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Messages - Tara

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on March 27, 2013, 08:41:06 PM

Something tells me you're a Tea Party Republican. 

Georgie for President:  What's wrong with the Tea Party?  Please respond by listing the specific  positions that you don't support, along with cites proving that the Tea Party really believes this. Who specifically said what.   Don't use gay marriage or abortion, because the Tea Party as a whole is focused on the economic, and has not taken a position on social issues. 

Bet you'll crawl into the woodwork or provide a limp response. 
Quote from: dan7800 on March 19, 2013, 10:55:31 AM
I've come to the conclusion that people should stop bitching about George (even though I will continue to do so)

It's not really bitching, it's pointing out facts.  It appears for most of Coastgab, it's simply fun to make fun of sNoory.
Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 17, 2013, 05:50:17 PM
Simple. He has a contract that would cost Premiere more to cash him out of than they'd get back with a better host.  C2C is a cash machine and PremRad/Clear Channel own the bulk of affiliates in profitable markets. Who else ya gonna tune in? Interminable sports talk? Ain't monopolies grand?

Then why do they continue to renew his contract when it expires?  Surely, they could sign new blood at less pay than SNoory.   
Quote from: valdez on March 16, 2013, 05:10:11 AM

George is going to Jersey.
Wish sNoory would meet up with New Jersey governor Chris Christie.  Like him or not, the Gov is outspoken, and would tell sNoory he's full of it.  Maybe just sit on sNoory and squash him would be a good idea. 
During the first hour, sNoory briefly talked about problems with another Carnival cruise ship.  Evidently, there were problems with the ship's "generator", but sNoory couldn't pronounce this simple word and said "generation."  I truly think he's cognitively challenged.  Tommy and Lisa kiss sNoory's behind to keep their jobs, but I'm sure they laugh behind his back. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Robin Falkov Is A Turd
March 14, 2013, 03:06:55 PM
Quote from: expat on March 14, 2013, 02:34:47 PM
Tara - check Robin's own primitive web site. She herself recommends colonoscopy. As for "painless" -- as a survivor of hemicolectomy, I can say that the colonoscopy is painless, the actual surgery is not very painful but it's very, very, very inconvenient. Mine was early Stage 1 but I fear Robin may have delayed too long while she tried the utterly hopeless "remedy" of water with a memory.

expat:  Thanks for the info, I didn't think it was worthwhile to see Robin's website before posting. I still wonder if Robin had periodic colonoscopies, prior to diagnosis, or is she just now recommending traditional medicine.  Robin is certainly age 55+, she should have had her first at age 50.  The reason I'm into this is because my mother had this cancer, lived for another 21 years.  This test wasn't that common in the 80's, if it had been, her cancer could have been avoided or would have been less advanced.   Because I'm high risk, I have it every 5 years, nothing found so far. 

If Robin survives, and I hope so, I'm afraid she'll give a large credit to alternative medicine.  Just hope no one is mislead. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Robin Falkov Is A Turd
March 14, 2013, 02:04:44 PM
Quote from: anunnaki on March 14, 2013, 11:11:41 AM
Looks like the TURD's needs real medical help.
On Wed 3-13-2013 she was on C2C and said she was going to Miami to be treated for-

               "Homeopathic physician Dr. Robin Falkov revealed that she is struggling with colon cancer. "

So it looks like the "TURD" has problems with her "Turd Tunnel"

Maybe Richard Hoagland has been looking for love in all the wrong places.

I don't wish anything bad to happen to someone with cancer, but colon cancer is somewhat avoidable nowadays.  How?  Periodic colonoscopies, every 5 to 10 years after the age of 50.  This test can spot pre-cancerous growths and remove them before they become malignant.   It's painless. 

I hope that Robin Falkov wasn't so much into her "alternative medicine" that she felt she didn't need this test.  And yes, I'm sure she had enough money for insurance.  She now will realize that all her homeopathic medicines aren't worth a hill of beans in fighting the big "C."
November 1997, my cousin told me about Art Bell.  I listened, was hooked, and within a few weeks I purchased two Reel Talk tape recorders,  one for work and home.  From the first time I heard Art until the end, I must have listened to 90-95% of his programs.  It made a dull job palatable. 
I agree with you Lonevoice.  Clyde Lewis of Ground Zero has never met a conspiracy theory he doesn't believe in.  I would think that at least some of these theories are mistaken.  Don't know if there's a large national audience for Lewis five days a week.  He also can be compared to Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura. 

