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Topics - WOTR

Politics / Corruption
February 02, 2021, 03:07:32 AM
I thought I would do a quick topic as a place to dump some reminders of the new corruption. Probably somebody should have done this for Trump (and certainly for Obama.) But it has passed. And hey, feel free to add the corruption of the Republicans as well. This is not meant to be a damning of only the left. Both sides are corrupt.

The idea is that Google seems to very quickly bury links to important stories. It really is like 1984 in that regards. Already, any mention of the corruption of Pine Island has fallen in the rankings. I often find that in a few months, I am no longer able to locate mention of what I remember. So, here will be some links to remind me that I am not insane. It really did happen...

The Biden presidency, of course kicked off with the Pine Island Capital Partners 200 million IPO that will those who are partners. Anthony Blinken, (current secretary of state) and General Lloyd Austin (defense secretary). And their IPO literally said that they have access to information that will allow them to profit. "“Pine Island Capital Partners spends the majority of its time focused in the aerospace, defense and government services sectors, where Pine Island Capital Partners believes it has extensive connections to industry leaders, unusual access to information..."

Anyhow, for fun, we are going to do a link from the far left https://jacobinmag.com/2020/11/biden-administration-access-sirota-flournoy-austin-pine-island-capital-partners
And one from the right. https://conventionofstates.com/news/nyt-biden-s-admin-plagued-by-corruption-abuse-self-dealing
Radio and Podcasts / Worse than Geroge Noory?
December 18, 2020, 03:45:24 AM
It has been months since I have turned on the show that replaced Coast in most of Canada. "The shift with Drex." I could not stand it from the start, and tuned out faster than I would a Noory hosted coast. It was a radio show where they invited callers to discuss topics such as their first concert experience.

So, it has been months since I tuned in and when I tuned in yesterday, Drex was gone. But the new host was soliciting calls to talk about what Christmas traditions the callers had. I decided that I did not care if uncle Fred farts the star spangled banner after every turkey dinner and tuned out. I looked it up, and Drex was gone and replace with Shane Hewitt since July. So I tuned in again tonight.

The hosts asked people to call in to complain about Canada post. Then they discussed what television shows you should have on in the background while you do housework.

Yes, Shane Hewitt is a whining bitch who is actually 10X worse than George. It is as bad as it would be if George dedicated every program to personalized astrology readings to his callers. This is what late night radio has been reduced to?
Politics / Mark Cuban 2020
May 18, 2020, 04:29:45 PM
It's time for a change, and a candidate who understands real world problems. Here is a man who believe that giving George Senada $1000 every two weeks is a good idea. How could you possibly belong to the circle of trust and not vote for him.

Regarding his intentions to run for president, he says "I never would have considered it prior to a month ago, but now things are changing rapidly and dramatically... I’m not saying no, but it’s not something I’m actively pursuing, I’m just keeping the door open... You just don’t know what can happen between now and November.”

Concerning the help for George?
Politics / Virtue signalling
November 23, 2019, 01:31:52 AM
I suppose that politics is the place for this thread. I don't know if it will "take off", but I figure a thread documenting some of the most blatant examples of virtue signalling might be fun. I keep seeing it everywhere, and I know that this thread is too late to catch Gillette's "toxic masculinity" campaign.

I don't know how many transgender boxers that everlast is hoping to attract with their new "be first" campaign showing that there are "many ways to be a man". The same campaign features an amputee fighter and an "immigrant family."


*I should probably be clear. I have a fair amount of respect for a woman who transitions to a man and beats the shit out of other men in the ring...
Politics / Raybould says Trudeau is a Hoser...
March 31, 2019, 07:34:04 PM
Hopefully the thread title makes it clear that this is Canadian politics... A couple of the quotes from the other thread below to get it started...
Quote from: albrecht on March 30, 2019, 02:43:08 PM

Maybe deserves its own thread? These mobsters politicians never seem to learn. Don't conduct "business" on the telephone or computer but only via cut-out men and face-to-face, ideally in a place like a pool or sauna where people are wearing even limited clothes and where water/steam would interfere with recording equipment.

Quote from: WOTR on March 30, 2019, 04:06:40 PM
I was considering starting a thread for this. I will be honest- I am very unhappy to see that there was a tape that came out at this time. It is too early.

