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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 06, 2017, 11:04:52 PM
someone who actually assaults women by grabbing them by their private parts?

I think it's easy to determine. And I think your inability to parse simple English is suspect.


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 06, 2017, 10:59:22 PM
The "most corrupt" in the history of the planet? Lol, I guess you've never heard of Boss Tweed or Tammany Hall.

Insignificant by comparison to the odious stench of Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 07, 2017, 04:21:36 AM
You are mistaking tolerance for advocacy. If they are 'pro' anything they are pro giving different people the same rights under the law, regardless of their beliefs or personal proclivities. This is perfectly consistent with your Founding Fathers, with their insistence on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not to mention freedom of religion. You sound like you are foreshadowing some kind of quasi-fascist state where everyone who doesn't tick all the boxes is excluded from full citizenship in your little world.

Yes, we should be so bloody tolerant that we should even tolerate intolerance, i.e. the jihadis.  ::)

All the best in your caliphate, mate!  ;)

Gyoza Girl

Quote from: Jackstar on January 07, 2017, 05:03:28 AM



Your specious comments are an embarrassment to rational thought. Grow up.

So? The first article doesn't say anything about Hillary or the Democrats. The second article contains info that was covered extensively by "mainstream news," so I'm not sure how it refutes anything I said about alt-right news.

The third article is actually an opinion piece. In addition, I don't know how you go from the arrest of a major party donor, to the assertion that every leader of that party is involved in something shady.

I've been in the news business long enough to be irritated when people disparage mainstream news, yet somehow think all the alt-right junk is true.


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 07, 2017, 09:05:17 AM
I've been in the news business long enough to be irritated when people disparage mainstream news, yet somehow think all the alt-right junk is true.

Maybe you should try putting the emphasis back on news and not business. In other words, stop being such a soulless whore and maybe people will believe you a little more often.  ;)


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 07, 2017, 09:05:17 AM
In addition, I don't know how you go from the arrest of a major party donor, to the assertion that every leader of that party is involved in something shady.

When was such an assertion made, and who made it? Be specific. Do it now.

Gyoza Girl

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 07, 2017, 01:10:10 AM
So then it's ''alt-right'' news sites, attempting to cast a sinister sounding description over those who disagree with them.

Oh please, alt-right news isn't real journalism. Real journalism is supposed to be without fear or favor. Breitbart and other alt-right people feared that a well-informed population would elect Hillary, so they ran a bunch of junk stories favoring Trump.


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 07, 2017, 09:13:33 AM
Oh please, alt-right news isn't real journalism.

Hey, look, it's the primary attack the messenger ploy. That was fast.

Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 07, 2017, 09:13:33 AM
Oh please, alt-right news isn't real journalism. Real journalism is supposed to be without fear or favor. Breitbart and other alt-right people feared that a well-informed population would elect Hillary, so they ran a bunch of junk stories favoring Trump.

Oh please, Mainstream Media news isn't real journalism. Real journalism is supposed to be without fear or favor. CNN and the other ''Progressive'' advocacy outlets feared that a well-informed population would elect Trump, so they ran a bunch of junk stories favoring Hilary.



Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 07, 2017, 04:21:36 AM
You are mistaking tolerance for advocacy. If they are 'pro' anything they are pro giving different people the same rights under the law, regardless of their beliefs or personal proclivities. This is perfectly consistent with your Founding Fathers, with their insistence on life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Not to mention freedom of religion. You sound like you are foreshadowing some kind of quasi-fascist state where everyone who doesn't tick all the boxes is excluded from full citizenship in your little world.

What you call " tolerance" on the part of the left is in reality a pandering to fringe groups who aspire to gain influence and control to a degree that is grossly out of proportion to their numbers.  More importantly,  furtherance of their agenda in many instances does not just conflict with the average American's sense of morality and what they want for their children, but, because of the stridency and shrillness of the SJWs, they see the body politic and judiciary getting bogged down in controversy over frivolous matters that divert attention and diminishing resources away from issues of much greater importance to all Americans.  The most recent example of this is the battle over transgender toilet facilities. 

The legitimate minority rights movement in this country has evolved into a tyranny of the minority aided and abetted by democrat vote buying.  Recognition of this most certainly played a part in the Dems recent shellacking.   Of course the Dems would have us believe that their defeat was due to rampant racism and backward puritanical beliefs of voters rather than a rejection of the extremism their party has come to represent.

Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 07, 2017, 09:05:17 AM
... I've been in the news business long enough to be irritated when people disparage mainstream news, yet somehow think all the alt-right junk is true.

Let me help you out with this.

