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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:51:06 PM

I don't HATE Art Bell and the Redacted drones totally MISSED the point of the video which made fun of a self centered person who insults a caller on a podcast where all day people were asking :

" when is noory going to call and what is he afraid of ? "

And when he finally did call, did she let him speak without interruption or rancor ?

Not only no but hell no.

She lit into him and would not stop...

Falkie, you have zero perspective and zero sense of proportion.  None.

First off, few on this site like Noory as a broadcaster, or as a person.  The reasons are well documented on the George Noory Sucks thread.  Second, Noory and the PremRat flacks were insinuating they were going to try to sue BellGab.  What is wrong with trying to get him to respond to some of it when he calls in?  I didn't think she or anyone else was rude, or even harsh with him - I don't quite know what you are talking about

Remember your chance to interview Noory?  You blew it.  I suggested having a list of questions you wanted to ask, and even suggested some for you.  You didn't want to do that.  You thought you could just remember what they were. 

What happened?  After a few softball questions at the beginning, you just went off on one of your 'Guy From Pittsburgh' rants with George, Tommy, and Kathy as a captive audience.  And you criticize the interviewing techniques of others?  At least they were asking questions

I get that you are jealous of (Redacted), but so what.  I pleaded with you to apologize, and drop it, but you didn't and won't.  You've managed to alienate anyone who might have been sympathetic towards you, yet you just keep on


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:51:06 PM
I don't know what the new show is about either. Guess I will find out on Thursady.

What will you do if it's a show about S&M?

What will you answer if George was to ask you on the air "George Noory or Art Bell?"

Quote from: SnapT on June 20, 2015, 10:09:14 PM
YOU still don't know what Noory's new TV show is about?! And you tape it on THURSDAY?  Wow...

To be fair, Noory doesn't know either

Show prep isn't a strong suit over there


Aim at a two-bedroom apartment before a house. I appreciate dreaming but last week you were counting spare change you found on the floor.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:51:06 PM

<Falkie's Rant>

So, what is it like with your nose so far up Dave's butt? I wouldn't think Tommy would share! Seriously, you are just coming off as bitter and jealous towards (Redacted). It's funny how literately EVERYONE here, Including Art can see that.

But, then again, I am sure that is why Dave choose you to be the DaveBot prime!

Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 20, 2015, 11:11:54 PM
... I wouldn't think Tommy would share!...

Anyone else want Falkie to do a video of Tommy's apartment?


Quote from: ADG12311990 on June 20, 2015, 11:11:54 PM
So, what is it like with your nose so far up Dave's butt? I wouldn't think Tommy would share! Seriously, you are just coming off as bitter and jealous towards (Redacted). It's funny how literately EVERYONE here, Including Art can see that.

But, then again, I am sure that is why Dave choose you to be the DaveBot prime!
Falkie is a loser, Gnoory is a loser.
The only thing Falkie could do with land is fuck it up.
But that's as likely to happen as Planet X is to pull up to my bedroom window and deliver a pizza.
Get a job you lazy, ignorant asswipe. It's pretty sad when a stoner hippie has to tell you that.

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 05:39:21 PM
Hey, dimwit !
I am convinced with a change in diet and exercise and eventually getting away from gas which is what starts my allergy/cold/sinus infection/bronchitis cycle, I wil lose weight and be healthier.
Here in California, we had an 80 year old pass the bar.
If she can do that, I cna build a new life.
No matter what your opinion of MY ability to do so is.
I work in spurts, rest, then start over again.
And if I wind up making enough and can hire people, I can supervise them as well.
YOU have no idea how determined I can be to do something once I put my mind to it.
And there is no law against my buying land and improving it, whether I or someone does it.

If Noory's program sells, I already have ideas how to grade and improve my property and rent part of it out. I already have been looking into many ways to do it.
All it takes is time, effort and money.
If his program is a succes, I will make money.
Whether you or the haters like it or not.
And yes, I have thought this through.
I spent hours researching getiing a Prius.
I have already spent hours looking at equipment, sheds and the like.
Don't count me out yet.
The idiots on the other board kept predicing my imminent death.
They were wrong for 11 years.
I'm not ready to go yet.

When the Big Guy puts his mind to something, it will be done.  For all we know, he may already own this property.  Even if he doesn't, the fact that he is planning and putting his mind to work on the project is a start, and he has goal to work towards.  I applaud George for his efforts.


Homer Simpson:  Don't worry, Joey.  We'll make it to California someday.

