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Messages - VC

Congrats MV and his IRL longtime friend for bringing back this haunted house of AB for another round of blasts from the past.

Just encountered it after searching on AB and HW.

Nice to see the gang still hangs. Lol
Quote from: aldousburbank on January 06, 2021, 07:29:04 PM
It would be difficult to find an actual liberal/libertarian with stronger pedigree than mine. Son of Mexican immigrants, english being my second language, brown af, parents blacklisted and harassed and arrested for their union organizing activities, parents served as national delegates for Jimmy Carter, Mo Udall and a succession of Arizona governors were guests in my home growing up, have personally been beat on and arrested by bad cops whom I subsequently sued, attended the funeral of Cesar Chavez by invitation of his family, my godfather was a well known civil rights activist who was present at the signing of the civil rights act, I’ve researched and bio-assayed every entheogenic plant and compound you’ve ever heard of and many you haven’t, over 35 yrs vegetarian, have grown my own mother nature since the 70’s, and most tellingly, I’m married to a Canadian.

Don’t tell me that today’s lefties are anything short of misinformed asswipe politically retarded stooges. The revolution will not be sponsored by the man. Anti-authoritarianism is for goats, not for sheep. These creeps are weak and never learned to shit in the woods much less be a for real self sufficient human fucking being. I’ve lived on a ranch which requires lots of work and skills for the past 40 years. I’m not a back to the lander, I never left it. Today’s left with their facebook and hair gel wouldn’t survive a week without their infrastructure of retail services which keeps their dumb asses alive. Fucking city creeps. Get a real job, right after you get a life.
/end rant

Considering Trump's "rich boy" history and seriously demented rantings at the Wednesday rally about election fraud "everywhere", including Republican controlled states, will you be supporting him for 2024?


This 14 year AF Vet, 35yo Ashley Babbitt, was murdered alongside (or in front of) an "Official Escort" (w/Badge Credentials) and two machine gunned armed police directly with(?) and behind her.

When is the Floyd funeral happening for this true patriot assassinated point blank by non-uniformed (black?) security?

FU Metron!
The 2020 election is discredited by a fake MSM media and their faked polls. McCain got revenge from the grave, and Trump is only to blame for Arizona and Nevada. Trump should have stoked NV's destroyed economy by killing Biden with his planned Shut Down and by sending Pence to heal wounds in AZ.

Trump has given The Republican Party a way to transform to help the working class and bring back jobs from China and shut down illegal alien southern border crossings.

Trump is lucky to lose the 2020 election with economy not able to recover for years to come with a radical House able to bloc his agenda.

Let the Democrats self-destruct with Open Borders and raising taxes and shutting down the economy with lock downs. A Republication Senate can do a prevent-defense in the meantime.

If Trump loses GA and AZ, then he is a loser by not winning those Republican states. No excuses!

This is Trump's only way to comeback... in 2024.

He's lost 2020 once all the legal votes are counted. Better not be a sore loser and accept defeat once the state elections are certified by December.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 06, 2020, 05:15:31 PM
And even s/he is more interesting than you could ever hope to be, myke. Glad you FINALLY found a friend here but please stop gargling his semen. It’s making everyone sick. Get a room you two! ::)

So, you're defending what Tootsie did regarding her claims of having and not having cancer repeatedly?

The only thing I've seen on BG approaching gargling semen is Azzerae's graphic depiction of doing a similar act by mouth to mouth kissing MV with semen driveling and slobbering out of both of their mouths to mouth kiss.

Btw, you're totally gay to suggest I need to get a room with another guy. I'm not gay, but you are obsessed with suggesting such ideas when someone you perceive does not agree with your opinions and beliefs. That's very gay in and of itself. Gaylord.
Quote from: Tootsie on November 06, 2020, 04:51:36 PM
If you think I'm fat, I don't care.. God Bless you anyway.. whatever names you call me, I will pray for you in Jesus name.. I am glad to learn you don't believe in Satan.. so you can't be a Satanist, at least,  but he is very real and so is God.. It will be harder for me to pray for zaza but i will try.. Goodnight again and God Bless.. I am sorry for the nasty way I responded to your insults today. I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed (being SO fat i rolled out  :o.)  I will ask for forgiveness.. Good Night and God Bless.

