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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 09:27:26 PM
This place can be a bit rough at times BUT for the most part is infested with pretty bright people.

There's a cream for that now.


Quote from: chinaclipper on March 25, 2015, 09:44:53 PM
Art is right, Mr. Finger. This place can be a bit rough, but always amusing, occasionally informative and ultimately entertaining.  The posters and ADMIIN (?) are wonderfully informed and opinionated, but that is a definite plus in their favor.  All are united in their admiration of Art Bell.  Live long and prosper here!

I agree. This forum is great, joking aside I am glad I found a place for someone as deranged as me (I consider myself deranged for enjoying a talk show that has essentially been off the air for 7-8 years)

Welcome friend.

The only word of wisdom here is that FortRock has more sanity than Jazmunda. The fact is, Jazmunda was PERSONALLY responsible for Art leaving Sirius. Jazmunda is a former Premiere Radio executive who was one of the 5 who voted to give George Noory a lifetime contract for C2C.


Art, when is the last time you reviewed any of your work from The Quickening? I feel like you were very on point with your observations that time was accelerating and it does indeed feel like we are still fast approaching some sort of climax...to what, who knows? (Singularity perhaps as Ray Kurzweil suggests?)

Is exploring this topic still of interest to you? I'm just so curious as to what your take on this is in 2015.


Quote from: From Somewhere Out There on March 25, 2015, 09:41:54 PM
Is it just me?; but when I read Art's comments, I am actually hearing him speak.

I think that's pretty common. When I read the hosts and callers of The GabCaster's posts, I hear their voices too.   
Yikes I'm FUCKED...  "This is White Crow"

Heather Wade

Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 09:27:26 PM
Mr Finger,

Welcome to this Den of Weird. I hope many more of the many lurkers will decide to adopt a name and Avatar and swim in or give us their version of the finger. This place can be a bit rough at times BUT for the most part is infested with pretty bright people.


My brochure said The Land of the Strange & Wonderful... dafuq?  Not again.


Quote from: jazmunda on March 25, 2015, 09:45:23 PM
There's a cream for that now.

Yeah, I need some of that stuff.  I find that I am frequently afflicted by infestations after hanging around vaguely lovable bright people...

Heather Wade

Quote from: pate on March 25, 2015, 09:54:29 PM
I find that I am frequently afflicted by infestations after hanging around vaguely lovable bright people...

Don't worry, man.  It's hardly noticeable.

Art Bell

Well I do think it was on target, I am not sure where we are headed but we seem to be getting there faster and faster. I have a soon to be 8 Year old Daughter so I have to hope for the best. I do not think America will crash and burn but I also don't think its Morning in America. I think like England we will remain but not be what we were in the post War Years.

I wish we we still reaching for the stars or at least Mars.



Ditto!!!!  And I think every generation has felt the same way....soo we can only continue to hope and Vote....


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 09:57:38 PM
Well I do think it was on target, I am not sure where we are headed but we seem to be getting there faster and faster. I have a soon to be 8 Year old Daughter so I have to hope for the best. I do not think America will crash and burn but I also don't think its Morning in America. I think like England we will remain but not be what we were in the post War Years.

I wish we we still reaching for the stars or at least Mars.


If this sort of thing does still float your boat, Art, I read this great book you might be interested in called Present Shock by Douglas Rushkoff. He breaks down how he thinks digital trends, technological advances, politics, the economy, etc have helped in creating "a world where everything is happening so fast that it might as well be simultaneous. One big now." What's crazy about this is that we are in constant reaction mode as there is no time for context anymore. I see it everyday personally with my social media behavior...I have had to take breaks for up to a few weeks just to realign and allow myself a chance to jump out of that constant river of noise...another reason why forums are so great. More like a stream.  ; )

Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 09:57:38 PM
I wish we we were still reaching for the stars or at least Mars.

I would be content with cool dome cities on the moon and for the opportunity for every earthling to visit such cities at least once in their life.

Colonizing the moon would be such a fun thing to do just because we can.

But we never will.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 09:57:38 PM
I wish we we still reaching for the stars or at least Mars.


When I was a kid I was promised flying cars dagnabbit!!!11

Hoverboards at the very least. Or a robot butler. 


and individual rocket packs


Quote from: chinaclipper on March 25, 2015, 10:10:05 PM
and individual rocket packs

Compare now to 2001:A Space Odyssey!  Or Back to the Future.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: cweb on March 25, 2015, 01:41:18 PM
Yeah, apparently her accent changes based on location. Someone once told me that a person tends to speak with the accent of the culture they find superior. Of course, it was a way to explain why her British boyfriend had no accent. I just thought he told her that because she was giving him the 'pooner.
That's got to be an interesting exchange rate!

Probably better than the Ruble, though.

Anything for a piece of the action, hehe.

Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 08:05:57 PM
Funny you should mention the 3rd Secret, I know a bit about that as well and can not speak of it.


Speaking of that. I thought once we all got acquainted here on BellGab that meant no more secrets, Art. Darn it.


Quote from: Camazotz Automat on March 25, 2015, 10:07:45 PM
I would be content with cool dome cities on the moon and for the opportunity for every earthling to visit such cities at least once in their life.

Colonizing the moon would be such a fun thing to do just because we can.

But we never will.

Oh haven't we?



