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Messages - nirvanix

Quote from: jmtrcker on June 30, 2009, 12:37:10 AM
i drank two glasses of ice tea it was too much cafeen is that kind of what happened what happened to michale jackson with all the drugs he

Well buddy, at least George can spell. Good grief!
Well done PW!  ;D
Actually this forum states that it welcomes opposing views as well.

I'm not bashing forum members. After reading many posts here, misanthropes was the most honest description I could come up with. Wear it like a badge, with honor!

As for you saying "listeners at large", that's very presumptive on your part. If you want to bash someone, at least be honest when doing so. As far as I can tell GN seems to annoy a very small percentage of his audience, most of them seem to live here at GSN.
Thanks for the post. I think somehow this story is a ploy. If it makes the mainstream media easily then it was meant to for our "benefit". Hard to figure out all the players in the "great game" these days.

PS: most people here will not read a post like this unless you preface it with some vicious remark about GN.
Quote from: noodlehead.crucified.c2c on June 23, 2009, 03:26:37 PM

wonderful...another secret door for noodlehead to flounder about buffoonishly with, making idiotic statements and irritating the c2c listenership at large.

Do you consider the 12 misanthropes that hang out at this website the "listenership at large"? Or are you pompous enough to believe you speak for the other 5 million patrons of the show?
Thanks Phil.  ;)

Before anyone writes me off as an Art Bell hater - I'm not. I appreciate him immensely for starting the show and some of the great interviews he did. Now he should kick back and enjoy his family, stick to M. Kaku interviews, Ghost to Ghost, New Year Eve shows, and let stronger men  (and women - love LMH) deal with the heavy issues of this world, and then I (gladly) won't have to call him to the carpet.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 22, 2009, 10:24:42 PM
Quote from: EvB on June 22, 2009, 09:21:18 PM
You may be right that Art wines more than I'm aware of.  But as for Norry, it's my understanding (based on more than simple opinion) that the man has the job he has precisely becuase he has no spine.

George has guests and covers topics that Art cannot stand, to put it mildly, and so he has certainly stood up to Art and the network.  Alex Jones and David Icke are perfect examples. Noory stretches his neck out on the chopping block to try and figure out what's wrong with America. Hell, just having Icke on the show could be career suicide. The guy's not even allowed in Canada, and C2C has plenty of Canadian listeners. Therefore I conclude that Ol' Snoory has spine aplenty. Otherwise he would just play it safe and collect his paycheck and the admiration of listeners. Kind of like Art does now. Verily I say unto you that Mr Bell cannot gain admission to the house where men are judged by their balls.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 22, 2009, 09:56:48 PM
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 22, 2009, 09:17:57 PM
This is bullshit.
Hard to argue with logic like that.  ;D

Excuse me for saying this. At least he didn't ask us to buy fake erection/prostate pills? Of PSYCHIC pills? I gladly helped Art out. I plan to use it against him when 2012 DOESN"T happen and we can take Noory to task.
I seem to recall Art selling more or less the same sort of quackery. I've been listening for 12 years and I know that I used to raise my eyebrows from day one at the stuff that was being sold - except the Crane products, which seem solid enough.
You haven't been listening. George himself doesn't think that something magical is going to happen on Dec 21, 2012. He thinks that humanity is going through a transition phase over a period of time which I feel myself to be true. Nevertheless, he's savvy enough to create an expectation around that date and line up some relevant guests for the evening. Should be entertaining, but as John Major Jenkins says, he fully expects Dec22 to be business as usual.
I think George has improved over the course of his tenure at C2C. When he first took the reigns I said to myself, "Well that's it then, time to start taking sleeping aids". I'd come back every few weeks and over time I let the Nooryisms go right by and just started listening to the guest. George is never going to be as eloquent as Art, but he has intellect in his own way, and he has something better, that Art doesn't have much of, intuition. I love the direction that George has taken the show, mainly getting to the bottom of conciousness/mind/soul, and getting America out of the hands of politicians/banksters and back into the hands of Americans. Art, at his age and situation, simply ain't got the balls for it. George sticks his neck out constantly calling out the bad guys and I admire him for that.
I think Ian has improved too. He's maturing and he wasn't very mature when he started - almost like a brat. Just goes to show that even radio stars are very human.
Sadly, and I never thought I'd say this, but I can barely stand to listen to Mr Bell anymore. I just find him to be self-serving, self-obsessed, and hypocritical. I could write at length as to why, and I will if you wish. Nevertheless, I'll leave you with one clear cut example of what I mean. I heard the man say for years that he "supported GW Bush, thought he was doing a good job, keeping us safe from the bad guys, yada". Then this past winter I tuned him in when he was hosting and I heard him say "I never liked him, I never liked Bush". If you doubt me, go get archival, and prove it for yourself.
I don't know about where you're from, but around here we have some choice names for people like that.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 22, 2009, 08:37:10 PM
Quote from: EvB on June 22, 2009, 05:20:16 PM
If Art wines, it's about his back, his fear of death (feigned or real), and his horror at EVPs of children.  He did bitch about the imigration and nationalization process lately -- but that's not a typical rant of his.  And - ALL of these topics are more intresting the anything /George has to say!

