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Messages - NowhereInTime

Politics / Re: Hillary Clinton
September 11, 2016, 09:47:17 AM
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:39:39 AM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on August 29, 2016, 10:39:14 AM
Half of me is laughing right now, the other half is facepalming.

Case in point.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:38:20 AM
Quote from: chefist on August 29, 2016, 10:36:10 AM

I guess that's supposed to mean something.  Probably draws giggles in this conservative kindergarten.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:33:19 AM
Quote from: chefist on August 29, 2016, 10:30:31 AM
Weak retort...expected from BG's resident poop tickler...

Right, because "lady boy", "mangina", and "lefty cesspool" are the heights of intellectual acumen.  Expected from BellGab's resident Howard Stern wannabe.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:28:59 AM
Quote from: chefist on August 29, 2016, 10:28:03 AM
Another triggered leftist, lady boy crawls out of the lefty cesspool...Did you shave your mangina this morning, precious?

I shaved your mother's back.  You're welcome.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:28:37 AM
Quote from: Jackstar on August 29, 2016, 10:26:08 AM
It's already wide open. Duh.

The stunning amounts of evidence lead to a persuasive circumstantial case, but there is no case unless anyone can be attached to either an active conspiracy or passive complicity.  Either charge is nation shattering in its potential consequence and cannot be lightly leveled.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:20:54 AM
Quote from: Jackstar on August 29, 2016, 10:19:37 AM
You forgot 9/11. What's wrong with you? N34r 4get.

I keep hoping Wikileaks will hack Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al and blow the whole investigation wide open.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
August 29, 2016, 10:17:23 AM
Quote from: chefist on August 29, 2016, 10:03:48 AM
It's amazing to me how seemingly educated, bright people can be politically indoctrinated.

I feel that way about conservatives.  How the hell do you rationalize greed, selfishness, and exclusion as the building blocks of a successful society?

QuoteCROOKEDHILLARY, is paid off by Wall St. & the big banks, and the liberals simply accept it, no questions asked.

Bullshit. Even you can't be this stupid. Remember the whole Democratic primary???  Most of us on the left STILL don't like or trust Hitlery the Sellout. Her whole campaign post convention has been the usual Clinton pivot to the middle.  She just realizes that most of us cannot stomach conservatives in general and this haphazard sriracha baboon anus (thanks, Daily Show) in particular as a potential head of state.  She is disgusting but what else is there?  Jill "Whine about the media" Stein?  No thanks.

QuoteThey even go so far as to embrace censorship, criminality and even murder, in the name of their candidate.

Right.  Because Nixon (Watergate), Reagan (Iran-Contra), and W. (WMD) are all innocent conservatives and patriots who do no (proven) wrong.  But keep throwing that innuendo against the wall.  Something real might stick.

QuoteOld Joe Goebbels would be proud of today's leftist media and their ability to control the masses.

My favorite conservative trope.  "Old Joe" Goebbels, the ultimate rationalist for racism, murder, conquest, and exclusion was a fascist, the ultimate expression of conservatism.  The marriage of corporate and repressive state power?  Conservatism's wettest dream.  But go ahead and say something stupid like "conservatives can't be fascists".  I could use a laugh.
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 03:35:06 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 15, 2016, 03:05:18 PM
I'm not even going to waste my time reading that. No one cares.

Fine, dipshit, but understand it's why I come in here from time to time.  You are a total fuck up.
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 03:32:48 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on July 15, 2016, 03:29:33 PM
Damn, your ideology has blinded you.

Your shortsighted hatred, lust for lucre, and cowardice has invalidated you.  Step back and take a breath.
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 03:26:59 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on July 15, 2016, 03:26:25 PM
You fail to see the forest through the trees.

You see the sky falling.
Politics / Re: Military Coup underway in Turkey
July 15, 2016, 03:26:36 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on July 15, 2016, 03:21:00 PM
As each year passes, I find myself more at odds with our government than I have ever been.

In direct relation to the increased amount of black, brown, and breasted elected officials, no doubt.
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 03:25:38 PM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 15, 2016, 03:23:31 PM
We should appreciate NIT's views as lessons in why Europe is about to collapse.  It survived Napoleon, Hitler, and Stalin...but has no defense against terminal political correctness.

So, let me see if I understand you:  Europe, unified in trade, currency, and justice, survived Hitler but will be felled by douchebags in trucks? 