Little Joey:  Sure we will, Mr. Homer.  Sure we will.  (cough, cough)


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:36:08 PM
I asked a friend about that and he says it will turn your nose blue.

Is this the extent of a true story?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:51:06 PM

You idiotic wanker, I have no idea how you managed to reach the age of 63, it is a miracle. So you made probably around 200 videos ranting what a shitty broadcaster Noory is, calling him an idiot, a disgrace and saying his show was useless. Now 240$ later you started eating his nuts and because you did everybody has to? You are fucked up. Noory's appearance on the Gabcast was a very nice interview considering everything that had happened. Do you know he had threatened MV with a lawsuit? Did you notice he set MV an e-mail during the broadcast that he would NOT call-in after all? When he called the hosts asked him about all of that and it made great radio. ALL OF THE HOSTS did you witless shit, not just (Redacted). You just talk about her because she's a woman, years of training Kathy with a baseball bat made you think that's how it works.

Noory's proposal for you is obviously charity. There's no fucking way anyone would like to show something like your video in a TV show outside of a comedy segment. If it is aired people will start looking, will find all your old rants against Noory, they will find this thread and they will find out about mayo, it will be glorious.

And about respect - should I again remind you of your "podcast" and how you treated your arranged caller? Also should I remind you how you respected your potential audience by unleashing the father of all farts during the recording and then left it in the audio file for everyone to listen?


pretty much. falkie hated noory but now we all have to love the guy because its the right thing to do. falkie is an idiot.its just a matter of time before noory tells him to delete the anti-noory videos. falkie of course will claim "youtube made him". odd how you can see right through falkie, considering his girth. a transparent, pathetic loser.

Quote from: Meatie Pie link=topit5.msg409414#msg409414 date=1434862554
Aim at a two-bedroom apartment before a house. I appreciate dreaming but last week you were counting spare change you found on the floor.

Well... maybe Noory backed a dump truck full of cash and Falkie being Falkie was, you know, weak? Resulting in a vile sexual game of human 'hungry-hungry hippo's'. Noory, Tommy, Kathy and Falkie gobbling, gobbing, BellGabbing, GabCasting, finally GobCocking. Oh the humanity. I was going to finish with them being captured by an evil Dr. Ufo Phil. Human-centipede angle. Too tired.


Why hasn't Falkie done a video about Donald Trump running for president yet?

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Falkie2013 on June 20, 2015, 09:51:06 PM

I don't HATE Art Bell and the Redacted drones totally MISSED the point of the video which made fun of a self centered person who insults a caller on a podcast where all day people were asking :

" when is noory going to call and what is he afraid of ? "

And when he finally did call, did she let him speak without interruption or rancor ?

Not only no but hell no.

She lit into him and would not stop.

And he should have gotten some respect as a person, a caller and for being a major talk show person calling a podcast that is NOT listened to by thousands of people.
But Redacted just couldn't have that, could she ?

I say that not as someone now associated with noory but because I feel its true.

I listen to Noory every night almost. He still says dumb things at times and I shake my head.

But it seems the people on Gabcast other than Redacted also, ofttimes can't treat regular callers with respect either.

I don't know if its shock or immaturity but it does NOT make for good listening.

Art got 3 seperate inboxes from me. He knows how I truly feel.

He wished me well on my appearance on the new show.

And given that he has returned my emails for years with replies, he KNOWS I LOVE Art Bell.

I don't know what the new show is about either. Guess I will find out on Thursady.

And Noory told me he likes my video background and wants it to be seen in the Skype appearance.

As for my siding with George in the video, nothing could be further from the truth.

The character kicked Art off his own show and took over and told Noory to QUIT Coast and become a C & W star.

But I guess those who see everything and hear everything in my posts and videos except what actually happens, are going to just THINK they heard what they did NOT hear because they either wish to or expect it.

The video was a performance. I was playing a character.

If you go see a movie, do you think a Robert Englund is really Freddy Kruger in real life ?


But many of you choose to assume that what was said in that video about Art reflects my TRUE feelings about the man.

And NOTHING could be further from the truth.


So you do hate Art but he doesn't hate you? You are wishing Art well on a show that hasn't been made and you have no idea what it's about...and you made it already?

Snorey did call into that gabcadt and redacted nailed him? I feel you should be glad  because it's obvious that she has that sumthing, sumthing...and if Art recognized it and is giving her a gig on his show, what if dave, who is also a solid radio guy right up there with Art...if I were you I would be carful and hope that dave don't  see or hear whatever it is that Art heard and is getting her on the air, doesn't get dave to hire her in your spot!!!

