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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


↓ My reply to Dr. MDMD
Quote from: Catsmile on May 07, 2017, 10:13:52 PM
No. I was talking about child education in general. Kidnostad3 posted the non sequitur about Muslim child brides/rape. Me posting about child brides/rape occurring in America was just pointing out his hypocrisy and bigotry. I wasn't trying to make a moral equivalence. He then doubled down on his hypocrisy and bigotry. Making a moral high ground argument. Saying Muslims sanction child brides/rape. Therefore they are worse. He and others made the moral equivalence, not me. Child brides/rape is a worldwide problem sanctioned or otherwise, not exclusive to Muslims.

No matter the age I find child brides/rape equally repugnant. Wherever it happens or whoever does it, doesn't change how repulsed I feel. Children who have been raped don't feel less traumatized, or morally better because their rape was unsanctioned. Twisting something as dehumanizing as rape, much less child rape, into a moral high ground, or a moral equivalence argument, diminishes what all rape victims go through. Which I also find repugnant. Singling out a religion, or country as worse than another, where child brides/rape occurs, baffles me as a human being.

Again, child brides/rape is a worldwide problem not exclusive to any country or religion. Feigning indignation over one group, while turning a blind eye to other groups sanctioned child bride/rape is quite telling. Turning the issue of child bride/rape into a moral high ground, or moral equivalence argument is also quit telling indeed. He who is without sin cast the first stone.

Let the indignation flow. I'll just leave this here...

             State sanctioned brides


↓ Ignoring the info-graphic image. He moves the goal post down the field, again
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 08, 2017, 08:02:02 AM
Horse shit!  You post a picture of ragged and dirty waifs and a child prostitute in some third world country and then you tell us that you're  worried about how they will get an education.  A better  question would be how will they survive until their next birthday.

At the point you entered the conversation, some of us were posting sytircal comments on how leftists blame the evils of the world on white males who are without exception heartless brutes.  As if to illustrate our point you post the aforementioned pictures as a way of associating the plight of those poor kids with conservative//libertarian philosophy.  It's a cheap device that you and your ilk often attempt to use as emotional leverage in promoting your socialistic views.  Guess what.  People recognize it for the disengenuous and callous appeal to the emotions that it is. Are you so mean spirited that you use these poor children as propaganda tools? 

The only non sequitors here lie in your gross dissembling from post to post. The rhetorical bobbing and weaving that you so often resort to is very bush league.

Moving the goal post, again. Kidnostand3 tries to invalidate my position by turning child labor, child prostitution, cycle of poverty, and 3rd world education, into a left/right political football. With no shame in his game, stooping even lower. Showing he knows nothing of 3rd world poverty in the process. Which clearly shows his ilk, and who is mean spirited enough to use poor children as a propaganda tool.

"How will they survive until their next birthday?" Posing such a "bush league" question shows Kidnostand3 knows nothing of which he speaks. Let me explain, since he doesn't know.

Firstly, some don't survive, they die. The survivors squeak by day to day working, year in year out. Helping support their families and themselves. With no hope of a different future. The ragged dirty waifs work making charcoal in a squatters slum, where they live. The child prostitute works 12 hour days, 6 days a week. When business is slow, mama-san will let 2-3 men pool their Pesos to afford the asking price. The girl gets to service 2-3 clients for the price of one, not always individually. If the kids make it to adulthood, the cycle continues for their children. Unless something breaks the cycle. Education can break that cycle, giving children a chance for a better future. Feed the child a fish. They eat for a day. Teach the child to fish. They eat for a lifetime.

Yes, I really do care. I've helped put 2 though school with a 3rd on the way. My small part fighting child labor and prostitution. How many have you helped? Exclaiming Horse shit is all you got.

↓ Others can judge who is dissembling post by post below, if they care. ↓


Quote from: ItsOver on May 09, 2017, 08:55:36 PM
"You are hereby terminated..."

The timeline with the phased plasma rifle in the forty watt range is the best timeline.


Quote from: Catsmile on May 10, 2017, 02:47:12 AM
Others can judge

Hi Pussygrin. Where are you at with your awareness of the nanotech and the weather modification? Your other opinions are nonsensical. Hit the books, Kid.