However, Lewis is a lot better when he has guests.  He's a good interviewer and has less time to go off on his rants.  Maybe with a more structured C2C format he'd do well, but he seems like the type to chafe over too much structure and direction from corporate. 
A multimillionaire, I wonder.  sNoory admits that he's helping support 9 people, three kids and six grandchildren.  (His kids are over 35, what's wrong with them?).  He probably was in debt when he started C2C.  He mentions going to Vegas, wouldn't doubt if he likes to play big shot at the tables.  Then there's the IRS.

sNoory may have made millions from C2C, but narcissistic people like to show off.  I know I'm hypothesizing, but when money comes easily, and in great quantities after a life of financial failure, it's quickly lost.  He's probably just a typical lottery winner. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jorch's Eye Pad.
March 11, 2013, 02:10:55 PM
I hope sNoory has a terrible case of insomnia.  He deserves to suffer. 
Since he's single, his mother would be First Lady, pulling the strings.
Quote from: NoMoreNoory on March 07, 2013, 12:44:27 AM
PLEASE tell me that someone else heard Jorch suggest that "Someone could pick up a little baby and hold a knife to it's throat and walk it up to the cockpit." in response to the news that the TSA will soon be allowing small bladed knives onto flights??? What the hell is his sick fascination with babies being harmed?!?

We also remember when he wondered what would happened if you beat a little child, would it turn out mean?

Anyone on Coastgab a licensed therapist?  I enjoy playing armchair shrink as much as the next person, but I can't even guess what is behind the psyche of a person who always associates babies with violent torture and death.  I've heard of men who torture prostitutes, sadists, and others with vile proclivities, but little innocents?  I can't imagine what happened in his past that caused this association; it's beyond my comprehension. 

Any pros here who can speculate, if not on this specific individual, but the babies and torture association in general. 
Quote from: Morgus on March 07, 2013, 02:51:28 PM
Noory commented again last night how he was brought up to believe God was an old man with a long white beard sitting on a throne up in the clouds and the Devil was a red horned being with a pitchfork in a burning hell down in the bowels of the earth.
Noory still believes in his fairy tales and questions a guest who claims that is false...

sNoory is again lying.  He was raised Catholic, as I was.  Even then the nuns did not state that God the Father was a literal man of flesh and bones; that was Jesus.  The church never claimed that it knew the exact physical description of the devil.  Blame a lot on the church, but not what sNoory alleges. 
Quote from: stevesh on March 06, 2013, 09:07:09 AM
Another Noory project goes down in flames.

I think "Beyond Belief' is already a failure.  sNoory wanted 10,000 people to sign up before he starts his charity to needy listeners scam.  He said he already has 1,500, WOW. 

With nothing better to do, I calculated (correct my math if wrong) that if only 1,500 people signed up out of the 3 million weekly listeners once alleged on C2C website, it would mean that only .05% of the audience wasted their money on sNoory's internet show.  The audience is dumb, but not that stupid. 
Quote from: Sardondi on March 06, 2013, 08:21:37 AM
It's more that Tyson himself will simply not consider that as a possibility. Such hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty astonishes me. And Tyson sees no inconsistency in positing theories of the beginning of things, and yet categorically rejects the possibility of a creative intelligence. That is faith. Not that he'd have the honesty to admit it.

I say to the materialist AND theist/creationist:  "There's more in heaven and earth than dreamt of in your philosophy."  It's premature to make definitive statements on the origin of existence.  What we will know in a few hundred years, assuming humans don't self-destruct, will make our current theories similar to a primitive's understanding of thunder, i.e., Thor is pounding on his anvil in heaven. 
Quote from: Canned Heat on March 06, 2013, 12:21:55 AM
Then Nadya Suleman.  And shouldn't it be Nadia?

Off topic, but Nadya is of middle eastern ancestry, single, and lives in the LA area.  Octomom: the perfect woman for sNorge.  Dumb and Dumber. 
Quote from: Nebraska888 on March 05, 2013, 07:13:38 PM

He has the look of a........USED CAR SALEMAN

Used car salesman by day, Vegas lounge lizard by night!
Quote from: popple on March 05, 2013, 06:56:16 PM

Don't forget that other story about his friend falling on the steps and being paralyzed. He loves to talk about him and shame him for not going for stem cell surgery every time there is a show on the subject.

