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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


Quote from: Stranger929 on July 30, 2013, 03:22:42 AM
I don't know if even this can get me back into satellite radio. I'm going to need some time to weigh the options here.

well, when you're ready to let us know, start a webpage with a countdown graphic.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: morphiaflow on July 30, 2013, 03:29:33 AM
well, when you're ready to let us know, start a webpage with a countdown graphic.

With background accompaniment; By-tor and the snow dog;  It'll be "lit by flickering torchlight The netherworld (us) is gathered in the glare"  :)


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on July 30, 2013, 03:35:55 AM
With background accompaniment; By-tor and the snow dog;  It'll be "lit by flickering torchlight The netherworld (us) is gathered in the glare"  :)



Great news, I can't wait until the first show!

The satellite radio thing is a bit of an obstacle but I probably wouldn't be able to tune in live anyway because of time zone differences. It would be nice if there would be official podcasts available for download, even if also subscription based, but it's not going to shock anyone if the full shows are available on youtube and torrent.

I wonder if it's possible a caller to C2C could promote the new Art Bell show somehow without being cut :D

ps - "Dave Noorie" made me laugh badly :P

George Drooly

Why is everyone calling him "Dave" now? What did I miss?


Quote from: George Drooly on July 30, 2013, 03:46:38 AM
Why is everyone calling him "Dave" now? What did I miss?
As far as I understand it, a commenter on http://bigstory.ap.org/article/radios-art-bell-returning-sirius-xm-show wrote "Dave Noorie" instead of "George Noory" to show how unmemorable he is... so much that you even forget/confuse his name.

Heather Wade

Quote from: soulburner on July 30, 2013, 03:43:45 AM

I wonder if it's possible a caller to C2C could promote the new Art Bell show somehow without being cut :D

I tried, the screener cut me off. 

Quote from: soulburner on July 30, 2013, 03:48:44 AM
As far as I understand it, a commenter on http://bigstory.ap.org/article/radios-art-bell-returning-sirius-xm-show wrote "Dave Noorie" instead of "George Noory" to show how unmemorable he is... so much that you even forget/confuse his name.

It was actually said by a local radio station executive in response to an email from a CoastGab member asking about Art Bell.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 30, 2013, 03:55:30 AM
It was actually said by a local radio station executive in response to an email from a CoastGab member asking about Art Bell.
Really? Thanks for the info :)


I see that Amazon has a free Sirius app for the Kindle Fire.

I'm getting late word this was the radio executive in question:

Seriously though, here's the original post.

Quote from: lonevoice on July 29, 2013, 02:13:30 PM
Already did.  :)

For background:  when it comes to AM news/talk format, my market has a Clear Channel owned blow torch and a locally-owned independent station.   We don't have a Cumulus station, but the local station has always carried some Cumulus content, as well as Hannity (which they lost to Clear Channel recently).  My thinking was that IF Art's announcement is that he's returning to broadcast radio, and IF Cumulus is the syndicator, the locally-owned station would have been approaced by Cumulus about carrying it, and might be lead into spilling some beans.

Here's the email I sent to their VP/GM:
Hello.  I’m sorry to see that the local Clear Channel affiliate has taken Sean Hannity from you and given you the Dave Ramsey show in his time slot.  As a listener, I’d prefer to support your local station rather than Clear Channel.

My main question to you, since your station carries some Cumulus content such as Mark Levin, will you be picking up the new Cumulus-syndicated  Art Bell show?   If so, do you have any information as to what time slot it will occupy?


Here's the reply I got (emphasis mine):

At this point we look to keep Mark Levin on and I will check out the Art Bell return.  He was gone for awhile and I think Dave Noorie replaced him.

We were Sad to have Sean leave but that is sometimes what happens to small broadcasters vs the Big Guys of Clear Channel when they own all these shows they syndicate.

Thanks again for being a listener


Make of that what you will.   To me, it doesn't seem like the guy's being disingenuous that he's heard nothing from Cumulus regarding the possibility of syndicating an Art Bell show.   Still, his reference to Dave Noorie made my day.


