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Messages - Mops

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 30, 2013, 05:53:12 AM
First things first:  My eternal thanks to MV and a bow to his inspiration, Mrs. MV, for believing in the cause and for emailing me this wonderful news.

If I read Art's schedule correctly, he might be competing head-to-head with Durl Noory a good deal of time, and possibly   
Froggy Wells as well.  Perhaps that explains Noory's new contract, which includes a provision forcing Noory to change his own name to Art Bell.
Quote from: Roger on May 05, 2011, 02:17:29 AM
Nice. Good visualizations in few words.

A writer's life in L.A.: must be harsh.

A writer's life anywhere: harsher more so.

Good concept, good summary, still: no work, little comfort
having deep thoughts. The non-buyers of good concepts: pricks.

The pricks produce all the crap. Yet somehow, in all this mix
called 'survival of the fittest' in business, some real art does
get through.

'Facts'?  Writing isn't about 'facts'.

Product alone is 'fact'.

Lucky are we all when 'product', good writing, and fact align.

Not neccessarily in that order.


In Art's time, radio was a madhouse, a disease and a heart attack waiting. It was an inspiring addiction. He rode that crazy bull until he either broke it or they both got bored and trudged off into the sunset. The smell of processed radio and rebel reenactors wasn't going to bring him back. The internet, on the other hand, is the new, old radio -- a madhouse, a disease and heart attack waiting. Care to saddle-up, Art?
And, Roger, never let the bastids getcha down. Those who can't write or report,  edit and publish. They censor, abuse, often plagiarize and almost always compromise the publication and everyone around them. They are the head cases one step ahead of the law [sic sic sic sic sic sic sic]. They need you in order to be somebody.
And, MV, don't forget to teach all of those beautiful kids you are going to have how to beer bottle cop cars.
It's been my pleasure.  Thanks for the invite.
Quote from: Usagi on April 30, 2011, 11:24:59 AM
So, not only am I sitting around popping pain meds for the rest of the weekend, but my son also has a fever.  It's a movie blast out weekend, for sure.  Poking around Netflix Watch Instantly, I discovered they have loads of movies with classic C2C themes.

Eyes of Mothman (talked about in another thread), might be near the top of the list
Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs
The Phoenix Lights
Shades of Gray (about Gray Barker)

Dark Shadows is on there, too.  All of X-Files has been on there for a while now, too.  Now, if only they would get Dark Skies - but they don't even have that on DVD yet.

(Last night I watched Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind with my son for the first time - he really liked it!)

You might dig some of the new Twilight Zone (1985-89).  It includes the types of shows Serling couldn't get past the censors, like The Star, Dead Run.and Quarantine.

When my daughter was little and got sick, we used to watch  Dr. Jack (1922) and Why Worry? (1923) by Harold Lloyd, the daredevil from Safety Last.
Also just watched The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967) by Roman Polanski, with Sharon Hubba-Hubba Tate.  It's not fair to terrify and double-over a person at the same time.  Dracula's gay son chasing Polanski through the castle like Gossamer and Bugs Bunny, the vampire's ball, and did I mention Sharon Tate?
What's Up, Tiger Lily? (1966) by Woody Allen, with Louise Lasser and Frank Buxton (Sergeant Carter from Gomer Pyle).

Wing Fat:  "Don't tell me what I can do, or I'll have my mustache eat your beard."
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
May 04, 2011, 03:42:57 AM
Hello, everyone.  So, what's been going on?  Did I miss anything?  I'm thinking about going to the Mavs-Lakers game.  Anyone know where I can pick up an Art Bell mask? 
Random Topics / Re: Bin Laden is Dead
May 03, 2011, 06:02:34 AM
Quote from: aldousburbank on May 02, 2011, 10:20:43 AM
Interesting that they went after Quadaffi a day or so before the scheduled OBL raid- I've read that the latter was postponed for 24 hrs due to weather.

That caught my eye too.  My only regret is that bin Laden wasn't buried next to Moammar.  I know/knew people he's killed or maimed across the world spanning four decades.  It's hard to name a thrill kill cult he hasn't helped finance dating back to Baader-Meinhof, The Red Japanese Army and continuing through The Shining Path, etc.  Along the way he sponsored terrorist bombings at two airports in Italy, another at the LaBelle Disco in Berlin, and of course Pan Am 747 over Lockerbie.  That's a short list.   At least bin Laden issued a declaration of war and the reasons for it. Moammar kills for kicks.

I mention this because a lot of people in the U.S. were condemning the bombing of Moammar's home.  Apparently they are too young to remember his crimes against humanity.  Even Beyonce Knowles and other prominent, young entertainers gave personal performances for Moammar and his family.  They apparently gave back the money after they discovered he has a history giving out poisoned candy to guests.
Random Topics / Re: Music
May 01, 2011, 07:20:18 AM
Is this the sort of stuff you are looking for?

