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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

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It's a nice story WOTR, but you forgot to mention the two Brit trolls who live under that shaky Martinez bridge Falkie  RAN off of, who threaten any one who even mentions helping the Falkiepotamus with castration or other forms of genital mutilation. 

a little known factoid......
The common Falkiepopotamus  (Falkiepopotamus amphibius), or Falkie, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in Martinez, CA, and one of only two extant species in the family Falkiepopotamidae, the other being the pygmy Falkiepopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis or Hexaprotodon liberiensis). The name comes from the ancient Greek for "creek fat ass" (ἱπποπόταμος). After the elephant and rhinoceros, the common Falkiepopotamus is the third-largest type of land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl. Despite their physical resemblance to pigs and other terrestrial even-toed ungulates, the closest living relatives of the Falkiepopotamidae are cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc.) from which they diverged about 55 million years ago. The common ancestor of whales and Falkies split from other even-toed ungulates around 60 million years ago. The earliest known Falkiepopotamus fossils, belonging to the genus Kenyapotamus in Africa, date to around 16 million years ago.
Common Falkies are recognisable by their barrel-shaped torsos, wide-opening mouths revealing large canine tusks along with a characteristic "SNAGGLE TOOTH", nearly hairless bodies, columnar-like legs and large size; adults average 625 lbs and 475 lbs for males and females respectively, making them the largest species of land mammal after the three species of elephant and the white and Indian rhinoceros. Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it is capable of hobbling 0.15 mph over short distances. The Falkiepopotamus is a highly aggressive and unpredictable animal and is ranked among the most dangerous animals in California Nevertheless, they are still threatened by habitat loss and poaching for their meat and ivory SNAGGLE tooth, the females are hunted for their prized YUGE UNDULATING BREASTS...
The common Falkiepopotamus is semiaquatic, inhabiting Casa Senda in Martinez, CA and Pittsburg, CA and local California swamps and creeks, where territorial bulls preside over a stretch of Martinez, primarily the Hacienda on Ferry Street. During the day, they remain cool by staying in the water or mud; reproduction and childbirth both occur in water. They emerge at dusk to get on the internet, and have been known to post videos on YouTube in the hope of becoming a star. While Falkiepopotamuses rest near each NAKED ON THE SOFA BED, grazing is a solitary activity and Falkies are VERY territorial on land, while in Casa Senda

Speed: 0.15 mph (On Land, Hobbling)
Mass: Male: 450 â€" 625 lbs (Adult), Female (known as the Sweet Kathypopatamus: 395 â€" 425 lbs (Adult)
note: following rare photo showing a pair stationary, NO known photo showing a pair ACTIVE.


That is one disgusting sink area.

No wonder George regularly seems to have gastrointestinal issues. That food prep area is a disaster.

Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 29, 2017, 10:14:18 AM
That is one disgusting sink area.

No wonder George regularly seems to have gastrointestinal issues. That food prep area is a disaster.
The only area in my abode that is possibly not "sanitary" is probably my workbench in my shop area adjacent to my garage, however I must admit I keep it well organized and MUCH CLEANER than George's kitchen food preparation area !
Hell, I would even be willing to bet some big money a swab of my toilet would come up cleaner as judged by a microbiologist and their lab !
Yes, I would also be much more willing to consume a ham sandwich and salad prepared on my toilet seat and shower floor as they are right now than one prepared in Casa Senda, even if he spent time "cleaning" and dusting before...
...but that is just me

and George is always complaining of not feeling well, skin lesions, general pains, sinus infections, ear infections , infected eyes and gastric issues....plus others too numerous to list....
if only his PCP at the Hospital ER was privy to Casa Senda's condition......
.... sending all Hospital ER PCPs in the Bay Area photos might help them properly diagnose him
.....only trying to help
Note: locally a man made the news by keeping 6 dogs in "filthy deplorable" conditions....but guess what....you guessed it ! The poor dogs were actually living in an area that was MUCH CLEANER than Casa Senda !


Quote from: WOTR on May 29, 2017, 03:10:02 AM
When the coffee was done, he asked, "who will help me drink this lovely coffee?"
I will, said the Whoozit,
Lovely story but whoozit was obviously am imposter.  I would rather sip the nectar from the worst toilet in Scotland than drink anything prepared chez Senda.


That shower drain is probably gnarlier than the kitchen.

I was surprised how "nice" Falkie's toilet looked AFTER he spent all that time cleaning !
I wondered, did anyone save a "before" photo ?
....or is that the "Big John Toilet" the management at Hacienda ordered for Falkie ?
(might explain the "clean" condition for his shitter, hell, how long has he had it ? 3 days ?)


Quote from: Meatie Pie on May 29, 2017, 01:17:22 PM
That shower drain is probably gnarlier than the kitchen.

I've had tenants who left their dirty dishes, pots and other items resembling decomposing food in the bathtub. During the 80's my asian tenants removed the toilet and tried to shit and piss down the sewer pipe which of course they called me to 'fix their toilet' as it was.....drum roll please...."full of shit"

I eventually cleared the clog, remounted the toilet and told them not to remove it. As a compromise I allowed them to remove the toilet seat so they could stand on the toilet rim and showed them how to use the 'flush handle' to wash down their bodily waste.