Went back six pages but I couldn't wait to post before reading further back. I had to work for a couple hours, so I missed a lot of this discussion unfortunately. :(

I can see why some people are reluctant to "pay for radio". I was buying a new deck for my car quite some time ago now, and my mom happened to meet me at the store since we were going out to lunch after. They asked me if I wanted Sirius (this was way before the merger) and I said no, I don't want to pay for radio. My mom added it on and told me to accept it since she never has to do anything for me, so I accepted it. Funny thing was I ended up really enjoying it. After the year that was paid down, when renewal came up I renewed immediately, and used it for years. I didn't have a satellite radio in the house and also never have smoked in my home, so I would often times end up sitting in one of my cars smoking listening to shows I liked. I only let it lapse because I was on the road a lot at the time, and couldn't make use of it.

Even before this announcement, I had considered resubbing and getting it up in running in my vehicles, and also my house this time around. This pretty much seals the deal for me. I try to budget how much money I spend on services like this because $10 here, $10 there, and next thing you know you have $400 a month in $10 or $15 charges, so I'll probably cancel one of the television streaming services I have and go with this. I'm really excited about it.

For anyone who isn't feeling it or is on the fence, Art has that link up to a free thirty day trial, so you can very easily see if any of the other shows are worth it to you. I actually like a lot of their programming, and even just streaming it could be an option for many as you can now plug your phone into pretty much anything and listen to an app. I don't think I personally know anyone without a data package on their phone service, so the net isn't an obstacle for 99% of people unless you're out in the styx, in which case you wouldn't have cell service anyways. I think Art being on there makes it an amazing deal. Art cannot stand when programs have too much ad time in them, so I don't think we will need to worry about that much.

Sirius/XM is the company that pays Howard Stern over $125 million a year for his show. They are good to their talent, as well as pay and treat them very generously. If you think about it, Art's philosophy about radio in general, it's not too surprising he ended up in an uncensored environment with little to no corporate control over his show. I know they haven't released contract details as of yet, but I expect it to be a massive amount of money. Not only are they building him an extremely expensive new studio attached to his home, but if you do a search for 'art bell Sirius' on the web, you get an amazing amount of hits. I expected it would be all over, but I am surprised that it is already as all over the place as it is. Sirius is pushing this hard, and it seems that Art has a good many networks, and TV and radio personalities that are loyal to him, because he is all over the place. I think all of this is awesome, and September now seems like a lifetime away.

P.S. Love the name change. :)


Quote from: UFO Fill on July 30, 2013, 04:10:48 AM
I see that Amazon has a free Sirius app for the Kindle Fire.

There are Android and iPhone apps as well.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on July 30, 2013, 04:11:10 AM
I'm getting late word this was the radio executive in question:



Quote from: nooryisawesome on July 29, 2013, 11:26:29 PM
Dave is talking about a maytag washer.. No reason just felt it was related to collapse of detroit. His moms maytag washer, it was a good washer.

He always says ridiculous and stupid stuff when he goes off the script. Last year sometime he was doing an interview with the NSA whistle blower. Dave's questions were lame, but the guy whose name escapes me had a lot of great and interesting stories. However Dave seemed to feel the need to derail him at every turn. When the guest would use something as an example for people to use for comparison, one of them was women's hormones when they are pregnant, Dave immediately jumped in and started asking him questions about if his wife was difficult to deal with when she was pregnant and stuff like that. It sounded ridiculous, and they guy he was interviewing would sort of nervous laugh and go".... anyways..." Then go back into what he was saying.

