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Messages - lordofinsanity

Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 04:34:38 PM
Going out to dinner, TRY and chat without me.
; )

k, but hurry back, me thinks it's gonna get stuffy in here soon!
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 04:28:58 PM
Noooooooo, apparently, cooooooccccckkkkkk

But don't tell MV the family guy.  LMMFAO

Btw, that's not the big toe he's holding with his foot.  LMAO

I just asked him...... :P

Georgeatola Noormhenni  SUCKS ASS!!
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 04:23:38 PM
FeEEEEeeeedddd meeeee

Coooooookiiiieeeeee? LOL
Quote from: thefamilyghost on February 09, 2013, 03:31:12 PM

Which one is the true Jorch?

Ya, that's him at the bottom Georgeatola Noormhenni
Quote from: coaster on February 09, 2013, 03:32:20 PM
I've got more than enough dirt on you Lilly. Play nice.

Hey, that's not cool dude! Keep it to good ol' verbal jousting....

On a side note, I'll be in Florida, in a couple of weeks.....  8)
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 03:25:04 PM
Add my pic and see if he'd like to touch my tits : )


Nah, I think he's more into creatures, according to him anyways, *nudge nudge wink wink*
I might fastblast Georgeatola Noormhenni next week, to see if he'd like to touch my monkey  8)
Quote from: thefamilyghost on February 09, 2013, 03:16:00 PM

If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

Hmmm, you always struck me as a friendly ghost....
Quote from: thefamilyghost on February 09, 2013, 03:06:31 PM

Are you serial?? Joorch probably wished it was emphysema, so he could send the caller $20 dollars worth of coupons and then tell the Coast audience about it.

$20 for what, smokes?  :o
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 02:48:11 PM
Tell me Lord, is that a toe your monkeys holding? LoL

You know, I'm not quite sure..... Lol

Have to admit though, it'd be awesome to have feet like hands LMAO
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 02:43:07 PM
I'd give Coaster a tit fuck but I'd crush his little weewee.

I'd think you'd lose it in there  ;D
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 02:32:23 PM

Careful with all the attention, others get jealous  ;D  and thank you

...and I wasn't referring to your current avatar LOL

Btw, George Noory Sucks!
Quote from: Lilly on February 09, 2013, 02:07:03 PM
I can do that, just say Noory or talk badly about me and you got it   :-*  I meant you'll get it, good!

I must admit, you really are pretty, Lilly  ;)
Quote from: coaster on February 09, 2013, 01:15:45 AM
I find it odd and suspicious but Ive been ignoring it. No offense to Lilly/Bob or whoever it is. Troll on.

Personally, I think Lilly rocks! Why you, you.....you haters!!!
I think she's freakin' hilarious.
Lilly, you go girlfriend! Uh huh.....!
Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on February 02, 2013, 09:55:10 PM
He is still talking about us? I hope so. Talk about me you stale pissbag!
Hey Noory, you like fucking pathetic in the sleeveless workout shirt. Give me a break man. The hardest work you do is masturbate. Tumeric lube for fewer ropeburns from Mary Palms and her five sisters you son of a bitch?
Eat a cock Noory  :)

Wow, take it easy dude......
Quote from: Falkie2013 on January 31, 2013, 01:20:27 PM
We already have someone who works at home.


And hopefully one day we'll have someone far superior to Snoory who also worked at home with his wife.

ART BELL, KING of the airwaves, the ether and everything above, in between and inter-dimensional !

( Hmm, sounds like one of those old Republic serials, doesn't it ? )

I heard that one too. Hell, the election was 3 months ago and this woman went on and on in her nasal voiced whining.

Better she should have whined about how Snoory has taken down the program deeper than Mel's Hole.

I decided to listen last night and the guest kept saying " you're absolutely right " everytime Snoory would say something. It was like a damned love fest.

And then they had the guy pushing ethanol, while I have yet to see Snoory put on someone from an oil company to debate the guy. I worked in gas stations for years and heard horror stories how ethanol eats gaskets and other things.

I finally turned it off after the rant about work at home woman. I think the ranter should leave her house and not spend so much time ranting on the phone. G*d, I thought it was never going to end.

I hadn't turned on Coast for weeks because I can't stand listening to Snoory a

efore I listen to Coast again.

No more Snoory for me.

Oh, one more thing.

A few suggestions to rename Jorge's new audience paranormal show.

Beyond BS

and after last night's show where the guy was talking about the ancient's having honey with hallucinigenic powers ( wtf ? ) and that the honey sold in the stores is not REAL honey ...

Beyond Bzzzz's


Beyond Bee-lief

The farmer's markets here regularly sell honey that is organic. I put it on toast and in my hot tea for my sinusitis.

The store bought honey is cheaper and not as rich tasting as the stuff from the farmer's markets.

But to say it's not honey as if it comes from plastic bees or something is just ridiculous.

And it tastes the same on raisin bread to me.