The mainstream media, or Big Media as I call them.  Their used to be several newspapers in each city, and they advocated various political viewpoints.  The more respected papers did a pretty good job of keeping their opinions and advocacy on the op-ed pages, for the most part.  There were less respected papers as well, the tabloids, who operated more closely to what we have now, although with considerably less sophistication.

Over time, during the 1960s and 1970s mostly, as white flight left the cities (as the ''Progressives'' were taking over and ruining them), as more people watched TV news instead of buying the paper, they lost subscribers and merged or went out of business - often leaving one main paper in the local market.  At the same time, the Left began their Long March through our institutions, infiltrating and taking them over - universities, teachers unions, Hollywood, all levels of government bureaucracy, libraries, etc.  And media outlets.  Journalism retreated, and ''progressive'' advocacy advanced.

Fast forward to today.  Talk radio, Breitbart, and the others don't hide their advocacy.  That they are selective in what they run and discuss.  That much of what they offer are opinions.  They find news that interests them, present it, and give their take.  It's not true journalism, and isn't presented as such.  Some of it is journalism, some is advocacy, some is entertainment.  Just like Big Media.  The difference is Big Media claims they are still journalists, that they keep their advocacy and entertainment separated from the journalism.  They don't. 

See the difference? 

That doesn't mean what they present is simply false.  Some of it may not be fully vetted, some may be very one-sided.  Just like what we get from the mainstream media.  Any informed person understands the mainstream media are advocates, just as talk radio and the websites you don't like are.  An informed, discerning person is able to glean the news and separate it from the opinion and advocacy from all the above sources. 

New pieces don't appear and exist in a vacuum.  They are each part of a longer storyline.  At some point it is not difficult to understand what rings true, what is probably crap, and what needs to either play out or be looked into further.  At some point it is not difficult to understand who is often lying, who is usually fair and accurate, whose opinions and expectations about how things will play out are usually accurate and whose aren't.  If a person simply decides in advance wide categories of groups who they are going to believe and who they are not going to listen to, they are going to end up mostly seeking and getting information that validates their existing views

By the way, there is nothing wrong with advocacy, or having opinions.  We all have a world-view (some more accurate than others)

Just be able to tell the difference, with your own, and with what you're reading or hearing.


Quote from: Gyoza Girl on January 07, 2017, 09:13:33 AM
Oh please, alt-right news isn't real journalism. Real journalism is supposed to be without fear or favor. Breitbart and other alt-right people feared that a well-informed population would elect Hillary, so they ran a bunch of junk stories favoring Trump.

She sold her influence as secretary of state around the world; made deals with terrorists; tried to cover it up; got 4 people killed in Benghazi and tried to cover that up all while playing into the worst aspects of identity politics...I could go on.  :D

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 07, 2017, 09:45:09 AM
She sold her influence as secretary of state around the world; made deals with terrorists; tried to cover it up; got 4 people killed in Benghazi and tried to cover that up all while playing into the worst aspects of identity politics...I could go on.  :D

And none of this was covered fairly or accurately by Big Media.  As advocates, they downplayed it, ignored it, and lied about it.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 07, 2017, 09:38:17 AM
"Let me help you out with this.

Over time, during the 1960s and 1970s mostly, as white flight left the cities (as the ''Progressives'' were taking over and ruining them), as more people watched TV news instead of buying the paper, they lost subscribers and merged or went out of business.  At the same time, the Left began their Long March through our institutions, infiltrating and taking them over - universities, teachers unions, Hollywood, government, etc.  And media outlets.  Journalism retreated, and ''progressive'' advocacy advanced."

Why Are Colleges and Universities Infested with Liberals ?

Neal Boortz explained it best in " The Terrible Truth about Liberals"  - pages 25-28

"If you want to really go out there and find a hive of Liberals to stir up just visit you local college or university.

We go back to the time of the Vietnam War. You will remember that there was a sharp division of opinions over whether or not the United States had any business being involved in the problems of Vietnam.

Suffice it to say that Liberals were more likely than Conservatives to oppose that involvement. Some Liberals were so opposed that their intellectual brilliance caused them to pose, complete with hideous grins plastered across their faces, for photographs on the very anti-aircraft batteries that the enemy was using to shoot down American pilots -(Think-Actress Jane Fonda) !

As the Vietnam War heated up, more and more young men of Liberal persuasion were looking for ways to avoid the Draft. Everyone knew that one of the easiest ways to avoid Military Service was through the Student Draft Deferment.

As the Vietnam War dragged on, many of these Liberal antiwar protesters found their Student Deferments running out. Graduation could well have meant a notice from the Local Draft Board.

The solution ? Stay in school. By the tens of thousands, students extended their college careers for no other reason than to extend their Student Deferments. Three or four more years in a Master's or Doctorate Program meant three or more years to hide in a classroom and wait out the end of the War.

