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College bans white people from "Diversity Happy Hour"

Started by Chaim, March 12, 2014, 11:26:47 AM


Quote from: albrecht on March 16, 2014, 04:19:49 PM
It is easier to get free Obamaphones (I know the program started before Obama expanded it to free cell phones but I will use the term used by the users of the phones), SNAP, government housing, than get a job. Or make money from illicit activities than getting a job. On a purely economic equation you make more money from selling drugs or being a pimp than working an entry level job in the urban areas so it makes sense that these people resort to either crime or government largesse. All they have to do is keep voting "for the right candidates" and they will get their welfare.

So tell me, how many people do you know that are on government assistance?

Tell me about all the drug dealers you know.

Yes there are people that cheat the system... they do that in corporate offices as well.

I get so sick of these broad hate filled generalizations.

Government assistance actually helps lift people out of poverty.
The EITC and CTC’s beneficial effects appear to follow children into adulthood.  Harvard’s Chetty and his coauthors note evidence that test score gains can lead to significant improvements in students’ later earnings and employment rates when they become adults.[27]   Their finding parallels other research that followed low-income children from early childhood into their adult years and found a lasting beneficial effect when the children’s families received additional income (regardless of the income source).  The researchers found that each additional $3,000 in annual income in early childhood is associated with an added 135 hours of annual work as a young adult and an additional 17 percent in annual earnings.[28]

Finally, University of California at Davis researchers Hilary W. Hoynes, Douglas L. Miller, and David Simon examined the effect of EITC expansions that policymakers enacted in the 1990s, by comparing changes in birth outcomes for families eligible for the largest increases in their EITC to changes in outcomes for families eligible for little or no increase.  They found that infants born to mothers who were eligible for the largest EITC increases experienced the greatest improvements on a number of birth indicators associated with more favorable long-term outcomes for children, such as a reduced incidence of low birth weight and premature births. [29]



Quote from: onan on March 16, 2014, 04:33:08 PM
So tell me, how many people do you know that are on government assistance?

Tell me about all the drug dealers you know.

Yes there are people that cheat the system... they do that in corporate offices as well.

I get so sick of these broad hate filled generalizations.

Government assistance actually helps lift people out of poverty.

I agree that the corporate and "special interest" welfare is far worse, on pure $$numbers and morally because it causes government corrupt (even though it is "legal", than the give-aways to individual people. Both should stop. Let families, communities, churches, States, and individuals take care of their own. Let corporations, small businesses, and companies take care of themselves. Why do we need some government bureaucrats in DC telling people where their money needs to be redistributed or what products we should buy? Or what money should be given away to some hand-picked, no-bid corporation who donates to their campaigns. Cut defense spending. Bring home the troops and, over time, cut the military to barebones. Cut SNAP. Cut Obamaphone. Cut tax loopholes hand written by lobbyists for big industries and corporations. If you feel like you wish to support some program, say EITC or CTC, you would be able to do so with your money. Or start your own charity and help people. Why have the corrupt middle-man take a cut of the action or tell people they MUST support those charities?


Quote from: onan on March 16, 2014, 04:33:08 PM
I get so sick of these broad hate filled generalizations.
But its going to get worse before it gets better.  The mob mentality has to hit bottom before they'll wise up to how they've been manipulated.


Quote from: onan on March 16, 2014, 04:33:08 PM
So tell me, how many people do you know that are on government assistance?

Tell me about all the drug dealers you know.
Here in Florida, the legislature with the support of the Governor, passed a bill requiring welfare recipients to take a drug test.  If the recipient passed the test, the state repaid him or her for the test. 2.6% of the people who took the test failed.  That means the state had to pay out more to the people who passed the test than it saved by dropping people from the roles. It was a completely stupid bill that was finally found unconstitutional by a federal court.


Quote from: Juan on March 16, 2014, 04:45:30 PM
Here in Florida, the legislature with the support of the Governor, passed a bill requiring welfare recipients to take a drug test.  If the recipient passed the test, the state repaid him or her for the test. 2.6% of the people who took the test failed.  That means the state had to pay out more to the people who passed the test than it saved by dropping people from the roles. It was a completely stupid bill that was finally found unconstitutional by a federal court.