No, it's not real honey. It comes from plastic bees!  :o


That's rich!  ;D

Quote from: ItsOver on January 22, 2013, 06:16:39 PM

10 minutes of "show prep" sounds about right.  Doesn't Jorch say it's around 8 hours of "show prep" for each show?  In "Noory time," 10 minutes must seem to be 8 hours or longer.  At least it is for anybody listening to him.

LMAO!! I know exactly how that feels! We all do  ;D
BTW, my new avatar is kinda freakin' me out....what ya'll think?
Quote from: DAE on January 21, 2013, 08:27:14 PM
We interrupt this thread with a message from our sponsor....

'Jeno's Pizza Rolls' [01] - TV commercial (1981)

I like that commercial. I especially like the blue-eyed blonde eating the pizza rolls. She was hotter than a bus full of fat women going to see Ricky Martin.
Quote from: ChewMouse on January 12, 2013, 01:54:16 PM
I think that George was very reluctant to take this "vacation" of his. And I wonder if these few days are John B. Wells' tryout for doing the whole show. Noory's ten-year anniversary marked what he once called his entire contract, maybe Premier or Clear Channel has the chance now to get rid of him without fear of lawsuit.

Just random thoughts.

JBW has my vote! If Art comes back, he has my vote! 
If Art's on during the week, and JBW on the weekend, they would get my vote!  ;D
Quote from: Sardondi on January 11, 2013, 06:21:33 AM
I think that beside George's sheer incompetence, modest intelligence and struggles with the English language, this is perhaps the single-greatest reason for dissatisfaction with his shows. He has the same guests year after year.

Of course the talk-show format just eats through guests, and good talk-show producers are in a never-ending battle to fill their shows with new and interesting personalities...except when they're on cruise control and just taking it easy, because you've had an audience handed to you on a silver platter, and no real competition.

Seems to me George in particular has relied very heavily on repeat guests. Just look at how many multiple-appearance guests that there have been since George took over in 2003. Of course Art had several "old reliables", but no one is complaining about Art's show having been stale. I did a quick scan of George's guests in the last 24 or so days (the first page in the archives for each month) of the months of October, November and December 2012. These are the names that seemed familiar to me and which I confirmed as having been guests 1) a minimum of 6-8 times 2) since 2003-04 or before. I'm sure I missed many guests who just weren't familiar to me and so I didn't check them to see how long they'd been guests.

But off the top of my head I recalled Richard C. Hoagland, LMH, Ed Dames, Stanton Friedman, Lionel Fanthorpe, Roger Leir and Michio Kaku. But in the three partial months I checked I also saw:

Stephen Greer
Joshua P. Warren
Glynis McCants
Dannion Brinkley
Whitley Strieber
Nick Redfern
Stan Deyo
Stephen Bassett
Nick Begich
Steve Quayle
Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Brendan Cook/Barbara McBeath
Seth Shostack
James Van Praagh
Katherine Albrecht
Daniel Durda
Rupert Sheldrake
Paola Harris
Joyce Riley
Paul Guercio
Jerome Corsi
Charles Shults III
Gerald Celente
Laura Weinstein
Dr. Bruce Goldberg
Graham Hancock
Mike Heiser
R. Gary Patterson
Howard Bloom.

There were a bunch I'm sure I overlooked. 

I looked - just scanned really - at what amounted to less than 2% of the time George has had the chair as his own. I came up with over 35 names of guests George has had on at least 6 times, and in some cases like Hoagland's more than 50 times, since first appearing in at least 2003-04, if not earlier. What would the total number of such multiple re-run guests be if we did a real search?

You nailed it: the same guests, time after time, year after year.

When you think about it......10 years worth of talk radio guests, 7 nights a week, 365 days a year. Eventually you run out of guests and topics, yet John B Wells held my attention for the last three nights. I was actually fascinated by the topics and interviews conducted by JB. Whats the difference? A host that has a passion for what he does, is the difference. Sadly, we haven't had one since Art left. Noory is on borrowed time and he knows it. Perhaps premrat was expecting his contract to blow up on Dec 21 2012 and didn't really worry about it, until now!
Quote from: lonevoice on January 11, 2013, 12:50:59 AM
Hahaha!  George Noory Sucks!   And, if Art's desire remains strong, and he can work something out to his complete satisfaction, he's going to come back and kick George's rear end for us for the collective national horror Jorch has subjected us to for 10 years.

Yep, no more phoning it in!! A little passion, is all we want. Is that too much to ask?
Quote from: HAL 9000 on January 11, 2013, 12:14:44 AM
By reading this post:


and taking whatever action you deem appropriate  ;)
You mean......am I.......am I reading that correctly???? Art?????

Well woofreakinhoo!! Thanks for that, I will take appropriate measures to facilitate this
But first I need to make sure this is not one of those dream sequences, i go through from time to time (drrrrt drrrrt drrrrt drrrrrt drrrrrt drrrrrrt)   :-\
I just thoroughly enjoyed a repeat of last nights show with John B Wells. I'll admit, JBW would be a welcome host to replace the current one. He's intelligent, engaging, and asks interesting, intelligent questions.

Yep, he gets my vote. Now, how do we get rid of the village idiot?
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