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Messages - henge0stone

Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Bugs bigfoot map
December 09, 2019, 09:47:38 PM
I genuinely dont think art lied on his show and just let people spew nonsense buy the buggs map I think was legit bs. Art always said that he wouldn't reveal the map cause of legal trouble buggs might get in. Once buggs died again art had the map mentioned it but instead of giving it to an investigator he again hid behind buggs and legal trouble citing buggs family. Wtf does his family have to do with anything? The it was just such a sorry excuse. We heard little of the map too.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
December 01, 2019, 08:59:55 AM
I think the corporate Dems love Trump. They don't need to figure out policy or promise people anything. They just get to say Trump BAD! This 'resistance' is the most BS thing. I personally don't like trump but I dont think hes satan, just another shitty Bush or Obama.
Politics / Re: Democrat Candidates
December 01, 2019, 08:56:18 AM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 29, 2019, 05:11:47 AM


Gabbard is 100 % the candidate I want. She is anti-war so she is being attacked by the establishment nonstop because of it. The smear that she met with Asad is beyond belief of me. Since when has the desire for Diplomacy become something to ridicule? They just wanted her to keep mindlessly go along with bombing them I guess.
I don't really think so. You can basically say every paranormal or strange phenomenon investigating show was influence by In Search Of but that doesn't make them a copy. Long John Nebel did a paranormal show in the 50s which was more art bell ish than In Search Of. Based on the tiny amount of Nebel shows that are even around today I doubt he even heard of Nebel. Like other posters said it was likely that he lived around Area 51 and saw a UFO that pushed him into more strange and unexplained topics.  That and seer boredom of the regular news topics over and over again.
Quote from: artbell_ghost on June 14, 2019, 10:37:10 PM
maybe, but whats your evidence?

What's my evidence that its sleep paralysis or that missing time cases are more compelling? For sleep paralysis it's just occums razor. People describe seeing beings in their room and unable to move during sleep paralysis, with untrained people like david Jacobs using hypnosis and have a clear alien abduction bias, I think its obvious that most of these experiences are planted on peoples minds.
Missing time cases are more compelling but they still have no solid evidence.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Best C2C year?
June 28, 2019, 07:38:45 AM

Still sticking to my 97,01 and 02 were my favorites.
Politics / Re: Democrat Candidates
June 28, 2019, 07:33:36 AM
Bernie Sanders, Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard are the only candidates I like. Warren has sold out and is now fine with warmongering. The likelihood of any of those candidates I like making it is almost 0. The DNC will cheat Bernie again no doubt. I left the Democratic party so I can't vote in the primary anyway.

The democrats are full of liars, cheats and warhawks, there is nothing there for me.
Quote from: ksm32 on June 23, 2019, 01:53:12 AM
Well... Being that Art's dead, we're going to have to kill you to please you. Fuckin' awkward, man.  :-\

Well fuck. Didn't think that one through...
this is very specific but on the 1993 ghost show a man told a story about an inn built from a shipwreck and art bell talked about history and its relation to haunted places and then played this amazing cusco (I assume) tune and I could easily imagine a ship being lost at sea to that tune.

Ghost to Ghost in general was always a good time.

I loved the way he dealt with boring or crazy people on Open Lines.

His Stan Johnson Interview was classic. Stan just goes on and on about Bigfoot and time travel and space travel and it was just the craziest thing I have ever heard and Art Bell pretty much tells him that and goes to open lines, even though it was Dreamland and Open lines wasn't really a thing on that show  ;D
I loved her old Dreamland reports. Just so many crazy paranormal tales. Her environmental reports were kinda a yawn.  Bigfoot Scream was her magnum opus and we all know it.

Random Topics / Re: Is MV still alive?
June 22, 2019, 08:04:43 AM
is he?
It's a good name cause I think she lives in the Kingdom of Nye too so its a good mix of original and Art Bell legacy. I probably won't listen but best of luck to her. I think her biggest strength honestly was a producer. I really enjoyed the guest line up on MITD so have to give her props for that.
Glad MV brought it back. I didn't feel like finding my stonehenge avatar again, and I coincidentally starting listening to Art Bell's archive again!  I lost the archive but got it again and subed to coast insider to record the newer somewhere in time shows that weren't on there.
Long live Art Bell, AB for life, give me art bell or give me death.
Anyone else into podcasts where people play dungeons and dragons? I started with listening to Acquisitions Incorporated then discovered the adventure zone which are both awesome, the adventure zone more so, a very solid story with a ton of laughs. These podcasts replaced a lot of paranormal radio fantasy needs.
Has Hoagland mentioned Art yet?
Who is hosting tonight? I completely missed the 14th show. 
R.I.P. Art  :'( :'( :'(

I just heard the news. So many great moments

Area 51 call,

Every ghost to ghost

The way he would question Hoagland when he would go off the deep end.

