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Messages - Gd5150

Quote from: Open Lines Gerry on April 13, 2015, 01:54:35 AM
I realize that she didn't make a big announcement speech somewhere, but that's probably so she could continue to avoid questions and not have to face up to anything.

Ya think? We're still waiting for her to answer questions regarding Benghazi. She called in sick for that, remember. She bumped her head. Then when server gate started, she did a last second presser with the UN press core who didn't ask her anything on the issue. She gave a totally lame statement, and thats the last thats been said about it.

The server still hasn't been turned over. Obstruction of justice anyone? Tampering with evidence? This women is a crook period. She always was since her days as Bubbba's wife in Arkansas. Another out of touch democrat politician who's allowed to fly under the radar by a protective democrat media. Whenever she's tested we get her signature cackle laugh as she lies her way through her responses making her lies that much more obvious. Then were told how smart she is.

This whole tactic of ignore ignore ignore by the media has been standard operating procedure since the Kerry campaign. Media ignores it. Then when its brought back up, they say it was already talked about the story is over. They've done this all through Obamas miscarriage of a presidency and they'll attempt the same with Hilkary's server gate. Difference now is Hillary has to speak eventually, and when she does her approval rating sinks like a stain on a dress. She isn't the rock star Bill or Barry is, and she's not cackling her way into the white house. A vast majority of people on the left and right see her for the worthless wife of Bill Clinton that she is.
Quote from: Up All Night on April 11, 2015, 10:16:11 AM

This is the kind of intellectual debate a perpetual failure like Hillary deserves. A failed national healthcare system push in 1993. Failed as a wife. Worthless senator. Most relevant accomplishment as Sec of State was falling asleep on 911 and allowing Benghazi to happen. What's she successful at? With the boundless media's help, covering up 4 decades of corruption. Surely she won't forget her infamous "reset" button when she makes her big announcement tomorrow to the sound of crickets from everyone but CNN.
Politics / Re: Politics
April 11, 2015, 12:40:47 AM
Quote from: pate on April 07, 2015, 01:26:53 AM
No idea what this means, but the power of Keyrist compels me:

Bruce Springsteen - Full Concert Video (Brisbane, Australia) - February 26, 2014

Our demopubilcan saints shall 'splain...

A full concert of Brice Springstein, and people say there's no hell. What more proof is needed. Bring on the overbite.
Of course TMZ CNN was more than happy to promote this nonsense news story.  ::)
Politics / Re: 2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?
April 09, 2015, 12:09:05 PM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on April 09, 2015, 10:50:12 AM
Only like Bigfoot and Nibiru are arguable, FTF.  The evidence, when assessed rationally, says otherwise. But first you have to open your eyes to see it.

The evidence is overwhelming. From the Middle East falling apart, to the medical system in chaos, to 25 million less people working. The key to knowing what's up is looking past what the media tries to shift our focus to.

I suppose I could look to those I know personally in the last year who've lost medical coverage. A half dozen small business owners, thanks specifically to Obamacare. Or perhaps the other half dozen college educated I know personally who've been laid off from jobs they've been at for 5-10 years. From education to the medical sales. Half are now working paying their bills as "private contractors" month to month or week to week. Meaning they don't have to be provided medical benefits. Now which national healthcare policy implemented by our current president do you think has caused that, hint: it rhymes with Obamacare. Yep, the economy is booming, "when you open your eyes".

100k jobs created in March and magically the unemployment number stays at 5.5% haha!!!! After they revise it it'll drop to 50k jobs less created, unemployment will go to 5.3%, and CNN will run out and celebrate and tell everyone how great it is out there. Then switch to the flavor of the day cell phone video story.
Politics / Re: Destroy the Police
April 09, 2015, 11:44:35 AM
Quote from: Quick Karl on April 09, 2015, 09:57:00 AM
Because a handful of cops are rotten, we should do away with all law enforcement, and just let the honest, peaceful, considerate people of America, police themselves...

Fucking morons.

Yes, but only after they take away the law abiding citizens guns. Our noble savior politicians will still have private armed security paid for by tax payers of course.
Politics / Re: Destroy the Police
April 09, 2015, 01:49:14 AM
Quote from: qaddisin on April 09, 2015, 12:32:45 AM
And that scares the shit out of me. Not the threat of a terrorist suicide bombing at a local sporting event, or a crazed man walking into a mall and gunning down teenagers and old people. It's that if I get pulled over and do something that could even be slightly perceived as out of line my life will completely change, and definitely not for the better.

