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Messages - Sarah Brestlin

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Kingdom of Nye With Heather Wade
February 06, 2021, 11:34:32 AM
February 4th, 2021

I am afraid I have bad news.
I write this to all of you through my tears.
The show is just not making enough money to continue.
I want to thank all of you for the crazy nights and fun times we had.
I will miss you painfully as I do not know how to do anything but this show for so long now.

I want to thank Marty, Adrienne, both Mikes, and Danielle for their recent help,
you have kept us off the street for another month
while I figure out how we will survive.

Here are our baby Sequoias, I took this photo today.
Seeing them grow gives me hope
that not all is lost.

-Heather Wade

How sad, again. I hope she is only reaching out for some kind person to support her daily needs.
She has left that door wide open with her style of writing, and the words she has selected to use.
Although her show was not one that would capture a person such as Bell did, she does have a certain way of being able to speak well on a vast number of interesting subjects.
She should pursue a weekly show instead of a daily show, and her guests, if she requires any, should be from common variety type people rather than celebrity crowds. They are much easier to make arrangements with, as this appears to be a problem area for her.
Now it is up to her.
An alternative direction would be for her to sell the house, as well as the studio. I am sure an Art Bell fan would be very pleased to have both. I might even consider buying both commodities.

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Random Topics / Re: Sarah Brestlin
December 18, 2020, 04:03:33 PM

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Kingdom of Nye With Heather Wade
December 18, 2020, 03:56:46 PM
Quote from: Silphion on December 04, 2020, 06:52:02 AM
The initial reference was obscure and your explanation is appreciated.
According to the guest, MOSH is an ascended master from the Pleiades.
May she rest in peace.


This poor woman, Linda Manuel (aka Linda Emmanuel) suffered from a condition that worsened the more she heard the various crazy theories spewed by the many crazy radio hosts and their guests.

Her fear increased the more she listened. And the more she shared this information with her audience on her podcast Alternative Revelations, the more dark her fear became.

Prior to her suicide, which occurred one day after her final podcast where she told her audience she would be leaving, she was continuing to rant about 'Smart Meters' and how they would pulse a multitude of Gega Hertz starting in late October, increasing in frequency as each day passed until they reached the death range of 35 - 60 GHz or higher. Most everyone would be dead from this she warned. And warned, and warned.

Fact : Smart Meters do transmit, but in a range no higher than 3 GHz. And their power output is 1 watt or less. They stay dormant until signaled to transmit.

If Linda Manuel (Emmanuel) had researched the proper sources, and not listened to the many conspiracy theorists out there, she would probably still be alive today.

Her fear, life threatening fear as we found out, was fueled by so much misinformation.

It is sad to listen to this poor woman, share her words with her audience on her podcasts, knowing she could have been helped. If only, if only.

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
A Rubini challenge of sorts:

If you (Rubini) are worth your salt with the legend in your own mind attitude you bring to this cluttered Bell Gab table, the following will be easily accomplished by you. If not, go away little boy!

In the past I provided a seductive photo of myself to Tommy Danheiser for George Noory. Mr. Tommy responded with comments concerning things he would like to do to me. Mr. Noory never responded, as he may not have been the true TARGET for reception of my Delicious Arrow.

Challenge : Obtain that photo, share it here, and you will be assigned the WORTHY badge.
Do what you will with the photo, I need not know the details.
No photo, no WORTHY badge.

PS: I am still just as delicious.

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
August 01, 2020, 09:01:30 AM
C2CAM is dead.
DMDN is dead.
MITD is dead.
TKON is dead.
Conspiracy.radio is dead. (even before it begins)
GabCast is dead.
Spec Sheet is dead.
Ground Zero is dead.
Dr J Radio is dead.
Edge of the desert is dead.
BartCast is dead.
The Milliard Report is dead.
Dave Schrader whatever is dead.
Midnight Society with Spooky Tim is dead.
End of Days Radio is dead.

Etc., Etc., Etc.
All Art Bell wannabe shows are dead.

These was ONLY one Art Bell.
Art Bell is dead.
Long Live Art Bell!

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
There was only one Art Bell.
Art Bell is dead.
Long Live Art Bell.

-Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 19, 2020, 09:19:12 AM
Nathan (MITD, Lift The Veil),

Don't get caught up in the web some here are attempting to trap you in. Most (not all, not all, not all)
here were not part of the glory days of the BELL return. Those days are gone, but many won't let it go, as they really should.
These small percentage of your listening audience do not really matter in the big picture.
The original Bell Gab bunch did matter to Art Bell, at least for a while. Until things went south.

You know little about the past history of Bell Gab, Art Bell, and Heather Wade. Bellgabbers loved Bell, then hated Bell, then loved Bell, then hated Bell, then loved Heather, then hated Heather,... etc., etc., etc.

And Bell was very disappointed and angry at Bellgabbers near the end. His past posts reflect that.

So, bottom line, if I were you I would ignore the negative posts about you here, as well as those posters. These posts are attempts by has-beens to gain attention, thinking they are more important in this crazy universe called Bell Gab, than they actually are.

It appears you did well for yourself gaining in audience numbers  pre-Bell Gab. And yes, some Bellgabbers do bring positive to your world. Listen to them, and enjoy your ride.

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 17, 2020, 12:42:52 PM
In previous years, especially when Art Bell was alive and had a show, Bell Gab Users were much more active and more fun to read.
They actually provided information worth reading, sharing, and worth a reply. Most of those users are no longer here.
,,,, Bell Gab should have went dark when Art died. :(

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 16, 2020, 10:32:52 AM
Nathan (MITD, LTV, DMDN),

With your increased subject matter, no longer the main focus on the very over done paranormal, which is VERY good to see, please consider Prof James McCanney as a guest. He is a wealth on knowledge, and a very
interesting person to talk with. He can relate and discuss a huge variety of subjects.
He would be a great fit to mix with your unique interests and other very unique guests.

For his contact information : https://www.jmccanneyscience.com/

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 15, 2020, 09:13:35 AM
Nasim Aghdam was not a dude (IMHO)... but that's what was discussed last night on MITD.
Another MUST LISTEN show!

Tue July 14 2020 â€" DARK MATTER DIGITAL NETWORK Presents Midnight in the Desert
with Nathan Stolpman with Guest Zach Vorhies Google Whistleblower.

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
July 14, 2020, 03:33:14 PM
Last night's Jesse Lee Peterson interview was GREAT! A must listen.

- Sarah Brestlin Reporting
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