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Messages - Keyser Söze

Quote from: brig on May 13, 2017, 01:11:52 PM
When he went to the emergency room several weeks ago cuz of his sinus congestion, the doc gave him some antibiotics I think, and that cleared his face up for a while, but the sores are back now.  Poor guy.

Does Senda have MRSA? It is very contagious, is he spreading it to others in his housing unit? ...  the riders on BART? ... YouTube?

This is my movie idea for 2017 Season.
Quote from: GravitySucks on May 03, 2017, 01:52:05 PM
Since he stole a walker from downstairs last week, the poor soul Probably needed to make two trips - they probably figured nobody would steal their onions while the fought to catch their breath.

George "Beggar Boy" Senda adds a walker to his "pity props", now he has a walker, broken glasses and hungry kitties. Will crutches and a wheelchair be next?  Here's an idea for Falkie, a handicapped cat donation scam  ...  "Muh kitty needs $5000 for an operation, will you please help him walk again?"

Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on April 30, 2017, 02:18:43 PM
Geeez...Hey I have a great idea.. let's all pile on and shame anyone that is the least bit overweight. 

cue... That's Bellgab gif

I have a small request ..for the AKA "Haters" of George

Could you please change your ways and be supportive of George or not post here anymore if can't control yourselves.

Hope Faith Love... ALL

Relax Grandpa Crow ... you'll pop your Carotid Artery and stroke out.
Quote from: Happier Times are coming ! on April 29, 2017, 02:57:16 PM
Hey George
Just go Amish !
Get a horse jackass (male donkey) and buggy !
(you are half way there !)


George and a jackass would be suitable, when people see them on the streets of Martinez they could say "look at the lazy dumbasses, they fail at everything."

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 28, 2017, 06:38:09 PM
Falkie ranted at length about why he needs a car, and the reasons people don't take the bus. 

He should make a video about the benefits of getting up every day and going to work, perhaps then he's understand why he doesn't have a car and why he doesn't deserve one.

Falkie needs a bike with a basket on front.
IMO if Senda had a car he would drive without insurance.
Quote from: Billy Joe Mulgreavey on April 28, 2017, 06:24:18 PM
It is amusing to think of George going off to the bus stop in a huff because someone (a subscriber perhaps) suggested that he head over to the crime scene.   He's mad because not only are his subscribers not pitching in financially to his fantasies, they aren't even watching his videos. 

Besides, I think it would be a hilarious concept, a newshound hero who doesn't have a car, has to take the bus to the crime scene.   It would be all over by the time he got there, but he would interview folks in the area anyway.   Maybe they would know something, maybe not.  He could make a comment like..."I can still smell the cordite in the air."   Maybe he could dress like a half-assed superhero too.   At least THAT would be mildly interesting/entertaining.  Why couldn't he pull it off?  He's a classically trained actor.  He played the part of Snoopy for Christ's sake.

Because Senda is a FAILURE, Falkie has failed at everything he has attempted to do. 
He should be in a Fail Army Video Compilation.
Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 22, 2017, 07:32:27 PM
Maybe somebody bought him a house?

Senda's new Section 8 housing, unfortunately two weeks after living there he was mistaken by one of his neighbors as a Sasquatch  ... he's now a living room rug.
Quote from: whoozit on April 21, 2017, 04:28:59 PM
Snow white turtle doves are a dime a dozen.  I want a crow black one.

White doves, crow black, ... black, white ... is that racist?  Asking for "White" Crow.
Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on April 21, 2017, 11:39:19 AM
I like to envision George's mobility cart as a "rolling throne" which he can sit upon as he conducts his "business" while shopping and inspection of available merchandise. 

I'm not the least bit concerned about the "Food Maxx Croneâ,,¢."  She can wait her turn just like anyone else.


... since George has been doing "his business" in his sweatpants lately.

Happy 420 BellGabbers!
Quote from: ©StarrMountain® 2010 on April 18, 2017, 04:37:16 PM
Oh, I SO agree, Keyser!  Do NOT degrade Bella Haven in such an unconscionable way.

Bella Havan is the only place BellGabbers have to go to detox from spending too much time in this thread.

Thank goodness you agree ... The Falkie Thread must remain true to it's roots, a Sewer of Filth which may erupt at any moment.