Please. This is the problem with the media sensationalizing these stories. They try to sell this crap as though its commonplace and the norm. Mathews earlier was talking about it as though white cops are shooting innocent black folk dozens of times a day without worry of being punished. Saw 45 seconds, had a laugh, and turned. It's a joke and precisely why the media, specifically mainstream media that is leftwing is constantly questioned and why their ratings are tanking across the boards from CNN to the networks to the newspapers. People are tired of being fed fake storylines, facts that are cherry picked to fit templates. And its not just an American problem, the BBC and Reuters are worse.

The SC story is 1 story, its not a sign of anything bigger, its not an example of things all police do, its just 1 incident and the cop is going to be punished severely for it.
Politics / Re: 2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?
April 08, 2015, 09:38:48 PM
He needs to grow it again if she wins. Looks good that way. And we'd have the bearded 1st lady. GreAt pic.  ;D

The saga continues.

Good article breaking down the severity of damage caused by Clinton and her use of a private email server as Sec of State. The height of stupidity displayed in this entire situation leads any reasonable person to believe her incompetance borders on treason. If she didn't have a lengthy track record of utter stupidity, she might actually be in danger of being jailed. However her track record of scandal and screw ups and failures is her best defense against any purposeful wrong doing.

Quote- "The name Clinton right on the email handle"
- "clintonmail.com"
- "epic counterintelligence disaster"

Intelligence professionals fear that the use of the privately installed server, free of certified government defenses against foreign interception, has been a boon to foreign cyberspies.

"By using her own private server with email â€" which we now know was wholly unencrypted for the first three months of Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state â€" she left this easily interceptable by any decent 21st century SIGINT service," said John Schindler, a former National Security Agency counterintelligence officer. SIGINT is shorthand for signals intelligence, or electronic spying.

"The name Clinton right on the email handle meant this was not a difficult find," Schindler said. "We should assume Russians, Chinese and others were seeing this."

'Epic' Counterintelligence Disaster

Quote from: goldendeal on April 08, 2015, 02:29:47 AM
And once in awhile Linda Godfrey, if the "other" George is hosting.

I like Godfrey and how she's always tickled to be on c2c. Lionel Fanthorpe is a good storyteller, entertaining. Was on Howard Hughes podcast, good stuff. And I'll admit the Croglin Grange vampire story he always tells is a guilty pleasure. Just so damm freaky.
Politics / Re: Destroy the Police
April 08, 2015, 03:25:21 AM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on April 07, 2015, 06:52:43 PM

Yep this one is outrageous. Fortunately the family is being incredibly reasonable so far and remaining quite calm. May as well leave that officer a rope in his cell, his life is done.
Politics / Re: Destroy the Police
April 07, 2015, 03:49:50 PM
Looking forward to seeing this story run 24/7 for weeks to come on CNN and MSNBC of the police using restraint and doing their jobs to avoid any unnecessary deaths. Last weekend in Sacramento.

Quote"Sacramento police said Kenneth Smith, 22, approached them and said, "I have a gun". Officers tell him to get on the ground but he runs. He reached into his waistband and pulled out what officers identified as a cellphone. News10/KXTV"

And there's video proof of the avoided incident. Darn, guess this one won't make CNN and MSNBC after all. No way to create a fake organized protest after this story darn it!

Politics / Re: Indiana
April 07, 2015, 01:56:38 PM
Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 07, 2015, 11:35:45 AM
I applaud Courtney, and other members of the gay community, for understanding the real issue here.


Agreed. Its sad normal folk end up being represented by the fringe protestor types who don't represent anyone but organized protesting groups. The large majority of gay people want to be left alone to live their lives and not be bothered. They work, pay taxes, and vote. And many more than most think are conservative. Why? Because they work, and they pay taxes. The ones running around in pink thongs shoving their sexuality in peoples faces at parades represent about as many in the gay community as the gentle giants burning down Ferguson represent the black community. But those in the media loves these incendiary types and put them on pedestals because most who make up the media would like be be out their protesting with them.
Glad I have nothing to hide. I thought I'd sent all my "dick" pics to all the single ladies already, but if the NSA wants them for Obama to enjoy thats understandable.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 06, 2015, 03:48:03 PM
If I were Art I would find visiting Bell Gab and it's brown-nosers far more tedious than contract BS. But then again, this is free, and lawyers cost money, so it would be a toss up.
Politics / Re: Indiana
April 06, 2015, 01:50:08 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 06, 2015, 12:22:37 PM
Fair enough.  Then the rest of us can boycott the businesses of the boycotters and refuse to hire them?