I have been watching this and thinking that it might present an opportunity to rid the country of the Liberal party for a few years (they would be back just as they were after their last scandal.) Most of the popularity of the party was based on Trudeau (probably more than the stupid policies.) People left their homes last election to elect Justin- not unrestricted immigration and never ending debt.

This scandal has caused his brand to suffer. But I have been watching and I kept wondering why she was holding on and wanting to remain a Liberal. With the release of this tape, I think I finally have my answer. It is her path direct to the prime minister's office. And she will get it, if it plays out as I'm starting to think it will.

She has now made it almost certain that they will lose their leader in the coming weeks. An election is planned for October. This will leave very little time for that party to elect a new leader- and who better to elect than the woman who has been in the news as a shining example of incorruptibility for a party that is suffering corruption charges? Who better than the woman who has been making news for the last 6 months and who most Canadian's are familiar with? Most politicians don't have any personal morals- they may not like her- but they will recognize that their only hope of building up that nice gold plated pension for holding their office through another election is to crown her leader.

And while the Liberals are poised to lose the election if it were held tomorrow- it will give her 6 months. She will tell us that she risked her career because she is a woman of principals. She will tell us that she remained in the Liberal party because she believes in their "Canadian" morals and it was only "one bad egg"- and she got rid of him. And the Canadian public will be happy to rally around our first (elected) female prime minister.*

And this country will slide further into debt with open boarders and a dim economic future. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm starting to read their playbook.

*Look up Kim Campbell if you want. But she was not elected to the office.
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on March 30, 2019, 06:13:39 PM
In the U.S. the Dems have a Justin Trudeau in the making in clueless dilletante Beto O'Rourke; a whole bunch of females, one of whom has the added advantage of being black and another who is a Cherokee princess; a geriatric communist who has never held a job outside of elected office and was kicked out of a Kibutz for being lazy and an ex Vice President who is equally long in the tooth and creeps out females young and old by getting all up close and touchy-feely and sniffing their hair.  No wonder they're so optimistic about 2020.
Politics / Illinois
July 27, 2017, 01:46:05 AM
Just wondering what people figure ought to happen with Illinois.  There is a large part of me that believes that if you have offered rich pensions forever with a shrinking tax base and have sold bonds to make up the short fall, you deserve the hurt of bankruptcy.

At the same time, the PIGS were bailed out- so can you really let an entire state face bankruptcy?  "sure we will bail out Greece so that they can continue their stupid fiscal ways allowing people to retire at 50... But suck it up, one of our own (states)".  Also, what happens to the bonds of the other states once creditors no longer feel the "protection" of investing in something "too big to fail"?  (Certainly entire states qualify as TBTF?)

I kind of want to see Trump cut off the gravy train and just let it happen.  What better signal to send to states and politicians that the free ride is over- you had better start watching your spending.  And then I wonder what happens to the pensioners when they are 85 and suddenly there is no more income.

It is interesting.  One cut away from "junk" status (15 billion in unpaid bills, currently, with an unfunded liability of 250 billion in the future.  Ouch!)

In one way, it is Bellgab click bait, in another... It appears that our government will apologize to the man who tossed grenades at American soldiers and pay him around ten million, to boot.  I'm upset enough that I really can't type out my thoughts.

I know, those who love Trump will say "great- she is stunned and not worth our time."

Just the same, when one of her MP's (and the home affairs spokesman) uses phrases such as

" (She was) shocked and touched by the experience of meeting Donald Trump for the first time."  and that he thinks she was "touched by her unique experience" of meeting Trump you have to laugh.  This has to be the best reaction EVER to one world leader meeting another.  You have to imagine that she was so shocked and touched by her experience that upon returning to Germany she looked at her colleagues and said "WTF was THAT!?!"

At least they mention the bailout of Greece and migrants.


Random Topics / Night owl? It's all in your genes.
April 20, 2017, 12:05:42 AM
Ran across something that pretty much explains me to a "T"  I particularly love “Melatonin levels start to rise around 9 or 10 at night in most people,” says Young. “In this DSPD patient that doesn’t happen until 2 or 3 in the morning."  Yup, around 3 AM sound about right.