I've never been able to get that kind of thing out of my head with him. I can't stand it. The only reason I gave Dave another chance this year was because when Art's first attempt at a come back fell through, I decided I better download the 2012 season of C2C and try to give him another chance. I figured at least I could pick exactly what I wanted to listen to. Even when I am really interested in the guest though, Dave's remarks and lack of understanding of things just bothers me beyond all belief. Because of this though, I actually gave John Wells another chance, and that guy is not too bad. As I said earlier though, for the people at C2C, I think George Knapp is clearly the best guy they have, and for the life of me I don't understand why they would leave Dave the main guy going forward. The only issue I have with Knapp is that sometimes I feel like he thinks his audience is stupid because he often times has his guests break things down to such a basic explanation that it's a little insulting.


Quote from: kingotnw on July 30, 2013, 04:33:32 AM
As I said earlier though, for the people at C2C, I think George Knapp is clearly the best guy they have, and for the life of me I don't understand why they would leave Dave the main guy going forward. The only issue I have with Knapp is that sometimes I feel like he thinks his audience is stupid because he often times has his guests break things down to such a basic explanation that it's a little insulting.

Not if you consider the general drop in mean IQ among post-Art Coast listeners. Art got, and Knapp still gets, irate Nooryites telling him how wrong he is.


Quote from: morphiaflow on July 30, 2013, 04:40:46 AM
Not if you consider the general drop in mean IQ among post-Art Coast listeners. Art got, and Knapp still gets, irate Nooryites telling him how wrong he is.

I was thinking that was probably the case that the listeners got stupider too, but I didn't want to insult anyone here who is a fan of the current version of the show. I just meant that for me listening to it, it's insulting. Not to mention so much time is spent dumbing things down that they can't get anywhere near as deep and complex with their guests as Art once did.

I think it was Michio Kaku's second to last interview with Art, this is the last one before his wife died. They were over three hours into the show and Art suddenly said. "I want to apologize to you. I just realized that here we are almost done with the show and I haven't asked you one question on the list you sent over for me to ask". Meaning that Art just held his own with the man the entire time, and it was a brilliant interview. I don't think that anyone else on C2C could have done that, and I know for sure Dave couldn't. He would probably start asking him what he thought of the color of the Star Trek uniforms, or what color he would like to have if he was on the show.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: kingotnw on July 30, 2013, 04:42:55 AM
I was thinking that was probably the case that the listeners got stupider too, but I didn't want to insult anyone here who is a fan of the current version of the show. I just meant that for me listening to it, it's insulting. Not to mention so much time is spent dumbing things down that they can't get anywhere near as deep and complex with their guests as Art once did.

Turn that on it's head; the listeners aren't getting stupider. The show simply reduced the need to have modicum of intelligence to work things out, by explaining that 2 +2 = 4. Hence the figures going up...If anything caters for the lowest common denominator, the cream simply skims off the top , and that leaves the main constituents. Hence the popularity of X Factor.


I have sirius , and i really dont listen to it that often..but now! Now!!!!! Im so glad i have it ..i just need to figure out what my password is before sept . !!!!


Quote from: Pablo Smash on July 30, 2013, 12:41:08 AM
Does this mean Art's show will be broadcast in stereo? Will make the bumper music that much better. Don't think i could take JC in stereo though.

Remember Art made a big deal on one show about being in Stereo? I wonder if he will insist on it. Hearing that bumper music in stereo will be very cool.

Although I'm guessing in order to save bandwidth, all talk stations would be in mono. Makes sense really when you think about it.


NEW YORK (AP) â€" Art Bell, radio's master of the paranormal and outward edges of science, will return to the microphone on Sept. 16 with a new nighttime show on Sirius XM Radio.



Been lurking this thread since I heard Art may be coming back and finally decided to make an account.  Anyway, looks like the $15 a month I was saving by canceling my World of Warcraft account is going to be spent again.  Cheers all  8)


Here's my thoughts,

I had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be Sirus/XM. I really didn't think Art would want to deal with big corporate suits again after he was pushed out the door at premiere. And yes when the truth comes out, that will be real story behind his so called "retirements".

I've never had satellite radio before but I think I'll sign up for Art. It's a bit pricey but I think I can manage it. And who knows maybe I'll like it. I'm not a fan of most of the popular music being promoted these days and have heard satellite radio plays some smaller label stuff, which I like.