Please don't turn the Falkie thread into Bella Haven ... I already smell the scent of cheap perfume, cigarettes and Depends

... someone open a window.
Quote from: Seraphim27 on April 17, 2017, 03:27:37 PM
I've hooked him up.

Maybe he'll buy a new keyboard.

Or maybe he'll buy an Amazon Echo Dot and an accompanying "The Echo Dot Guide for Dummies," as noted on his Amazon Wish List. And Curtis and Jaz can help him set it up.  ;D

Regardless, I hope he has fun. My only request in return is that he's nicer to Kathy.

Quote from: LadyFish on April 13, 2017, 01:07:28 PM
If one is broke, how does one afford car insurance and gas for a new $650 car?

Perhaps car insurance is optional or super cheap in California. Maybe the new $650 car is electric or maybe comes with an unlimited supply of free gas?

Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on April 12, 2017, 08:07:39 PM
Ok.. bad post ..I was referring to Patty, George and Kathy all have issues .. if believe their posts and videos.

Crow, may I suggest you and Mrs Crow listen to the Senda Leaks Tapes again, the tapes give a very candid definition of what type of a person Geroge Senda really is, in his own words.

May I suggest as an option donating the Maid Service Money to a well deserving non-profit ... Harbor House (domestic abuse programs) http://www.harborhouseonline.org/

This organizations serves the State of Wisconsin.

"We strive to educate ourselves on how to best serve individuals from traditionally underserved groups, including women of color, older women, those living with disabilities, people from diverse cultures and LGBTQ survivors."

You could be Proud to make a donation to this type of program.  Donating to Senda ... not so much.

Quote from: LadyFish on April 12, 2017, 07:24:29 PM
You are so kind hearted. You might look into becoming a foster parent or adopting a child. On my local news, weekly they feature a child in state custody that wants to be adopted to have a permanent family. There have been a few teens that I would have wanted to help out if I didn't already have mine. They did a feature on one on the girls that was a adopted by a single lady - they made a great mother- daughter combo & both were so happy they had found each other.. Just some other option for you to think about....or maybe do some volunteering outside of your padded walls...instead of helping a grifter across the county, maybe helping those in your local community.

Wonderful idea Ladyfish!  :)
Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on April 12, 2017, 06:28:25 PM
Great IDEA. 
Working on it.  Need Mrs. Crow to OK. 

Love ALL

Crow, you need an OK??  You mean you're not the Master of Your Domain? (By the way, you do not need to post the Seinfeld video) And here I thought you ruled your roost.

Random Topics / Re: Hardest questions to answer
April 09, 2017, 08:27:42 PM
If a man expresses his opinion in the forest - and no woman is around to hear it, is he still wrong?
Quote from: Rally Squirrel on April 08, 2017, 01:11:24 PM
George will never make good earnings on YouTube or any other place.

But he could make some meager earnings by doing a few simple things:

1. Post a video every day.
This does not mean he needs to create on every day. He can make a few in one day then spread them out over the week.

2. Put a Patron link in his descriptions.

3. Stop asking for donations.

4. Put his Post Office Box address in his descriptions and ask people to send post cards from paranormal places they visit.  Make videos where he reads the cards and thanks his viewers, it will not be long before these cards are not just cards but gifts.

This will not make him much but it will make some and it will be a way to do what he says he likes to do.

But I think it is more than he is able to handle.

This ..

George is to lazy and set in his ways to listen to anyone other than himself.
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on April 08, 2017, 07:48:33 AM
Haven't there been at least a couple other people saying they signed him up of 100 or more fake followers each?

Senda's YouTube videos are very popular in Mumbai.
Quote from: ©StarrMountain® 2010 on April 07, 2017, 12:43:59 PM
Jason.  You are a kind and decent man.  That's probably why folks enjoy sending gifts to you.
It is because they want to, not because they feel they have to.

Ignore the trolls, naysayers, and back biters.  Keep on presenting your cool videos.  You're doing just fine. ;) ;D

I agree with you Star, Jason has always been a "good guy" here on BellGab.  I subscribed to his Youtube Channel just after he arrived here on BG.
Quote from: brig on April 07, 2017, 07:30:38 AM
I know, Right?  People are just so generous about asking everyone if they can send them stuff for no reason at all, just cuz they have extra money and stuff that they don't know what to do with.  We should start a bellgab thread for people to let other bellgabbers know they have food and stuff that they don't need, and are looking for people to send it to.
You could even start your own thread if you're looking for people to give stuff too. I'm sure there are more people than just Jason that you could find to send stuff to.  It's admirable that you're so generous. MORE people should know about it.