I distinctly recall you posted that the cancer you claimed you had was in fact a farce, a troll, or a false claim you made to make people believe you had cancer, when, in fact, you did not.

Since you did actually post such an admission, do you still standby that now, or were you, in fact, lying about that for some reason too? Please clarify once and for all without further muddying the waters or continuing the trolling about whether or not you had or have a real medical diagnosis of cancer.
Quote from: VC on October 10, 2020, 03:10:29 PM
I'm willing for K_Dubb to write some sample Battle Rap for me to read-off tonight with me testing both an Android phone and an iPhone with different mics to do sound checks, but the Live Battle Rap would have to be for another time. We would need some sample background rap sound/beats for me to key-off of if its to be "musical" that someone would have to suggest available online, YT, download/play somewhere else, Amazon music, that's not meant to make me a Dumb Ass Rapper out of me more than it will already be. Yes. I've done ZERO rap, but I'm game motherfuckers!

For whatever reason(s) this did not happen by show time, so I can only call-in for just voice sound checks w/o doing a sample rap too. Not sure if MV wants the same Voice Caller LOL from the last GabCast to call again tonight too, so I'll check to see what happens...

It's 15+ minutes after show time but nothing yet...

I think I'll have to pass for now with other things to do right now...

I might check back-in if no one else calls-in tonight to maybe do sound checks...

I tried. Don't blame me! ;)
My OP quoted just below from Azzerae's World:

Quote from: VC on October 07, 2020, 01:55:01 PM
As a gesture of good will, I will commit to a battle rap with you in a cooperative production that you can produce and have creative control over.

WOTR slyly lifted and shifted my idea by one-upping it for a Live GabCast tonight below: LOL

Quote from: WOTR on October 08, 2020, 08:06:56 PM
This just is not an offer that is commonly extended in my neck of the woods. I think the next gabcast should host the event. MV can be the impartial moderator.

Who cannot love K_Dubb:

Quote from: K_Dubb on October 10, 2020, 08:29:14 AM
I do like the sound of this.  It is the world of the effete coffee-house poetry slam, moved out to the streets.  I love to hear poetry in the mouths of the people!

I have never written one of these "raps" but perhaps I could contribute a few lines of iambic pentameter for each of the gentlemen, to sort of start things off, which they of course are free to intersperse with nonsense syllables like "yo" and "dawg" and "know 'm' sayin'" to meet the requirements of the genre.  These nonsense syllables are the easiest things to criticize but let us not forget that The Bard himself routinely submitted lines like "with a hey nonny nonny and a rum tum tum" without a blush.

Ok Wiggers! Rap is On Three Ways...

Way 1)

My OP (see above) was NOT in the GabCast Topic and was meant for AzzWigger to produce and edit Cuck Shed style/quality song(s) like Liberace! does. Two things with audio that AzzWigger is excellent at is editing and sound tracking. Azz knows full well I've always given him high marks where deserved, editing, sound mixing/tracking, Uncle "Based", though he does get lazy with the car "car sound proofing" when he is doing podcasts sometimes. That's *not* a complaint about his Rap audio though, since that's not recorded in the car.

The way this Battle Rap was conceived by me is to do this line by line, meaning Rap Battle "segment by segment", between the two of us against some shared backdrop of music that AzzWigger has for producing and editing the final cut. It was meant to be a "live simulation" by only doing the back and forth between us in his AzzStab World thread.

Way 2)

It becomes a Two Way with K_Dubb by him adding alternative lines that either of us could option to use for the final cut, and, also, do a different Rap with a K_Dubb final cut version. But K_Dubb must do the segment by segment "battle rap" too, no cheating with AzzWigger behind the scenes, so he is challenged by both AzzStab and my Rap parts too. K_Dubb must agree to be as devious as possible with both our lyrics and our BG backgrounds with no favoritism, since he is trying for the winning song all for himself and not also for his sweetie Azz too! Oh, and if Shreddie wants to chime-in with some suggestions and/or commentary, then I'm all for it too. ;D

Agreed? Do any of you have any better ideas?

