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Messages - Izintit?

Quote from: diowulf on January 12, 2017, 11:26:00 AM
Please don't let me make you feel guilty! I am regularly entertained by the most implausible of callers, guests, subjects...I still really enjoy many of the topics C2C covers even if I don't totally believe them. And I like George Noory, he doesn't aggravate me or arouse hatred, just occasional amusement. Like you say, perhaps Bono truly has been kidnapped by the lizard people! BTW one of the best parts of that call: They just shot a man and now he's on fire! LOL
Having missed that program (like all the others) I would bet the Lizard People took Bono after "Achtung Baby" because that is when his creativity started to crater. We will know for sure when they start doing covers like "Iguana make love to You" or " Do you want anole a Secret?"
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 07, 2017, 09:24:00 PM
Hey George -

When did you get innerested in be-een mad?

Whuch thuh maddest yewv ever been?

How long have yew been mad?

Whutch thuh nex thing yure gonna be mad about?
Do you think the Devil gets mad?
Quote from: zeebo on January 07, 2017, 03:28:13 AM
Annie checked in, mentioned she's getting morse code through her microwave - she wants to tape it and send to Art Bell.
Poor Annie, listening to Noory`s tripe has finally driven her around the bend. I tuned in for ten seconds and found that nothing has changed on Radio Craphouse - Noory is still abusing the English language and "Deep-Dish" Danheiser is still sucking up hard. Gaia forgive us for the trees slain in the process of making yet another vapid Noory moneygrab.
Quote from: michio on October 26, 2016, 12:27:51 AM
Good point.  Bad mustache retains the wonder of a child in the body of a grown man. It would be like a commercial pilot wondering why the hell his plane doesn't fall from the sky. "I can't wrap muh head around it so it hasta bee a mereacul."
I used to think George "dumbed down" his show to meet the majority of his listeners but soon realized that if "dumb" was dirt George would cover about an acre. GNS
Quote from: ItsOver on October 25, 2016, 06:37:11 AM
I'm glad to see I missed another Jorch show and didn't miss anything.
It is written that there will come a time when the people who stay up and listen to Noory will envy those who fell asleep.
Quote from: Unquenchable Angst on October 20, 2016, 04:12:31 AM
I had not seen nor heard from Nancy Leder since I was banned from her web site for writing my wonderment about the lens flares she was reporting as celestial objects. I listened to her till she was saying the Zetas were creating hybrids to replace humans within 100 years and that 10% of us would get new hybrid body reincarnations and 90% of us would be reincarnating on a water planet as some kind of cephalopod. I hope she is a crackpot at best and not a traitor to Earth.LOL. Zetas do not sound friendly, they sound like invaders. Oh yeah, Leder said she had donated ovum from age 10 to 19 when she lost her virginity.
Noory gave me the usual feeling he is as useless as a passed turd.
When you can't think Noory can get any worse he can surprize you with the depth he can diveSad thing is it does not give me giggles but disgust overwhelms me.
I can listen to a 20 year old C2C with Art and feel more informed than I can with the drivel now.
The boring crapfest is getting so bad that I don`t even have to hear Noory`s stupid voice before I turn it off.  Some time during the last hour I decided to see what the subject was and I heard some hoaxer spacechick state "they put their DNA in my head". CLICK 
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
October 14, 2016, 02:37:44 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on October 14, 2016, 01:29:08 PM
Bill will be running the economy. Hillary said so.  You get two for the price of one.
Great. An island hopping rapist and George Soros` hag-bot.
Quote from: 136 or 142 on October 14, 2016, 02:00:30 PM
How about Dave Schrader ?
Anybody! Hell, Marlee Matlin would do a better radio interview than Vapid George.
Quote from: theONE on October 14, 2016, 01:38:25 AM
Almost finishing bottle of METAXA Amphora 7-Stars that I started tonight and I have a fucking fuck question.
How da'Fuck is possible that idiots and low quality radio hosts like George Ralph Noory /or Heather Fucking Wade-(Redacted)/ are still
behind the mike working as radio hosts.
OK, with Fucking Heather girl-Noory (Redacted) I understand, ..Art is propelling MITD show because Art is thinking not with his brain but
with his 'semen delivery unit'.

But how da'Fuck big operation like C2C is not capable of comprehending that it's host is on a sewer line level and is diminishing possible growth
and expansion of that show.
Especially that so many [intelligent] people expressed that opinion.