Decrepit one, your diaper clearly needs changing.
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 03:21:51 PM
Quote from: 21st Century Man on July 15, 2016, 02:03:21 PM
So we must wring our hands and cower in the corner wallowing in tears of white guilt?

Not all what I either implied or outright concluded.  This is a misinterpretation and misrepresentation of my statement.

QuoteSorry, NiT.

No problem, apology happily accepted.

QuoteI'm not going to do that.

Well, I would hope not. 

QuoteAs far as this being a righteous revolution from the Islamic point of view, what a load of garbage.

This isn't a righteous revolution; it's a wholesale refutation of western (and other foreign) influence.  I'm sorry you cannot pause enough to see life through the point of view of an young Arab who sees no opportunity in life, limited resources, limited comforts we take for granted, and foreign soldiers on his homeland.  You speak often about "freedom":  how would you respond to this circumstance?

QuoteThey are coming to our countries and killing our people.  How can you justify this?

I don't "justify this", but I would like to remind you that we are currently in their countries, killing their people, and devolving their infrastructure to a far greater degree than anything we've seen here yet (9/11 included, God forbid).
QuoteWe close our borders now and root out the enemy within.

For me, the "enemy within"are chicken hawk cowards like Gingrich and paragons of orthodoxy like Ted Cruz.  I fear them as much as I fear an Islamic Jihadist in Times Square, Cleveland this week, or even Rio next month.   

QuoteIt is people like you that are going to be the death of this country.

This country is comatose now.  You monsters have raped and pillaged this once great nation for no other motive than to substantiate your own sense of greatness.  You've destroyed the middle class, you've sacrificed so many to wars of wealth around the world, you've suppressed the rights of others solely because they are "others" and you have fisted our environment to a near extinction event tipping point. 

"This country" has already been destroyed; it is you and your reactionary filth so busy picking every last scrap of flesh from its bones that are too blind to see the devastation you have wrought.

QuoteGo back to your bars, temples and massage parlors and cry for the poor misunderstood Islamic jihadists.

It is only you and your ilk, blissfully ignorant and shielded by technology from the strife of others who "misunderstand".  Some day, hopefully soon, you will realize that there is a better master (justice) to be served than your current master (avarice).
QuoteYou have nothing meaningful to say.

Perhaps the most ill informed statement ever uttered.  And this is Bellgab.

Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 03:02:47 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 15, 2016, 01:53:03 PM
This is why liberals are retarded.

Phew!  I am relieved that you view analysis and discourse as "retarded".  It explains your infantile worldview.

QuoteThey make assumptions based on their illogical world view and try to make everything conform to it.

Bullshit.  Not one point is an "assumption".  Not one conclusion drawn from inference rather than examination.  Besides, we're the non-conformists; isn't that one of the many reasons why you chickenshits hate us to begin with??

QuoteWhen did I say I was a conservative?

The minute you opened your mouth and began defecating.

QuoteWhen did I advocate another Invasion of Iraq?

You cannot be this stupid.  "Another" invasion? Pay attention.

QuoteYou don't even have a point.

I do, and we all ignore it at our peril. 

We cannot continue to ignore the rapidly evolving contempt so much of the world feels toward us.  We fight wars via remote control.  We think our might makes right.  We forget that it's the ideals we profess and the culture we are continuously growing that appeals to people, not terror from our military might. Our unwillingness to support justice (depose the House of Saud, for one - or at least stop supporting it) breeds seething hatred toward us as hypocrites.   

QuoteYou're just whining because once again your team is majorly fucking up and dropped the ball.

I'm writing because I am tired of the bloodshed.  I'm writing because I'm even more fatigued hearing my white brothers and sisters react with fear, hatred, and saber rattling rather than use our experience, education, and culture to solve the problem.

QuoteYour world view and ideology doesn't work and it's instigating strife and war.

My world view "doesn't work"?  Really, you misanthropic cunt? Tell me when my "worldview" has even been attempted?!?  Gandhi?  Great, the British left and he was murdered by extremists.  MLK?  Great, he got the Civil Rights act and Voting Rights act (since gutted in a blatant case of white revenge) passed and was murdered by a racist. 

Your worldview?  Vietnam. Korea. Iraq. Afghanistan.  Haiti. The Dominican Republic.  Years of stalemate against Cuba (although, my "worldview" seems to be bringing that to a positive conclusion, doesn't it?).  Even our foray into the First World War was involvement in a squabble of elites.  Congrats.  You get lots of people killed for no gain.  Hell of a "worldview".