WOTR upped the game by suggesting to do this Live tonight on the GabCast. I never offered to do that in my OP quoted at top of this post. Why? Well, there are problems with doing this:

I demand quality sound. My bluetooth audio sounded like shit on the last GabCast. I'm willing for K_Dubb to write some sample Battle Rap for me to read-off tonight with me testing both an Android phone and an iPhone with different mics to do sound checks, but the Live Battle Rap would have to be for another time. We would need some sample background rap sound/beats for me to key-off of if its to be "musical" that someone would have to suggest available online, YT, download/play somewhere else, Amazon music, that's not meant to make me a Dumb Ass Rapper out of me more than it will already be. Yes. I've done ZERO rap, but I'm game motherfuckers!

Way 3)

Let's first do the Two Ways I suggested above with K_Dubb (and Shreddie?), but if we can get some decent sound Live for a Gabcast another time... Yeah, I'll Battle Rap that too. That will be The Three Way! Pussies.

Maybe Liberace! will join-in and really make it a Three Way too.  ;D


Azzerae, you can make it a Three Way with K_Dubb above too, but I'm out with any graphics as shown above! I'm really not gay like you!
Quote from: AZZERAE on October 09, 2020, 09:04:09 AM

The Vaguely Lovable part is your technique to allow for the possible whiff that my computers might have had some "nasty content" that might have gotten me into trouble with the police. No.

There was no illegal content on any of my computers that were criminal or incriminating.

Downloading some tv/movie shows I did not torrent and share myself is the extent of "for my own use" of viewing these shows that may be a slap on the wrist from the ISP for doing that? I'm not into porn of any kind or other related "sexual predator" activities anywhere online or IRL as you posted here at BG.

IF someone gets your IP, then they can use that IP remotely by spoofing it, not on my computers, to wreak havoc on anyone's life. This is what happened to me w/o getting into the specifics. I was "punished" this way by online criminal(s) to set me up for very serious crimes. The main thing I had done at a forum and elsewhere online was try to expose a huge ongoing fraud at the time now called the Roswell Slides. That was a faked ET Alien that was really a mummified American Indian child that was used to make people rich fraudulently at a much publicized and big arena and online event in Mexico City. FUCKERS. CRIMINALS. I'm sure SpaceMeowMaid can understand my outrage over committing such a fraud to make money from gullible people using a mummified American Indian child.

See, I do have a story to tell, but I'm suppressed by asshole doxxers like what happened at your forum w/Metron! And, yes, Metron2267 and therefore you too, whether knowingly or not, got my IP address there too. I remember how that happened now, though I was NOT prepared or had intended to explain this on the last GabCast.

And, btw, YOU ARE INSANE to give anyone, much less Metron2267 and even more-so Jackstar, if not one and the same person or common cause shared account criminals, Admin/Mod privileges at your forum.

IDIOT. Ask MV if you don't believe me. RETARD. ::)

And, I can show posts from you on this forum that will show you are not so innocent about cyber crimes and IP addresses. Obviously, neither was/is Metron2267 or Jackstar. Duhhh! So, don't play dumb ass. You play with fire, and knowingly so with these people. I can prove it here on BG with your own posts. Anyone thinks Jackstar is an innocent about cyber crime "how to" and bullying/trolling better think again and listen to this in this post below:

Quote from: VC on October 08, 2020, 04:25:22 PM
You often log-in and out here, and anyone can check your post times and high post counts to understand you live here. You definitely are the prototype MEtron for Metron2267. You are obviously its Father.

Calling BS. Anyone can learn a shit ton about how Bellgab operates by listening to this Gabcast that is much about you and your infamy here:

You've been doing this abusive behavior for much longer than this show from 6+ years ago. Go to the 55 minute mark and start:


All you do is fuck with people here and spoof all kinds of shit stirring. Go Fuck Yourself. Freak show.
Quote from: AZZERAE on October 08, 2020, 03:31:19 PM
I don't disown those I care about when the going gets tough. Just because it was done to me doesn't mean I'm willing to stoop [to] that level.

Since we all know now that SpaceMeowMaid and Jackstar are going with Rubini's network after rejecting your offer to be together w/o Rubini, does this mean you will always be independent of Rubini by not allowing your podcasts to be played there too?
Quote from: Jackstar on October 08, 2020, 03:35:40 PM
Note that logging in once--once--and then leaving the fucking computer turned on for actual months at a time is not "often logs-in," you conflating ass-munching degenerate puke-nut.