↓ Original post to which I replied
Quote from: Up All Night on May 04, 2017, 06:27:09 PM
At age 7, children need to be learning a trade. By the time they're 16, they can support a family, instead of the fucking govt. doing it for them.

HS--- Very Very over-rated!!!!

↓ My reply to Up All Night. Notice "AmIRite?!" denoting it as lame. I used reductio ad absurdum to make two points. First point: What you read below isn't just a lame idea I made up. Currently it is a reality for millions of children worldwide. Secondary point: Taken to it's logical conclusion, Up All Nights idea is obsolete for a first world nation, in the 21st century. The "dirty waifs and child prostitute", as Kidnostand3 calls them. Only serves to illustrate the real life consequences of the "lame idea" below.
Quote from: Catsmile on May 04, 2017, 07:44:23 PM
By the age of 4 children should be doing anything they can to keep the family up. Why do children get to be a drain society, no free rides, earn your keep. If they can earn enough for any kind of education that is their business, if not tough. Family member gets sick? Do whatever it takes to earn the cash for hospital care. AmIRite?!
(SNIPPED: Picture of ragged and dirty waifs and a child prostitute in some third world country)

↓ Kidnostand3 moves the goalpost in his reply, using a non-sequitur about Muslims.
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 04, 2017, 07:51:54 PM
If she was a Muslim living in any number of Muslim countries she could be the wife of a 50 year old man.  

↓ Pointing out I was talking about education. I also point out child brides happen elsewhere in the world.
Quote from: Catsmile on May 04, 2017, 08:55:23 PM
Not sure what the point about Muslims has to do with education of children. An uneducated child bride is better than an uneducated child whore? Or is a working child whore better than child bride? Does it make the child a better or worse person if they are a child bride, instead of a child whore? If both were educated it would be better? Would it be better if the child had a husband who MIGHT pay for her sick mothers health care? Instead of 10 "clients" a night that are paying for her sick mothers health care? WTF?  ???

Yes. Females in many places of the world today (not just Muslims parts) are treated as property, to be used for gain or profit. Whats that got to do with education? Do you wish it to be more like that in the USA? Jealous? WTF? Truly at a loss here...  :o

Not that it matters, there is a chance that those girls could be Muslims from whence they hail.

(Shakes head and moves on... Sigh)

↓ Continues to focus on Muslims. Ignoring legal chattel elsewhere in the world.
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 04, 2017, 09:59:13 PM
   My point is that a 7 year old Muslim wife is in fact the legal chattel of her husband and has no chance of being educated.

↓ Explaining yet again, I was talking about education. I point out again child marriage happens worldwide, even within Christianity, not excluding USA. Apparently only Muslim chattel has no chance of being educated, at least in Kidnostand3s world.
Quote from: Catsmile on May 05, 2017, 02:26:49 AM
Ah, I see. I was talking about education and children in general, before you wanted to make it about a specific cult.  

Muslims coming up in the Trump thread, strange. AmIRite? Stranger still is how you only focus on the Muslims making chattel of young girls, when this kind of behavior goes on worldwide. Such myopia could seem disingenuous, or possibly bigoted. Especially when it comes from a worldly person whose possessed of a first world I.Q. like yourself.  <Jan Bradys voice: "Muslims Muslims Muslims!">

Being the underage chattel of a husband currently happens within Christianity, even in the good ol' USA. Many sects worldwide currently practice this behavior. Yet I see no gnashing of teeth opining about such ills on this thread. Unless it's Muslims, sad. Bigly. This thread may not be the hero Muslims want, but the hero they need.  ::)

Lets save our own child brides and Lost boys* first, and not worry about 3rd world shitholes. #MAGA

↓ Yet again, ignores the fact child marriage is sanctioned in the USA, and elsewhere. Then he turns child brides/rape, pedophilia, polygamy, into a moral highground argument. As if those things are exclusive to Muslims alone. Kidnostand3 seems to be on a bigoted rant with blinders on.
Quote from: Kidnostad3 on May 05, 2017, 06:24:26 AM
You have a lightening quick grasp of the patently obvious.  Of course the problem is the pedophiles who make the  enslavement of children as sex workers profitable. I will venture to say that in most countries where pedophilia is rampart, it is at least against against the law and is prosecutable. In Muslim countries it's institutionalized. It's okay to take on a child as a third or fourth wife because the the Koran says screwing kids is okay. Get it?