Didn't sNoory also once say that he has healing abilities and he actually healed someone?  Wonders never cease with the Snorge. 
sNoory is the like the boy who cried wolf.  He's told so many tales: pizza rolls, near kidnapping in Mexico, guy dying due to failing kidneys, etc. etc. that he's lost all credibility.  Some of these stories may be partially true, but you no longer believe any of them.  I think most of his "biography" of early life in Detroit or wherever, is largely fabrication or a stretch of the truth. 
Quote from: Sardondi on March 04, 2013, 12:16:17 PM
I'm not a believer in the Fatima visions...but the "miracle of the sun" which occurred a few months after the children's reports was witnessed by anywhere of from 40,000-100,000 persons, including a future pope. Don't know what to make of that. And the debunk attempts I've read seem much too broad and desperate, and actually require more trust and faith than the published reports. Don't know what to think.

Maybe Noory is right on this point; he thinks the miracle of the sun was created by ET's.
Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 04, 2013, 10:25:41 AM
Fr. Gruner runs what amounts to a Fatima cult on the fringes of the RC Church. The Church disowned his organization and notions long ago. He's been on C2C before. The topic is timely with the Pope's resignation and could have been pretty interesting if Noory wasn't such a ignorant dullard incapable of intelligent spontaneous interviewing.  One of those guests whom would have worked well with Art B.

I have real doubts about the veracity of this whole Fatima thing.  Yes, I was raised Catholic.  Conveniently, two of the kids who supposedly saw the vision died within a year or two.  Sister Lucy was swiftly sent to a cloistered convent while still in her early teens, with no ability to address the outside world.  I think the church wanted to control this incident.

I read a recent book, I forgot the title, by a couple of Portuguese journalists, casting doubt on at least part of the story.  The apparitions occurred in 1917, but the details of the prophecy were released years after, with Sister Lucy conveniently confined. 

I once heard that visions can be a symptom of temporal lobe epilepsy.  The Fatima incident is the product of a more gullible time. 
Quote from: davidk26212 on March 04, 2013, 10:02:52 AM
What do you guys think of george reading that poem at the beginning of the show last night?

sNoory claimed that a listener wanted him to read this poem on the air.  The guy was supposedly going to die in a few weeks and I think the poem was addressed to his loved one who he was soon to leave.  If it's legit, I feel sorry for the guy, but it was maudlin, overly sentimental poem.

sNoory wants to convey that he is a caring heart; he connects with the problems and pains of the little guy, the loser, the shut-in, the cat lady in her trailer.  He only does this because he knows that this is his core audience.   
Quote from: Usagi on March 01, 2013, 02:56:00 PM
I'm going to assume this has already been posted (and apologizes if it has).  But, if not...


I just tried 'What does the internet think" of Art Bell and it's 83.7% positive.  Quite a contrast!
Random Topics / Re: Streamlink
February 25, 2013, 09:25:05 AM
I stopped renewing my Streamlink subscription a couple of years ago.  I emailed listing my reasons for cancellation.  I received a snarky response from someone at C2C.  It's a no class operation.

Wow  For haters, many CoastGabbers are a creative bunch, i.e. Coaster, Paper Boy, etc.  Kudos to all!  I love this visualization of the great Pizza Roll incident. 
Thanks for the clip; I finally heard it from the horse's mouth.  Why couldn't sNoory drive himself to the hospital?  As a woman I find he exhibits no traits that are the least bit masculine.   A big baby alright. 
Could someone clarify the Great Pizza Roll incident for me. 
     I assume this occurred in L.A.  Did sNoory say he had to call Tommy to take him to the hospital or was Tommy in the same location when the big burn occurred?   If he had to call, how could sNoory speak if his mouth hurt so much, or was it by text?

The sad part for me is that sNoory has lived a part of the time in LA for ten years, yet the only person he has to turn to is Tommy.  Yes, he has no life; he's made no connections with other human beings.  This says a lot about him.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jorch's Eye Pad.
February 22, 2013, 02:45:36 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 22, 2013, 03:45:54 AM
Great cartoon!   Heaven help his listeners if he did have that problem. 
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