You often log-in and out here, and anyone can check your post times and high post counts to understand you live here. You definitely are the prototype MEtron for Metron2267. You are obviously its Father.

Quote from: Jackstar on October 08, 2020, 03:35:40 PM

Opinions vary.

Calling BS. Anyone can learn a shit ton about how Bellgab operates by listening to this Gabcast that is much about you and your infamy here:

You've been doing this abusive behavior for much longer than this show from 6+ years ago. Go to the 55 minute mark and start:


All you do is fuck with people here and spoof all kinds of shit stirring. Go Fuck Yourself. Freak show.
Quote from: Ciardelo on October 04, 2020, 12:18:17 PM
Clearly, a person who has time to post over 100 posts a day simply doesn't have enough time to "pose" as anybody else.

Often logs-in nearing 24/7, runs how many sock accounts, less than vaguely lovable, and has been banned how many times here and elsewhere?

Just like the reject misfit Metron2267, Jack-tron is also in love with Azzerae! Does anyone seriously believe these two are not on the same page together? Inseparable. So, who can seriously believe any of this drama is for real? Not! ;D

Breaking-up is hard to do...


If I'm wrong, then Azzerae can disavow maintaining any relationship either with Jackstar or SpaceMeowMaid too. Otherwise, skipping between any of these three to oppose one another is nothing more than manufactured drama that is part of the shit stirring game plan being played by Jacktron MEtron as PR for its AzzStar!

Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on October 07, 2020, 02:49:14 PM
Only in certain places that make it hard for me to buy jeans and braziers.

Please present a picture from your 20's/30's, mostly clothed, of course. This is not a Paladin1991 request.  :)

I sincerely doubt you will, so this is in jest, of course! ;)
Quote from: AZZERAE on October 07, 2020, 06:45:24 AM
Got any more of them spoofs? Your image game is 100.

You drew it. ;D

How 'bout doing the 2 cartoons I already suggested too?

I already offered to battle rap you in good faith.

Quote from: Ciardelo on October 07, 2020, 01:35:32 PM
What's a murray biscuit? Do they make you fat?

You have to be somewhat gay or gay curious to be able to do that. Sorry, that's not eating ants... :)

Quote from: AZZERAE on October 06, 2020, 11:57:08 AM
VC, what you are suffering are delusions. Its a pity not even the mental hospital will take you.

You seem euphoric and manic on your latest podcast. Med adjustment time? Don't listen to the temptress or the idiot ME-tron to do otherwise! Is your apology really genuine and true into the future too, or have you gone to turnover the other leaf on the dark-side again? As a gesture of good will, I will commit to a battle rap with you in a cooperative production that you can produce and have creative control over.

Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on October 06, 2020, 02:58:12 AM
Seriously you little derpnard, how many times do I have to tell you that I am MEtron!?

I'm certain you will let him out of your pie hole upon request if not already arranged. Of course, why bother with Jack-tron ME-tron there too. Bwahahaha!

To MV/Liberace!: I suggest unbanning Metron2267 now, and let "these" idiots do double time! Or 2+ X-time depending on how many sock puppets are under their control. Metron2267 already has a shared Gif/Graphic folder with Jackass-tron ME-tron anyway. RETARDS.

I'm certain they could easily reach a 200+ post count per day. ;D
Quote from: timebandit on October 07, 2020, 11:01:39 AM
but was does that guy above really think?
OMg what a meltdown..


Says the cheerleader that did daily posting at Ellgab until the Heater thread washed-up in burn-out. Are you posting there anymore? How about Silphion?

Could you provide us with several paragraphs why you're such a Heather Wade super-psyched fan and not just a bot or hater in disguise.
Quote from: Silphion on October 07, 2020, 02:12:52 AM
𝑉𝐶 is always intensely upset when Heather goes beyond 1 AM.
I have never been able to get an adequate explanation from him.

LOL... what do you think about the Innerreach Consortium? How about a complete and honest explanation and/or opinion about that?

Don't care how long Heater goes on and on. Sometimes I can't sleep, so I tune-in for a few minutes to see if anything has changed for the better. Nope! It has only gotten worse.