Crossroads Guitar Duel Steve Vai vs Ry Cooder Uncut and HQ
Random Topics / Re: Music
May 01, 2011, 07:02:25 AM
"I Put A Spell On You" by She and Him
Quote from: Roger on May 01, 2011, 05:21:59 AM
Gee Whiz! And some of the above people said I was verbose!

BTW: who is Steve Quayle?

What's the deal?

Another beer, sir?

Why, yes: I find in the brew the best illumination apart from simple

Doom-monger Steve Quayle on 1998 BBC program on survivalists
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
May 01, 2011, 04:29:48 AM
MV, this is your house, and Fort Rock was shown the door very politely.  I've seen troll busters at other places who ran off the trolls then stalked them across the internet posting their names and addresses.

As for arguments here, all I can say is it's Sunday School compared to sports sites.  People who would otherwise give you the shirt off their back will kill over a high school football game.  Rumor is gunshots have even been heard at recipe exchange sites.  Gives new meaning to "diced" and "chopped."  (Sorry.)

One of these days remind me to tell the story about the Noory worshipper who used dual accounts to double-team people and bawl them out.  His favorite target was a woman with dual accounts.  There's nothing like two people with multiple personalities arguing with each other.

Oh, and you and your wife jump in here and talk to us when you can.  No need to own a carnival if you can't ride the rides.   

She once said she used numbers while shopping around for a new husband.  Bet they added up to the address for an organization for the deaf.   

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
May 01, 2011, 02:30:47 AM
Regarding Fort Rock:  Guess you didn't need the eggs, eh, MV?       
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
April 30, 2011, 11:44:02 PM
Quote from: anagrammy on April 30, 2011, 11:11:33 AM
Mops, the article says Art did not respond to George's long email.  As good investigators, we must question all our assumptions.  There is no proof that Art ever responded to a Noory email.  There is no proof that Noory can type or spell, only proof he cannot pronounce.  Has anyone ever actually seen any email from George Noory? 


Actually I have gotten emails from Noory.   The last one read:

"z-e9vq m a==' ,,,,, ,,,,21-c sa+c asds (r/]i 1; H=ckweiv>fs"

Maybe it was an equation.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
April 30, 2011, 01:51:30 AM
Okay,  I’ll take a crack at my own questions.  The answers to the first two are explained by Noory’s email to Art:

“Dear Art:
First of all, my Filipino is a little rusty, so bear with me.  Here goes:
So solly you quitski the showshi.   Mucho hopeo  you  are wellshevik, not sickisan .  Please writeoro.
Sincerelyovitch,  Shorge Noorlee “

As for question #3, I hope George Knapp wrote it. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
April 30, 2011, 01:10:37 AM
Contest Time!!!! 
Question #1:  Why didn't Art respond to Noory's email?
Question #2:  What did Noory's email say?
Question #3:  Did George Knapp write this article?
"There was no further explanation beyond that point on why Art Bell did not respond to Mr. Noory’s email, although it only leads us fans to speculate further."

Quote from: Michael V. on April 24, 2011, 01:36:04 AM
Yes... repeatedly over the last several days.

Sent from my DROIDX

Good.  The NWS used to conduct surveys asking if persons heard the sirens.  I've been through several close calls with tornados and the sirens only sounded once for a split-second before the tornado carried off the central civil defense station.  I recall one of the city sirens turning up in a field over 100 miles away.
Quote from: Michael V. on April 23, 2011, 03:29:07 PM
we're just fine.  thank you, sir.  over the course of the last 3 or 4 days, it's been nothing but tornado warnings here in cape girardeau.  i love it, though.  nabila and i enjoy sitting on the covered stairway outside our apartment as hell breaks loose all around us.  thankfully, there's a concrete covered storage "bunker" at the base of the stairway, so i think we'd be safe from a soviet ICBM in that thing.

in times like these i feel really bad for people who live in mobile homes.  you'd be just as safe in a kenmore refrigerator shipping box.
Out of curiosity, did the city sound the civil defense sirens, and could you hear them?
Quote from: The General on April 23, 2011, 10:03:24 AM
Wow, no I don't remember that one.  I was just a baby in the 70's.  Amazing stuff.  Lost treasure stories capture my imagination like nothing else.  I love that shit.  The oak island thing is so crazy anymore, you can't even tell what's folklore and what's true about it.  All I know is, the people who say that it's just a natural sinkhole have a lot of explaining to do about why there would be wood platforms every 10 feet, and why there are coconut fibers in the hole when the nearest coconuts are 1500 miles away.  Not to mention the flood shafts.

Radio got real weird back then.  I think it's one of the reasons Noory seems so lame and boring.  (The other reason is Noory is lame and boring.)  Beter's so-called "audio letters" sound suspiciously like a script for Alex Jones too.  In this one, Beter even worked links between Swine Flu, radioactive wastewater and Fort Knox into the program.
Here he is now, one of the masters of paranoia radio....... 