And you mean that Freddy Kruger is not the real guy in the movie's??? I thought that was like video from street or security cameras and dash cams and satellite or googke stuff and that was like real police video documentary footage? Man you just busted a huge bubble for me!!!


What the Fuck kind of thread did I accidentally get in here?
Fuck I've gotta go.  I will try again in a few days.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SnapT on June 20, 2015, 10:09:14 PM
YOU still don't know what Noory's new TV show is about?! And you tape it on THURSDAY?  Wow.

If it's just a slightly different take on BEYOND BELIEF (a Reader's Digest version of C2C on video in front of a live audience), I don't see how the show possibly sells.  Because he's been doing BEYOND BELIEF forever now and nobody's offered to put THAT on TV.  I'm surprised Syfy or something doesn't run it in a late night slot to compete with Jimmy Fallon.  Now that Letterman's retired, there's no late night TV host for the elderly to relate to.

If you don't  know how will you comment? They gonna put a gag order on you and basically make you a mouthpiece by handing you a script just before air time? You have to know, you can't just sit there and wait 2-3 minutes while you listen to your cool theme music and sounds? Air time is money. You got to be ready. They just need you to be a talking head. Who cares as long as they pay you, right!! You are on your way, double wide in the foothills of Malibu, gravel driveway, hob nobbing with the jet set! After all these years of suffering for your craft and  paying your dues you have finally reached the top of the mountain! And who deserves it more than you? Good luck buddy.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 20, 2015, 10:39:37 PM
Falkie, you have zero perspective and zero sense of proportion.  None.

First off, few on this site like Noory as a broadcaster, or as a person.  The reasons are well documented on the George Noory Sucks thread.  Second, Noory and the PremRat flacks were insinuating they were going to try to sue BellGab.  What is wrong with trying to get him to respond to some of it when he calls in?  I didn't think she or anyone else was rude, or even harsh with him - I don't quite know what you are talking about

Remember your chance to interview Noory?  You blew it.  I suggested having a list of questions you wanted to ask, and even suggested some for you.  You didn't want to do that.  You thought you could just remember what they were. 

What happened?  After a few softball questions at the beginning, you just went off on one of your 'Guy From Pittsburgh' rants with George, Tommy, and Kathy as a captive audience.  And you criticize the interviewing techniques of others?  At least they were asking questions

I get that you are jealous of (Redacted), but so what.  I pleaded with you to apologize, and drop it, but you didn't and won't.  You've managed to alienate anyone who might have been sympathetic towards you, yet you just keep on

I for one must agree with everything PB said, but I doubt it will matter. When dave hangs him out to dry, and he will...will flakie resume his attacks on dave, will he beg Art not to hate him, will he toss Kathy on the street when the plan for his compound fall thru with the Hawaiian studio, will falkie get an extra large washer and dryer box and move with the sweet Kathy under an over pass of the Santa Ana freeway, will he try to plug into the grid at a hwy lamppost to get juice for his re-newed video attacks against dave without electrocuting himself and blowing his ass sky high rt out of his flip flops to be discovered on local news as a ufo?????? Stay tuned boys and girls as the answers to these and many more intriguing questions will be answered in the continuing saga known as the guy from shitsburg! !!!

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 20, 2015, 11:19:36 PM
Falkie is a loser, Gnoory is a loser.
The only thing Falkie could do with land is fuck it up.
But that's as likely to happen as Planet X is to pull up to my bedroom window and deliver a pizza.
Get a job you lazy, ignorant asswipe. It's pretty sad when a stoner hippie has to tell you that.
Dude you killin me, I just love and wait for you to drop these pearls of wisdom for us...thank you...!

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 20, 2015, 11:13:23 PM
Anyone else want Falkie to do a video of Tommy's apartment?


Jocko Johnson

Quote from: ONeill on June 20, 2015, 11:45:39 PM
You idiotic wanker, I have no idea how you managed to reach the age of 63, it is a miracle. So you made probably around 200 videos ranting what a shitty broadcaster Noory is, calling him an idiot, a disgrace and saying his show was useless. Now 240$ later you started eating his nuts and because you did everybody has to? You are fucked up. Noory's appearance on the Gabcast was a very nice interview considering everything that had happened. Do you know he had threatened MV with a lawsuit? Did you notice he set MV an e-mail during the broadcast that he would NOT call-in after all? When he called the hosts asked him about all of that and it made great radio. ALL OF THE HOSTS did you witless shit, not just (Redacted). You just talk about her because she's a woman, years of training Kathy with a baseball bat made you think that's how it works.