But I guess it's the same as McDonald's selling millions hamburgers each day to people who believe that they are getting quality meat, quality food
same with C2C, that sub-standard shit-show is having enough of imbeciles who are supporting by purchasing "Coast Insider" and calling
to the show to give C2C reason to keep that imbecil George Ralph Noory employed.

Fuck, by what cosmic providence is this allowed to be.

Satan, ..fucking Satan did it.
Very good theory. I knew there was a reason George always mentioned the Devil.
Quote from: albrecht on October 14, 2016, 12:03:12 PM
Just listened to this show and laughed out loud when he ended it that way. And he made his voice to sound deeper and profound like he was making some deep thought or pondering on God and forgiveness (the subject the guest Sonya was talking about.)

It is telling besides the obvious mistake how to Norry everything needs to be referenced on one a few movies he's watch (though he usually gets the actors wrong and cannot remember the names of the movies.) Never references real events, historical events, books, personal experience but almost always something from a few movies.
Anything after 1968 George is a little "fuzzy" about. GNS
Quote from: 136 or 142 on October 14, 2016, 02:00:08 AM
Dennis Prager, the California based talk show host?  That guy is a pompous moron.
Okay, Rachel Maddow,then.
Quote from: Donald Noory on August 18, 2016, 01:56:54 PM
Is Jorch a member of the Hair Club for Men?
Only his hairdresser and Tommie know for sure. He'll,maybe Tommy IS his hairdresser.
Quote from: Donald Noory on August 16, 2016, 01:54:56 PM
What is Jorch's book Night Talk about anyway? Is it a record of the post-coital conversations between himself and Tommy?
I believe Night Tawk is about a small market radio show host that steals a nationally popular over night program and runs it into the ground.
Quote from: albrecht on August 13, 2016, 10:21:51 AM
Almost always. Even way before the show ends he makes statements like "wrap this thing up" "last segment coming up" and etc.

I also wonder if that is why he always introduces segments, upon return from commercial breaks, with statements like "indeed, indeed" "of course we are with" (when the guest has yet to be introduced or announced) and other weird phrasing. He is trying to get the show done as fast as possible and get out of there for a turkey sammich (why he likes making Tommie do banter and callers ramble on or play weird 'contests' or even, during some painful shows, folks singing to win prizes of his unread books.)
At some point this week or last night Tommie Hillfigure must have pissed off that horses arse Noory because when Tommie asked the thin-skinned one what animal he thought he would be boorish George replied a "weasel". I almost felt sorry for him. George,of course, said he himself would be a lion.  GNS
Quote from: zeebo on August 10, 2016, 01:04:10 AM
Well he's mentioned it many times, but the nat'l news keeps barely missing it.  From the way he tells it, sounded like he just got in the wrong cab and they got lost or something.  The harrowing tale may have inspired thrilling action sequences of daring heroes found in his books.
That`s in the chapter after the one titled "Poisoned Pizza Rolls". Damn,the more things don`t change around here the more they stay the same. I hope you all are well. GNS :)
Quote from: ItsOver on June 11, 2016, 09:07:52 AM
Comes home?  To St. Louis?  Technically, the Detroit area should be his hometown, as his birthplace and where he grew up.  I thought he made regular trips back and forth between St. Louis and LA, anyway, to do things such as check on the beloved dog he gave away.  ::)

Leave to it to Jorch to decide where his hometown is going to be, based upon self-serving promotion.  Home is where the bucks are at the moment.
Gee, do you think he will be bringing copies of his forthcoming crappy book?
Quote from: albrecht on June 06, 2016, 06:59:49 PM
I would love to see Norry go on Celebrity Jeopardy!  ;D Actually those are fun to see how the reporters and stars so lauded and admired often fail so miserably and also be surprised when someone you don't expect, like an athlete or something. does well. Norry would be hilarious.  ;D
It would go something like this , Alex : Some believe Noah`s ark ended up on this Mount. BUZZ Alex : George?  Numb George : What is Arafat? GNS
Quote from: Just Me on May 05, 2016, 01:12:50 PM
I lost all respect (not that I really had any) for the shoe shine clown boy act when he slobbered on the mic his carnival barking BS over the air waves how he digs deep in to his pockets and helps listeners in need. Then he mocks and taunts his mentally challenged best friend Annie from Alabamie in front of the coast to coast gobblers after she wants to help him save the grid by installing hand pumps on all gas pumps so the planes don't fall out a the sky, cars will remain mobile along with trains and buses as the whole shittin thing collapses in to chaos.