Any business should be focused on making a profit, not offering political opinions, refusing service based on politics is just bad business. The pizza place never did this, they answered a hypothetical question from a media terrorist attempting to set them up. The purpose of course was to create another fake crisis with lots of organized outrage by the same ol folk that show up for all these fake protests. It failed.

Now take Sean Penn, he's a so-called entertainer. He's also the classic example of an ignorant left-wing liberal democrat. He consistently shares his pro-communist ignorance publicly, and because of it his latest movie completely tanked. A movie with lots go guns and action and old geezers acting a lot younger than they actually are. A very popular format these days. In 4 weeks its failed to top the 10 million mark.

Nice to see this Indiana non-issue has already dried up and blown away in the wind like an irrelevant pile of dog feces.

Random Topics / Re: Audio Of You Making Music
April 05, 2015, 02:54:28 AM
If I had an MP3 of me making music this is what it would sound like.

Politics / Re: Indiana
April 03, 2015, 12:14:30 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 03, 2015, 01:33:37 AM
The next President ought to 'test the powers of his office' by declaring 'Progressivism' to be a religion, and thus banned from influencing government or promoting their ideas in the public square.

Ah yes the separation of church and state that exists no where in the constitution, given to us by another progressive judge. The question is how to define religion. (deserves it's own topic as to not take away from the Indiana story).

Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 03, 2015, 01:33:37 AM
The next President ought to 'test the powers of his office' by declaring 'Progressivism' to be a religion, and thus banned from influencing government or promoting their ideas in the public square.

The question is how does one define religion? One's beliefs based on faith? If this were the case, an argument can be made to keep the big bang, evolution, man made global whatever, all out of schools as none are proven, and none can truly be proven. So one must possess much faith in the "science" behind the theories. Is this faith considered religion? Of course not. Should these theories be taught in school? Of course they should. (with emphasis that they are theories)

But why not the history of religions. There are scientists that study the bible, the crucifixion, etc... Why should none of this be mentioned in the classroom? Does the Bible not require the same level of faith as the Big Bang. Mind you I happen to believe in the Big Bang because there is much supporting evidence that leads to it being the most logical explanation of the formation of our universe at this point. That's not to say the theory could'nt be totally different in 100 years when we have better telescopes and computers to further study the universe. To truly prove the theory though, one would need a time machine and decent camera.

So really the question is when does one's faith become religion? Why does the left get to define this? Why is one persons faith banned from public eduction, and not another's?
Politics / Re: Indiana
April 02, 2015, 11:46:39 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on April 02, 2015, 10:25:44 PM
Saul Alinsky and his sick associates and followers.

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." - Saul Alinski, has come to mind with the way the media targeted some totally irrelevant mom & pop and proceeded to attempt to destroy it.

It's always funny to see when the left wakes the sleeping bear. They're so used to running rampant and doing as they like, but once in a while conservatives stand up fight back. As of this moment, $475,000 has been donated to support this family in Indiana that owns the pizza place that was targeted by mainstream media terrorists. Heres the link to watch and donate if you support tolerance.  8)http://www.gofundme.com/MemoriesPizza

Conservatives need to take the advice doled out regarding handling police questioning (always take the fifth, lawyer up, and say nothing) and handle the media the same way from now on. The mainstream media is not impartial or objective, its operates with a political motive which is helping the left and Democrats. So, when they come acting innocent and questioning tell them to shove it up their greasy slimy a$$es. If the owner had known better he could've shoved the reporter into the pizza oven head 1st. Bada beep bada boop bada bing.
Politics / Re: Indiana
April 01, 2015, 07:11:54 PM
What a great non story non issue. The sheep on the left in te US just continue to show how easily they are manipulated. It's nice to see the left in the US once again show its total lack of tolerance for anyone with views different than their own. You ask for hypocrisy I give you the modern left wing democrat.

"I want everyone to know as a small business owner i will tolerate views that are different than my own and happily cater anyones wedding who desires it. I am opposed to discrimination"


Ronald McDonald :)
Random Topics / Re: What kind of ad's do you get?
April 01, 2015, 12:10:32 PM
Ads that are targeted based on how Google invades my privacy and sells my information.
Politics / Re: Indiana
April 01, 2015, 01:20:12 AM
Quote from: VegasI15 on March 31, 2015, 09:39:58 PM
Fast forward 20 years and it's like the devil himself wrote the legislation.  When it was Clinton's idea in the first place.  It should be called the Clinton law not the Indiana law.

Gee this sounds familiar. Lets see, hmmm, wait, don't ask, don't tell, I'm going to remember it I'm sure. Now what was that other policy that Clinton supported. Must have had something to do with peoples sexual preference. Oh well I'm sure I'll think of it eventually.

