laces on someone's feet - at Mach 3.  Incredible.
So I'm thinking about changing my avatar, and I wanted to elicit some of your thoughts.   Some people change avatars all the time, some people change them now and then, and others well, they just never change them.

What do you guys think of the rolling avatar?   

Do any of you like mine and want to see it stay, or would you prefer it change?

Finally, if you think I should change mine, post a suggestion.

Bubbles needs to know.

Trailer Park Boys- What Randy's Attracted to

Random Topics / Top 5 reasons newbies visit Bellgab...
December 11, 2013, 01:44:07 AM
The top 5 searches that lead users to bellgab?  (And it ain't "George Noory Sucks" as most of you would have thought.)

Keyword    Percent of Search Traffic
  1.  dallas thompson hollow earth    50.80%
  2.  hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy mp3 download    9.72%
  3.  celtic song art bell bumper music    4.77%
  4.  cletic song art bell bumper music    4.77%
  5.  art bell fighting with coast to coast    2.78%

(according to Alexa)

WTF?  Someone posted the HGTTG mp3?  LOL
Just found this site.  It's great.  I'm especially enjoying the "You Hit My Car" calls.

Anyone know of a blog that keeps up to date on the latest apps released to the market and reviews them?   Just curious, I'm finding it difficult to find such a blog...
Technology / Alright you late night tech guys
November 16, 2013, 04:07:40 AM
Another question for you on this late Friday night/Saturday morning.   I am building a new pc for my Dad... I have done a ton of builds never really had any issues.   But I always go the cheap ASRock or some other non brand name stuff.   Until today.  My Dad wanted ASUS.  Of course.

So, I'm getting a red cpu led on a asus P9x79 LE with a i7-4820k.  Everything powers up but never progresses to a display, and according to the manual the red cpu led means it stops there because there is a problem.  Don't know if it really "stops" or what, but that's kind of what the manual implies.

I'm assuming it's the bios, on a sticker on the MB, the last four digits of the sticker are 3501, which appears to be a BIOS rev number from ASUS' forum website.   According to ASUS, I need bios 4210. So OK, that *might* be the problem.

But how do I update the BIOS when I can't even see anything on the screen? I tried two known good graphics cards.  I checked cables, reseated the CPU multiple times. Very careful about static. Even tried pulling the CPU to see if it would post with no CPU. Nope, won't even turn on without a CPU.

Am I supposed to still get some video if it's a BIOS version problem?
Random Topics / The "Blame Jazmunda" Thread
November 14, 2013, 01:11:47 PM
Here's a topic with many legs to stand on.  The world sucks because Dark Matter is gone.  It's jazmunda's fault.   What else did he do?

Just kidding jaz....
Random Topics / Funniest animated gifs...
November 12, 2013, 10:34:58 AM
Post 'em folks.  I know Bateman has a few!

Random Topics / Do you have "Mean World Syndrome?"
November 11, 2013, 03:05:50 PM
At times I feel like the world is a worse place than it probably is because of what I read and hear in the media.   Not just with violence, but with how governments (ours and others) operate with respect to food, property rights, privacy etc.   Do you think you exhibit some of the signs of Mean World Syndrome?

Random Topics / Anyone on here a plant guru?
November 10, 2013, 05:52:07 AM
I planted 120  3-4' tall Leyland Cypress trees about a month ago and they're yellowing, from the bottom up about half way.   I tried my best to keep them watered.  I planted them with a mushroom compost mix.   I tested the ph of the soil today and got about 5.5.   Any ideas?
Random Topics / What has the better storyline...
November 10, 2013, 02:48:37 AM
Star Trek or Star Wars?
My best friend died in July, and his wife was left with a hard drive that contained all the pictures that they had taken of each other over the years.  It's a seagate 3 terrabyte drive.  Unfortunately it was/is dead.  It literally did not turn on at all when I got it.

I replaced the 5volt TVS diode on the controller board, and I was able to get it to spin up, and even get recognized by a pc, but after the necessary drivers get installed and it says "ready to use" no drive is actually added to the system.   It is listed on the device manager under disk drives and says it is functioning properly.  It is not listed under the windows disk manager.

I downloaded SeaTools, which recognizes the drive, and ran the long generic test, which failed.   The advanced tests say they might destroy data, which I definitely do not want to happen considering how precious the data is to her (and to all of his family/friends).

Any idea on what might be going on here or how I might be able to save the drive?

Thanks in advance...

My friend Chae
(postimage seems to be flaky so you might not see his picture)
If anyone has heard about this, I-522, an initiative in Washington State that requires genetically modified foods to be labelled, is failing right now after the vote yesterday, something like 55-45.   I am absolutely shocked by this - I really felt like the people in this state, mostly liberal, would be all for knowing what is in their food.   The only reason I can think that would be valid would be because it creates yet another set of government workers to make sure the label laws are being followed.  I think that's bunk - one person could probably do this job, and I'm sure they already have a food labelling office to put them in.    For those of you who don't support it, why wouldn't you?
Radio and Podcasts / When was JC's first call?
November 03, 2013, 01:25:15 AM
I just happened to be listening to a random old show, 1-7-1997.  JC calls in right at the end of the show.  Art doesn't call him JC yet in this call, so I'm wondering if it's his first.   Anyone know what one it actually is?  Someone is claiming this one is, but they don't list the date:

Art Bell - Imfamous caller JC, First call & view on women! Funny!
Radio and Podcasts / Radio Talk Show Hosts you miss...
November 02, 2013, 12:20:11 PM
Having just responded to the talk show radio voices I hate thread, it made me think of someone I really miss hearing, which was Bruce Williams on his TalkNet show.   I used to listen to him as I was going to bed when I was a kid. 

Bruce Williams Radio Show - One of the Craziest Calls in the History of Talk Radio

I also miss Paul Harvey..  good day!
So he says on the dream show last night that he has a 4 hour program, which is about 3:30 of conversation, but all the *ahem* streams are just slightly over 3 hours (and include CCrane commercials) - so that must mean there is about an hour of commercials, not half an hour, right?   Am I missing something?

I am not complaining - 3 hours is great, I certainly wish there were more, I just wonder why Art says he gets 3:30 out of a 4  hour show when it seems as if there is much less than that.

Politics / Obama administration pulls NBC story?
October 28, 2013, 11:27:49 PM
On drudgereport.com right now -


Links to NBC article with following URL:


Follow the link and... 404 error, cannot find page requested.

Do you guys think Obama's administration pulled the plug on this article, or something else happened?
Radio and Podcasts / Who is going to be the first...
October 28, 2013, 02:52:09 PM
To do a bong hit on Dark Matter?    I don't know if any of you remember, but its usually pretty funny to hear Art's reaction when people ask to do this.    So will any Bellgabbers step up?

Trailer Park Boys - The Water Bong Is So Smooth
He talks in Art of Talk about taking advantage of the groupies, and he brings up sex/female attraction quite a bit on the show, really, considering the typical content.    So I think it's a fair question - do you ladies think Art is sexy?   My guess is some of you really like his voice and his attitude, but you obviously know what he looks like as well.   I'm a guy - I like Art but I wouldn't do him.    Would you?

Technology / Gold Growing on Trees Down Under!
October 23, 2013, 12:29:48 AM
"Parents beware: You're about to have one less idiom in your repertoire. Scientists in Australia have discovered gold deposits on eucalyptus trees in the Outback.

Yes, you read that right -- money can actually "grow" on trees..."

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