Quote from: scottydawg on March 25, 2015, 07:48:51 PM
So wherever you broadcast your show on I'll be listening! ;)

Quote from: chinaclipper on March 25, 2015, 09:44:53 PM
... All are united in their admiration of Art Bell and dislike of Dave Noorie.  Live long and prosper here!

Nick el Ass

Quote from: jazmunda on March 25, 2015, 10:07:46 PM
When I was a kid I was promised flying cars dagnabbit!!!11

Hoverboards at the very least. Or a robot butler.

Would you settle for the Butter Butler?


Well, I need a butter ribbon 11 feet long.


Quote from: Art Bell on March 25, 2015, 09:27:26 PM
Mr Finger,

Welcome to this Den of Weird. I hope many more of the many lurkers will decide to adopt a name and Avatar and swim in or give us their version of the finger. This place can be a bit rough at times BUT for the most part is infested with pretty bright people.

It's official.  We have crossed the Rubicon.  Art Bell, X-Files, and Twin Peaks are all returning to the air.  And now Art Bell's is the first post welcoming a newcomer to Bellgab.   If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up. 


caller talks about Area 52, triangle crafts, etc.
all technology controlled by the 'secret' government.


Quote from: jimg on March 25, 2015, 10:06:05 PM
If this sort of thing does still float your boat, Art, I read this great book you might be interested in called Present Shock by Douglas Rushkoff. He breaks down how he thinks digital trends, technological advances, politics, the economy, etc have helped in creating "a world where everything is happening so fast that it might as well be simultaneous. One big now." What's crazy about this is that we are in constant reaction mode as there is no time for context anymore. I see it everyday personally with my social media behavior...I have had to take breaks for up to a few weeks just to realign and allow myself a chance to jump out of that constant river of noise...another reason why forums are so great. More like a stream.  ; )

As a serious student of history and trends, each generation says basically the same thing about their own unique generation.
Viva Avant-garde, rinse Viva Avant-garde, repeat Viva Avant-garde. Soon enough we'll be listening to Lady gaga elevator music.

And as each generation matures, they feel lost in the change of the new generation's uniqueness, and seek to return to the values of their generation's Good old Days.
Viva Jack Benny, Viva Groucho Marx, Viva Art Bell


Quote from: rzr1911 on March 25, 2015, 10:51:13 PM

caller talks about Area 52, triangle crafts, etc.
all technology controlled by the 'secret' government.

My favorite thing about Alex Jones is the insane conspiracy that he is Bill Hicks and some day he will reveal Alex Jones was an Andy Kaufman level stunt.

That's mainly because I wish Bill Hicks was still alive.


Thanks for the kind welcome, Mr. Bell (and WhiteCrow & chinaclipper).

I totally agree with your conviction that smartphones have replaced radios.  The future of Talk is the internet -- not radio. And I believe you are going to prove it, and will do so by appealing to younger folks, too, the ones with all the smart phones in their pockets.  Today, the older the demographics, the fewer the smartphones.  Many seniors swear they will never own one, preferring the simplicity of a cell phone -- and their old AM radio.  But many seniors (and smartphone holdouts) still have a laptop or desktop for internet radio.

Once, while I was staying in a motel and listening to C2C, static was so bad that I actually threw my portable radio into the swimming pool, that's how frustrated I was with the reception.  AM reception never used to be so horrible.  I recall as a kid listening to KOMA (Oklahoma City, I think), 1000 miles across the prairie, coming in crystal clear, all night long, every night.  I think it's all the sunspot activity in recent years that, along with the internet, is obsoleting AM.  The infestation of 20 minutes of corporate greed (adverts) each hour is contributing, too.

Heather Wade

Quote from: lonevoice on March 25, 2015, 10:48:21 PM
It's official.  We have crossed the Rubicon.  Art Bell, X-Files, and Twin Peaks are all returning to the air.  And now Art Bell's is the first post welcoming a newcomer to Bellgab.   If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up.

Agent : Orange has a scientific term for it:  Bizzarro World. 
And I say if Bizzarro World is wrong, I don't wanna wake up either.  Kettle corn?   ;D


Quote from: WhiteCrow on March 25, 2015, 10:51:23 PM
As a serious student of history and trends, each generation says basically the same thing about their own unique generation.
Viva Avant-garde, rinse Viva Avant-garde, repeat Viva Avant-garde. Soon enough we'll be listening to Lady gaga elevator music.

And as each generation matures, they feel lost in the change of the new generation's uniqueness, and seek to return to the values of their generation's Good old Days.
Viva Jack Benny, Viva Groucho Marx, Viva Art Bell

yeah, I guess. I don't think that disqualifies the uniqueness of whatever disruption to our current conscious narrative currently is or has been in the past. The notion of just "shrugging" and kind of saying "every generation says the same thing" might be correct, but also feels so lazy. To disregard these sort of changes as just merely trends is to end the greater conversation about what they mean.


23 members and 53 guests in this thread compared to 11/20 in the GNS thread.  :)


Quote from: bateman on March 25, 2015, 11:19:52 PM
23 members and 53 guests in this thread compared to 11/20 in the GNS thread.  :)

Does that surprise you?

Where did you get these stats?

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: jazmunda on March 25, 2015, 11:25:04 PM

Where did you get these stats?

    Secret 22, section F of Fatima.

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