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Messages - Triad

Thank you for the welcome.

I was starting to drift asleep when he called in and immediately I was wide awake as he started into the story. It was so strange how I felt compelled to post on here about it.

On a patrol of that nature they would do everything to avoid contact or give away they're position. I'm sure they were completely silent and still as the light made it's movements in total darkness.

It is a simple story but I think that is what made it so creepy.
Long time lurker, 1st time poster.

I am not one to be moved by most of what I've heard on C2C or MITD but the story from the Intelligence gathering patrol guy creeped me out big time.

I don't know what it was but the way he described the light moving through the dark and the tone in his voice totally captivated me. I almost felt as if I was there experiencing it myself. That man was telling the truth, you could hear it in his voice and the way he carefully described as best as he could the events without giving out too much info.

Heather said he struck a nerve and I have to say I know exactly what she means.

I enjoyed tonights show and thought the guest was very interesting as well.


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