I figure that on a board that was dedicated to late night radio there are bound to be at least a few people who find this of interest.  Fortunatly, my job allows me the hours that I want to work (unset.)  I used to have to be to work for 7AM and it was beyond hell.  Watching the sun rise when I went to school made me wonder which satinst bastard wanted to torture me...

Great publicity for their airline.  I particularly love that the CEO commented that it was "an upsetting event to all of us here at United."  Yeah, probably also a little tough on the doctor who needed to see patients the next day and instead got bloodied (and probably thrown in jail) instead.

Well done United.  I cannot trust you with my guitar, or my senior citizens... Perhaps a baby or a quadriplegic should be next?

Yeah, it's unofficial as it was not started by the Mudking...

Just the same, I think it needs to be a category as there have been some pretty good ones. 
Random Topics / Dear FBI (please read.)
January 20, 2017, 12:26:04 AM
Dear FBI member presently engaged in determining the validity of George "Falkie" Senda's claim against MV and Sewergab, in general...

There is an Annulus of Trust who stands ready to defend Mycheal.  He was the victim of statutory rape, and as such should not be held accountable for his actions.
Politics / Calexit
November 11, 2016, 01:40:40 AM
This is either a thread that will be buried in the dustbin of BellGab, or one that I will drag out and resurrect in a couple of years to put on display...

Calexit- a reality? Now, I know that there will be some conservatives who say that California should go- it will free up the other states to have a Republican in office easier.  But the reality is that California is the largest economy in the US- yes, larger than the financial capital of the world, NY.

It would set a precedent and I get the feeling that it could not be allowed... But how do you force a state to stay if it demands independence?  I suppose I should mention that it is being backed by Shervin Pishevar- so another "Soros" with deep pockets.

Well, for now, there is the link to the official site, and one other...

For once, it is the Canadians who can spy on everybody else. 

First, I'm wondering if the RCMP have read Obamas communications? Hillary's?

Secondly, I'm wondering what the hell Blackberry is doing with GLOBAL encryption keys?  Are they stupid?

Finally, this is just another good example of why they deserved to fail.  Destroying your reputation for security by giving away encryption keys is stupid (especially when that is all that you have... Nobody bought a blackberry because it was a great phone or had great apps)

With this, I say goodbye to a once great Canadian company...


***On a side note, they are now out of the hardware end of the business and are going to focus on software (and, presumably, secure software.)  Yeah, can I just buy my security software direct from the RCMP and CIA and cut out the middleman?
This article is simply too good not to read.  Including such lines as:

"“It was disgusting as hell. The worst thing I have ever experienced. Animals were down there too. I will never enter a toilet again."

"Seconds later he was standing at the bottom of the tank, with feces up to his thighs."

“We received an emergency call at 07:58 AM, regarding a man stuck in a toilet tank. We sent a fire truck with four men to the location. It took them about ten minutes to get the man out. The fire personnel had to demolish the toilet."

It would appear this man went into the outhouse toilet after a friends cell phone and found the real word equivalent of the falkie thread...


Politics / 80 dead, hundreds injured
July 24, 2016, 12:48:37 PM
And somehow it does not deserve a thread here...  I suppose it is because it is just more of "them" getting killed.  If anything, we should celebrate and dance in the streets.  I wonder if the media would be so quick to show the blood, bodies and limbs scattered around the scene if it were "our" dead and not "theirs."


Oh, and to make a certain poster happy- My condolences to their families. ;)
Random Topics / Fort McMurray burns...
May 04, 2016, 01:35:03 AM
I am no longer there- but did spend a number of years in that town.  Watching it burn and recognizing the places and the extent of the fire on the videos is absolutely amazing.  Fort Mac has tons and tons of trees- lots of hills where they did not build and lots of undeveloped land between the communities.  It was nice- but I'm sure that has contributed to the devastation and difficulty containing it.

Just thought I would post it as it really has been on my mind all evening.  I guess the only good thing is that if there is a city to burn, Fort Mac is probably the best one.  Rents are outrageous and that keeps the disabled and seniors out of it.  Pretty much everybody in town was able bodied and I doubt there was a single retirement home there (at least there was not when I lived there...)  I did not know a single person who did not own three vehicles and  I would think that it was probably the easiest mass evacuation ever.  (I'm sure there were no people screaming in pain while trying to fire up the wrecked Prius.) ;)

Not that I expect people to understand or care- but the traffic circle sign @ :13 is the far North of town while the trailer park seen at 1:38 is leaving the South of town.  Petty much tells you everything...  80,000 - 100,000 people evacuated.  Unreal...


