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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 08, 2018, 01:56:02 PM
Beat you up? When have I said that? I just wanted you to say it to my face...  ???

Oh...well...I don't swing that way, pud. Sorry. :(

Does Laura know? :D


Quote from: GravitySucks on February 08, 2018, 01:48:01 PM
Obama was a wild-eyed radical and like you say a pragmatist. He was bought and paid for several times over and had no problem selling out over and over to the next highest bidder.

If he was truthful he would probably say that his biggest failure was not being able to gain traction for his nationalized Obama Youth Corp (Amerikorp wasn’t it?). And a new version of the Civilian Conservation Corp.

He sure did a bang up job increasing the size and cost him of the federal government.

Do tell. Who did he sell out to?

Wasn't that Nazi Youth thing supposed to be like a domestic Peace Corps? Helping in Appalachia, inner cities, with building trails in National Parks etc.? Maybe to help defray costs of student loans? Sounds dangerous



Quote from: GravitySucks on February 08, 2018, 01:51:05 PM
Make Facebook and Twitter forfeit the money for selling those ads and take the company to court for buying them. Unless of course the ad either advocated for or against a particular policy. I believe that is legal. Just not advocating for a party or a candidate.

Go read up on Radio Free Europe. We are still broadcasting trying to influence elections all over the world.


Openly. Legally. Through information

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 08, 2018, 01:54:22 PM
My grandfather was a miner from the age of 14 until he was 64. He was invalided out and died three years later with pneumomycosis and emphysema which is terrible to see. He absolutely forbade my dad from going into the industry because he knew what the outcome would eventually be.

It is a filthy, horrible, disgusting job and those who do it don't get paid anywhere near enough to go underground and dig it out because their retirement is likely to be very short (If they live that long) and lead to a horrible death. It's absurd to promote coal production when the future is far removed from fossil fuels.

I totally agree.  We're not there yet, though, Pud. Maybe in another 30 years or hopefully sooner. I've watched enough movies like How Green Was My Valley and The Molly Maguires to know that is a simply terrible job and I'd never want to do such work.  Some people do. I agree pay could probably be better though I have no idea what people are paid here now. 


Quote from: Jackstar on February 08, 2018, 01:58:53 PM
Google 'Subud,' Chica Nuevo. Do it now.

The basis of Subud is a spiritual exercise commonly called the latihan kejiwaan, which was said by Muhammad Subuh to represent guidance from "the Power of God" or "the Great Life Force". He claimed that Subud was not a new teaching or religion.

... as far as I got


Sorry, kids. The real world awaits. It's been fun


Quote from: TigerLily on February 08, 2018, 01:57:47 PM
Do tell. Who did he sell out to?

Wasn't that Nazi Youth thing supposed to be like a domestic Peace Corps? Helping in Appalachia, inner cities, with building trails in National Parks etc.? Maybe to help defray costs of student loans? Sounds dangerous

I just gave you an example. $3.4 billion to coal companies and then 5 years later had the EPA try and shut them down.

In 2011 he and Hillary used the EPA and tried to shut down a phosphate company in Florida because Morocco gave the Clintons $28 million. Despite a $1billion fine that company stayed in business. No new rules or regulations. Just reinterpreted findings on an annual inspection that just happened to coincide with donations to the Clinton Foundation.

I could go on - destroying health care but then propping up the same insurance companies without any legal source of funding using the marketplace subsidies.  Solyndra and then putting tarrifs on the solar industry after that failure.

I could go on, but this is not the Obama thread.  He had ideologies but no principles.

Maybe Trump is exactly the opposite.

On a lighter note.

Speaking of the Molly Maguires. When Richard Harris was filming it, he had a habit at night of bringing home a local girl to frolic with in his hotel room in Pennsylvania.  One night, after he had done this several times, he and the girl got smacked around by an invisible entity and the girl ran off into the night.  Richard was freaked as well.  He did this several more times but the entity continued interrupting their lovemaking and he had to give up his nightly romantic interludes in his room.  He either found another place to do it or stopped the carousing for the rest of the shoot.  It haunted him for the rest of his life.

Wish I could remember it better but I've forgotten some of the details from the book and it is not on the internet.

Quote from: TigerLily on February 08, 2018, 02:02:38 PM
Sorry, kids. The real world awaits. It's been fun

I'm afraid I need to do the same. Hip, hip. Cheerio.


Shhhhh.  Don’t tell anyone that Schumer gave a speech in 2014 calling for the DoD to hold a grand military parade in NYC



Quote from: TigerLily on February 08, 2018, 02:01:27 PM
... as far as I got

Try adding "Loretta Fuddy" to your search query. I'll just snack on this polenta while we wait.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 08, 2018, 01:28:53 PM
Clean coal technologies are fairly new from what I've heard

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 08, 2018, 02:09:48 PM
Wish I could remember it better

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 08, 2018, 02:12:50 PM
I'm afraid I need to do the same

Selective hearing at its finest.


There is getting to be too much to keep up with. Did this DOJ official just quit so he wouldn’t have to talk to the IG? The IG was never allowed to investigate the NSD under Obama. Now they are. 



Jonathan Winer will be Nunes next target. 

State Department official



Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 08, 2018, 02:09:48 PM
On a lighter note.

Speaking of the Molly Maguires. When Richard Harris was filming it, he had a habit at night of bringing home a local girl to frolic with in his hotel room in Pennsylvania.  One night, after he had done this several times, he and the girl got smacked around by an invisible entity and the girl ran off into the night.  Richard was freaked as well.  He did this several more times but the entity continued interrupting their lovemaking and he had to give up his nightly romantic interludes in his room.  He either found another place to do it or stopped the carousing for the rest of the shoot.  It haunted him for the rest of his life.