I'm looking forward to Art's new show. Frankly, I hope it's not all paranormal all the time. Some of my favorite shows in the past were the general interest stories that Art loves. I hope he does at least a bit of that.

I find it interesting that Art's website is suggesting that we wait until just before launch date to sign up. I wonder if this means there will be official archives and streaming through his website for a much lower fee?

Regardless, glad to have Art back... we've missed you.


First things first:  My eternal thanks to MV and a bow to his inspiration, Mrs. MV, for believing in the cause and for emailing me this wonderful news.

If I read Art's schedule correctly, he might be competing head-to-head with Durl Noory a good deal of time, and possibly   
Froggy Wells as well.  Perhaps that explains Noory's new contract, which includes a provision forcing Noory to change his own name to Art Bell.


I think he just means waiting until right before you sign up for the trial so your free 30 days won't be gone before he even starts his show


I always considered myself to be on the cutting edge  of technology, until now. I have rejected satellite radio from the onset, only because I believed in a free AM and FM dial supported by listeners and advertising. I guess the deal for Art was too good to pass by, and in a sense that's a good deal for us, who want to hear him again.

And I suddenly feel confused.
1st off: I am debating signing up for Sirius .. I am a coast insider, and a member of the club ensured me to all the wonderful shows that Dave Noorie and Ed Wells hosted. But I didn't really listen much in some time--my friend did and usually clued me in on some of the more dramatically stupid things Dave and Ed said. I actually kept it for the CHATS, because I always tried to sneak an Art Bell question in, and usually did, somehow. Someone even entered my question on the Art Bell Wikipedia site, I was "coalspeaker"  (And bragging again, Art Bell linked my website for a few hours with  my story about Ross Mitchell a few days ago) ..

I may try to take advantage of my special club status and call Dave Noorie directly tomorrow night and see how he's doing.

2nd, and here is where I need help from the astute readers on BellGab:

I want to listen to Art Bell.  I have an internet connection, and an iPhone.
My dad wants to listen to Art Bell,  but does NOT have an iphone, connection, or any idea of how to work technology (he's Art's age and didn't go the same route as Bell did with the tech angle) ...

So the questions I need to know:
1) Can I listen to Art Bell if I sign up for Sirius through my iPhone?
2) Can my dad listen to Art Bell if he gets a Sirius radio?
3) Can I set up my father's radio to sign on with my credentials?
4) Does any of this mean I can listen to Sirius in my car, as well ( actually had this in my car when I got it but didn't renew after 6 months free)

I am just so confused.


Quote from: Étouffée on July 30, 2013, 03:06:35 AM
In his closing thanks, George most pointedly did NOT mention Art Bell!

It's over!

NO, IT'S NOT!  ;)


Quote from: soulburner on July 30, 2013, 03:48:44 AM
As far as I understand it, a commenter on http://bigstory.ap.org/article/radios-art-bell-returning-sirius-xm-show wrote "Dave Noorie" instead of "George Noory" to show how unmemorable he is... so much that you even forget/confuse his name.

Interesting.  Dave Noorie sucks just as much as Jorch Noory.


Got up this morning and found the serious news on Sirius so I can be sure this will not have me hearing Art.

Can't afford it even with the discounts so I guess it is listen to others and wait for weekends on C2C when the suckage is down.

:(  :(  :(  :(

Quote from: ccvortex on July 29, 2013, 10:32:41 PM
The problem is subscriptions for radio (in car) and internet (at home) are separate. Then you have to buy the car radio, or the home radio, or both... extremely expensive endeavor.  Boo, Art.. BOO!
It's really not bad. I've got a portable xm which I play on my stereo at home and have a car port to plug it in while driving. Can also record hours upon hours of show. Pretty nice I think and like someone else said, plenty of deals where you not paying much at all. I'm on a tight budget and I don't think twice about. Tons of other nice programs as well.

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