QuoteAnd you don't know what to do about it except ramble incoherently here.

Incoherent only when you have to pause think and about it what I'm writing rather that throw a tantrum in response.  Sorry for the headache there, sport.
Politics / Re: Bernie Sanders 2016 Thread
July 15, 2016, 01:52:01 PM
Quote from: VtaGeezer on July 15, 2016, 01:06:27 PM
This thread whole section should be closed.  Sanders Everyone here has returned to nobody-ness.

Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 01:50:00 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 15, 2016, 01:48:40 PM
What a surprise, a liberal displaying paragraphs of amazing mental gymnastics trying to shame others for not "tolerating" a shitty religion and literally thousands of westerners killed by it so far this year.

What an even bigger surprise, a dimwitted conservative leaping to conclusions without bothering to contemplate an alternate point of view.  Another invasion of Iraq, anyone?
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 01:45:58 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 15, 2016, 01:44:06 PM
I'll tell you guys this. I may be a reactionary asshole but after reading about the torture committed at the Eagles of Death Metal concert in France, I'm ready for beheadings and crucifixions on live television of these pigs and their families. I went from a pretty intense dislike but acceptance of liberals to now looking at them like mentally ill societal cancer.

Yes, because you have always been a paragon of tolerance.
Politics / Re: Terror attack in Nice, France
July 15, 2016, 01:45:19 PM
Imagine my surprise upon entering MV's Cafe Merde du Poulet to see the response to the latest murderous Jihadist snit.

Do I see revelation?  Insight?  Understanding? Comprehension?

No.  Instead  I see gratuitous shots at Obama. 

I see yet more tedious "Black Lives Matter" jokes and "Truck Lives Matter" quips.  I'd write it off to "gallows humor" if weren't so unctuous. 

Most disappointing?  I see near reverence for that bloated symbol of self serving cowardice Newt Gingrich.  Newt "Newk'em" Gingrich, calling for an immediate repeal of the First Amendment (which protects so many of you here in Trolltown).  His fatuous gullet flapping, his fear mongering, should have immediately been condemned for it's blatantly anti-American connotation.  Instead, it has been lauded here by Chicken Hawk Nation.


I see mockery of Islam as a "religion of peace".  As if there is history justifying Christianity as "peaceful".  There are the absurdist notions of "War on the West" and "War of Civilizations". (War on Christmas, anyone?)

Fine.  Do as you wish; strut your whitehood. It's no more my site than your site.  But I would like to pose some very simple questions:

1) You condemn the people who participate in these attacks.  I get it; why should civilians be targeted?  Yet I ask you, how, then, should they fight their war?  You may immediately think "what war"?  To which I would refer you to the very notion of Jihad.

These are people who have seen the interference of outsiders (BTW, not just "white people" - Google "China and Islamic Fundamentalism") for centuries and have been unable to rid themselves of foreign influence.  Too often, their "leaders" (Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, The House of Saud, etc, etc) are supported by "non-local" regimes for their ability to stifle opposition to foreign influence. 

Can the indigent mobilize tank units or combat brigades, or air cavalry to oust foreign troops in their homelands?  No.
Can the average Middle Easterner then rely on a world of conscientious people to understand it's undue influence in their very daily lives and have it unilaterally abstain from involvement in the Middle East? No.
Can Arabs and Muslims peacefully rise up as a people to call upon the world to support their freedom and have it mean anything? As the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street have demonstrated, in this day and age of oppressive surveillance and mass destruction technology, sadly you can not.

So, again, I ask you: How should they fight their war?   Please don't tell me what they "shouldn't do".  We all agree running over children with trucks is mindless and barbaric. Please tell me what they should do in their own cause for freedom?

2)  We fought for our "freedom".  Why shouldn't they?

3) In this day and age of technology, given our superior strength (even as I write this, our operators are targeting and destroying their command and control, assisting  in the recapture of cities, and doing so with virtual impunity), isn't it incumbent upon us to ask what is our role in the Middle East?  We ignore violence in the Midwest but we are calling for more troops and materiel to the Middle East?  Why?  When do we leave it to its' own affairs?

4) You may be tempted to reply, "If we do it will be all out Civil War!".  You mean the kind we fought to sustain our nationhood and try to bring end to injustice?  Isn't that inevitable when tribalism is the de facto setting of human allegiance?