I can't think of any more right now there's just so many. I spent like 3 years listening to him every day at my old job.
Quote from: brugvu on December 05, 2017, 06:01:11 PM
If you uploaded WillieDEE's torrent you would have all those shows already:)
i know that because i was the donator that helped him.

well ya that's where I got the shows from, good work finding these shows. I don't think I was bashing the guy just editing it to keep him on track.
click on the link that takes you to archive.org. Then see the download options on the right. VBR MP3 is what I usually use.
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on November 25, 2017, 11:43:30 AM
Remember when all the 'progressives'' supported the Venezuelan dictator that took over?  This is what they would do here if they got their way.

The American left fell in love with Lenin's Russia, Mao's China, and Castro's Cuba.  They sided with Ho Chi Minh during the Vietnam war.  They sided with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and with the various Soviet and Cuban backed leftist rebel terrorists in other Latin American countries.  They supported Pol Pot and his ''wonderful agrarian reform''.  They opposed Reagan when he took steps to reverse Soviet and Cuban activity in places like Grenada, Angola, and Afghanistan.

That's just the short list.  They sided with the Soviet Union every step of the way during the cold war, and especially when Reagan was trying to whittle down their nuclear stockpile.  They provided North Korea with enough support to enable them to develop their nuclear bomb program (and did the same with Iran).

The only time they ever oppose these destructive leftist regimes is when things get so bad that ordinary people in the US become aware of it through media.  And of course our current pretend media is doing their level best to downplay and ignore what's been going on in Venezuela as much as they can.

I'd like someone to point out how the policies of the current regime down there differ from those of the ''progressives'' here.

Wasn't it Hillary that helped install the dictator there or was that somewhere else? I get confused with all the crap shes done and google likes to lie about her record so its not so easy to look up anymore.

Anyway I'd hardly say it was the progressives who supported his takeover. We have to understand that the "liberals" who were in power with obama where basically the same corporate shills still running the joint. R and D don't really mean all that much anymore, they are both fine with unlimited military spending and intervention. I like how congress' approval rating is so low yet we are so dumb that we vote everyone in over and over again expecting a different result.
John Lear was actually quoting what Whitley strieber told him and he apparently didn't even say it right since years later Whitley was like I don't remember that.
Because I love the whole Cydonia/ancient civilization on mars stuff But I hate when RCH rambles on endlessly about NASA conspiracies I edited 8 years of Cydonia shows into ten hours. Youtube decided that having part of a paul simon bumper music was enough to take it down so I'll just post it here I guess. effing youtube.

Politics / Re: Hillary Clinton
September 09, 2017, 10:15:37 AM
hillary becomes the most butthurt person in history of ever. Even the Democrats are embarrassed.
Quote from: albrecht on September 01, 2017, 10:12:22 PM
Where they shouldn't be? (Wasn't sure where to post this as BG has gotten so many threads but somewhere, surely, there must be a thread about ancient man, and other structures, not conforming to the modern "model" of history, evolution, human migration, etc? You know the Wilcock, Hancock, and etc etc stuff.


I remember hearing these were hoaxes somewhere. That was a while ago though.
world trade centers were like steel skeletons with glass skin. They weren't as strong as people assume. The Empire state building and other buildings were built much stronger.
Heather has this stoner chill voice but everything she says sounds condescending. Shes like someone who is trying to play it cool all the time but you know deep down shes like pissed at everything. Like just embrace that you came from Bellgab and your Redacted. She has to be butthurt about everything.
Politics / Re: Draft Bernie for People's party
June 12, 2017, 05:07:05 PM
As much as I liked Bernie, voted for him and agreed with 85 to 90 % of what he had to say (which is more than any other politician ever for me). I am profoundly disappointed with him. He seems to have let the corporate political Democrats just bury him and forget about him.

If he really wanted to make a difference he would form a party and just say Fuck you to all the Democrats who screwed him out of the nomination. He also could have made a real big deal out of how he was screwed and help that it never happens to another grassroots candidate again, but no not a word.

I would be out there explaining all the BS with the DNC and forming a third party or working to strengthen the Greens or something. He just went back to Washington to be ignored and ridiculed by the corporate fake liberals.
Quote from: MichaelHorn on May 17, 2017, 10:00:59 PM
Whenever people try to claim that Meier hoaxed the photo, they need to provide factually established evidence that:

This show was broadcast in the area that Meier lived

Meier was in front of a TV at that exact time, watching that show

Actually we don't have to prove anything. The burden of proof is on Bill Meier to prove that this identical photo was not a hoax. We have to prove Meier was in front of a tv at a certain time? You must know that is impossible.

This entire Meier BS is up to Meier to prove. You even said his proof was tampered with by the MIB so we can't trust any of it anyway. Therefore Meier should get more pictures and videos that actually show something other than faked crap (which you admit it is fake because the MIB stole it right?)
Quote from: Azzerae on July 06, 2016, 01:34:36 PM
I'll do a search in my archive for the space mission shows with Richard. Thanks Zeebo.

There's a lot of them actually. Even when he was talking about structures or whatever he would mention what NASA used to take the pictures and the rovers and the technology behind them. There were several shows where he just talked about space exploration and planets in general, but I can't remember which ones and there's like 100s of Hoagland shows. One I remember listening too and it was so interesting I thought, wow this is more of a Seth Shostack show than a Hoagland, because he was just talking about space in general and nothing about conspiracies or structures anywhere.
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