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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio
Well, I thought it was a solid call because it hit to a subject a lot of people here get at much of the time. How the show has changed since Art left. We know that Noory is clearly not a fan of the paranormal as anything other than a brief diversion, and doesn't think it "moves ratings" (I suspect that's what he's told by his corporate masters). I thought Ian was being a bit of a good soldier for the franchise with that caller, but even he doesn't really care for the paranormal anyway, despite his bio's claim of his fascination with things going bump in the night. The TSA subject did seem to be in the old C2C wheelhouse, however, just in the sense of a loss of privacy/government going too far, so I wasn't bothered by it. The stuff that really gets me is all the new age medicine crap and mumbo jumbo. Don't care that Snoory thinks vaccines are evil. I just don't. Also, I notice George is doing ANOTHER Twilight Zone show this Friday with Marc Zacri. Again, I love talking about old TV and sci-fi shows, but it's going to be THE SAME interview and the same questions over and over. Enough.

C2C is now a guest driven show, and that's very different from modern talk radio, where the current formula is a strong personality as host who throws out opinions (often with no real facts or reason or logic behind them other than a political agenda) like penny candy and lets the like-minded callers and listeners whip themselves into a sugar high over them. I agree that a stronger host like Art could take a clunker of a guest and make him/her interesting, but George actually does the opposite. He dumbs down the subject with a patented series of questions that he asks ALL his guests, literally one size fits all. I like Ian's style, more though his setups are endless. Someone did a parody post of Ian asking a question on the Godlike forum that was dead on......I've gotta find it....


Yes, Friday's Marc Zicree/Twilight Zone show is a perfect example. The guy/topic has been tapped way too many times. First, the show is outside my generational interest, more or less (I was born in 1969). Even if C2C had Cris Carter on a few times a year I would be pulling my hair out, and i was an X-Files *freak*.

And for some reason Ian uses R. Garry Patterson as his go to guy and I hate the topic. I was in the music scene for 15 years, still play and love music but the topic bores me to tears. The occasional paranormal music story is ok, ie, Iron Butterfly's bassist's disappearance (he was some high end science researcher), but I can only take so much crap on the Beatles and Elvis and the Doors ad nauseum.

The last two nights is a perfect example -- they've both been guests on a broad, nebulous 'metaphysics' topic. Back to Ian's caller, I think some of us are pining for some old fashioned sightings/abduction shows. Give me aliens shooting lasers out of their eyes. Cored rectums, harvested ovum, colonization protocols.

Ian's paranormal stuff seems to be relegated to ghosts/demonics and a broader, cultural secret society phenomena and personally with the specifics of socio/psychopaths.

UFOs and cryptids and garden variety paranormal seems to be left to the other hosts.

modern talk radio, where the current formula is a strong personality as host who throws out opinions (often with no real facts or reason or logic behind them other than a political agenda) like penny candy and lets the like-minded callers and listeners whip themselves into a sugar high over them.

This is a very accurate description of current radio (and cable TV - the O'Reillys, Becks, Olbermans, etc.) and their lemming listeners. I'm wondering if there isn't a real opportunity over the next 5 years for alternative internet radio station/format of the type that Coast Gab founder MV and others are pioneering that can appeal to an audience that thinks for itself.  Curious who the pioneering sponsors might be as well. What would be really cool would be if someone like Ian would take a bold step away from the 'safety and security' of commercial radio and help lead the charge? Ian? Someone? 


Quote from: conscious comic on December 01, 2010, 09:03:45 AM
I'm wondering if there isn't a real opportunity over the next 5 years for alternative internet radio station/format of the type that Coast Gab founder MV and others are pioneering that can appeal to an audience that thinks for itself.  Curious who the pioneering sponsors might be as well. What would be really cool would be if someone like Ian would take a bold step away from the 'safety and security' of commercial radio and help lead the charge? Ian? Someone?

That's basically what Adam Carolla has done since his morning show was axed. He literally started a podcast either the next day or the following Monday from his last show on terrestrial radio. His podcast has been rated 1 on iTunes since. Granted, he is definitely not paranormal talk, but it does prove that if you have a faithful following, the listener's will go to you. And podcasting is so much better anyway because of the infrequent commercials (they're more like plugs in between chat sessions) and because it is uncensored. And over the course of almost 2 years that Adam has been podcasting, he's accumulated a decent share of sponsors.

I am positive if someone like Ian Punnett or George Knapp chose to venture out and create their own podcasts, the fans and sponsors would back them every step of the way. I have completely revised my previous opinion of Ian Punnett and now regard him as a top interviewer/entertainment personality. The dude does his homework, can articulate himself, and chooses a variety of topics that are interesting to paranormal aficianados, and people who like odd, fringe topics in general.


Quote from: haloedorchid on December 04, 2010, 04:55:41 AM
Quote from: conscious comic on December 01, 2010, 09:03:45 AM
I'm wondering if there isn't a real opportunity over the next 5 years for alternative internet radio station/format of the type that Coast Gab founder MV and others are pioneering that can appeal to an audience that thinks for itself.  Curious who the pioneering sponsors might be as well. What would be really cool would be if someone like Ian would take a bold step away from the 'safety and security' of commercial radio and help lead the charge? Ian? Someone?

