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Messages - Tara

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
September 18, 2013, 12:45:37 PM

I got the Internet only Sirius XM and have no problems listening to Art Bell On Demand.

My question is that yesterday, Art Bell made mention of listeners being able to download his show onto iTunes.  Is this possible without any extra software?  If so, how in simple English, is this done.  Thanks for any help on this matter.  Go Art !!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
September 17, 2013, 07:55:24 AM
Haven't posted in a while but I just have to join the celebration.  Art Bell was his classic self last night.  The words of an old "Negro" spiritual (paraphrased) come to mind:

Oh Happy Day,
Oh Happy Day,

When Art Bell washed,
Oh yes he washed,

He washed old Noory away.

Oh Happy Day.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Questions For George Noory
August 14, 2013, 09:37:49 AM
This thread should be retained.  If and when Dave or George, His Lebanese Highness, or whatever name he deems to go by, ever visits BellGab, he should be referred to this thread.  No conversations between regular posters, just precise questions directed to him. 

If he answers a specific question fine.  But if he responds with evasive nonsense, there should be no response on our part.  Noory gets to converse with us on our terms, i.e., he directly answers our questions, no B.S.  If not, silence on our part. 

I've read the previous day's postings where Noory was supposedly visiting this site.  He basically said shit, no explanations of his "suckitude" or why he refuses to improve.   
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
August 05, 2013, 08:25:32 AM
Quote from: b_dubb on August 05, 2013, 07:38:52 AM
Art should start his own church

In jest:  The Church of the Open Mind !
Don't constantly preach on global warming, climate change, etc.  The "Day after Tomorrow" didn't happen, don't know if it ever will. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 31, 2013, 06:06:16 PM
Quote from: George Drooly on July 31, 2013, 05:43:02 PM
I hope Art's first guest is his own mother. I hope his second guest is Dave's mother.

I recall that Art's mother has passed away.  Or it it his father?  Either both or one of them is deceased. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 25, 2013, 04:57:28 PM
Quote from: PABellFan on July 25, 2013, 03:39:45 PM

While we wait it out here on CoastGab, we could amuse ourselves with a wish list to determine who gets custody of the kids in this upcoming "divorce." I'll begin:

Whitley Strieber
Linda Moulton Howe
Bob Lazar
Peter Davenport
Seth Shostak
Michio Kaku

Joshua P. Warren
Alex Jones
Lionel Fanthorpe
John Hogue
Glynnis "Numbers Lady" McCants
Christian "Turmeric" Wilde

Feel free to pile on.
Who gets Richard C. Hoagland?  And if RCH had a choice, who would he go with?  I think he'd miss making a fool out of sNoory.  But, more status being with Art. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jorch's Eye Pad.
July 25, 2013, 07:26:31 AM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 25, 2013, 03:53:01 AM

Like Tommy's Size 10X jockey shorts. 
Archive of Old Threads / Re: Coast Is Dead
July 15, 2013, 03:05:41 PM
Quote from: Ron on July 15, 2013, 01:20:55 PM

Coast is Dead, Long live Ground Zero!

So, lets all move on.
Are you aware that Clyde Lewis, the host of Ground Zero, has been off the air for several weeks due to renal (kidney) cancer?  On FB he stated that this is the third time he's had surgery for this horrible disease.  I wish Lewis a long life; he's only about 49.   However, and I hate to say this, I don't think we can rely on him for being a long term alternative to C2C.  At best, he'll be in and out of treatment for the rest of his life.  Sad.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 10, 2013, 06:25:17 AM
You're right Sardoni.  His newspaper obituary, assuming he get's one, is bound to state that Noory was the host of the C2C radio show, started by Art Bell.  Noory will always be in Art's shadow, never to escape. 
sNoory is even more off key than when I first heard him sing; he's getting worse.  Zero stage presence.   Actually, he's really not singing, more like talk-singing.  A sad, pathetic old man making a fool out of himself. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 21, 2013, 01:56:06 PM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on June 21, 2013, 01:29:44 PM
I fully agree. And would add that the Bell's bread & butter C2C shtick (UFOs, Bigfoot, paranormal) and his stable of regulars long ago succumbed to overexposure with George the Dim.  The offbeat genre was fresh and fascinating in 1992 but 20 years of hearing the same guests repeating the same tired BS, with new material or findings rarer than a fresh Bigfoot turd, has gotten really old and tedious. The shelf life of Bell's original quirky C2C stuff has been passed; most of his regulars graduated from being eccentrics to con artists. Night vision and IR cams are now sold at Walmart but still no Bigfoot found. Hoagland is recognized as a blowhard milking the gullible.  Half the world carries a phone camera but still no definitive UFO or alien pic but poor ol' Stanton Freedman still gives the same "They're here" shpiel he did in 1977.  Area 51 is passe. The 2012 Mayan Doomsday was a bust, as were all the other predicted cataclysms from Dames, Deyo, Berkland et al.  Georgio's "Ancient Aliens" is on cable almost nightly making him big $$ (Bell really dropped the ball on that), as are the feckless UFO hunters, the oh-so-phony ghost trackers and the goofy S'quatch squad.   