Terrorism, as we observe it, is escalating.  For some it is because they possess a wanton bloodlust that cannot be sated in civilized ways.  For most it is about the lack of autonomy in the course and conduct of their affairs.  For so many more it is an expression of frustration with the way life is in their region and our over-represented impact upon it.   

Your very expectations that they should somehow "mind their tone" and "suck it up" flies in the very face of the spirit that founded our own nation.  You expect them to surrender?  To yield in any way?  These people are willing to die rather than continue to accept circumstances as they are! We didn't stop until the Cornwallis surrendered.  For them it isn't so poignant; non-local people will have to leave and we will have to let them hash out their own thousand year differences. 

And, before you say it, if George Tenet, Porter Goss, David Petraeus, Michael Hayden, and so many other protectors of National Security admit we can't "kill our way out of this", then why would anyone here?  Ask the British how that worked out for them.
Quote from: mikuthing01 on July 13, 2016, 11:37:31 AM

My white Privilege must no work very well because i have been pulled over for speeding, loud exhaust and no seat belt. I was given a warning for the no muffler one though i had to pay tickets on the speeding and no seat belt. I guess I'm black now.

No, clownshoes, you're still alive.  Well, breathing at least.  Judging by your posts "alive" is a stretch...
Politics / Re: Bernie Sanders 2016 Thread
July 13, 2016, 03:15:22 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on July 13, 2016, 01:32:13 PM
And with that Bernouts have passed Dubya supporters as the dumbest political group I've witnessed in my life.

Then you must not have been around for the Reaganites. Their leader was a former FDR Democrat and leader of the Screen Actor's Guild who developed dementia, became a conservative, was elected President of the United States, and sold us all a bill of goods about making the rich richer so they would enrich us all. 

Talk about dumb!
Politics / Re: Bernie Sanders 2016 Thread
July 13, 2016, 03:12:55 PM
Quote from: weedeater on July 13, 2016, 02:48:45 PM
Hey Millennials, grow a pair.  A classic from Lionel nation. 

Lionel still alive?  I miss his vapid non-sequiturs from his WPIX days.
Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
July 13, 2016, 03:10:07 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on July 10, 2016, 10:18:15 AM
I'm going to stop calling them leftists, libs, Marxists, progressives, etc. and call them by their true name.  Traitors.

Traitors?  Coming from a conservative that's a compliment. 

You start wars of aggression for lucre, shedding the blood and flesh of your fellow American and we're the traitors? 

You outsource, downsize, and streamline your fellow American citizen into economic oblivion to squeeze a little more margin but we're the traitors? 

You sustain legislative misanthropy and you cheer the massacre of fellow Americans as "God's Justice" but we're the traitors?!?   

You rape and pillage our homeland to strip mine out more fossil fuel and, when that isn't sufficient, you scar our golden landscapes with pipelines to ensure market activity, but we're the traitors?!?

You steep yourselves in retched piety and dare to wrap your sanctimony in our nation's colors when, in fact, you are craven, cowardly curs who seek nothing more than your own personal advancement, fulfillment, and comfort the rest of humanity be damned!

If my opposition to your evil is "treason" than may I be ever so proudly branded.

And may God have mercy on your callow souls.
Politics / Re: Your Country Is Bye-Bye
June 22, 2016, 10:34:19 AM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 21, 2016, 12:11:07 AM
Not that Reagan would stoop to that, he had respect for the law, the Office, the Constitution, the country.

I was hoping you were being facetious, because, you know, Iran Contra and all that, but I have doubts...
Quote from: The King of Kings on June 20, 2016, 07:02:48 PM
Those dudes look like they are on their way to Yorkshire_Cucks home for some servicing.

After rolling off your mom they're waaaay too dehydrated.  But you keep on snarking!
Quote from: pyewacket on May 16, 2016, 09:06:40 AM
Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’


Gender Ideology Harms Children-The American College of Pediatricians


Point?  You link two specious articles from wholly self admitted socially conservative sources (one through (unfucking believable I actually clicked it) that shitstain Breitbart) as if they were empirically driven analysis. 

What, because some Princeton clown (as everyone say when I quote Krugman) wants to deny gender identity it's now settled?  And forget your "American College of Strict Constructionalists & Bible Thumpers Pediatricians" - their very mission statement is the never ending drumbeat of social conservative dogma.