It should be the politicians who should have to take the drug/alcohol tests. They are supposed to serve the people and we pay their salaries. But, notice, it is they who always want to force tests on the people, even things like testing high school kids to play sports (and even band!)


Quote from: Juan on March 16, 2014, 04:45:30 PM
Here in Florida, the legislature with the support of the Governor, passed a bill requiring welfare recipients to take a drug test.  If the recipient passed the test, the state repaid him or her for the test. 2.6% of the people who took the test failed.  That means the state had to pay out more to the people who passed the test than it saved by dropping people from the roles. It was a completely stupid bill that was finally found unconstitutional by a federal court.

It is a crazy world. Many mentally ill patients use marijuana and other drugs to help with symptoms of mental illness. But we have such an uninformed position on drug use in this country. All for the appearance to be tough on crime. except of course for graft... that is ok.


Quote from: onan on March 16, 2014, 05:18:05 PM
It is a crazy world. Many mentally ill patients use marijuana and other drugs to help with symptoms of mental illness. But we have such an uninformed position on drug use in this country. All for the appearance to be tough on crime. except of course for graft... that is ok.
Correct. I'm not sure on all the amazing claims about marijuana but it has been proven use in agriculture and industry. But even if "mental health" or "medical" claims aren't true it should not be decriminalized but totally legalized because it is safe and personal choice for one's own body. (Ok, maybe make it have to be 18 and older.) I'd go further and at least decriminalize other "hard drugs" at least for personal use. I've read about a program (Canada?Amsterdam?Switzerland?) where the city actually gives heroin to addicts in a special lab. Not methadone but heroin. Not for first time users but for addicts. Less disease, hope (for those people) is pretty much over about kicking, less crime to get a fix, and take profit away from drug dealers and criminal gangs. More damage is done to society and family from the peripheral costs of drug abuse than the drugs themselves which only harms the user and their family. Crime, corruption, disease, hopeless to get jobs due to an old drug charge, prison terms for minor offenses, etc.

But there is too much money in the "war on drugs": from the banks making so much money from money laundering to the local cops getting money from asset forfeiture laws to the private prisons to the politicians campaigning to be "tough on crime". Ridiculous and tragic situation but, maybe, the tide is turning as some states passing some, relatively benign laws, to legalize or decriminalize some drugs??

Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 16, 2014, 12:30:18 PM
That's a bunch of semantical crap and you know it, UFO Fill.  You tea baggers have mastered code like "inner cities" to mask your contempt for non-white races in this nation:


Who's a bigger bagger than your budget master?

And now look what he's up to:


I love it when you guys expose yourselves to the light of truth...

Paul Ryan is no Tea Party Conservative.

During the campaign he was plucked from semi-obscurity, marketed, and sold as a 'solid Conservative'.  He said what people wanted to hear, and people bought into it.

Since then, he's showed his true colors.  Whatever Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Goober Graham, Eric Cantor and the rest of them are - he's one too.  Establishment Republicans, RINO's, Globalists, whatever.  They don't stand for anything and they don't represent anyone.

As Budget Committee Chairman (serving at the pleasure of John Boehner) he has lied to the Conservatives every step of the way since at least the 2012 campaign.  The country fired Nancy Pelosi's House and hired a Republican one, in great part to fight ObamaCare (the R's would also have taken the Senate but they blew it - they will this year).  The Budget Committee Chairman should be central in the fight against ObamaCare.

When the Conservatives said let's do something to take a stand on ObamaCare last summer, Ryan said 'no, wait for the year end budget battle'.  When the fiscal year ended Ryan and the rest of the RINOs said 'no, let's go along with their Continuing Budget Resolution and wait for the next debt ceiling vote'.  When the debt ceiling vote came up, Ryan said 'no, let's raise the debt ceiling now - we are putting together a 2 year budget deal so let's wait for that'.  When the 2 year budget deal was announced, Ryan said 'that was the best we could do on the budget, let's wait for the next debt ceiling vote'.  When the debt ceiling vote came up, Ryan said 'let's pass this now and wait until after the next election'.

And of course all along the other R's in the leadership said 'don't fight now, just elect more R's and we will fight after the election'.  They also said at every step of the way 'ObamaCare will collapse on it's own'.

Paul Ryan is as worthless as the rest of the Republican 'leadership', a lying piece of shit, and certainly no Tea Party Conservative.