Since these young Liberals were staying in school for the sole purpose of avoiding the Draft, it hardly made sense to pursue an academically challenging course of study. Why, after all would you need to suffer the pressures of Advanced Mathematics, Calculus, or Thermodynamics when all you want to do is keep that precious Student Deferment?

The answer? A Liberal Arts Course of Study. Keep it easy. Go for that Master's in History, that Doctorate in Philosophy or Government. Maybe a Graduate Degree in Black Studies would be the ticket. Perhaps English Literature or Political Science would be the way to go. Just so you keep the Deferment.

Finally the War ended. As the soldiers returned from Southeast Asia our Colleges and Universities were belching out hoards of relieved Liberals with their Liberal Arts Degrees. There was a slight problem, though. Now that these Liberals were free of the threat of Military Service, they wanted work. The Want Ads were not exactly full of advertisements seeking people with Advanced Degrees in History, English, or Gender Studies. So it was back to the only place where employment opportunities really existed for them-College. This time as an Instructor, soon to be Assistant Professor, then Professor, then the Dean.

In short, one of  the primary reasons our Colleges and Universities are so full of Liberals is that so many of them fled there to escape Service during the Vietnam War, and couldn't escape.

They remain there to this day spreading their Liberal views to eager and impressionable young students.

It should be pointed out that this same explanation can be applied to the current Liberal Domination of Journalism. Most of the biggest names in Journalism today came from Liberal Arts Colleges (such as Columbia) that harbor entire herds of Vietnam era Leftists who found their vocations while hiding from the Draft

The sad results-

Outside of Math and the hard sciences, every other field of study and thought it based on ones own interpretations of all things. It is only through the validation of other people that their views and beliefs gain credibility. A university is the ultimate example of this. You have an instructor whom lectures on politics or ethics and morality, and the only way to pass the course, is to take this viewpoint and either agree with it or expand on it. Thus building said house of cards. Class discussions then become a text book example of group think. Where ones ability to be seen as a smart and intelligent person revolves around their ability to persuade people to their viewpoint, whereas the instructors and administration are in a unique position to strong arm and leverage people into thinking the way they do in order to pass the class, or face a failing grade and loosing out on their opportunity to advance their lives. This is why conservatives often times find themselves biting their tongue and just "getting through it" because they known if they were to voice their opinions, they will be chastised and scored lower then their liberal peers whom are in agreement with the course material. This is a very real problem because now university curriculums begin to look and feel more like propaganda. Where the constant hammering of the same mentality begins to manipulate eager young minds. Someone whom might simply be a moderate or independent thinker is forced to so often think within the confines of said course material and rhetoric that it begins to limit their ability to think openly about things. As they are so often shown, through their grades and reception during class discussions, that deviating from this line of thinking cost them in the long run. So, over time, this begins to be how they actually think. Leveling everything they are asked to analysis against what they have been taught is right. THIS is how college universities churn out liberals. They spend years hearing these types of proclamations being received as right... they loose their own abilities to see past what has been ingrained in their psyche.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 07, 2017, 09:54:13 AM
And none of this was covered fairly or accurately by Big Media.  As advocates, they downplayed it and ignored it.

MSM has become an organ of the Democrat party.  Enough said. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 07, 2017, 09:38:17 AM
Let me help you out with this.

Fast forward to today.  Talk radio, Breitbart, and the others don't hide their advocacy.  That they are selective in what they run and discuss.  That much of what they offer are opinions. 

Apart from out and out bullshit that can potentially cause riots. They ran a 'story' that a church in Dortmund was burned down by Muslims on New Years eve. It didn't happen. What actually happened was fireworks had been let off nearby, and a couple of fireworks landed in the netting surrounding the scaffolding on the church undergoing restoration. The resultant fire was put out in ten minutes and no real damage done.

Presumably Breitbart would have been all coy and shoe shuffling if a mass riot had occured after the story had been sent out many 100's of times throughout the 'social' media?

They're not opiniated, they're trouble making immature fuckwits. Pretty apposite that Trump has appointed their boss as his strategy chief! Birds of a feather etc.

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 07, 2017, 10:05:14 AM
Apart from out and out bullshit that can potentially cause riots...

So when Solidarity International / Occupy Wall St / Black Lives matter are out rioting, you're against that?

How about when the thugs and their advocates in our cities go on weeks long rampages after some criminal gets themselves shot by police?  And when Obama, Holder, the usual Left wing mouthpieces, and Big Media incite it further?

We're against all riots right - the ones that actually occur, and the ''potential'' ones from a Breitbart piece?

