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Topics - Catsmile

Can we get 100 pages?

Can I get an Amen!

Technology / Windows 9 is dead, try Windows 10 instead
September 30, 2014, 03:56:53 PM

Introducing Windows 10 - the best Windows yet
Quote from: Paul Lilly; MaximumPC
Microsoft skipped a number and announced Windows 10, the OS formerly known as Threshold and the successor to Windows 8/8.1.

According to Recode, Windows 10 is designed to run on a wide range of devices with screen sizes running the gamut from four inches all the up to 80 inches. Microsoft will have a single application platform with one integrated Store to deliver Windows experiences across all those devices.

In order to serve all those devices, Windows 10 was built from the ground up for a "mobile-first, cloud-first world," Myerson added, according to TechRadar.


       Why does Windows VP Joe Belfiore have a 13 year old emo girls bob?
    Why skip Windows 9, seeking to get as far away from Windows 8 as possible?
    Who's going to try it out?
Just looking at Windows VP Joe explains a lot about the state of Windows.
Gag me with a spoon.
 Remember the iPhone 4's antenna issue, where Steve Jobs accused owners of holding their phones wrong? How about the iPhone 5's tendency to create a picture with a purple flare under bright light source conditions? Now it seems the new ultra thin iPhone 6 Plus has some customers warped out of shape, because their shiny new status symbol is becoming bent.

The iPhone 6 Plus will start at $300 under contract, compared to $200 for the 6. Without a contract, the iPhone 6 Plus will cost $749, versus $649 for the iPhone 6.

Ha! Take that you tight pants, empty glasses frame wearing, dirty hipsters! Maybe if Jobs were alive today he could preach to the Cult of Mac about how they are wearing their status symbol wrong.

#bendgate   https://twitter.com/hashtag/BendGate?src=hash

Technology / 4K TV is SO 2014
September 04, 2014, 07:19:34 PM
Dreaming of getting a new 4K 8.3 megapixel ultra high def display?
4K 8.3 megapixels is so 2014!

Check out Dells new panel the UP2715K, it sports a res of 5120 x 2880 that's 14,745,600 pixels. Yep 5K 14.7megapixel display in a 27" form factor. Price $2,500.00, availability end of the year.

Could this be the start of a resolution war for big screens, just like the phone and tablet resolution wars?
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