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Messages - fabucat

Quote from: b_dubb on January 12, 2011, 12:59:42 AM
George is sounding so right wing ... so HAWKISH ... i'm wondering if he is in fact Paul Wolfowitz in disguise.  why does he always go to the ... "what happens if we use nukes?" question?  like ... oh ... george ... no big deal ... just vaporize a bunch of innocent people ... pollute the atmosphere with radiation ... possibly spark a nuclear holocaust ... no big whoop

what a dick

why am i listening?  seriously! something's wrong with me.  it's like going to the same restaurant over and over because you know it sucks.

Yeah, just about the only saving grace about George is that he breaks from right wing orthodoxy when he speaks up (however meekly) for Palestinian rights.  Oh yes, and he also supports Wikileaks. 

BTW, Premiere Radio Networks also has a LIBERAL talk radio host in Randi Rhodes, who is very good.  I don't think that Premiere cares about politics so much.  They just care about whether or not their product sells.   They've got the Ruler of the Universe with regard to right wing talk in Limbaugh.  Every other righty in the talk show biz is just talentless compared to Rush, whatever you think of his politics.  I really don't see the need for 2,000 other Rush wannabes on the radio.

Finally, to the extent that George becomes a Rush wannabe, he really sucks.

Quote from: James G. on January 12, 2011, 01:45:55 AM
The pro-gun guest the other night was right in line with a lot of what I heard on Conservative radio. There was a lot of talk about gun rights. It went on-and-on. And Coast To Coast AM has that Conservative basis anyway (possibly because of Premiere Radio Networks outside of sports talk), such a discussion wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I'm not against any kind of gun ownership, but rather the intent and responsibility of the gun owners themselves. But, after tuning into Conservative talk radio in the past two days, to hear the reaction to the fallout, I've noted a sudden change in pro-gun rationale.

For the longest time, all I heard the pro-gun, Conservative people (including hosts, guests and callers) ramble on about how The Second Amendment was adopted for citizens to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. Does that mean our own government?

But in the past two days, they're "singing a different tune." Now, it's all about protection from murderers, thugs, muggers, burglars, and assorted criminals. It appears as if the call to arms for protection against the "tyrannical government" is being shelved. For now.

Modern Conservatism: All About "The American Revolution" Negates The American Civil War
The focus of the modern Conservative and Tea Party Movement is "The Founding Fathers" and "The American Revolution." At that time, colonials had guns to rebel against a tyrannical rule under England, a foreign power. The Second Amendment, at the time of its drafting, may have had more to do with maintaining a militia in the event the United States was conquered and ruled again by a tyrannical government.

Remember, England never accepted the United States Of America's independence in the end. Perhaps its rulers felt the colonials would be too dumb to rule themselves, and would crawl back to the English government to be ruled again. In a short time. It must have stuck in England's craw when that didn't happen. So England and returned a few decades later, attempting to "take back what it believed was rightfully theirs." And I'm sure "The Founding Fathers" considered that possibility.

The modern Conservative Movement mentions nothing about the American Civil War. Ironic. It was basically an armed insurrection by a Confederation of southern states that felt the United States government had indeed become tyrannical. Justifying themselves by what they described as a fight for state rights, the Confederate states went as far as to succeed from the Union, and declare themselves an independent nation.

And how soon people forget the magnitude and damage of that war, and how we as Americans once harmed each other and destroyed on such a grand scale. How soon we forget.

I sense the same type of friction these days that mirrors the American Civil War closer, I feel, than the American Revolution. Yet, I hear nothing from either side these days about that trying time in our nation's history. Especially from the Conservatives.

An Armed Citizenry Not Always A Flawless Solution
I hear a lot of generalizations and "what if scenarios" from the gun-toting sector. I've been through dangerous, life-threatening situations in which I didn't need a firearm to survive. Remember the shooter the other day was taken down and disarmed without a firearm deployed against him. I would be concerned if some gun-toting person opened fire, and possibly harmed bystanders in some crossfire. It happens.

Even Mr. Noory told that story the other night of encountering what he considered a "strange person" in some public place. And how Mr. Noory was basically convinced that man "was going to do something." But he didn't. He didn't. Now, if such a person as Mr. Noory was in that situation, would they feel compelled to draw on -- and possibly fire upon -- such a person he or she "felt" was going to do "something." Consider that.

Learning and understanding hand-to-hand engaging can be just as effective as possessing a firearm. Your body is the only weapon that you always have. It goes everywhere that you go. It's the only weapon that can't be turned on yourself.

There's added dangers to both concealed and open-carry firearm methods. Especially when an assailant or some criminal doesn't have a gun -- but the firearm holder does. Think of open carry, for example. It takes little to ambush or blindside such a carrier, and then become armed that way. The same is true for concealed carriers as well.