Wish I could remember it better but I've forgotten some of the details from the book and it is not on the internet.
Interesting. Far more interesting celebrity news that learning that Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor had a "relationship."  :o


Quote from: albrecht on February 08, 2018, 03:16:12 PM
Interesting. Far more interesting celebrity news that learning that Marlon Brando and Richard Pryor had a "relationship."  :o
Definitely.  I don't need to hear about a Brando "horror."


Another FBI guy bailing so he won’t have to talk to the IG?  This is the guy that reminded them there was inflammatory information on the 302s they hid from Congress.



Quote from: ItsOver on February 08, 2018, 03:25:52 PM
Definitely.  I don't need to hear about a Brando "horror."

Apairoflips Now?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: GravitySucks on February 08, 2018, 03:08:49 PM
Jonathan Winer will be Nunes next target. 

State Department official


Target? Oh I thought Nunes was merely trying to look for truth in a non partisan, adversarial way? Its good he's got all the facts and information laid out in a non bias way that is relevant to what Trump thought it was, or something..Oh hang on, he hasn't.  ::)

Quote from: ItsOver on February 08, 2018, 03:25:52 PM
Definitely.  I don't need to hear about a Brando "horror."

Brando was just weird.  I watched The Missouri Breaks the other day, a western co-starring Jack Nicholson, and Brando is feeding a carrot to his horse by wrapping his mouth around one end of the carrot while the horse is eating the other end.  His mouth and the horse's mouth meet and then Brando pulls away.  It had this yucky bestiality feeling about it. I guess the filmmakers thought it was cute but I think Brando had other ideas.  Brando was just Brando.  He'd screw anything with two legs.  It is no wonder his kids were fucked up.

Up All Night

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 08, 2018, 10:28:57 AM
So you do subscribe to Trump being supreme leader and not have to answer to anyone or anything? It's okay if you do, it just makes it easier to spot those who hate America the way you do.

President Trump answers to his Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ. That should be good enough for an American.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 08, 2018, 10:26:51 AM
In other news.

The two ex wives of Robert Porter (now ex staff secretary-pretty important job involving access to classified information) had a year ago made statements that he beat them both up. Needless to say, the religious leaders one of them went to was told to hang in there, she was also told that making a fuss would damage his career..

Anyway, the FBI didn't issue him with a full security clearance it seems now because they saw him as a blackmail risk. John Kelly of course knew Porter had assaulted his wife, including punching one of them in the eye. It's his job to know. But Porter still stayed in his job, right up to yesterday when the DM printed a story about him.

Then it became embarrassing for the WH I guess, because being an assaulter of women and the WH knowing about it (After all Trump can't really get sanctimonious can he?) isn't in itself a reason not to employ someone. It wouldn't surprise me if the first question to a prospective male employee is 'When did you last beat your wife?'

It's pure coincidence that Hatch (ex Mormon bishop) has also said previously what a wunnerful guy Porter is and such an accusation is a vile smear (In other words he's saying Porter's ex wives are lying-even though all the details have been out for years, including a restraining order on Porter), yet last night he also admitted he didn't know about his private life, really? So how did he know he was a wonderful man?

It throws into question Kelly's judge of character if he knew all this yet still considered Porter a great guy-Incidentally, Porter's current squeeze/punch bag is Hope Hicks who apparently helped Kelly write the statement he issued. I wonder how long Ms Hicks will stay Porter's g/f before she wises up.  :-\

Let me clarify a few things for you.

New hires into positions in the Federal Government that require a high level clearance may be granted an interim clearance based on the individual successfully undergoing a National Agency Check (NAC) pending the outcome of a Background Investigation (BI). 

An NAC is nothing more than a query of local, state and federal records for any negative disqualifying information. Routinely an NAC is completed within 2-3 months and in a matter of days if it is given a high priority which would be the case with Porter. A BI is a much more thorough investigation involving interviews by various federal agents of friends, neighbors, teachers, employers, coworkers, ex wives, etc.  Depending on the number of persons that must be interviewed and their geographical locations and the number of issues arising that require further investigation it might take a year to 18 months to complete.  Ultimately the head of agency or his designee determines whether a permanent clearance is granted to the individual based on the information uncovered.

General Kelly could only base his judgement of Porter on his personal observation and that of others including WH staff and what was apparently an excellent reputation.  He would not be expected to know the details of an event in Porter’s life that occurred 15 years in the past.  If Porter chose to divulge anything at all about the incident to Kelly it would be from his own recollection of the events which we know differs from that of his ex wife’s.  Given the fact that it was and still is a matter of he said she said, any fair minded person would be inclined to give Porter the benefit of a doubt until all the information has been collected and validated and the findings of the Investigation were in hand.  Contrary to what has been implied,  the Investigatory agency does not release any information on the matter prior to the investigation being completed in the absence of something on the order of a nuclear device being discovered in the subjects composte bin.

The fact that you would make such a dopey statement about Kelly comes as a surprise to no one but what is truly remarkable is that every new pronouncement of yours exceeds the last in its asininity.

Up All Night

Quote from: 21st Century Man on February 08, 2018, 10:38:34 AM
Remember how a certain President told Juanita Broaddrick to get some ice for her lip after raping her?

Now that, sounds like something Harvey Weinstein would do...

Up All Night

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 08, 2018, 11:32:13 AM
This vid has actual Trump quotes synced to the cartoon. The quotes are incredible.


Well, we can't quote any Stephen Colbert monologues ... because everything he says is from a Teleprompter... unless you want to quote the Leftist writers behind the curtain.

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