Shine boy then taunts her with a job offer and she happily agrees as he will pay her a salary of 200,000 a year and she is now excited cause she is being evicted from her home and she will have her own carnival barking apparatus to torment the gobblers as shine boy laughs in the back ground at his stupid followers who constantly call in with how they love his bumper music and we love you, first time caller BS and all that other lame lip service they give shine boy.

When that call ended with his best friend nutty Annie telling him she was losing her house and going to become homeless, shit shine boy doesn't giver her the 200,000 job, fails to dig deep in to his pockets to help, and hangs up after scolding tom for not screening her calls better.

Why doesn't Art Balls , if he has any, catch the next back a the bus from Pahrumpity to home boys shoe shine parlor there in St Louis and kick the door in clubbing shine boy off the air and reveal how he died somewhere in time and let the broadcast go to dead air as he has done so many times before.

Ok, I said enough. Go back to your daily duties and remember, keep it real some how.
Your post reminds me of exactly how I felt before I stopped listening to the self-important,bloated brain dead host of Coast. You`re  in Stage 4 of the Death of Coast. It won`t be long before you`re late night hell will cease and you will go gently into the night ,sleeping. Congats!
Quote from: Segundus on April 19, 2016, 07:48:32 PM
Yup, but I did enjoy the guests.  I never thought you could eat something that you dropped on the floor, so I learned something new.
Sure you can. It`s called the Danheiser Rule : ALL food is edible as long as it hasn`t been on the ground for more than 58.5 minutes.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on April 21, 2016, 03:00:24 AM
Tommy was just asking Jorch about Harriet Tubman replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.  He said who cares. Jackson has been on the bill for a  hundred and twenty years.  Really,you asshole?

Tommy then asked Jorch if he knew what number president Jackson was.  Jorch said he was the third President or maybe the 6th.  He had no fucking clue.  It really doesn't take a fucking genius to name the first 3 Presidents.  Washington, Adams and Jefferson.  You got that, Jorch?  It might be harder to name the next three in order.  Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams.  I used to get Madison and Monroe mixed up.  That would make Jackson the 7th President, you dope.

The sad fact is he really doesn't care about American history.  His ignorance is astounding.  What, did he make a D in grade school?  Fuck you, Jorch.

George Noory Sucks!!!!
No Entenmann`s for Tommy Turncoat for catching the Noorster off guard before he could Google Andrew Jackson. I`d say "History" isn`t Incurious George`s best subject but that would be too exclusionary. GNS
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 10, 2016, 11:21:13 AM
A few turds from last night's septic tank.

'The Post Office used to be a one show pony'
I guess that's a weird mash-up of 'a one trick pony' (which he didn't mean), 'a show pony' (ditto), 'a one-stop shop' (maybe), and 'the only show in town' (which he added): but 'one show pony' is a non-existent phrase. It's a kind of genius, you know.

A blind caller wanted to talk about how touch-screen phones make life harder for him, whereas he used to be able to feel his way around the keys and have important numbers on speed dial. Good point, which George ignored in favour of a series of asinine questions including, but not limited to:

'Do you still go to the eye doctor?'
'Have you considered putting stem cells in your eyes?'
'If you could see, what would you want to look at?'
And perhaps my favourite:
'And now [NOW?!], here's a dumb question. When you wake up in the morning, how do you know you're awake?'

George, given that you're brain dead, how do you know when you're awake?

