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Where is Obama's ORIGINAL Certificate of Live Birth?

Started by Ruteger, January 21, 2011, 04:39:21 PM


Great article here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1348916/Hawaii-governor-says-Obamas-birth-record-exists-produce-it.html

Democrat Abercrombie - the GOVERNOR of HI is adamant that it exists but he cannot produce it! Why? What's the problem? Shut them up! Prove the Birthers fools! Just show them the ORIGINAL certificate, and this will all go away. I can produce my original, and you can too - why can't Barry Soetoro?


Who GIVES a sh*t?  If McCain had won some wackjob lefty loons would be bellowing about "Sidney's" having been born in Panama. 

Just a smokescreen for some of the not-so-great stuff that the government is doing now. 


Quote from: Ruteger on January 21, 2011, 04:39:21 PM

Democrat Abercrombie - the GOVERNOR of HI is adamant that it exists but he cannot produce it! Why? What's the problem? Shut them up! Prove the Birthers fools! Just show them the ORIGINAL certificate, and this will all go away. I can produce my original, and you can too - why can't Barry Soetoro?

I wasn't going to give this thread any time because it really doesn't deserve any. It is another in a long line of stupid-I'd-rather-keep-believing-bullshit-than-learn-something arguments.

Want a real interesting article? try this one: http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html

Why look there are pictures of the birth certificate, and holy crap there is even some official looking filing numbers. Wow, that can't possibly be real.


it's in Hawaii. and i'm betting Obama has a copy or two.  i have a shoe horn and crowbar if you'd like pull your head out of your ass


But Abercrombie says he cannot locate the orignal. What gives?

Quote from: Ruteger on January 21, 2011, 04:39:21 PM
I can produce my original, and you can too  - why can't Barry Soetoro?

No, I can't.

Nobody can locate my original birth certificate either. It was lost in a fire/ensuing water damage at city hall about four years after my birth. All they have is a copy similar to the "live" birth certificate. Should I be treated like a second class citizen for the rest of my life too?

Get over it already.


Quote from: Ruteger on January 23, 2011, 03:09:19 PM
But Abercrombie says he cannot locate the orignal. What gives?

i believe Abercrombie can go Fitch himself/herself


funny things happening in Hawaii.

Veteran Reporter Mike Evans and close friend to governor Aberzombie said in a radio interview that the original long form birth-certificate is nowhere to be found in Hawaii. Apparently after searching both major Hospitals in question.

On Monday, Jerome Corsi reported how, “Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.”

The reporter since rowed back and now claims he never talked to Aberzombie after his election at all. ::)

Article 2, Section 1 of the US Constitution states, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

full article: http://www.prisonplanet.com/abercrombie-shocked-at-failure-to-discover-obama-birth-certificate.html

Abercrombie Admits There Are No Obama Birth Records In Hawaii

Also... Grandmother Obama said in a (badly audible) telephone interview (it's on youtube) that Obama was born in Kenia and that she was present at birth.

Neil Abercrombie lies for Obama in Hawaii News Now interview, KGMB KHNL
in this video clerk Adams says: there is no birth certificate in Hawaii, and that these short "cert. of life birth" certs are given to children born OUTSIDE of Hawaii.



i don't know why this Birther bullshit won't go away.  i'm wondering if this Birther nonsense originated from some stoner that worked at Kinko's and alleged that he saw Obama at a self service copier with a bottle of White Out

Quote from: Lena on January 26, 2011, 07:30:12 PM
On Monday, Jerome Corsi reported

The Price is Right losing horn

Quote from: b_dubb on January 26, 2011, 08:39:32 PM

i don't know why this Birther bullshit won't go away.  i'm wondering if this Birther nonsense originated from some stoner that worked at Kinko's and alleged that he saw Obama at a self service copier with a bottle of White Out

It won't go away because right-wing men are hot for Orly Taitz.


making fun of serious/important topics is usually a sign of cowardice not stupidity.

Barry Soetoro making fun of TSA patdowns . hahaha it's so funny to lose your freedoms.
People who ridicule and laugh are usually bigger cowards than people who cower in fear, cause the latter know they are cowards while the former are even self delusional about that fact.


a reminder to everyone ... Lena is the arbiter of truth and accuracy and online bravery

someday when you grow up you'll realize what an ass you are


Quote from: Lena on January 26, 2011, 08:50:12 PM
making fun of serious/important topics is usually a sign of cowardice not stupidity.

Barry Soetoro making fun of TSA patdowns . hahaha it's so funny to lose your freedoms.
People who ridicule and laugh are usually bigger cowards than people who cower in fear, cause the latter know they are cowards while the former are even self delusional about that fact.