You must have some kind of "connection" to her to be such a fan of Heather, especially, since you got her to update her "tonight's subject" page the night I complained about how she almost never updates her "tonight's show" info page. Why don't you do that for her, since she is incapable of being a reliable host, ever!

Heater is a control freak and a liar, and her Open Lines are a complete fraud. Hate her show format that she counterfeited in AB's name. That's not an AB Legacy in an honorable sense. Yeah, I know, it's her show. So be it. Maybe she could be an Audible reader? She is a traitor to AB and his family after he died. Period. It is indefensible.

So, WTF is up with you about Heater? Why are you such a HW promotional fan here? You have the trolling backwards if you think that is what I'm doing. Offering honest opinions is not trolling. I don't post in this thread topic very often compared to you; a shill fan trolling for Heather.

I'm not interested in creating drama for her benefit here either, so pick on someone else.

Quote from: Silphion on October 07, 2020, 01:12:58 AM
The 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 after some difficulty does make it through.

Has anyone noticed the stream dropping 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ𝑖𝑚?
Quote from: Jackstar on October 07, 2020, 03:28:03 AM
𝑚a𝑠𝑠𝑖v𝑒 𝑟𝑜ll𝑒y𝑒𝑠

And Silphion thinks I'm paranoid. Such fake drama, or dox yourself for some real drama. Heater has milked that idea about stream problems for years now. Stupid is as stupid does, or it must be the NSA. ::)
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 06, 2020, 05:57:06 AM
Escandalo!  Where did you pick up this detail?  Have I stumbled upon some disgusting feeder cult here, slipping and writhing on black plastic, forcing great handfuls of Costco sheet cake down their gullets?  I am not eating for a week!

Pâté sashay...

Jacksun's flare emits it all in Azzerae's shadow cast Starring Jackson, Sun.

Quote from: Silphion on October 06, 2020, 04:21:45 AM
Open invitation to the master of truffle snuffing himself 𝐕𝐂:
Put your perceptive paranoiac analysis to good use and parse the identity of 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 puppet master.

See Innerreach for the consortium. ;)
Quote from: Silphion on October 06, 2020, 03:06:09 AM
Sometimes the miasma of authentic paranoia in this swamp actually concerns me.

Though I can't offer any details, I can assure you I would not wish on Jackass-tron or Metron2267 what happened to X illegally and criminally, even though, at least one of these people has already doxxed X illegally at AzzStab's forum too.
Quote from: Silphion on October 06, 2020, 03:00:33 AM
Your position as a resident Vicious Cynic is sadly predictable and understandable 𝑏𝑢𝑡
why is this constant obsession with what 𝑦𝑜𝑢 consider to be a 𝐹𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑤?
What does it matter that she can end her show whenever she pleases?
Why does this offend you being such an unremarkable point of interest?

At any rate, by her own announcement she intends to take all calls tomorrow night
with respect to this 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡'𝑠 admittedly in-depth and extensively documented show.

I am sure you will be listening with bated breath however difficult that might be.

Yes, her live show is sooooo pathetic that I was perhaps mistaken, but it could have all been recorded too. Heater just saying she went long on the show time does not prove in the least it was live. She could easily record that statement to fake people out that it is not recorded but, in fact, is. IF you read my quote below, then I did allow for it to be possibly live. See CAPS. I do believe some people enjoy Heater, so I gave a sarcastic remark: Support Heater if you love her voice or just want to fall asleep to stupidity for some reason.

Still playing 20+ minutes NOT live after the show was supposed to have ended. She's just a reader and story teller EVEN IF LIVE. It might as well be recorded. No calls! Soooo boring, soooo repetitive, sooo lame! ::)

Seriously, Heater no need to be live or take calls.

IF you want the real thing, then Art Bell does it all a million billion trillion times better than this drivel. You can get the free recorded AB shows online or subscribe to his other recorded materials. Support Heater if you love her voice or just want to fall asleep to stupidity for some reason. She does nothing new or even close to approaching what AB did, obviously!
Quote from: Jackstar on October 06, 2020, 02:52:53 AM

A classic Metron2267 post and graphic, so FU Metron2267 criminal doxxer that "you" claim copied "you". I wonder why he shines right through you, Jackass-tron. Such mirrored images of each other that sits here 24/7 doing the same old pathetic OCD shit posting Metron did.