It's weird - as weak, incompetent, lazy, and unpopular as Obama is, the only people in the world scared of him are the DC Republicans. 

As far as Ryan being 'racist', I don't think it's that so much as he is simply out of touch.  Like most politicians (and the rest of us too) on everything outside their (and our) little bubbles.

Most Americans look at these inner cities and wonder WTF.  Most people stay clear of those neighborhoods as much as we can, and watch from afar (the further the better).  Paul Ryan has decided the problem is a certain laziness with some in the culture. 

He's not wrong, but it's much more than just that.  There is what we used to call a 'perfect storm' of issues and problems, and plenty of blame to go around for it.

I am sure you must have said so at some time here, but who would you like to see the Republicans support, Paperboy?  Rand Paul?  Ted Cruz?

Quote from: Juan on March 16, 2014, 04:45:30 PM
Here in Florida, the legislature with the support of the Governor, passed a bill requiring welfare recipients to take a drug test.  If the recipient passed the test, the state repaid him or her for the test. 2.6% of the people who took the test failed.  That means the state had to pay out more to the people who passed the test than it saved by dropping people from the roles. It was a completely stupid bill that was finally found unconstitutional by a federal court.

And the Governor's company owned the testing company.


Quote from: Juan on March 16, 2014, 04:12:10 PM
The good example was your post.  And I'll give you expertise in rude and snide.
Non-sequiturs aside, you really are the most unctuous poster on these threads.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 16, 2014, 07:10:16 PM
As far as Ryan being 'racist', I don't think it's that so much as he is simply out of touch.  Like most politicians (and the rest of us too) on everything outside their (and our) little bubbles.

Most Americans look at these inner cities and wonder WTF.  Most people stay clear of those neighborhoods as much as we can, and watch from afar (the further the better).  Paul Ryan has decided the problem is a certain laziness with some in the culture. 

He's not wrong, but it's much more than just that.  There is what we used to call a 'perfect storm' of issues and problems, and plenty of blame to go around for it.
You know, I look at everything south of D.C. and I wonder WTF, too. How can people vote against their own interests and eschew education out of spite? I am grateful to have cities where people strive for opportunities and crave educations.


Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 16, 2014, 07:57:44 PM
You know, I look at everything south of D.C. and I wonder WTF, too. How can people vote against their own interests and eschew education out of spite? I am grateful to have cities where people strive for opportunities and crave educations.
Parts of D.C. are pretty bad, and I'm not talking Anacostia or the street corner hustlers (remember that time they marched all the "working girls" on 14thSt across the bridge?), but the question remains. If so many of the D.C., or elsewhere "elites" and those amazing people in ivory towers who don't like the South, or Mid-West, the far upper N.E., the mountain states,or what they like to call "fly-over country", or their normal views and traditional lifestyle why do they protest so much and refuse to allow secession or at least break up of states? From the Civil War up to today where places like Western Maryland, parts of Colorado, Parts of California, (remember the movement for a good portion of the NW US to breakaway due to "green" and other reasons in the 70s), and all of Texas to go? It has happened before (peacefully: Maine, W.Va). I'm not saying, unless the people wish, to breakup the USA but allow new States, more control, or "devolution" as that great educated elite Blair in the UK would call it. Then the "educated" can live in D.C. (or where-ever you "educated elites" live) but not off tax dollars from the other people elsewhere, or government grants to universities, or tax-free (or almost) "Foundations". And, likewise, the "white trash" in "fly-over" country won't get government doles and welfare but, neither will those in the elite cities like D.C. and NYC unless funded by their own taxes. And the "fly-over" country also get to market their products (food, gas, oil, industry, defense) to D.C. etc, and other countries, without taxation and sell based on a price of their making without D.C. regulation, and be allowed to control [or not] their borders as they wish instead of allowing national politics to determine what borders are open and not (since a border state has more to win/lose with the unsecured border or granting of fiat amnesty on a whim or political motivation). Win/Win. To each his own.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 16, 2014, 07:08:39 PM

Paul Ryan is no Tea Party Conservative.

During the campaign he was plucked from semi-obscurity, marketed, and sold as a 'solid Conservative'.  He said what people wanted to hear, and people bought into it.