In case you figured it was just the two ends of the town... this is right downtown.  One side of the highway is treed- the other is businesses and residential (where I lived against the river...)  I like the truck heading south at :44 loaded with gen sets and compressors.  You have to understand that equipment does NOT travel south out of town- EVER...  Scholars will undoubtedly tell you that equipment going south is a sign of the apocalypse.

I would post this in the Trump thread... but it is somewhat of a specialized question.  For background, I would consider myself somewhat of a libertarian (well, I would have voted Ron Paul, if given the chance.) 

Anyhow, I noticed a few people supporting Trump identify as libertarians.  With the news reports that Ron Paul cannot and will not support Trump, does it give anybody pause?  Most of the stories have crap, misleading headlines "Ron Paul supports Clinton over Trump."  What RP said (that I could find) is that he cannot support Trump (nothing about voting Clinton... For all I can find, he would stay home in disgust.)

RP makes the point that "Trump is going to be the most efficient [at] using the executive orders... He’ll say this is the way it is, you know. Obama was pretty arrogant. If you don’t do it, [the] Congress, I’ll write an order. Well, I think Trump [will] be 10 times worse on writing orders because he’s used to doing this, and he brags about it.”

I cannot disagree with his assessment, and am curious if it makes anybody pause and reflect, or if it is still "full Trump ahead." After all, he is only one man and is not infallible.  (Though it is kind of funny how many people are willing to look at one protester or asswipe and pronounce them as a representative for everybody who they disagree with eg. all Liberals.)

For a quick laugh (especially if you are pro-Trump and pro-Paul) you can hit the link below.  They rewrote rules to keep Paul out of it a few years ago... and those same rules are now coming back to haunt them.  Kind of good for a chuckle.
Politics / Hillary or Noory?
February 28, 2016, 03:54:47 AM
Polls have, apparently been disabled for two and a half years and I failed to notice.  Curse MV...

No, I'm not joking- I would love to have a two option poll with no additional choices.  I was thinking that I was joking, but then I realized that I really may find Hillary that distasteful.  I would vote Sanders over Hillary, Sanders over Noory, but I think I would actually head down and mark an "X" beside Noory, if it was him or Hillary.

Supposing that you don't get to vote Trump, Cruz, Bush, Sanders, or even MV... Your choice is Hillary for the Democrats or Jorch for the Republicans... What do you do (suicide would not be one of the options if polls were allowed...)

I know it sounds like a joke (and fortunately, in this universe it would never happen.)  I'm just curious if you would take a complete, known imbecile over her?
Random Topics / Oops... Or "check out my avatar."
December 31, 2015, 01:19:23 AM
If it is true that an online avatar can affect my real life behavior, I worry a little what I must be like as a person... "How you represent yourself in the virtual world of video games may affect how you behave toward others in the real world"


"“In virtual environments, people can freely choose avatars that allow them to opt into or opt out of a certain entity, group, or situation,” says Yoon. “Consumers and practitioners should remember that powerful imitative effects can occur when people put on virtual masks.”

And, what a virtual (gas) mask that I have chosen as of late.

(By the way, this is known as the Proteus effect, if you want to actually look it up.)

So... Do you actually buy any of this?  Any idea how your avatar would actually contribute to how you act in your "real" life?
Radio and Podcasts / Stupid link question
December 21, 2015, 10:25:18 PM
It may be a dumb question... But wasn't there a link at the top of the page to "listen" to Art?  Did this disappear when Red took over?
Radio and Podcasts / a worse interviewer than Dave?
October 01, 2015, 08:26:53 PM
I was concerned that it would be difficult to find a replacement for Dave Noorie.  There are very few experienced (or even inexperienced) interviewers who would be capable of sticking to the old 3X5s regardless of what a guest says or how outlandish the claims. 