Politics / Re: Indiana
March 31, 2015, 08:39:38 PM
Quote from: albrecht on March 31, 2015, 03:47:02 PM
So why do they always make news and protests? Why are they the number one priority on the Obama agenda? Over the economy? The wars? National Defense? The border? Nope.

Considering the Obama administration has turned what should've been a typical 1 year recession into 7 years and counting, killed 25 million full time jobs, created a mess with healthcare system, has a foreign policy that has lead to complete chaos in the middle east, and helped put race relations back to the 60s, what else do you expect the leftwing media to talk about?

We have a presidential election in a year and half, gotta cook a bunch of fake social issues because thats what Democrats run on. When it comes to the issues that matter like economy & foreign policy Democrat's moronic policies are nonexistent to completely destructive. So for the next year and half its going exaggerated "outrage" over cooked up cell phone videos, social issues that never change, and a bunch of crap news stories that play's on people's emotions.

The real question our country faces is who's gonna be our next "rockstar" president.   :o

Politics / Re: Politics
March 31, 2015, 08:24:23 PM
Quote from: albrecht on March 31, 2015, 02:52:21 PM
What was amazing though is that many apparently took the show to be news!
Between The Daily Show, SNL, and the Yahoo front page, thats the only source of news left-wingers under 40 have.
Politics / Re: Indiana
March 31, 2015, 03:32:03 PM
"Hands up don't shoot!" - oh wait its just another fake leftwing media story that consists of no story at all. They could've at least had some hidden cell phone video or something.
Quote from: albrecht on March 30, 2015, 05:46:18 PM
It is good that the "conversation on race" is going so well. Obama and the usual race hustlers must be proud of their key constituency's frequent desire to "discuss race" with people. And what is a young Chris Rock doing taking public transport :o ;)? And city leaders and "green-types" wonder why decent people don't want to take public mass-transit or get concerned with bus lines and train lines are extended into their areas from urban ones?

Good thing the gentle giant hitting the white racist was such P, he was barely hurt.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: George Knapp
March 30, 2015, 02:25:25 AM
Nice listening to a well done live show. Knapp never disappoints. Even when his 2nd guest bailed. Did we get recorded "those open lines", nope. Just threw on a 2nd pot of Sanka  for he and Melba to share by the fire as we listen in.
Politics / Re: Sgt Bergdahl comes home (finally)
March 28, 2015, 02:03:20 PM
Quote from: NowhereInTime on March 28, 2015, 07:40:29 AM
Get me a Charlie Rose interview or someone with some integrity if you want to insist on "reason".
A classic conversation that occurred on PBS between left-wing media heroes  distinguished media titans Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw less than a week before the 2008 presidential election as featured on Rush Limbaugh's radio program from 2008.

QuoteROSE: I don't know what Barack Obama's worldview is.

BROKAW: No, I don't, either.

ROSE: I don't know how he really sees where China is.

BROKAW: We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking about foreign policy.

ROSE: I don't really know. And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?

BROKAW: Yeah, it's an interesting question.

ROSE: He is principally known through his autobiography and through very aspirational (sic) speeches.

BROKAW: Two of them! I don't know what books he's read.

ROSE: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?

BROKAW: There's a lot about him we don't know.

RUSH: Incredible! (laughing) Let's send the journalist to find out! Why, have you guys ever thought of that, Tom? Have you ever thought about sending a reporter to find out who the guy is? Charlie! You got plenty of reporters there at PBS, at least on the... Have you ever thought about sending anybody out to find out who he is, besides the two books? (laughing) I cannot believe this. We know who his heroes are -- and, of course, that's the point! We know who his heroes are. We know who his alliances are with. We know who his friends are. We know that he chose them all. But to hear... This is last night. This is, what, four days, five days before the election. These are two of Obama's biggest media supporters!

It really is a priceless synopsis of the the 2008 presidential campaign and how the media refused to ever vet Obama. It was 6 months of check stand isle magazine puff pieces on what a wonderful family the Obamas were, and which cell phones they used, what was on their iPods, what was their favorite tv shows...etc.  :o
Politics / Re: Sgt Bergdahl comes home (finally)
March 27, 2015, 04:23:50 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 27, 2015, 02:32:52 PM
And Gitmo is 'bad'.

And it's still open. Sure wish he'd have kept that campaign promise instead of Obamacare. As do 25 million of my unemployed friends.

Remember when passing national healthcare was going to give free healthcare to the 30-50 million who were uninsured?  8) Like that was ever the purpose. Now we have 40-60 million uninsured, and 5-10million Ted Cruz's who have signed up so they don't get fined.
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