Since then, he's showed his true colors.  Whatever Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Goober Graham, Eric Cantor and the rest of them are - he's one too.  Establishment Republicans, RINO's, Globalists, whatever.  They don't stand for anything and they don't represent anyone.

As Budget Committee Chairman (serving at the pleasure of John Boehner) he has lied to the Conservatives every step of the way since at least the 2012 campaign.  The country fired Nancy Pelosi's House and hired a Republican one, in great part to fight ObamaCare (the R's would also have taken the Senate but they blew it - they will this year).  The Budget Committee Chairman should be central in the fight against ObamaCare.

When the Conservatives said let's do something to take a stand on ObamaCare last summer, Ryan said 'no, wait for the year end budget battle'.  When the fiscal year ended Ryan and the rest of the RINOs said 'no, let's go along with their Continuing Budget Resolution and wait for the next debt ceiling vote'.  When the debt ceiling vote came up, Ryan said 'no, let's raise the debt ceiling now - we are putting together a 2 year budget deal so let's wait for that'.  When the 2 year budget deal was announced, Ryan said 'that was the best we could do on the budget, let's wait for the next debt ceiling vote'.  When the debt ceiling vote came up, Ryan said 'let's pass this now and wait until after the next election'.

And of course all along the other R's in the leadership said 'don't fight now, just elect more R's and we will fight after the election'.  They also said at every step of the way 'ObamaCare will collapse on it's own'.

Paul Ryan is as worthless as the rest of the Republican 'leadership', a lying piece of shit, and certainly no Tea Party Conservative.

It's weird - as weak, incompetent, lazy, and unpopular as Obama is, the only people in the world scared of him are the DC Republicans.
Really, were you the guy on those recordings on Mission: Impossible? Every time someone on your team discredits themselves you disavow them.  So far, it's Ryan, Romney, McCain, Graham, McConnell, the Pauls, the Bushes, Christie, and just about any breathing Conservative.  You only acknowledge the dead ones. Do you have the testicular fortitude to own up to any living conservative? Go on the record so when they stick feet in mouths you can't make excuses or disavow.


Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 16, 2014, 08:55:45 PM
Really, were you the guy on those recordings on Mission: Impossible? Every time someone on your team discredits themselves you disavow them.  So far, it's Ryan, Romney, McCain, Graham, McConnell, the Pauls, the Bushes, Christie, and just about any breathing Conservative.  You only acknowledge the dead ones. Do you have the testicular fortitude to own up to any living conservative? Go on the record so when they stick feet in mouths you can't make excuses or disavow.
it is called, actually, thinking. If someone you thought supported your position or agreed with you and then they don't you don't mindlessly follow and the support them. Of course, the practical problem with this approach, especially in a binary party system, is that one is constantly purging the party, government, or group of friends, etc (think, if possible, for the extremes the communist purges in the USSR etc or the Knight of Long Knives in the 4th Reich or, more benignly even places like Italy etc where governments come and go almost more than the seasons.) So over-thinking short term will lead to chaos in the party (but in our case just means the other party wins due to the binary system we have.) And since, at the national level, both parties basically serve the same interests, and least in the long term, it is pretty stable. Everyso often things like immigration, a big war, an expanded "unitary executive" like Bush/Obama, or an overly expanded jurisdictional Supreme Court can throw things off but, generally, the the system works for such a huge country with a diverse population. Or, at least, works for the interests of government and big corporations, Foundations, defense contractors, trial lawyers, and bankers.

Quote from: onan on March 16, 2014, 04:33:08 PM
So tell me, how many people do you know that are on government assistance?

Tell me about all the drug dealers you know.

Yes there are people that cheat the system... they do that in corporate offices as well.

I get so sick of these broad hate filled generalizations.

Government assistance actually helps lift people out of poverty.

Having worked in a district attorney's office for a clip... Of the cases I worked on in some capacity... 3/3 drug dealers were on unemployment, 1/1 arsonists were on unemployment, 2/3 murderers received benefits... The child molester was still living in a hotel payed for by the county (because he had just gotten out of prison for guess what?) when he ... Well... you get the idea... 
I could go on...

I know I was only dealing with the dredges of humanity... But most defendants (and victims) in my county are dependent on benefits in some way... When I screened calls made from the jail... Every defendant who was on benefits was trying to get his EBT card and PIN to family/GF/friend so that person could use the money...