If Bell did return to radio, he'd have to find a new way with new subject genre and a new roster of guests. I don't see it. He seems quite content with his fellow nocturnal recluses on the 10 meter band. Sheesh, what a way to spend your life after banking a fortune!  To quote Wolf; "You can never go home".

You summed up my feelings perfectly, Art's day is gone.  Maybe a weekly show or podcast, but nothing more.  Sure I'd listen but it'll never be the same. 
Art loved music and as an ex-DJ he has a broad knowledge of the music of his generation and those a bit younger.  sNoory really has no feel or love for music.  He plays Sinatra; he doesn't like it, it's just to please his age 80+ mother. 

I loved how Art's bumper music fit the mood of the show.  I recall the long, slow, eerie intro to "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins.  Then there was Abba, Cusco, somehow it just fit.

When Fr. Malachi Martin was on, Art would play Charlie Daniels' "Devil Down in Georgia;" when the show was about secret government op's, he'd play "Secret Agent Man."

By his music selections, Art set the mood and atmosphere for C2C.  And most importantly, he did this all by himself, no one was selecting the music except Art.

OK sNoory lovers, defend Jorch on this point.  You can't.   
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 11, 2013, 10:30:07 AM
I first got onto the internet because of Art and C2C.  I started listening around 1997 and Art would always mention his website and it's contents.  Had to get online to see what it was all about.  Thanks Art!
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on June 04, 2013, 08:31:34 AM
He doesn't even have the decency to take the night off.

George Noory Sucks

sNoory won't take his birthday off because he CRAVES attention from his adoring, approving, fans.  He'll get off on all the callers, planted or genuine, who'll wish him Happy Brithday; "Oh George, you're so great, so is C2C."  He needs to feed his insecurities. 
Last night sNoory said that his mother gave him a book about the Betty and Barney Hill story when he was 14; it changed his life and supposedly made him want to be a journalist.  Sorry Georgie, the first book on the topic, Interrupted Journey, came out in 1966 when you were 16. 

He could have made a mistake, but I recall my age and the calendar year of seminal events in my life going back to age 13.   
Quote from: WOTR on May 24, 2013, 01:29:16 AM
  Having said that, most people that I know who have any form of Autism despise most social situations.  The amount of energy it takes to be around people would just about make Georgies position sound like hell to most of us (yes- it is just personnel experience- but you may want to ask your inlaw if the job would hold any appeal; I suspect he would not want it.)  Attending parades, interacting with the public for a few hours a day, attending dozens of conferences each year where you have to pretend to care about people and networking with people to further your career does not sound like something that I would want. 

Yes, that's true about my AS brother-in-law, he's always in the corner during family get-togethers, rarely interacting, while sNoory seeks out the spot light.  I guess sNoory doesn't have Asperger's, but he's not a normal guy, whatever his impairment is. 
Quote from: WOTR on May 23, 2013, 01:41:52 AM
Sorry- the net is not the best means of communication.  I am not insulted in the least- I am amused and saying that we do not want him was really meant as a joke.  (Who DOES want to claim Noory??? though I think we are stuck admitting him as art of the human race.)  I do not know if he is autistic or not- but I honestly suspect that he is not (mostly because he shows no signs of making any attempt to improve- but it is conceivable that there would be individuals who decide to embrace who they are and make absolutely no attempt to fit in.)  It is not the first time that somebody has speculated about Noory and Aspergers and it really is funny.