Just the fact that he does videos showing that he accepts free stuff from people to be sent to him, is the same as asking for people to send him free stuff IMO.

My friend sent me this free stuff

My other friend sent me this other free stuff

C'Mon Rally, Really?

What's worse, Jason came here to get views for his videos. He was NEVER a real bellgabber, posting around and having fun with other bellgabbers around the forum.


Bhahaha, Now there's BellGab Membership Police?  .. Brig you cracked me up!

I'm monitoring the situation from the BellGab Bunker. 8)

It's all fun and games until something blows up.  Some BellGabber's got all these ideas and plans for George, well, I don't know if you noticed, but o'George looks pretty rough, he is going down hill.  He's spending all his time and extra money on Apple crap instead of his health and taking care of his apartment.  IMO, George needs to spend his time on his physical as well as mental health rather than chasing pipe dreams of becoming famous on YouTube, it's not going to happen .. ever.  After 2283 pages of the Falkie thread, almost 1000 Youtube videos and even promotion from Coast to Coast,  it's clear .. not going to  happen. 

If you truly believe George can be successful on Youtube then put up your own money to promote his show with Google and Facebook ad campaigns, and I don't mean cat fud or yogurt pops for kicks, put some REAL skin (serious $$$) in the game.

But, IMO, the best thing for George is to stop this nonsense.  Gabbers should go back into the Falkie thread and take a look at his stove, I wouldn't eat a thing cooked on that filthy stove.  Look at the toilet photos, and now he has a rash on his face which is not healing.  Would you'all want your parents living like that??? (serious question)  Would you'all want your parents begging for money so they can buy more computer crap instead of spending money on their health. 

I'm all for independent living, but in Falkie's case I think he should be evaluated for competence.

Falkie then ...

Falkie now.  Not much difference.

Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on April 05, 2017, 12:28:41 PM
Not to fear, I'll insist on two straws for the Super Sized drink.  Maybe Callan can do a review of the popcorn and chocolate bars we demolish ?

I'm glad you're using protection!  ;)
Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on April 05, 2017, 06:28:54 AM
The Big Guy and I are going out tonight to see the Nation Wide special release Big Screen showing of "North by Northwest" ✓

George will also host a "Live" YouTube review of the movie! There will be a chat feature available on George's YouTube channel during the Live YouTube Review.
Please subscrib to "The Guy from Pittsburgh" YouTube videos to receive notification for the Live Mega event with George!!!

White Crow, How cute you and George seeing a movie together! (Not that there is anything weird wrong with that) It's almost like a BellGab Prom, I'm sure it will be a very special night for both of you.  Crow, be very careful sharing the popcorn,  remember Falkie has a nasty rash!

Quote from: RoseGirl on April 02, 2017, 03:23:25 PM
Geez...what is your problem, Gravity?

I proudly admit I have not sold my soul so my forum could be the ongoing flavor of the month. Ha! Why would I want that? Diapers do nothing for me.

No illusions here, forums take time to gain traction...tis' the way of all nature. 'Sides, in the meantime I have a fun place to post my opinions, videos and news about my show. Without harassment.


Oh and if you are trying to make me into some kind of Falkie, you've failed. So move along. I am sure there are others on BellGab that would make a fine target for you; if you really need a victim that badly.

Oh, mentioning Falkie ... Senda said some choice words about Heather on his Saturday podcast ... something about absconding with MILLIONS of (Arts?) DOLLARS ???
Quote from: whoozit on April 02, 2017, 12:14:10 PM
What would Art win in a suit against George, fleas?

30 Cats
Quote from: brig on April 01, 2017, 08:44:15 PM
He looks like somebody beat up his face.

Wow, that's a serious rash, George should go to the Emergency Room pronto.  It might be the beginning of a herpes outbreak.


Maybe Orangey Cat burned George's face in revenge for burning his back ... Cats have long memories.
George should always sleep with one eye open.
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