It's sad...

I know those facts don't ingratiate me with the left leaning here... However I hope those that are right leaning won't cherry pick my experience to attempt to prove their point...

Onan... Respect you... Just feel that my short personal experience in this realm could shed some light


Quote from: The Neverender on March 16, 2014, 09:11:12 PM
Having worked in a district attorney's office for a clip... Of the cases I worked on in some capacity... 3/3 drug dealers were on unemployment, 1/1 arsonists were on unemployment, 2/3 murderers received benefits... The child molester was still living in a hotel payed for by the county (because he had just gotten out of prison for guess what?) when he ... Well... you get the idea... 
I could go on...

I know I was only dealing with the dredges of humanity... But most defendants (and victims) in my county are dependent on benefits in some way... When I screened calls made from the jail... Every defendant who was on benefits was trying to get his EBT card and PIN to family/GF/friend so that person could use the money...

It's sad...

I know those facts don't ingratiate me with the left leaning here... However I hope those that are right leaning won't cherry pick my experience to attempt to prove their point...

Onan... Respect you... Just feel that my short personal experience in this realm could shed some light

I see the same things. The point however, is most people that receive assistance aren't criminals. They also aren't looking to stay in poverty. It is easy to make generalizations. If one works within the criminal justice system...

The message always seems to get lost in the noise. Yes there are scammers. They aren't the majority. They are a small minority.

Quote from: onan on March 16, 2014, 09:20:52 PM
I see the same things. The point however, is most people that receive assistance aren't criminals. They also aren't looking to stay in poverty. It is easy to make generalizations. If one works within the criminal justice system...

The message always seems to get lost in the noise. Yes there are scammers. They aren't the majority. They are a small minority.

Won't push this any further... I just think it's a societal problem... Though how do you balance out the compassion to help those truly in need with the free loaders... It's hard to believe the current system works given my day to day interactions... It's truly depressing ...


Quote from: The Neverender on March 16, 2014, 09:34:52 PM

Won't push this any further... I just think it's a societal problem... Though how do you balance out the compassion to help those truly in need with the free loaders... It's hard to believe the current system works given my day to day interactions... It's truly depressing ...
Even if my comments are ignored I will state my case. There is too much money, careers, etc involved. Both on the government side, the "corrections" side some towns I know have their whole economy based on their prisons (some of which are almost outright privatized), and on the criminal side for real change. Sadly, there is money to be made by poverty and cycles of crime. Even in the do-gooder community with false charities and tax-friendly Foundations but especially in the government and their corporate "partners". To me, things need to be more localized. Locals know the people, the real problems, the individuals. Top down won't solve things. Everything from local juries judging the law- as well as the facts/crime, decriminalization (or legalization) of some drugs, drug and youth courts with a non incarnation option, and allowing "checks", time limits, and validity for those receiving social welfare and housing. And getting rid of the "welfare" tax loopholes and regulatory capture via government regulations bought and paid for by corporations or "special interests". Rent seekers are not just poor folks seeking tax-payer funded or cheap housing....

Quote from: The Neverender on March 16, 2014, 09:34:52 PM

... Though how do you balance out the compassion to help those truly in need with the free loaders...

I suggest getting the government out of the charity business.  They haven't done any better with that than they have with anything else they've taken over.

Instead of finding out and doing what it takes to meet the eligibility requirements for the handouts, then being left on their own, private charities would work directly with individuals and families.  There would be strings attached - finish your education, take job training, look for work, get help if addicted or have other issues. 

The help would be tailored to what the person needed - a job, food, someplace safe to live, child care, bus money to get to work, medical or mental care, a kick in the pants, whatever.

What is going on now is counterproductive and it's money we are borrowing.  If private charities need some govt funding to get started, that's fine, but the agencies should be closed and the bureaucrats fired.

Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 16, 2014, 08:55:45 PM
Really, were you the guy on those recordings on Mission: Impossible? Every time someone on your team discredits themselves you disavow them.  So far, it's Ryan, Romney, McCain, Graham, McConnell, the Pauls, the Bushes, Christie, and just about any breathing Conservative...

Ok, that made me laugh

I've never 'disavowed' the Pauls'.  I've not considered any of the others to be Conservatives, except Ryan at first, and have never supported them other than as follows:

I voted for the Bushes because they weren't Dukakis or Clinton, Gore or Kerry.  Always hated McCain but realized almost immediately what Obama was. 