Quote from: Meister_666 on May 10, 2017, 01:42:34 AM
Trump’s Russian Ties
4. Trump and Putin ~ via Paul Manafort

Why is it that when snowflakes make up graphics like these, they leave off any Clinton connections?



We're clearly being played.  I watched the entire Senate hearing and it was conducted as though the Republicans were playing basketball and the Democrats football.  They each followed different narratives with no commonality.

What did Michael Flynn do? After all, the US is not at war with Russia, so talking to Russians, even a Russian ambassador, is completely legal.  But whatever Flynn actually did is "classified" - meaning the American people can't find out specifics.

Last week, the Democrats and Hillary Clinton were loudly complaining about how Comey cost her the election with his email investigation.  This week, when Trump fires Comey expressly for the way he handled the Clinton email investigation, the Democrats are in an uproar.  Today's Morning Joe (MSNBC) has had several Democrat guests who are calling for impeachment because of Comey's firing.

Senators may be rather stupid blowhards, but I don't think they're insane.  Where are they cashing in, or what are they trying to distract us from?


Quote from: Juan on May 10, 2017, 05:34:55 AM
Senators may be rather stupid blowhards, but I don't think they're insane. 

Senator McCain: Here hold my beer watch this....


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 10, 2017, 02:15:15 AM
He was out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct. And he was still in the field commanding troops.



Quote from: (((The King of Kings))) on May 09, 2017, 10:06:36 PM

Fucking faggot liberals, eating that big Trump dick again.

I suspect the "I appreciate you telling me I'm not under investigation" is the key to the timing.  Firing somebody investigating you is bad all around, so this is probably the last chance he had to do it and wanted to make sure that was in there.

I don't think he's personally being investigated as a Russian agent, necessarily, but boring business stuff that doesn't make for sexy headlines.


Quote from: Juan on May 10, 2017, 05:34:55 AM
We're clearly being played.  I watched the entire Senate hearing and it was conducted as though the Republicans were playing basketball and the Democrats football.  They each followed different narratives with no commonality.

I agree. I watched some of that hearing and the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals hearing in a case involving a lower court order block of Trump's travel ban. Try that one, Juan, listen to  how Omar C. Jadwat, an American Civil Liberties Union senior staff attorney, 'answered' the judges' direct questions. I was amazed.

I wish more people could set aside their party politics and look at these issues with the concerns that an aware, impartial citizen would do in the best interests of our nation.

Comey’s power-grabbing arrogance is why I called him “J. Edgar Comey” two months ago. His willingness to play politics, while insisting he was above it all, smacked of Washington at its worst. He was the keeper of secrets, until they served his purpose.

As such, the president did to Comey what no president had the courage to do to J. Edgar Hoover. Five presidents wanted to fire Hoover, with Harry Truman accusing him of running a police state and of blackmail. But all were afraid of Hoover, so he died in office.



Lavrov ( Putin's top diplomat, meeting with Trump later today) is so at-ease here this morning knowing he's among friends when in Trump's camp, and knowing Trump has taken care of those pesky Russia investigations for him. No need to hide or edit his instinctive mocking distain for the (any) press for example -- just like back home! What are Authoritarian bros for!


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: K_Dubb on May 10, 2017, 07:07:41 AM
I suspect the "I appreciate you telling me I'm not under investigation" is the key to the timing.  Firing somebody investigating you is bad all around, so this is probably the last chance he had to do it and wanted to make sure that was in there.

I don't think he's personally being investigated as a Russian agent, necessarily, but boring business stuff that doesn't make for sexy headlines.

No-one yet has mentioned how Trump praised Comey late last year for 'having guts' to make a decision that he knew would make him unpopular. Yet that very decision is stated as being the reason he was fired, because apparently Clinton deserved better from Comey. Sessions is recused from any Clinton or Russia investigation, yet its his name on the reccommendation to fire Comey who was heading up the, erm Russia investigation.
Could be the way forward? If you ever find yourself having a conflict of interest at work, simply get the people looking into you fired. Didn't Nixon do that? Several times.


Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 10, 2017, 07:58:30 AM
No-one yet has mentioned how Trump praised Comey late last year for 'having guts' to make a decision that he knew would make him unpopular. Yet that very decision is stated as being the reason he was fired, because apparently Clinton deserved better from Comey. Sessions is recused from any Clinton or Russia investigation, yet its his name on the reccommendation to fire Comey who was heading up the, erm Russia investigation.
Could be the way forward? If you ever find yourself having a conflict of interest at work, simply get the people looking into you fired. Didn't Nixon do that? Several times.

There's plenty of hypocrisy on both sides but your complaint is a little simplistic.  Somebody you think is incompetent can do something you like.  Citing Comey's treatment of Clinton strikes me more as richly ironicâ€"I'm sure he enjoyed that.

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 10, 2017, 07:58:30 AM
No-one yet has mentioned how Trump praised Comey late last year for 'having guts' to make a decision that he knew would make him unpopular. Yet that very decision is stated as being the reason he was fired, because apparently Clinton deserved better from Comey...

Well, Comey wanted Hilary prosecuted two different times, and backed down twice due to White House interference in a criminal investigation during an election campaign.  It took courage to follow the evidence, and he did for awhile but ultimately didn't follow through.  She didn't ''deserve better'', she should have been indicted. 

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 10, 2017, 07:58:30 AM
... Sessions is recused from any Clinton or Russia investigation, yet its his name on the reccommendation to fire Comey who was heading up the, erm Russia investigation...

No one should have resigned, and Sessions should not have recused himself.  Appeasing the New McCarthyites only invites more baseless attacks.  They probably realize that now

Sessions agreed to recuse himself from the ''investigation'', he didn't agree to recuse himself from department business, including adding his name to the approval of removing an unfit FBI director. 

Look, a lot of the Trump White House actions are not smooth, and can be easily attacked by those looking for things to attack.  Trump knows he should be less transparent, and should not be tweeting his stream of consciousness, but he does it anyway.

In draining the swamp they didn't hire the slick fixers that polish everything for public consumption.  Trump didn't spend a lifetime preening in front of a mirror with a tele-prompter, and practicing ducking questions.  And they certainly don't have the Fake News Media covering up and ignoring any missteps.


Quote from: Juan on May 10, 2017, 05:34:55 AM
We're clearly being played.  I watched the entire Senate hearing and it was conducted as though the Republicans were playing basketball and the Democrats football.  They each followed different narratives with no commonality.

What did Michael Flynn do? After all, the US is not at war with Russia, so talking to Russians, even a Russian ambassador, is completely legal.  But whatever Flynn actually did is "classified" - meaning the American people can't find out specifics.

Last week, the Democrats and Hillary Clinton were loudly complaining about how Comey cost her the election with his email investigation.  This week, when Trump fires Comey expressly for the way he handled the Clinton email investigation, the Democrats are in an uproar.  Today's Morning Joe (MSNBC) has had several Democrat guests who are calling for impeachment because of Comey's firing.

Senators may be rather stupid blowhards, but I don't think they're insane.  Where are they cashing in, or what are they trying to distract us from?

Au contraire- what Michael Flynn did is not classified. What the federal government did to record his conversations and how they did it is classified. The fact that they did it and have transcripts is classified. The person or persons that leaked that information committed a felony.

That is what should be investigated. Who knew what was in the transcript and which one of those people that knew committed the felony. A pair of pliers and some rubbing alcohol and this could all be settled.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 10, 2017, 08:13:25 AM
Well, Comey wanted Hilary prosecuted two different times, and backed down twice due to White House interference in a criminal investigation during an election campaign.  It took courage to follow the evidence, and he did for awhile but ultimately didn't follow through.  She didn't ''deserve better'', she should have been indicted.

Hang on, so Comey was wrong to reveal stuff that Trump thought was a good idea?

Quote from: Meister_000 on May 10, 2017, 08:12:46 AM
More Fake News Media piling on

You know, you can post all the comments from the Democrat Fake News outlet you want.  All it does is demonstrate their bias.

Quote from: Yorkshire Pud on May 10, 2017, 08:38:10 AM
Hang on, so Comey was wrong to reveal stuff that Trump thought was a good idea?

I don't understand the question, but Comey should have indicted Hilary Clinton, and investigated the Obama White House leaks of classified information.  I realize the Ds in Washington DC have been getting a free pass on criminal behavior since at least the early 1980s, but that isn't really good governance.


The Dutch are interfering with Bellgab. A Dutch server caused RoseGirl to pull an Art.

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