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 07, 2017, 10:05:14 AM
... They ran a 'story' that a church in Dortmund was burned down by Muslims on New Years eve. It didn't happen. What actually happened was fireworks had been let off nearby, and a couple of fireworks landed in tbe netting surrounding the scaffolding on tne church undergoing restoration. The resultant fire was put out in ten minutes and no real damage done...

Frankly, I'm not in a rush to believe what may very well be an attempt by the German government to re-write what really happened, in an attempt to cover their asses in inviting hordes of these uncivilized, dangerous, violent people into their country. 

We know police, hospitals, etc in Germany are told to keep their mouths shut about violence these people cause - this could be more of the same.  We know the media advocate on behalf of these dreadful people.  Neither Breitbart, the Merkel government, nor the MSM have demonstrated we should simply take what they tell us at face value - and that's the whole point.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 07, 2017, 09:45:09 AM
got 4 people killed in Benghazi and tried to cover that up

That rabbit hole goes considerably deeper than this.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 07, 2017, 10:18:00 AM
So when Solidarity International / Occupy Wall St / Black Lives matter are out rioting, you're against that?

Of course. Why wouldn't I be?

How about when the thugs and their advocates go on weeks long rampages when some criminal gets themselves shot by police?  And when Obama, Holder, the usual Left wing mouthpieces, and Big Media incite it further?

We're against all riots right - the ones that actually occur, and the ''potential'' ones from a Breitbart piece?

Well I am, I can't speak for you.

Frankly, I'm not in a rush to believe what may very well be an attempt by the German government to re-write what really happened, in an attempt to cover their asses in inviting hordes of these uncivilized, dangerous, violent people in. 

Of course you're in no rush. Why would you be? Breitbart never lie or fabricate anything in your mind.

We know police, hospitals, etc in Germany are told to keep their mouths shut about violence from these people - this could be more of the same.  We know the media advocate on behalf of these dreadful people.  Neither Breitbart, the German government, nor the MSM have demonstrated we should simply take what they tell us at face value.

We know? How do WE know?

Breitbart said that Dortmund's oldest church had been burnt down. Its neither Dortmund's oldest church, nor was it burned down. And I very much doubt that the Breitbart stoners will be going over there anytime soon to tell the police they were only joking. They couldn't find Dortmund on a fucking map, yet they get a story from there?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 07, 2017, 10:20:44 AM
Do you mean like this?

Trump said it was rigged. He told everyone who would listen. And now we know his fuck buddy Putin made sure it was.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 07, 2017, 10:28:54 AM
Trump said it was rigged. He told everyone who would listen. And now we know his fuck buddy Putin made sure it was.


Alright. You've covered your talking point. Move along now.  :D

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 07, 2017, 10:30:37 AM

Alright. You've covered your talking point. Move along now.  :D

Too uncomfortable for you to know that your next POTUS is Putin's bitch?  ;D


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on January 07, 2017, 10:33:48 AM
Too uncomfortable for you to know that your next POTUS is Putin's bitch?  ;D

The only bitches come from Britain these days.  ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 07, 2017, 09:45:09 AM
She sold her influence as secretary of state around the world; made deals with terrorists; tried to cover it up; got 4 people killed in Benghazi and tried to cover that up all while playing into the worst aspects of identity politics...I could go on.  :D
And was an expert at IT security.


Quote from: GravitySucks on January 07, 2017, 01:16:22 AM
History lesson on corruption that led to the Obama we know today: Been binge watching Star Trek Voyager. Seven of Nine (Jerri Ryan) was married to Jack Ryan. Their divorce and custody agreement was sealed. When Jack Ryan was running against Obama for the Senate, rumors of their divorce details were leaked. In spite of both parents requesting the custody agreement remain sealed to protect the privacy of their child, a judge ruled to release the documents. Ryan was embarrassed and withdrew from the race, which directly led to Obama's Senate seat. You can google the details of why he was embarrassed.

Today, the Democrats would simply blame the Russians for disclosing the documents.
Yes, a sordid affair and interesting because Democrats usually praise such behavior sexually and say private life has no bearing on public office etc. And then to do this, partisan judge interfering, Obama's private life and history getting a pass, and the corrupt Illinois politics get ignored on the national stage. I also blame the Republicans also though because they didn't field and fund another good candidate and although I like Alan Keyes he is too principled and out-spoken for that State and wasn't supported financially enough and the "token black" idea only works in the Democratic Party.


Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on January 07, 2017, 12:50:16 AM
Are there any original thoughts or ingredients in that word salad? Asking for a guy that a friend of a friend's step-cousin's brother-in-law thinks he remembers talking to in a bar in Sturgis a couple of years ago.

I rest my case. Democrats no longer have their finger on the pulse of their own party much less on the American people.

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