Quote from: Jackstar on October 06, 2020, 02:24:35 AM
Fat, drunk, and simple is no way to go through life, little Sun.

You make a cute coven couple with your whackjob team, Innerreach slayers, with Silphion decoding your "genius" trolling drivel. You're at least 30-lbs overweight, so don't knock it BSC solar flared Sun.
Quote from: Silphion on October 06, 2020, 01:29:01 AM
A qualified opinion, objective analysis or simple disdain 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑒.

What a fraud Heather Wade is! Fake recorded show and just reading continuing her constant OCD/ADHD obsession over lame ass crap she clings too from the 1980's. Bwahahahaha! MJ12 Fagottry! Still playing 20+ minutes NOT live after the show was supposed to have ended. She's just a reader and story teller even if live. It might as well be recorded. No calls! Soooo boring, soooo repetitive, sooo lame! ::)

Seriously, Heater no need to be live or take calls.

IF you want the real thing, then Art Bell does it all a million billion trillion times better than this drivel. You can get the free recorded AB shows online or subscribe to his other recorded materials. Support Heater if you love her voice or just want to fall asleep to stupidity for some reason. She does nothing new or even close to approaching what AB did, obviously!
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 05, 2020, 02:02:27 PM
But it is the finest line here that I walk upon my tiptoes since I learned perhaps the mermaid might in fact possess a cousin,

Can ZaZa be so easily replaced?

You can analyze this instead in prose: K_Dubb, I'm interested in your analysis of Innerreach too. This seems obvious, in this case, with what you suggested:
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 04, 2020, 12:26:53 PM
Is it, perhaps, a consortium?

Can't wait for your fruitcake recipe(s). I do enjoy pecans (walnuts, macadamia) with a hint of a nice light liquor. I wonder if there are natural safely dyed fruits available, so any colored fruits are yummy too.
Quote from: Jackstar on October 04, 2020, 12:00:50 PM
Trying? It is clear that you were all trolled, and hardly only the mentally ill were made to suffer for it.

Incidentally, as soon as that dork who alleged an identity as "VC" started spewing horse dick about my online presence, I put on my earbuds w/mic (removing my wizard hat and robe first) and called in, and my call was ignored. I called twice. NO acknowledgement from the host, although it was nice that he had his own narrative to promulgate. Kudos.

Frankly I think that is for the best. Any of you half-tard monkeys who believed that I had either the time--or the inclination--to pretend to be someone else deserve nothing but derision and scorn.

You've already posted twice, I could quote you, that ME-tron copied you. Fail. Here's a most recent quote:

Quote from: Jackstar on October 04, 2020, 12:57:13 PM
I find it implausible that you have not considered the very real possibility that I am the one being aped. And, since that is in fact the case, your failure to even include that in your analysis, speaks volumes.

That's a Fail... You have copied ME-tron's Gifs and other graphics that ONLY ME-tron used. Not you beforehand. LOL.

Quote from: K_Dubb on October 04, 2020, 12:26:53 PM
You have pushed me to lay out the case, Jacky.  It is a very reasonable supposition, as is the one where you are also Rubini.  Consider these five qualities:

1.  Highly energetic
2.  Believes Heather is relevant to bellgab somehow
3.  Believes bellgab is relevant to Heather
4.  Needs Azzerae for some reason
5.  Regularly addresses bellgab in a contemptuous tone, from a position of assumed superiority

Grid the three and check the boxes.  Not all will be shared to the same degree, of course, but these are by no means common qualities here and the chance that three distinct individuals who share them would emerge in this confined space is kind of small.  Is it, perhaps, a consortium?

K_Dubb, I would be interested in you debunking my 22 reasons post that could easily expand to 67 (2267) reasons why Jackass ME-tron is at least a shared account with Metron2267. Or, even more likely Psycho Jackass-tron, aka ME-tron Jackoff, is mimicking Metron2267 being the deeply in-commonality skullfuckers they both are! ::)

Follow the links I posted here:

Here's 22 Reasons Why Jackstar actually enjoyed being Metron2267...

Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on October 04, 2020, 12:43:01 PM
Nope. If Metron and RUBINI were Jackstar's socks I would not have been able to speak to RUBINI on the phone while sitting in the room with Jackstar on Multiple random occasions. And if he were Metron, I would not have seen Metron posting in real time while Jackstar and I were out swimming, or doing other things without our phones.

PS where is the Venn Diagram for this theory?

As you are well aware, I already posted to you about this, see above again about shared accounts, both ME-tron2267 and Azzerae have shared accounts/socks with two or more people admitted by both Metron2267 and Azzerae both before and after banning. Want to read another example of INSANE shared accounts by skullfuckers, then just check-out the Innerreach account too! Bwahahahaha!

Of course, you and Jackoff-tron are both sellouts to Rubini, so Rubini is shared too in his associations with you two. Note how you have mimicked Rubini in your own posts, you do play the game, and you seem obvious as part of the Innerreach gang of skullfucking too!!! Bwahahahaha!

That's your Venn Diagram that I already gave you written -not drawn. Plus, you've admitted to be in contact with Metron2267 for years now, and there's no doubt it's been on a very friendly basis.

K_Dubb, I'm interested in your analysis of Innerreach too.
Quote from: Nyewalker on October 05, 2020, 03:13:42 AM
Flattery will get you nowhere ...

Your shed comment was really funny, but it disappeared. Maybe Lee can do another song about his shed Azzerae would love to live in.
Quote from: AZZERAE on October 05, 2020, 12:46:17 AM
While it's true that I loved Metron as a brother all throughout our friendship, I'm not quite certain how 2 men can engage in coitus when an enormous body of water separates 'em by hundreds of thousands of miles.

I tried to word that post so that people would understand this is an unbreakable relationship between you and ME-tron that will carry-on regardless of physical sex, hence "gayer than gay", but you did offer to have sex with me despite our similar distances apart. You said even that wasn't being Gay, so that's another reason why I said your relationship with ME-tron is gayer than gay... It's not sane. ;D

You seem to be smitten with Lee too. :-* I approve. That would be a huge step-up in sanity from either ME-trons whether 2267 or Jacked-off ME-tron.

You gave Jackass-tron Admin/Mod privileges "only" knowing him for just a few weeks and knowing that he is a hemp+++ druggie and communicates as if he is superior to anyone here at BG. "Over three years later, I continue to stand by this post. My consistency, supremacy, and stupendous legitimacy remain unchallenged, unmatched, and unparalleled." WTF? You are certifiably Psycho!

Who in their "right minds" would become sooooo fast friends with you, Azzerae, after you doxxed Jackstar too? Not believable in the least, really.

It's no coincidence you're both into comics and drawing too, as was Metron2267 and you were too. Again, WTF. Get real... 


This Jackoff ME-tron shits Metron2267 Gifs in your face! Bwahahahaha!
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 04, 2020, 12:09:32 PM
P.S. I said trying because Azz eventually woke up and kicked that needy loser to the curb...but you go on thinking that he actually hurt my feelz, Jack. :D

Obviously, you haven't remembered AzzStab's posts or podcasts or followed closely enough to understand that Azzerae is forever in love with ME-tron! It's truly laughable if anyone seriously believes otherwise; two gayer than gay inseparable nutcases! This is far worse than faggotry. It's insane gayer than gay faggotry! Seriously. Easily proven, but, don't worry, they just carry-on the relationship with their root accounts.

How many podcasts of AzzStab's have you actually listened to? Lucky for AzzStab that MV/Liberace! has no clue what AzzStab is really doing!
Quote from: AZZERAE on October 02, 2020, 12:11:51 PM
Hey Lee, I'd like to be your co-host on the forthcoming GatBlast (if you are cool with that, of course). Please consider it, and let me know, yay or nay. TIA.

As long as you YT video stream yourself all dressed-up as the Transvestite you claim you are, then, hell yes, you have my vote to stream your video man-lady dressed self as co-host on the next Gabcast. I feel certain Lee would be accommodating for such an over-the-top Liberace!-like appearance. It's about time you show your true self, Azzerae! 8)

Do it, or be the deceptive one you continue to be...
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