WOTR:  I have an in-law who has Asperger's and he displays a few of sNoory's traits, such as an inability to read people or the context of a situation.  Maybe, this is also a symptom of some disorder.  If not AS, WOTR, what do you think sNoory has?  I don't know if there's a name for it, but he's not normal, and part of it is that he can't relate to people unless he's the center of attention.  Sure that could be narcissism, but I feel it's more than that.  Very telling for me was when he said that his mother would throw him baseballs to hit.  Where were the other guys in the neighborhood?  Where was his Dad?  Even as a child he seems unable to have friends. People will criticize me for playing armchair shrink, but I don't think sNoory ever made a healthy separation from his Mother, he's still unduly influenced by her, her music, probably even her dislike for PG-13 language.  Maybe it's just as simple as being a narcisstic Mama's boy!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
May 20, 2013, 03:26:20 PM
I thank God for being a solid, middle class American.  I never had to marry a man 40 years older than me.  You're young and in your prime and for money you agree to have ongoing sex with a man old enough to be your grandfather.   Guys, don't kid yourself; young women don't enjoy it, just like you don't dream of an old, rich woman as a bed partner.  You dream of what money can buy and fake it in bed.  No I never did this, I just know human nature. 

But, everything's relative.  I'm sure people rarely marry for "love" in the third world and by marrying Art, Aryn is helping her entire extended family.  People here in the developed world have so many more options.   
I recall back in 1998 Art discussed the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky scandal.   Don't remember the guests he had on relative to that topic.  sNoory has no ability to analyze objectively any major political event. 

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
May 06, 2013, 06:19:47 AM
I wish somehow that sNoory, Tommy and the gang could be made aware of Art's feelings on C2C.
Great quotes by Carl Sagan !
Quote from: thefamilyghost on April 28, 2013, 12:24:34 AM
Just heard Art Bell read an email from a hater and then respond on-air. Whoa.

Well, what did the hater say in his email?  We're waiting. 
Random Topics / Re: Broadcasters vs. Jockocracy
April 25, 2013, 03:00:48 PM
I don't know if Art agreed with Rush's politics, but Art did acknowledge Rush's radio ability.

Both guys were born to do radio, starting in their teens.  Both of them are college dropouts, were DJ's, love radio.  Compare this to sNoory. 
Re:  the sNoory videos above:  I did investigative work for many years and learned to size people up during the thousands of interviews I've done.  sNoory strikes me as very insincere; he gives canned responses to questions; his facial expressions seemed forced, I wouldn't trust him as far as I can spit.

I bet sNoory would fail a lie detector test if asked what he really thinks of Art Bell, his listeners, and most C2C topics.  Only when he discusses alternative health and certain conspiracy theories do I sense any interest that is not feigned. 
Ian admits to a hair transplant.  His hair may be dyed, but it's his own, only rearranged on his head. 
Quote from: RedMichael on April 08, 2013, 04:52:41 AM

Holy crap. I thought Tommy was just a fat guy. No wonder George wants him around, he looks like great in comparison.

Tommy's a tall guy, an old photo shows him standing next to sNoory and he's several inches taller.  I'd guess Tommy's over 6'2" and weighs well over 350, maybe 400, look at those thighs!

Can't sNoory do anything without Tommy?  I don't think the network trusts sNoory; he must have his handler with him at all times.

Quote from: MV on April 06, 2013, 09:33:51 AM
So you're saying blind people CAN fuck? That's news to me.

You bet they can and often.  Old Stevie Wonder has seven kids from various relationships.  Stevie gets it on!
I see on the C2C website that sNoory will appear at these various shows around the country about  one weekend a month.  He's doing this more frequently than he did a few years back.  Can anyone venture a guess as to how much he gets for these "meet and greets"?  I'm curious. 
Quote from: onan on March 28, 2013, 08:08:23 AM

I don't think the Tea Party is a bad idea. I do think the Tea Party has made a huge blunder in attaching itself to christian whacknuts. Whacknuts that in my opinion want to replace US law with the book of leviticus.

Or holding hands with the idiots that really think government should be small enough to drag into the bathroom and drown it.

I am not opposed to making the government more efficient and less costly. I am opposed to shredding empathy from those that should receive it.

No I can't list planks from their platform. I can however smell shit when close enough, and the tea party is close enough. Close enough to the Koch brothers and the ilk of Don Blankenship.

I am opposed to teaching the bible as science.

So the Tea Party... to me, has little credibility and maybe is a bad idea.

Thanks for your LIMP response.  See you can't provide Tea Party Links connecting them to the religious right.  What's wrong with the Koch brothers?  Sorry, rich people are to be emulated, not denigrated.  Am I to emulate ghetto inhabitants.?   I've earned a fair amount of capital, and it's GREAT. 

Koch brothers are bad?  I've had contact with the poor slackers in this world, and their lack of self  control, behavioral pathologies will top anything.   And en masse they great more havoc than some evil billionaires.   Give me an industrious rich man any day.
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