Noory's proposal for you is obviously charity. There's no fucking way anyone would like to show something like your video in a TV show outside of a comedy segment. If it is aired people will start looking, will find all your old rants against Noory, they will find this thread and they will find out about mayo, it will be glorious.

And about respect - should I again remind you of your "podcast" and how you treated your arranged caller? Also should I remind you how you respected your potential audience by unleashing the father of all farts during the recording and then left it in the audio file for everyone to listen?

Whoa, whoa...please someone post or point me toward, the falkie podcast?  Falkie making mudbutt on air and leaving it in, jorch calling in to gabcast to MV and redacted interviewing dave, (showing the world her chops and earning her bones! Why she will have a show and be the heir apparent for Art on MID, not falkie...since he Hates Art and viesa versa)!!!!!???? And of course this statement about the mayo business?

Quote from: Falkie2013 on April 13, 2015, 11:45:34 PM
... After Kathy finds a new place, we're going to rent a Highlander and go from here to Solvang/Vegas/Pahrump/Area 51/Little AlienInn and then on the way back stop in LA and go to Sherman Oaks and I will see if George will allow me to visit the C2C studios and do a quick video with him, Tommy and Lisa and maybe the rest of the C2C crew. Maybe I can even go see an Angels or Dodgers game. Except for being in the road down there, Kathy has never seen Solvang, Vegas or LA.

I'm going to try to see if Art would let me say hello.

Driving the Prius that far is too hard on Kathy's neck and back. And yes, I can drive the car,

Falkie, is the road trip still on?

Why wait until Kath finds an apartment, she can use a break now and so can Patty.  Check back in after you get back and see what's on the market.

A video of Tommy at home is a must.  You've mentioned you can be very persuasive, this should be a slam dunk now that you are a member of the team and not just a fanboi.  I'm sure he appreciates a good home cooked meal, even if it's done at his place. Or a couple of pizzas, either way.

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Who on June 20, 2015, 05:50:10 PM
You are correct.  Do it.
Quote from: Jocko Johnson on June 20, 2015, 07:25:03 PM
Can someone, falkie...anyone, tell me what this new TV show is all about? What channel, is there a time slot, a pilot, what's it about...?

Well it's late here on the east coast, or very early in the AM, but it just hit me! How does a new "tv show" get on the air in a matter of days, no pilot, no whatever like just going on and have a guy like flackie on...
I N F O M E R C I A L!!!!!!!


Jocko Johnson

Quote from: SnapT on June 21, 2015, 12:17:01 AM
Why hasn't Falkie done a video about Donald Trump running for president yet?

He may be too busy setting up and directing jorch for prez 2016 campaign announcement!

Jocko Johnson

Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2015, 01:59:09 AM
Falkie, is the road trip still on?

Why wait until Kath finds an apartment, she can use a break now and so can Patty.  Check back in after you get back and see what's on the market.

A video of Tommy at home is a must.  You've mentioned you can be very persuasive, this should be a slam dunk now that you are a member of the team and not just a fanboi.  I'm sure he appreciates a good home cooked meal, even if it's done at his place. Or a couple of pizzas, either way.

Does flackie have a current, clean and clear license?  And how does a guy on welfare who begs for loose change afford renting a Highlander, all tbe travel, food, gas, hotels etc? Did he come into a windfall? You know if he has $$$$ now and of a job, isn't he supposed to stop receiving public assistance, food stamps, medicaid whatever? You know it was a hand up not a hand out? Maybe make it available for someone who REALLY needs it? ??


Quote from: aldousburbank on June 20, 2015, 11:19:36 PM
...It's pretty sad when a stoner hippie has to tell you that.
One day I really, honestly, want to meet you in person.

Quote from: aldousburbank on June 20, 2015, 11:19:36 PM
But that's as likely to happen as Planet X is to pull up to my bedroom window and deliver a pizza.
That did happen, but Falkie had his window blocked because he refused to give up his constitutional rights to ignore the fire department.


Quote from: Daggit on June 20, 2015, 10:34:38 PM
Does FAB mean Fuck Art Bell?

No. It means Free Art Bell.
'Nuff said.

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