Now don't get me wrong, they were from Laos after the Vietnam war and had lived in villages in the mountain regions. After we pulled out of Vietnam they would have been murdered as they supported South Vietnam so our government brought them to the USA.

Good people who were having a tough time adjusting to our nation. They paid their rent on the 1st every month and also gave me a large platter of home grown green peppers they grew where normally a lawn would be growing. Their kids were the only ones who could speak english and today those kids are doctors and engineers.

I'll save the garage full of chicken feathers story for later. It is a religious belief that in order for a soul to enter a new born baby a chicken must be slaughtered to release it's soul and enter the baby.

I have on good authority you lurk quite regularly on Bellgab...
specifically "The General Musings of Falkie2013", therefore I am asking you to address WHY YOU ARE CAPABLE TO LIVE BY YOURSELF on your favorite medium..."The Guy from Pittsburgh" YouTube channel of yours.
A movement is forming and growing quickly that has as it's stated purpose "to save you from yourself, before it is too late" by taking steps necessary (with your welfare in mind) to have you forcibly placed moved to a suitable GROUP HOME for mentally deficient older gentlemen.
George, are you capable and able to show just reason why this movement should cease and desist?
.....perhaps a live YouTube with call ins to discuss your situation might be warranted?

Was there really an inspection?
..... calling Hacienda management to inquire


The Big Guy's videos documenting the decay of America are fascinating.  The bird's eye view from the Guy from Pittsburg.  I think George has found his calling. 


Quote from: Happier Times are coming ! on May 28, 2017, 11:00:08 PM
George is in need of help / assistance / care / a group home, where he can be looked after / regular healthy meals / supervision of personal hygiene care / one of those long handled things FAT people need to wipe their asses / clean BED...not a sofa bed / mental health assistance / a short bus for transportation / a BIG JOHN toilet / Caucasian cleaning service / LIMITED internet use...for his own good...perhaps used as a reward for good behavior /
George needs our help to get him in a group home !
oh, coffee anyone ?

If you call  the Marpenis P.D. and ask them to check the welfare of Senda, it will start the ball rolling for a commitment proceedings.  If several of us call over the next two weeks, it will start a history of calls for service, specifically for 'wellness checks.'   George's interaction with the P.D. will lead to a social worker specializing in geriatric mental health being assigned to senda.  Or senda will just talk himself into a home when he starts telling the cops that his hovel is the republic of Grift and they should just STFU and leave.

I mean, we are genuinely worried about the Fat Fuck's mental and physical health.  Right?

The Marpenis PD are very familiar with "The Guy from Pittsburgh"....
Do you believe they might find it necessary to call on Mr. Senda for a "wellness check" in full S.W.A.T. Gear.....
......solely for their own "protection"
......how could anyone deem Falkie "well" ??


i wonder if falkie would delete the comments. most likely

Group Homes for VILLAGE IDIOTS are in desperate need of capable, knowledgeable, caring HEAD ADMINISTRATORS such as yourself!
You, SIR, would be quite able to dispense the discipline and hard love a GROUP HOME OF VILLAGE IDIOTS starring none other than our own Falkie are in need of.
Falkie needs your help now as never before !
.....sponsored by the committee for proper care of village idiots and Falkies everywhere


Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on May 29, 2017, 08:19:05 PM
The Big Guy's videos documenting the decay of America are fascinating.  The bird's eye view from the Guy from Pittsburg.  I think George has found his calling.

"The End of Martinez", video documentary, directed and produced by Academy Award Nominee George Senda. "Once bustling Martinez, California continues to sink into blight as business and housing units are left abandoned as animals and disease slowly devour what is left. Senda shows us first hand the decay and drug abuse that is everywhere in this once proud bay areas city."


Quote from: Damon on May 29, 2017, 09:43:53 PM
here you go

Appears the viewing public has expressed their disgust, a shame I tell you, a real shame. George has shown us real talent that needs to be exploited Might I suggest a few close-up shots of discarded condoms and syringes, and if lucky a rotting corpse that has yet to be reported to Contra Costa Sheriff's Dept. Must give the public what they really want.

What would be your course of action to "fix" Falkie ?
......is it even possible in your opinion ?
......would make a great prime time TV series !


Definition of analâ€"retentive
psychoanalytic theory
:  exhibiting or typifying personality traits (such as frugality and obstinacy) held to be psychological consequences of toilet training â€"often used in nontechnical contexts to describe someone as extremely or excessively neat, careful and controlling of others.  

Does the shoe fit?  If so, did you shine them today?


Quote from: White Crow 🌔🌓🌒🌚 on May 29, 2017, 09:57:37 PM
Definition of analâ€"retentive
psychoanalytic theory
:  exhibiting or typifying personality traits (such as frugality and obstinacy) held to be psychological consequences of toilet training â€"often used in nontechnical contexts to describe someone as extremely or excessively neat, careful and controlling of others.  

Does the shoe fits?
no but you are awesome

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