So, again, point?
Politics / Re: Hillary Clinton
May 16, 2016, 02:37:18 PM
The Great Triangulator strikes again:


Hillary is as likely to put "Bill in charge of the economy" as she is to accept blame for Benghazi, apologize for breaking the law with her personal server, acknowledge she had Vince Foster rubbed out, etc., etc.

This is cynicism at its most marvelous; she dangles Bill and the idea of harking back to the economic success of the 90's (you know, when he gave the country away with the Telecommunications Act, NAFTA, and signing off on the Glass-Steagall repeal...) so that HRC haters will give a second thought to holding their noses and pulling Eva Peron's lever.   

There is no way the "First Gentleman" gets anywhere near the West Wing.  If anything, maybe she hires a bunch of lusty, busty young interns to turn the East Room into Bubba's Brothel so he is far too "occupied" to steal one lumen of her spotlight.

Indictments, anyone?
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
May 14, 2016, 05:37:48 PM
Quote from: VoteQuimby on May 14, 2016, 12:51:48 PM
Imagine that, groups of people bristling at white liberals speaking for them and putting them in the same category as criminals. The left is so hilariously racist now that people are going to be shocked at the numbers Trump draws from the minority vote.

Keep clicking your Ruby Reds, Dorothy.
Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
May 14, 2016, 05:32:51 PM
Quote from: pyewacket on May 13, 2016, 01:29:18 PM
For those who also can't stand George Clooney!


Wow.  Really getting tired of impudent little commonwealthers (the great YP excepted, of course) imperiously barking at US about our politics.

Seriously, who is this impertinent little fruit fly with his imperial snarl, strident, sanctimonious tone, finely coiffured blonde (ish) hair, red rimmed (puff, puff, pass) blue eyes, and wholly unfounded opinions?  He wants to caterwaul about the Clintonista link to the House of Saud?!?  Do I have to post any of thousands of pictures of the Bush family holding hands with these terror funding, women burning bastards?!?

No, serious, who is this snot nose?  A lot of you keep channeling his videos (grating to the ear as they are); he's like an even brattier Matt Walsh from across the pond...
Quote from: albrecht on May 13, 2016, 04:09:09 PM
I think the alcohol industry is one of the most corrupt, legally corrupt, businesses there is.

Yep.  Was corrupt before prohibition, got even more so during, and now is as lascivious as Big Tobacco.  Having said that, people have a right to this garbage if they want and I make a living selling it so be it.  (Oh, it's not all bad.  Truth be told a Carneros Pinot Noir with filet mignon can be divine, as can an Alto Adige pinot grigio with shrimp scampi.)

QuoteSo many archaic rules that benefit the existing institutions (and folks like McCain etc.) The separation between retailers, wholesalers, distributor, brewer/distiller, protected markets, the huge corporate distilling/brewing facilities (a lot of brands are all distilled at same place but branded different. This doesn't mean it is bad (they distill based on your recipe and instructions but the marketing like there is some good old boy in Kentucky brewing your bourbon- not so much,) the taxation, and the state agencies that regulate and all of the local and state laws about where/when/if one can buy etc. I know this is mainly due to the 21st Amendment etc and I'm for local control but it is still interesting. Some big players (Costco, Walmart) here are threatening/suing and could shake up the system.

They already have been. Costco's famous challenge of the infamous "three tier system" adopted by most states has rattled the business for about the last decade...


...and Total Wine & More has been going after states (they are owned by two very smart, well educated brothers David and Robert Trone; David recently lost the Democratic primary for Maryland's 8th Congressional district)...


...has really reshaped this business.  Too much consolidation too fast by major brands has done in what was, only a few years ago, and exciting, competitive business.

QuoteBut, as you mention, my small (even smaller than yours) liquor store still exists despite two big players that built the booze and wine "box store" in the old Best Buy and in another purposely built building moved in nearby. I asked the owner and he said, like you, the convenience (in the neighborhood versus driving a mile) and personal attention (knows the customers, gets smaller less volume wines, recommends wines, etc.) He evens says on some items he can compete on price but admits for "generic" stuff (like I mentioned a quart of Jim Beam or something) that the "box store" beats him.

When it comes to spirits, smaller retailers are going to have to earn margin on "newness" or selection.  Aside from Total,  nationwide retailers are limiting SKU's so they can concentrate buying power on wineries, distilleries, and breweries directly for best pricing.  Otherwise they will have to really develop clientele with a good wine portfolio.
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