Fortunately, there is a qualified host for when he retires.  Somebody who has worked hard to prove herself.  By not noticing the guest talking about Edward Scissorhands rather than Edward Snowden I believe she may have outdone Noory.  Oh, and her producer put the hashtag for the guest as @fart on the screen without noticing- her producer may just replace Tommie.

Some gems include “But to cast him out, to make him invalid in society simply because he has scissors for handsâ€"I mean, that’s strange. People didn’t get scared until he started sculpting shrubs into dinosaur shapes and whatnot.” And "Just because he was created on top of a mountain by Vincent Price, and incomplete, with scissors for hands and no heart...Edward Scissorhands is a complete hero to me.”

Any host who fails to ask him WTF, or appear even a little surprised deserves to win the "golden Noory" at the next awards dinner.

The fun starts at around 2 minutes in...

Politics / Atheists, residential schools and child abuse.
September 09, 2015, 01:24:18 AM
I have been rolling over a question in my mind lately and am hoping that there are some staunch atheists here who believe that Christianity is a horrible disease... Somebody on Dawkins level.

I recall reading that he believed that to teach a child biblical beliefs was, in his opinion, the equivalent of child abuse. This got me around to thinking about residential schools in Canada, and the harm that we know they caused.  In addition to outright abuse, the stripping of language, culture and religion is now seen to have caused great suffering and multi-generational problems.  Now, this can, without a doubt, be placed squarely on both the government and religion.

However, given the idea that raising a child in a Christian tradition can be seen as child abuse, I wonder what a "good" atheist would do?  Is it permissible to teach Native stories but not bible stories?  Would it be encouraged to teach a traditional chicken dance, but not communion?  In short, would a school system run by professor Dawkins for native children be any less harmful than the one run by the church?

If we accept that stripping away culture at a young age can be harmful, is it wrong to assume that teaching the child of Christian parents to hate his / her parents beliefs and belittle them would be harmful to the child?  Would a school system under strict atheist guidance not have stripped a native child of their culture just as surly as the residential schools had?

Now, I know that the argument could be made that children would not have been pulled away forcibly from their families under an atheist regime- but let's suppose they were (times were surly different and it seems unfair to apply modern sensibilities to the past.)

I really am curious what a confirmed atheist thinks about the idea of refusing a child religion (particularly when it is intertwined with culture as it appears to have been in the native traditions.)  I will make an honest effort not to be overly argumentative...

***Relevant Dawkins quotes.
-Professor Richard Dawkins has claimed that forcing a religion on children without questioning its merits is as bad as 'child abuse'.
-The former Oxford professor... said last December that the mental torment inflicted by the religion’s teachings is worse in the long-term than any sexual abuse carried out by priest

Technology / Microsoft, hotmail and skype
June 28, 2015, 05:23:20 PM
I have been with hotmail from the start- before microsoft bought them out in the mid 90's (that should clue you in to my age.)  I have never set up any other long term email accounts (one or two throw away, but none used for regular use.)  While I had considered getting skype with Art back on the air, I now refuse.

Logging into my hotmail account, I had no choice by to hit the skype ad.  And now skype has created an account, linked it with my hotmail, and stuck itself up on the home screen.  I am not somebody who appreciates the unwanted, unasked for intrusion.

I put up with their crap when they linked hotmail and outlook, told me that I have no privacy for my emails and the countless other tricks that they have pulled- but this is just going too far.  Any time that somebody is so desperate for users that they trick / force you into their product, it is not good.  Were they worried that the millions of people they are going to force into this were simply unaware of skype?

If I have to spend the time to change all of my contacts and my email address on everything from Ebay to Bellgab, I will abandon all M$ products.  I already do without Word Or Excel, and I have flirted with Linux... Maybe this is a sign? 

Greedy little fuckers.
I need to register just under a dozen email addresses without attaching any names or identity to the accounts and I need them to be active only for a couple of months.  They must be capable of sending and receiving emails.  Does anybody have a suggestion?  I tried hotmail- but they now want to verify the account by texting a code (and froze the test account).  That is not what I am after.

I know it is a stupid question, but I cannot afford to have an account frozen when they discover that the person who registered them is not "John Doe".

Anyhow, thanks.
I found the perfect place (you really have to check out the picture.)  The reviews on Amazon seem like they could have been posted on Bellgab... Most have just the right balance of sarcasm and wit...  Sadly, they do not appear to ship international.