RARE Dr Peter Beter Reporting SWINE FLU In 1976 !!
Quote from: Michael V. on April 20, 2011, 10:53:01 PM
my wife has eaten many a sheep's head (and stomach, etc.).  i'll never understand it.  it's hard for me to believe a woman of her beauty would find pleasure in eating such a thing, but it's the moroccan way.
Moroccan Roll, you better duck, MV.  Looks like you just got caught eating all of the Frusen Gladje, or rather the sheep head.  Incidentally, I happen to have a recipe for that:  One finely diced sheep head and 50,000 gallons of Ragu.  Serves 800,000.

Had forgotten about "Jar City."   I concur with the review above.

Remember "Carnival of Souls" from the early '60's?  You may remember it when it was redone as "The Sixth Sense."  It popped up again a couple of nights ago on late night tv.  It is a discouraging movie.   
Okay, let's see how old yall are.  Anyone here remember Dr. Peter Beter (sic)?  He was the assistant treasury secretary who accused Nixon of cleaning out Fort Knox.  His claim was even taken up during the Watergate Hearings, and I recall they morphed into accusations that Nixon had instead stolen some old Confederate or Incan gold hidden in an Arizona desert cavern.
Meanwhile, Fort Knox broke the seal on one of its vaults (in front of national news crews) to prove the gold was still there.  The other angle was picked up by the old "Unsolved Mysteries" television show years later.

The Oak Island Money Pit is still the better of the two stories, although it may be like apples and oranges. 

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on April 22, 2011, 12:48:46 AM
        George and Alex are both wig-wearing creeps. Jones may be the most insincere "personality" currently breathing(through his mouth,no doubt) just a total douche.

Alex has been trying to muddy up his trail almost ever since he turned up on public access radio.  At one time or another he's claimed to be an ordained Baptist minister, son of a University of Texas professor, BFF with Vernon Howell, etc.  Now he's got his star hooked on Charlie Sheen's runaway train, which in turn poses a big problem for Noory.     
And just for the heck of it.......

The Residents Commercial DVD - Picnic Boy
Quote from: EvB on April 19, 2011, 06:03:29 AM
Haha!  Stop-action is hard to do well - this is fun!

Oh, just a thought, is there a way right here on the forum that we can quote a Youtube post WITHOUT re-posting the vid (particularly if your quoted post is right near the original?) Seem like it would save space. What I did in this case was easy enough, I cut the text link - pasted it in a plain text ap, then put it back - but it would be great if we could just "remove link" right here.

Glad you liked it, EvB.  How's about another?

The Residents - The Simple Song
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
April 19, 2011, 01:37:45 AM
Quote from: George sucks on April 18, 2011, 01:20:35 PM
You would have to look up when and why non-compete clauses are in a contract.
Ha ha, funny stuff. That would be great.

All I'm saying is, never say never. He doesn't have to apply for a job. All he has to do is pick up the phone. He doesn't have to fall into a syndicated show. He can start on one station again. It would take off from there. Some of the biggest impediments I see - he works nights. Can't do that in the 'Pines, and it looks like he is staying. And he has no apparent good help. He had Ramona, indispensable.

He can do radio at his age, no problemo. Most likely he is not coming back. Just don't count him out, you never know. It's very doable if he wanted to.

Agreed.  There are just too many reasons for him not to return.  If he did, it might be after this 2012 doomsday stuff is done with and hopefully the world starts getting over its acrophobia.  Bell is uniquely qualified for the occasion, in part because the people trying to get us there will talk to him.  In the meantime I am hoping to occasionally spook PremRad with false rumors as retribution for replacing Bell with a blind shill.
I'm basically repeating what you have been saying all along, but consider this scenario down the road:    What happens when Asia asks to drive?

"Sorry, Hon, Daddy has to go back to work.  You'll have to wait until you're 21, I mean, 31."         
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
April 19, 2011, 12:19:53 AM
Quote from: 999 on April 18, 2011, 09:47:20 PM


For folks interested in radio... I found this book enjoyable:


WFMU has some audio from border station XER

Thanks for the links.  XER Radio.  I still have XRG in my brain, probably from those thumping border stations that used to suddenly overpower the car radio.  Rockin' Roll Cajunta, followed at midnight by preachers with heal-all-hankies.

Need a name for Art's new show, though.  How's this for starters (cue the announcer):

"Chuparrrrrrr Estoooo, PremRad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Con Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrt


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Coast
April 18, 2011, 04:13:05 AM
I live in a state capital where, used to, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting a lawyer.  That was before we ran out of rocks.  My point is that, among other things, poor old Art is likely lawyered-out.  And he's  seen his successor lawyered and processed into meatless baloney.  Noory was already meatless baloney - now he's pure, 100 percent, generic dumb.  It even appears Noory's critics and practical jokers are being lawyered-up with parodied disclaimers and copyright claims that, strangely enough, might stand up in court.......     
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