Unless these gun carriers plan on having their weapons out at the ready at all times, and point them at every person they encounter, they'll never really be safe "out there." As I understood the tragedy the other day, even if the victims were armed at the time would have mattered not in stopping the attack. Was the assailant going to announce his intentions and challenge them to a fair gunfight? Hardly.

I know there are instances where firearms have indeed saved people from such criminal elements. But there's cases when firearms are used by supposed law-abiding persons who lacked any criminal record.

Listen to the news sometimes. Hear of cases of domestic disturbances, homicides or even suicides in which assailants employed firearms -- notably  handguns. Why did a number of them have those guns in the first place? For protection.  Something many would applaud.

Stricter Guns Laws May Be Adopted, But Such Can Also Be Bypassed
There's a lot of ironic to gun-sales laws. Sure, someone with a criminal record or verified history of a dangerous mental illness may not be able to get a gun that way. But what about private sales? How conscious of this fact are private sellers. Look in the local newspaper sometime. There they are.

When I had guns years ago, I always ran my own background check on prospective buyers through law enforcement before I visited with them. I required a person's name and address beforehand. And those who seemed hesitant after I explained my procedure -- and social responsibility -- may have had a reason to be hesitant. I always required a valid ID when meeting the prospective buyer, to verify my background check. And all my gun buyers passed the background check, so at least I held a clear conscious. What they did with those firearms after the sale was their responsibility.

Even if a person passes a background check, I would never sell them any ammunition with the firearm. Ever. Now, I had no way of knowing if someone thought ahead about what they were buying and "brought their own," but since they showed a clean record that was a chance I had to take.

A further measure of any Federal gun laws against dealers should address regulation of private sales as well. There's loopholes and workarounds people can exploit. But it's usually only when something bad happens that such measures are employed.

What an excellent post!!!  I'm not against gun ownership, as I said before.  But do private citizens REALLY need automatic weapons???  Do they REALLY need 30 bullet magazine clips???  Are reasonable regulations regarding gun ownership an "infringement upon our rights?"  Do mentally unstable people really have the right to obtain guns?

George's statement last night that the suspect was a "wacko" who should be tried and executed quickly was really classless.  No doubt the defendant will be convicted and probably will be executed.  Despite my distaste for the death penalty, I probably won't object to the defendant's execution.  Yet George's support for absolutely unfettered gun ownership puts guns in the hands of the mentally disturbed.  Because of people like George, there's no doubt that such mass murder will become routine in this country.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: When did you turn on George?
January 11, 2011, 11:02:59 PM
I've been TOTALLY pissed off with Noory recently.  I don't hate him as much as you guys do.  But I wonder how some of his sicko crappy guests have helped dumb down and coarsen our socio-political discourse.  First there's Steve Quayle.  Back in the halcyon 90s, everyone would have laughed at Steve Quayle's apocalyptic pronouncements.  Now, however, with Glenn Beck, eschatology has become positively mainstream.  Now every moron thinks that the world's end is imminent.  This isn't healthy for our society.  I also agree with the former Christian right crusader Frank Schaeffer that the idea that things are SOOOOO terrible today that they portend the End of the World is incredibly narcissistic.  I did some research on Quayle and learned that he's a Birther, but at least he's smart enough to know that he has to stay away from that crap. 

Quote from: HumanBeing on January 08, 2011, 04:10:44 AM

Definitely a shout out for Richard Syrett.. he does a radio show sunday nights from 11pm-1am est .. http://www.richardsyrett.com/
I have a few of his recent shows edited commercial free.. unfortunately I don't have any from 2011.. I'll attach them plus the show description.. I couldn't upload the text file [not permitted] of the show description so I'll attach a picture of it  ;D .. I really like Richard Syrett. I think he's a intelligent host.

Thanks for posting the Syrett shows.  I wish that he'd steer away from the Birthers though.  And Joel Skousen...who is NOT a good person.  If I wanted more Joel Skousen, I'd just watch Glenn Beck at 5 PM every weekday.
Was anyone else as offended as I was when Snoory had on pro-gun John Lott to discuss how The Government Was Going to Take Away All of Our Guns in the wake of the shooting last Saturday in Arizona??  How callous!  Here six people are dead and all Snoory and Co. are worried about is that their guns are going to be confiscated, instead of caring about the victims. 

I don't care for guns the way a lot of people don't care for abortions, but I don't think that it's my business to tell people how to live.  UNLESS you're a criminal or a raving maniac.  Then it becomes the business of my community and ME.  I also don't think that people should be allowed to own automatic or semi-automatic weapons, but what do I know?