Do not click on this next link at work... it is the "downstairs toupee" for when you have a "botched Brazilian."  I have a tough time believing that this is an item for sale.  Yes, I would buy an invisible unicorn, but not a visible crotch toupee (then again, I'm not the gender they are marketing it towards...)
Random Topics / Happy (artistic) pancake!!!
March 28, 2015, 12:40:27 AM
I was lured to this sub board with promises of new shows entitled "midnight in the desert" and find that MV has just renamed old threads...  I had thought that perhaps Art was pre-recording some and that in a move reminiscent of the Sony hacking somebody had got hold of them and posted...

I suppose the count down is on, and that it is just a matter of time before this board fills up nightly with all new shows. ;D
Politics / The holocaust and Hitler... What can I say?
December 31, 2014, 01:39:05 AM
Quote from: Major Ed Damien on December 30, 2014, 08:15:48 PMYeah, I certainly hear what you're saying.  Nothing makes a person bitchy like too many mentions of the Holocaust.  The annihilation of millions of Jews just gets old real fast.  And I don't care how many Einsteins or other similar great brains might have gotten burned up in the crime.  You just get all "Holocausted" out, and the next thing you know you're kicking the dog or the cat around the room.  Jabbing a fork at the parrot.You just get "gas chamber fatigue," you-know-whuttum-sayin?'  They don't seem to let you get the taste of ashes out of your mouth.  You get that "Post-Jewmatic Stress Disorder."  I guess you can tell I'm not Jewish either.No need to apologize, my hapless fellow gentile.  We all understand.  We get it.  You're an idiot.
So, to keep pointless drivel off of the Noory sucks thread I have opened this thread and almost expect it to drop to the bottom of the page fairly quickly.

I will, again, declare that you can have too many pointless references to Hitler and the Holocaust and just get sick of that example being used every time we need an easy way to illustrate that men are evil.

I fully support the example being used to make the point when it has some relevance- but every time somebody needs a one-liner it seems to pop up.  Though I am fully aware that this apparently makes me an enemy of Jewish people everywhere, I consider that throwing around the word Hitler and holocaust at every opportunity actually detracts from what occurred.  When deciding to use it for yet another joke (this time deciding that it shows God needs an intervention) it is completely pointless and another "throw away" line.

So, before accusing me of not being sensitive enough, perhaps consider what we are now arguing over.  I said that it is overused and that you can have too many references to one event.  Now, somehow, you now have me cheering the gas chamber.  (In short, go fuck yourself you self righteous, judgmental jackass.) 

If you actually want to make a post that is more than one line, please feel free.  If you want to discuss what happened rather than make a joke, I am willing to engage.  You will probably find that I do not "cheer the gas chamber" and if you bring something to the table aside from a throw away one line joke, I will not even say that you can have too much discussion about the actual events, history or the people who were persecuted.

Present books that are open and being read include "IBM and the holocaust" as well as the "biography of Judas."  Both are excellent books and depict historical events and attitudes.  I do not believe that the event can be over discussed- only that using the event as a one liner (or, yet again, to prove that men are evil) really has been overdone.

If you will excuse me, I am off to read my holocaust denying literature and call up a few Nazi friends to go paint graffiti on the walls of the local synagogue.

***Upon re-reading this I realize that I lied.  "the biography of Judas" is not really an excellent book.  It is dry and has taken me a long time to get 3/4 of the way through as I may as well read about art history.  However, the historical insights are interesting.  I believe the book states that the bible has 40 words written on Judas... it is more of a perspective about how the West depicted him (and, symbolically the Jews) though art and literature than it is an actual biography...
Politics / Don't touch the quality of my champagne!
December 15, 2014, 04:13:00 AM

I enjoyed the article so much I thought I would share it.  Somehow, it is comforting to know that it is not just N. America where politicians are so far out of touch as to make you shake your head.

The house of Lords goes through 65 000 pounds (sterling) per year of champagne.  They could show a little austerity and merge their catering department with the house of commons, but refuse because the quality of champagne may not be up to their high standards.

Absolutely amazing (and somewhat hilarious if you stop to think of the stupidity of the whole thing...)

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