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Topics - area51drone

Technology / The Future Is Here - Self Driving Cars
September 08, 2014, 12:58:28 AM
It's not just Google anymore folks...


After having driven 4 freeway hours today myself, I cannot wait for this technology to reach the average every day car.
So this little shit with asperger's is running around our neighborhood with his dad (more in a moment).  Kid is weird, and I mean weird.   He creeps everyone out, makes really inappropriate sexual comments to other people (kids and adults alike, and in real life - not just on the internet like me) and has even been seen rubbing himself (yes in that way) with some shit he was holding at a garage sale.   I have said for at least a year to my wife that this kid is a fucking time bomb waiting to go off.   He has a "case worker" sort of, I guess, who is this guy who comes around and plays football with him or something.    So, anyway, I see him and his dad running around today with AR style airsoft guns.   Nothing like teaching your fucked up son how to target people and handle a (albeit fake) firearm, eh dad?    My fear is that when he gets old enough (he's 17 now, but acts like an inappropriate 10 year old), what happens if he just decides to go buy a real firearm?   Girls already hate this kid, he's obviously sexually frustrated and he's never going to get anywhere with any of them.     How can he be stopped?   How can I make sure he never gets a real gun?
Just curious.  Tonight I'm listening to 9/14/95, Art Bell on Flying Saucer Technology.  I think Stan Deyo is going to be the guest.
Ken Schram died yesterday.   I really liked his and John Carlson's show "The Commentators" and I enjoyed a lot of other work that he did in the media.    KOMO did a nice little piece on him here:

Or whatever he calls them.   I just got done listening to the latest Dark Weekend, and I have to say, I am not and have not been impressed with Davenport as of late.   These balls of light are almost positively lanterns as suggested by others.   Winds aloft can move them along very quickly, and I have been fooled by them myself.  I got out the binoculars and couldn't tell what they were.  I was awe-struck.  I even pulled out my cell phone to record them they were so fascinating.  Then I saw another group of two, then a couple minutes later a few more.   Then I realized what they were... lanterns for certain.   

I have no doubt that you'd find the source if you searched social media for some event on the days where there are a number of reports.  You'd probably even find pictures of people lighting these things - especially when they are in huge numbers like 150 as reported supposedly in the Kenmore area of Seattle.    Even more telling to me are how people see group after group of a few of them batched together.   Exactly as I saw.

All of the testimony Davenport has talked about say that they move quickly across the sky, but nothing about how they rapidly change direction 90 degrees or anything that would make you believe they were anything but lanterns.

Bateman, I expect a response.
I seek to compile the biggest list of women teachers who "abuse" their male pupils.  Of course, we have to start off with Mary Kay Le Tourneau, who first made it cool to be sleeping with your teach.

Feel free to chime in folks, there are tons of them.
I've been toying with the idea of sending out mass spam, to embarrass corporations into changing the way they do business.   

For example, today I got an email from Microsoft regarding their decision to finally allow xbox users to use netflix without paying for an xbox live gold subscription - something they should have done years and years ago.    I wonder if there had been a mass email blast to millions of people that looked like it officially came from Microsoft, saying "you don't need a gold subscription to use netflix anymore",  if it would go viral and news companies would pick it up.  You could do a social media campaign as well, contacting as many people as possible with twitter and facebook.   That might have forced an embarrassing Microsoft response saying "Yes, you have to pay for gold to use netflix."   Maybe they would have changed it sooner.   

Can you think of any companies you think have terrible business practices that might be affected by some kind of email like this?    Do you think it's even plausible it would work?
What websites do you check on daily, besides bellgab?   I check drudgereport.com, cnn.com, occasionally fark.com and my local news sites, but that's about it as far as regular use goes.   I do use wikipedia on a daily basis, but I don't check it for updates - just too look stuff up and learn. 

Radio and Podcasts / Tom Leykis
May 11, 2014, 01:17:15 AM
Any Leykis fans on bellgab?  I don't really care for his foodie show, but the original is pretty good.   
Technology / The Gaming Thread
April 27, 2014, 10:58:41 AM
One thread to rule them all.   Saw this article on old ET cartridges being dug up.  I liked that game when I was a kid, I don't know why it gets such a bad rap.

Random Topics / Holes
April 26, 2014, 06:25:45 AM
I have always been fascinated by holes in the ground - sink holes, caves, mines, you name it.  I saw this article on CNN about a big sinkhole that swallowed up a bunch of rare corvettes, and I thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss.   


Of course, there's also Mel's hole, which I don't think exists.   But back when Mel's hole was a repeating subject on Art's show, I found another hole called Devil's Hole in Eastern Washington that I would like to go explore sometime.
Technology / Wearing the black eye patch
April 21, 2014, 10:21:19 PM
What software / website setup are you using when you wear your black eye patch?
Technology / Drones
April 17, 2014, 11:45:43 PM
I should have created this topic a long time ago, for obvious reasons.   Here are two must watch videos on the subject:

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

Power of Drones - Totally Cool Uses for Drones
Technology / Programming
April 17, 2014, 07:21:42 AM
I just found this handy little diff script I thought I'd share.   I sometimes use javascript to quickly code up tools for my business, and this came in handy to compare lists of things for me.