The government can read our emails, listen into our phone calls, "touch our junk", and put us on a "no fly list" without explanation.  The government has suspended habeas corpus and posse comitatus.  Bank of America can securitize our mortgages without filing the necessary paperwork, and therefore can subvert HUNDREDS of years of Anglo-American property law.  But gosh darn dang it, we can have as many weapons as we want to, that's what makes us FREE!

The idea that one could defend oneself against the government with even the most deadly of guns is idiotic.  How many nuclear weapons and vials of deadly germs does our government possess? 

Anyway, I think that George was an effing heartless tasteless selfish pig when he aired a rabidly pro-gun program so soon after this tragedy. 
Quote from: b_dubb on January 08, 2011, 10:58:46 PM
there's a lot of PT Barnum to what Coast does.  there's currently (1/8/11) a drawing of what looks like a leprechaun on the C2C site depicting what a listener insists is a little man that lives with him and his family in their home.  most would forward this guy to the appropriate mental health professionals.  C2C posts the drawing and description as if it were plausible.  They do something similar every time Steve Quayle comes on the show. 

When C2C starts to ENABLE some of the obviously unstable people who orbit C2C, they become a tool that's actively engaged in dumbing down it's listeners.  The 'soft' science on this show is just sickening.  Noory actively rejecting scholarly figures like Hawking, etc.  Noory couldn't explain scientific theory so he has no business commenting on anything science related.  He can sell CCrane radios and nod his head but that's the extent of his qualifications.

Some of these issues came to a head this weekend.  As you know, a member of Congress was almost murdered and a federal judge WAS murdered.  Someone interviewed a high school classmate of the suspect, who said that the suspect was really into 2012 prophecy.  Another journalist said that what the suspect meant on his website about conscience dreaming was really "conscious dreaming", a Harold Ickes concept.  Some bells and whistles went off in my head.  There's a lot of speculation and blame going on, as you know, as to what set off this murderer.  We just don't know. 

Noory's just another in a long line of people in the media who don't challenge their listeners (or readers or viewers) and who don't challenge their guests.  In that way, they do a disservice to the public.  I'm beginning to wonder....I've got fairly evolved critical thinking facilities, but not everybody does.  Who's to say that some statements by Quayle or Ed Dames that George fails to challenge won't set off some psychotic?  If you're one to take Quayle and Dames at face value, and you think that the world is going to hell very soon, then you're more likely to engage in self-destructive and reckless behavior. 
I want to thank you for letting me join here and vent.  On other forums, Steve Quayle is rather sacrosanct.  Here's one criticism:

I listened to Coast to Coast AM last (5-16-08) night an I have to say that the guest and George Noory both made me sick! George has had guests on that spoke about the giants and the Anunnaki before and they spoke about the misinterpretation of the meaning of the word and that it means “those from Heaven came to Earth” like Jason Martell of Ancient-X.com George knows that, but because the guest was a fear mongering lunatic, George catered to his sick and twisted false interpretation. Steve Quayle was the guest and the things he was saying about the Anunnaki being “fallen angels” were typical of the uninformed, but that’s not what made me angry. It was the fact that George never challenged the interpretation that he KNEW was inaccurate, but more so than that is the fact that I feel very strongly that this Steve Quayle is one of those who are part of the deception, both knowingly and willingly. Christians were calling in saying that “I am doing everything you have suggested and I am going to buy your books first thing in the morning!” These people were terrified by the things he was saying! Now for someone that proclaims such high regard for Sitchen as George does, he never mentioned him or the correct meaning of the word Anunnaki, let alone the fact that Steve was telling horror stories about the need to live in the high mountains and that all aliens are “fallen angels” that hate mankind and want to kill them all! This is a perfect example of the Doctrine of Deception going full speed ahead on a mission to terrorize believers into doing what the “elite” want them to do. It is absolute scientific fact that the ancient Sumerian record is not only the original, but far superior text and record. I know that this Steve Quayle is fully aware of this fact and is pushing the lie for his gain and the gain of the others who are twisting this truth into a story of terror.

George has said several times that he believes the reality of Nibiru and the creation of mankind by Enki (although he simply said Anunnaki in general), then completely changes philosophy to cater to his guest. I have heard several complaints about George doing this (agreeing with anything the guest says), but this is in the extreme! This guest was pushing Christians into fear and terror mode and doing it well! I cannot wait until all becomes very clear that people like him are lying to the people for their own sick agenda.

Many believe, including Machio Kaku that there is a new time of enlightenment coming with the 2012 Mayan calendar predicting this shift of consciousness. George did mention this, but the reply was basically “not until almost the entire human race has died”! It is criminal what people like Steve are doing to people who believe the Bible, without being fully aware of it’s source, but if they were, they would not be so easily terrorized by people like him.

Hi!  I just joined.  I wanted to thank you for trashing Quayle.  Amen. Amen.  And d@mn you George for not kicking Quayle's a**.
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