That's only your opinion of course, which I put no stock in. Art whines about a lot of things because well he's sort of a big, whiny, baby. He's an articulate, even eloquent one, but a whiner none the less. His recent hijacking of the airwaves to drone on about his visa problems is just the latest example. Notice too, that he shamelessly implored listeners to call and write authorities on his behalf instead of leaving it to the volition and bon ami of the audience to do so. Not once in his hour-long self pity fest did he talk about the visa process being broken in general, no it was as usual, all about Art. Bleh.
Say what you will about George's shortcomings, but the man's got a spine and he doesn't whine. 
I think AJ just tends to run off the far end with the truth to keep his ratings strong. It does hurt getting to the bottom of things though. To his credit, it is irrefutable that he did predict 9/11 a couple of months before it happened by reading press releases and intelligence reports that came from various sources.
Recently European scientists found nano-thermite in the debris of the world trade-center. This is on top of an American physicist (S. Jones) finding it previously. Nano-thermite is essentially a military-grade explosive that's only available, well, to the military.

I couple these findings with my own knowledge of physics (M.S. Physics - 1986) and my belief that 100 tons of aluminum (the airplanes) simply can not disintegrate 500000 tons of structural steel and concrete into dust, especially when one of the buildings (WTC #7) was not even hit by an airplane but still disintegrated. Nor can jet fuel (kerosene) burn hot enough to weaken structural steel. There is no  physics that matches the 9/11 commission report and as a consequence they simply left the physics out of their report. When the chief investigating chemist for Underwriters Laboratories (that certified the steel for the WTC), Kevin Ryan, tried to put that out to the world, he was promptly fired from his job.

This all makes me think...

Here is a video link to the findings by Danish chemist Neils Harrit:

Danish chemist finds nano-explosive in WTC dust
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 22, 2009, 01:00:42 PM
I just think there's a double standard and I think that Alex must be backed by some nefarious people to get away with this. Most other conspiracy peeps who "reveal truths" tend to end up dead.

Now THAT'S a conspiracy theory!  ;D
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 10, 2009, 08:12:24 AM
I am so sick of hearing about this "inside job" crap and I wish Alex would be arrested and jailed. If a mullah or "Muslim cleric" was preaching this crap about America being full of conspiracy to hurt and kill, they'd be in Guantanamo. Why not Alex?

This is about the most un-American statement I've ever read. You want to jail someone because they exercise  their free speech? Are you the reincarnation of Stalin? ;)
Quote from: valdez on June 22, 2009, 12:35:50 PM
Yeah, you're right about me and the math.  And I guess George does let people have their...hey, wait a minute, why are you defending GN?  Just what kind of a George Noory Sucks forum is this?

I just call em likes I see em. When George does something goofy I love to shake my head and laugh as much as anybody. He's a character alright.
No tension. I just like pointing out the obvious.  ;D
Quote from: valdez on June 20, 2009, 05:09:28 AM
     The numbers lady  is OK.  She has her own energy that even GN can't screw up, but I can't seem to follow along with her math.  Add the seven, subtract the nine, yeah, OK, what? 
     George agreed with everything the 911 conspiracy  caller said, and when somebody else called in to trash the whole idiotic concept of a 911 conspiracy, GN agreed with him too.  Huh?  What?
     All in all, another stunning week in the annals of Noorology, where the mind turns to mush, and the mush finds its way on to Hoagland's website and paraded as alien toaster ovens.
     Come on Ian, give us a show...

Dude, you're confused. I listened to the show. George lets people have their say, that does not imply agreement. On other occasions he has made his feelings about 9/11 amply clear. I doubt you could follow along with anybody's math. ;)
Quote from: MABUSE on June 21, 2009, 12:50:23 AM
As I said over in the BAD PLACE:

He now looks like nothing so much as a washed-up gigolo who moonlights as a Bingo caller on geriatric singles' cruises.  Although it is all part of his TV personality fantasy, his laughable vanity and inherint cheapness ooze from everything:
Witness the TERRIBLE dye job on the hair and how it no longer matches brows or stache--Christus! Even a mid-level office manager gets a better dye job done that that.  Then there is the actual cut of the rug as it were.  Its a tonsorial embarassment of the highest order. Sweeney Todd should sharply hone Occam's Razor and relieve the whole problem.

Need I say anything as to wardrobe?

I thought not...


MABUSE, with posts like these I think you need to remove 'secular humanism' and replace it with 'bitter' in your avatar description.
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 12, 2009, 10:21:15 AM
I hate george's napkin accessories.