Speaking of a grand history of losing freedoms... 


I don't understand how TSA patdowns are a loss of freedom.  I think the airlines and the TSA are in a no win situation with this stuff.  If they left security as it was they have to face the fire the next time a plane hits a building.  For the record I think it's all mostly a joke and worthless, just a show.  Anyway, passengers are there by choice and choose to go through the security measures.  I bet the TSA is much less interested in your boobies and penises than you think.


Quote from: Silent on January 26, 2011, 09:43:54 PM
I don't understand how TSA patdowns are a loss of freedom.
Then you're in line with the old hags at "The View" like Whoopi Goldberg who laugh at Jesse cause he's "suing the government", which apparently is a no-no in her mind (or at least it's the propaganda she spews in this "obey your government" brainwashing show).

Whoopi Goldberg Laughs At Jesse Ventura regarding enhanced patdowns at the airport on The View

Jesse Ventura 'schools' The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck on waterboarding / torture

Jesse's a hero. Whoopi ("not rape rape") Goldberg is an embarrassment.


Quote from: b_dubb on January 26, 2011, 08:54:19 PM
you'll realize what an ass you are
All the hate just you lost an argument but refuse to admit it (like you're the 3 monkey in person)? Do you feel some shame at least for yourself? :D

Quote from: Marc Knight on January 26, 2011, 09:11:16 PM
Speaking of a grand history of losing freedoms... 
this doesn't have anything to do with Barry Soetoro (Stage Name Barrack Obama). If you wanna talk about that open a new thread please.


Ahem, listen up Red,

I am unable to get a long form birth certificate for MY OWN SON who was born in California and I WAS THERE.  All they could give me was the short form certification, which they said is acceptable for every purpose.  They said they can't find the other one and--even though there are no coincidences--the hospital isn't so good at record-keeping either.

Are you sure you can't believe our government is a bureaucratic bumbling mess as an Occam's Razor choice over, say, a conspiracy to plant a muslim in the US Government....or maybe a reptilian?


PS. DId you notice this is a forum for Coast To Coast conversations, not a political forum, of which there are THOUSANDS.  Just sayin'.


@ Lena ... win / lose ... try talking too people instead of AT them.  you'll find them more receptive.  and you will be less of an ass


Quote from: anagrammy on January 27, 2011, 12:27:11 AM

PS. DId you notice this is a forum for Coast To Coast conversations, not a political forum, of which there are THOUSANDS.  Just sayin'.

Obama's birth certificate isn't a political topic, it's an idiot topic. Only idiots are screaming for it refusing to acknowledge the simple, common sense, facts you mentioned. I also don't have a long-form birth certificate because they don't exist in my state. Even if he had it there would be no reason for Obama to release it, the complaints marginalize a huge majority of his detractors.


Quote from: anagrammy on January 27, 2011, 12:27:11 AM
Ahem, listen up Red,
Listen up Reptilian invader,
there's more to the case than just a missing original birth certificate. I just mention his granny claiming she witnessed his birth in Kenia, and the TOTAL lack of ANY documents proving his birth in Hawaii. So as long as there is no real proof it doesn't hurt to keep the case open and check out new evidence that comes in. Having said that, frankly I don't really care about his origins - after all he's just another puppet anyway to read from a teleprompter your dosage of BS.
на здоровье!


there's only a lack of proof and birth certificate if you're unwilling to accept sworn testimony from public officials, rulings by judges, and ... yes ... a birth certificate


obviously you didnt watch the Aberzombie clip. there is apparently an ASTOUNDING LACK OF PROOF.


the troll returns.  and this time he/she drops some cyrillic bullshit in our laps.  hooray.  your stock art photo looks like a clown

are you trying to hack the forum Russian Bullshit Troll Clown?

kenyan granny testimony > birth certificate?  i don't think so

aberzombie is a birther idiot.  i don't know what country you're from but we take great pride in our ability to document births and validate said documents


Quote from: b_dubb on January 27, 2011, 02:34:26 AM
aberzombie is a birther idiot.
Afterzombie is a huge Obama fanboy, was friends with his daddy and knew Barry from when he was a child.
He stuck his foot in his mouth last month that he'd prove Obama's Hawaiian birth, and he's back-paddling now.
So obviously you dont even know what you're writing about. Maybe you should concern yourself more with LEGO.

You just reminded me of an old proverb:
Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people believe you're an idiot,
than to open your mouth - and CONFIRM that you're one.

My feelings about this thread summed up in an animated gif...

I don't like Obama at all, but the birther stuff is just incomprehensibly dumb.

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