Having George Noory asking HIS questions on the radio airwaves for over ten years says alot about the state of this country. It`s going to hell on a hotplate. GNSC
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 07, 2016, 09:57:33 AM
Well, well! Feb rolls out, Mar arrives, and a new literary giant walks among us. NMN has adopted a new avatar in honour of this auspicious occasion. I can't wait! Just think, if enough of us buy this masterpiece, George might be a New York Times Bestselling author.
Greg Nowell, eh? I wonder if, in this fictional version of C2C, GN also S?
And if Ethan Shaw, the 'hacker intent on exposing a secret cabal with tentacles throughout the government' is presumably Edward Snowden, I wonder who Alyssa Neal, the 'mysterious woman who says Shaw also dragged her into the boiling cauldron of intrigue' is? I'm only surprised she isn't called Laura Marsden-Hunt.
'Like I always say, Miss Neal, there are no coincidences' is clearly about to take its place alongside 'Elementary, my dear Watson' in the annals of great quotes from mystery fiction.
Love your Jorchie Phlegmmingway.
Quote from: WOTR on March 01, 2016, 02:52:49 AM
I just walked past my kitchen where Coast is on and heard Dave flattering himself, again.  "Some people in Hollywood think that I"m a CIA operative.

Yeah Jorch, you are a hot topic at "A" list parties in Hollywood.  I understand that they had to beg the actors at the Oscars not to bring up your name and openly speculate on your status as a CIA operative.

This from the guy who thought he was almost kidnapped in Mexico, burned himself to the point of needing medical attention on a pizza roll and then needed Tommee to drive him to the hospital because "he knows where those things are in LA."  Even after watching "get Smart" and the "pink panther" I would not say that Dave would be capable of bungling his way through as a CIA operative.

That`s just Noory feeling secure in his job again. Now that there isn`t an imminent threat of an Art Bell return George can drop his humble,nice-guy facade and be himself- an arrogant prick. This has happened the other times Art "retired" after about 4-6 months. And since Art (Hothouse Flower) Bell seems to have wilted for good from the radio scene you had all best get used to Blowhard Noory . Yeah Art, George get`s it.  There`s a conspiracy for all you conspiracy freaks to look into. GNSC
 Dare I say it looks like a decent week of shows if Mr. Just for Men (jet black-60) can keep his pea brain in gear. GNSC
Politics / Re: Hillary or Noory?
February 28, 2016, 02:56:54 PM
  Tough choice. They both are as deserving.
Quote from: zeebo on February 27, 2016, 08:40:28 PM
Optimus Lame?
Heh heh  Or Optimus Dumbass. GNSC
 Ed Grimsley "tribute" means extra-early turkey sammich for Norry. GNSC
Quote from: 136 or 142 on February 25, 2016, 10:14:54 AM
Some Canadian Jewish organization appealed to the government or the courts or the human rights tribunal or something on the basis that many of Icke's conspiracy theories were very similar to the the conspiracy theories about the "Jewish Bankers."

In Canada hate speech against minorities is illegal and the Minister and possibly others have the ability to keep foreigners from entering the country if they are deemed to have made 'hate filled speeches.'

This has often been done in a highly political manner and the list of controversial people who are barred vs. those who are allowed entry seems entirely arbitrary.  I don't know when Icke was banned from entering Canada but the previous Conservative government went after Jewish voters in an extreme way.

It paid off extremely well. In the 2015 Federal election the Conservatives won the heavily Jewish Toronto suburban riding of Thornhill with over 50% of the vote even though the M.P for the riding, Peter Kent, was described by non partisan newspaper columnists as 'the worst environment minister in Canadian history."  Kent was actually dropped by Harper from the cabinet, though I'm not sure the reason for that.

Also, the only riding in the city of Toronto that the Conservatives came very close to holding on to was a heavily Jewish riding and the Conservative incumbent probably would have been reelected had he not been over heard on video tape at the Wailing Wall saying something like "don't forget to take my picture.  That photo will guarantee my reelection."

I should point out in regards to Icke himself that though he is a loony conspiracy theorist (George H W Bush was effectively President during the Reagan/Bush years?  I think that would have been news to both Ronald Reagan and to Alexander Haig who famously said while Reagan was in hospital after being shot "I'm in charge here"), he is most certainly not anti semitic in the slightest.
Thank you for you`re thorough reply!
Quote from: Faustina on February 25, 2016, 01:52:04 AM
David Icke is the 2nd half guest on c2c.  That should be somewhat interesting. 


2nd Half: David Icke is a full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world. On a never ending quest for truth, he'll share his life-changing exposure of the illusion we believe to be 'real,' and the way this illusion is generated and manipulated to imprison us in a false reality.
The "reality" is that Canada won`t let Icke in. Does anybody here know why?
Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 25, 2016, 12:50:36 AM

I pictured Kathy as being taller
Ahh, the good old days when George was still scared ____less of an Art Bell return.
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