I reckon you hate most things in life Frys Girl.
Quote from: Frys Girl on June 12, 2009, 04:35:11 AM

Something has changed, no? Shorter hair? Still sucks! I wouldn't touch him with a 10ft saw.

I'm sure he feels the same way about you, and he hasn't even seen you!  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 21, 2009, 05:56:32 PM
I think Ian's improved a lot as of late. I still don't care for his dreadful cornball humor, but he's intelligent and when he keeps his ego and religious beliefs in the closet he's quite good.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 21, 2009, 05:04:09 PM

Well don't tell me, tell Art - I'm sure he'd me more than happy to oblige you.  ;)
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Caption Needed
June 21, 2009, 05:00:45 PM
Ha, good stuff. I'd like to see one of these for Art and Major Ed Dames. They pretty much whispered sweet nothings in each others ear for many years... ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 21, 2009, 04:49:41 PM
Agreed. None of the C2C hosts are perfect. They're all very human. Art more than any of them as far as I'm concerned. His recent misuse of a national radio show to conduct an hour-long whine about his personal visa problem was too much for me to listen to.

Ian is maturing as time goes on. Definitely more equinimity now as compared to the Quaylegate incident.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
June 21, 2009, 03:24:08 PM
I call Saturday nights "Slumming With Ian", because he's a voyeur of crime, and the more heinous the crime, the more I can hear him salivating into the mic. It's a bit strange him being a Christian minister and all. I'm sure there are some people out there that share his fascination with the grizzly murders, db cooper, and all that, but I just change the channel. I have enjoyed him when he's had some interesting shows on, like the Kensington rune stone. Then again, he had a horse of an altogether different color on last night.  ;D
Listen, I like George, but I do have to laugh at his goofups sometimes. Last night he was interviewing egyptologist Zahi Hawass and asked him about the Gaza Strip instead of Giza. Oh George!
1) George has never asserted his own popularity as far as I've ever heard. He does often revere Art in his comments.
2) George is certainly not the intellectual equivalent of Art, and he knows it himself as well as anybody.
3) Guess what? The guests on the show LIKE George. He lets them have their say without trashing them (unlike Ian). George doesn't always agree with the theories of his guests, but he is very gracious none the less - and that's the way a good radio interviewer should be. Do you remember the era of ladies and gentlemen? You don't have to be a caustic little puke to be popular.
4) George's comments are tangential sometimes - so fucking what - lighten up and laugh at it. I'm sure George would laugh right along with you.
5) Hey Art, not everybody likes cats. If I counted up the hours that I've listened to Art go on about cats it would surpass the amount of time spent listening to George's tangential comments! Do I care - no I take it in stride.
6) This I do care about:  Art is very militaristic. He talks  often about America 'beating'  somebody else in war. His intellect cannot penetrate his narrow-mindedness about what these wars are really about. These wars are not started to be won, they are started to make money. Period.
He often says things like 'They want to kill us', and by THEY he means those scary dark-skinned people in the middle-east. And yes, 'We better kill them before they kill us'. I bet he doesn't have a single Arab friend. I have many. 'They' don't want to kill you Art, even after your country goes in and installs a puppet dictator to suppress them while you leech all their resources. His way of talking about this stuff is such a grave disservice to the world and that's why I'm glad he's not on the air anymore. As much as I've loved some of his shows and his keen insights, it was time for this guy to move on and enjoy family life.

As for you people. This is a pointless website isn't it? George is not going away, so you may as well find another radio program to listen to. Or go out and get drunk and laid. I think some of you need it. A lot.

Howdy, I just checked back after a month - I started quite the post here! Seems like there are some posters that aren't getting laid enough.... ;)

PS: What do you guys think about George Knapp? I quite like him.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
April 23, 2008, 12:17:40 PM
I find Ian sort of infantile, and his jokes are aimed at 10 year-olds aren't they? He wants to keep everything light and fluffy, even subjects that are deadly serious. For example, last Saturday he wanted to do a show on 'the new survivalism' because he read an article about it in the NY Times. He had Steve Quayle on the show, who takes this stuff very seriously, but Ian didn't want to look at the doom and gloom aspect of survivalism. The reality though, is that people are thinking about survivalism these days because they are scared SHITLESS. They see what's happening in their country and they are worried for themselves and their families. Ian didn't want any discussion of that. Well Ian, not everything is neato and keeno - grow up already.

Thank you.
When George first started doing the show he seemed out of it, and I lamented the departure of Mr Bell. Now though, my opinion has completely reversed. George has become expansive, intuitive, and really exudes a wonderful personal charm to all his guests and callers. He is simply marvelous. Art on the other hand I feel has become a little narrow minded in some regards - especially when he starts talking about the wars and terrorists, etc. Then he starts crowing how AMERICA could beat the crap out of anybody and I change the station...

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