I'm still running XP on a few of my machines (and plan to for the foreseeable future), and for some reason MS Security Essentials started crashing hard a couple of days ago.  I couldn't get it to stop crashing so I uninstalled it and learned, too late, that I couldn't even reinstall it anymore.   I'm very suspicious that MS did an update or something to get it to start failing on purpose.    But other xp machines I have don't have the problem, so who knows.   I suppose I'll find out soon enough if they update too.   I liked MS SE because it seemed to be pretty lightweight.   

Anyway, so I went and found Avira, it comes recommended from at least one major benchmark test.  So far it seems to be not interfering with my computing experience, but I'm curious what you guys like to use, or plan to use when MS SE doesn't work for you.

Sorry MV, I know you talked about this on your show, but you didn't recommend anything.  Would have been a great call in question but I am never able to listen in live.   Maybe you can discuss it with that ginger slave of yours on the next spec sheet as well.
Random Topics / Midget Porn
April 16, 2014, 01:27:02 AM
Because I just can't stop laughing...   a little something for everyone.

Radio and Podcasts / Good Noory Coast to Coast Shows
April 11, 2014, 04:12:58 AM
I know some people here would say if Noory does a show, it has to be bad, but I don't subscribe to that theory.  There must be at least a couple good shows over the years that some of you remember.   Please post your favorites, with original airing dates if possible.

Noory, if you are reading this, please post your own favorites - I'd love to hear what you consider to be your best radio.
Random Topics / News Only Jazmunda Would Care About
April 03, 2014, 05:47:22 AM
Here's a stupid thread only Jazmunda will appreciate.  I'll start it off.

Radiation from cell phones linked to erectile dysfunction:
Technology / 3D Printing & 3D Scanning
March 26, 2014, 01:10:54 AM
Anyone own a 3d printer or 3d scanner?  Just curious on people's experiences with them.   I would like to get one to export models to from Blender and Solidworks for use as toys in pinball machines.
Technology / Remote rebooting
March 24, 2014, 09:32:38 PM
I recently bought a Synaccess Netbooter, which allows me to remotely reboot my computer (hopefully, I haven't tried it yet), for an upcoming trip I'm taking.   I just set it up, but I'm weary about plugging my computer into it, as my PC needs to be up and running all the time.   My thought is if my computer goes down to the point I can't connect, and I need to restart it, this will give me a shot.   Anyone tried one of these devices yet?  Have you had any intermittent reboots? 
Technology / Customizable Video Games
March 21, 2014, 06:30:49 AM
Quite possibly, this game is the best wrestling game ever...

WWE '13 - The Green Bastard

Why the fuck are these so creepy, and yet strangely addicting at the same time?  I can only imagine the crazy shit someone out there is doing right now on the government dime.   

Yankee.  Hotel.   Foxtrot.
Technology / DosBox Turbo on Android
March 16, 2014, 10:16:54 PM
Anyone got any experience with it?   I'm trying to run Star Trek A Final Unity on it, and it's super slow on my HTC One S.  Runs fine on my PC.  I would have thought the HTC would have enough juice to power it (dual core 1.5ghz) so I think it's just the settings.   If someone is really familiar with the app, I would appreciate some pointers - otherwise I will be tweaking till the cows come home.



Nevermind, got it working pretty good!  Love running old pc games on my phone!
Technology / I use the internet way too much
March 08, 2014, 02:20:26 PM
I just checked, and last month I used 650gb.  The prior month, 350gb, and the month before that 120gb.  I know why, but I'm curious how that stacks up to the rest of you..

Technology / Cheap or Free Internet
March 04, 2014, 05:08:14 AM
Curious if anyone has tried FreedomPop?   1GB of data for nothing seems pretty good.  And it's only $19/mo for 10gb of data at up to 12mb/s, with an extra $10 for every GB beyond.  I realize this will probably won't work for netflix and streaming video services, but that is pretty damned cheap.   

I hope more of these companies pop up in the next couple of years - maybe we could get 100gb or more for $20/mo.
I'd rather keep this debate in a thread by itself rather than scattered all over like I have been personally contributing to.   I've already said my bit about women should be proud to be women and men should be proud to be men.   Maybe stereotypical gender roles aren't for everyone, and I have no problem with that, but deep down I believe there are mental differences, not just physical differences between men and women.    Here's an interesting article.


Kudos to BOTH the women and men brave and strong enough to want to fight on the front lines.   Notice I didn't call this thread Men vs. Women.
Radio and Podcasts / I Love George Noory
February 24, 2014, 06:05:05 AM
I don't know why you guys are so anti-Noory.  After Art went off the air, I left radio for a few months.  I recently tuned into Noory's Coast to Coast AM.  What was I thinking, you ask?  Well, I figured I'd give Noory a second chance.   I'm glad I did.   He is a radio GOD.   Now that I have a second listen, Art's voice isn't nearly as smooth as Noory's, and Noory's interview style is cutting edge.  It's too bad Art has such a disdain for the man, I think Art could learn a thing or two from him.
Random Topics / Gingers
February 24, 2014, 04:52:55 AM
This video reminded me of Falkie.  God rest his soul.   

Technology / The Outer Net - Free Wifi For *ALL*
February 17, 2014, 12:05:44 PM
Looks like a great idea.  I hope it can become reality.  I'm not sure how they expect to get signals back into space, but I look forward to when wifi is globally available at no charge.   Very Star Trek-ish.


Random Topics / F*#*@!#~! Religion
February 17, 2014, 03:49:13 AM
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