I liked Romney because he is a smart businessman - creating something out of dying companies.  He straightened out the finances of the Utah Olympics.  I didn't follow his career as governor and couldn't tell you much about it.  If we ever needed a President that understood how an economy worked, it was in 2012.  And, oh yeah, his opponent was the useless, if not destructive, Obama.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 16, 2014, 07:21:35 PM
I am sure you must have said so at some time here, but who would you like to see the Republicans support, Paperboy?  Rand Paul?  Ted Cruz?

Sure, I like most of what I've seen from those two so far.  There are a handful of good governors out there as well.  I want to see the House and Senate 'leadership' removed and replaced - that's the current objective.

I don't want someone from the DC establishment, or Jeb Bush, or Chris Christie to be the nominee.  I don't think anyone does.  But unfortunately, unless someone else emerges, these types tend to do well in the primaries because of name recognition and funding from the usual influence buyers. 


This is a long way from college bans... but here goes.

The main supposition here is either you think poverty is an individual problem or you think poverty is a societal problem.

To the suggestion that charities should be responsible... maybe in a perfect world. However they are not compelled to be responsible and by their very nature are not accountable for outcomes. Or even mandated to have any definition of services. Not to mention the less than positive statements on these forums about charities.

The US government assistance programs have problems. But throwing out the baby with the bathwater isn't the solution. If we as a people could get past our arrogance and look at the Scandinavian systems for societal aid we would have a much better solution.

Chaim, you may want to stick with ducks...

There are complete assholes of every shape, shade, and size.  Hopefully, everyone here already knows this.

Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 24, 2014, 12:32:33 PM
... There are complete assholes of every shape, shade, and size.  Hopefully, everyone here already knows this.

Yes, but should there be college courses, clubs, and professors encouraging this garbage?  (And taxpayers paying for it?)

Whatever happened to college being a place of positive personal development and to prepare for life after college?


Quote from: West of the Rockies on March 24, 2014, 12:32:33 PM
Chaim, you may want to stick with ducks...

There are complete assholes of every shape, shade, and size.  Hopefully, everyone here already knows this.
Are you saying ducks are assholes?


No Chaim. Just you. And your race baiting horse shit.

Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 24, 2014, 01:18:13 PM

Yes, but should there be college courses, clubs, and professors encouraging this garbage?  (And taxpayers paying for it?)

Whatever happened to college being a place of positive personal development and to prepare for life after college?

Hey, PB....  Well, there are those who will take chemistry courses and end up making bombs; others will take composition classes and end up writing racist screeds; still others will take economics courses and become banksters.  No matter what courses are offered and taken, someone somewhere somehow will use the information for unfortunate purposes.  A few idiots will take courses on environmentalism and decide to spike trees (a crime that I think should be regarded as attempted murder on a human, BTW).  Someone will take a course in law and find a way to pollute a creek with carcinogens and skate away fat, sassy, and more wealthy.  So it goes....

No, I do NOT think taxpayer money should go towards funding clubs that foment racism, sexism, ageism, etc.  But there are college students/clubs of all shades that do this--some of them lean left while others lean right. 

I think there are college and university professors who may be brilliant in a super-thin slice of some science or art; that does not make them brilliant in everything or immune to being utter asshats?  Hell, no.  Remember ol' Unniversity of Colorado professor Ward Churchhill?  He is an example of a left-leaning asshole.  Can you point to a right-leaning university professor who is similarly reprehensible?  I put forth this challenge in all seriousness.  I am clearly left-leaning and am offering a name of "a fellow leftie" who I think does more harm than good.  In the spirit of "reaching across the aisle", I ask you to do the same from your conservative perspective. 

You, PB, clearly have a political perspective that is different from mine; nonetheless, you typically present your views with--I believe--genuine candor, with civility, and an attempt to provide evidence/links and such.  I respect your efforts on this forum to discuss politics (even though we often disagree).  I am hoping we (and others) can discover we actually do have common areas of ageement!

BTW, you Bay-Area denizen, the Rams look to spank your Niners next season... mark my words!  Oh, and the Dodgers are going to crush your Giants!  (Insert evil laugh here.)

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