That's basically what Adam Carolla has done since his morning show was axed. He literally started a podcast either the next day or the following Monday from his last show on terrestrial radio. His podcast has been rated 1 on iTunes since. Granted, he is definitely not paranormal talk, but it does prove that if you have a faithful following, the listener's will go to you. And podcasting is so much better anyway because of the infrequent commercials (they're more like plugs in between chat sessions) and because it is uncensored. And over the course of almost 2 years that Adam has been podcasting, he's accumulated a decent share of sponsors.

I am positive if someone like Ian Punnett or George Knapp chose to venture out and create their own podcasts, the fans and sponsors would back them every step of the way. I have completely revised my previous opinion of Ian Punnett and now regard him as a top interviewer/entertainment personality. The dude does his homework, can articulate himself, and chooses a variety of topics that are interesting to paranormal aficianados, and people who like odd, fringe topics in general.
I second that opinionof Ian!


Quote from: b_dubb on November 30, 2010, 12:42:06 PM
at first glance, you're right: Ian is a much better host.  but i wonder if Ian declined an offer for whatever reason

If I remember correctly, and it's been a few years so I may not 100% accurately, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the ballpark somewhere; Ian was offered C2C and turned it down because at the time he was just finishing up a theology degree and seminary school, and was leaving radio for good.  He was going on to work full time as a minister and all that entails, and  didn't want to place a radio show above his future church and parishioners, or something like that.  He came back as a part time fill in awhile later, then started back up as a regular host.

I'm a big fan of Ian, I remember the dark days when Art left and they were having all kinds of fill in hosts.  I wanted to shoot Hilly, thought George was a renob, and there was some woman whose name I forget, but it was apparent she saw this as being her next step to being Dr. Laura, jr and was in way over her head.  At the time, Ian was the only one who seemed to get it, and had the mental agility to roll with it. Again, IIRC, he was the only one doing real unscreened calls at that time like Art, and he was having no problems handling them. 

He also seems to be crazy smart, and I used to love when some hayseed religious nut would call in and start quoting the bible at him, not realizing he had a doctorate (or equivalent, I forget) in theology, and Ian would very quickly, but graciously, explain to them why they were an idiot.  He doesn't seem to do that as much, probably gave up when he realized it was like trying to drain the ocean with a leaky bucket. 

Ian has his on take on things, and I really like the way he'll take an interview. One example would be when he interviewed Max Brooks, author of World War Z, and just launched into the show (without Brooks knowing) as if WWZ had been real, and he was interviewing the Max Brooks from the book, not Max Brooks the author. Another would be his interview with Nazi conspiracy author Joseph P Farrell. Farrell had been on C2C w/ Noory a few times in the past, and were always serious interviews bordering on Noory's melodramatic side.  Ian's show was the complete opposite, with him joking about it in a good natured way, and the both of them laughing quite a bit and havnig  a genuinely good time. 


Quote from: Renaldo on December 04, 2010, 10:18:09 AM
and I used to love when some hayseed religious nut would call in and start quoting the bible at him, not realizing he had a doctorate (or equivalent, I forget) in theology, and Ian would very quickly, but graciously, explain to them why they were an idiot. 
BWAHAHA!!  classic.


Quote from: b_dubb on November 30, 2010, 12:42:06 PM
...Another would be his interview with Nazi conspiracy author Joseph P Farrell. Farrell had been on C2C w/ Noory a few times in the past, and were always serious interviews bordering on Noory's melodramatic side.  Ian's show was the complete opposite, with him joking about it in a good natured way, and the both of them laughing quite a bit and havnig  a genuinely good time.

I think is the reason why I have to give a guest benefit of the doubt, when they're on exclusively with Noory.

Farrell was so good on Ians show, I actually ordered his book. There'd be no way I would order anything, anyone promoted while being interviewd by Snoory.


Now that I think about it, I've ordered quite a few books, from authors who were on with Ian. He has a great way of giving you the gist and interesting parts, without giving away the entire book. Oh yeah, have to get that infomercial book too


     MacArthur was involved in a plot to unseat Roosevelt?  Robert Kennedy confronted the CIA and the military about his brother's death?  In spite of his left wing leanings, David Talbot gave a good interview.


Quote from: valdez on December 05, 2010, 06:39:10 AM
     MacArthur was involved in a plot to unseat Roosevelt?  Robert Kennedy confronted the CIA and the military about his brother's death?  In spite of his left wing leanings, David Talbot gave a good interview.

This is in no way a dis you, Valdez, but it's funny, myself being liberal, I catch conservative slants and leanings all the time - I think sometimes perception depends on what colored lens we're looking through, you know?


Quote from: Stevenqbosell on December 05, 2010, 02:11:21 AM
Quote from: b_dubb on November 30, 2010, 12:42:06 PM
...Another would be his interview with Nazi conspiracy author Joseph P Farrell. Farrell had been on C2C w/ Noory a few times in the past, and were always serious interviews bordering on Noory's melodramatic side.  Ian's show was the complete opposite, with him joking about it in a good natured way, and the both of them laughing quite a bit and havnig  a genuinely good time.

I think is the reason why I have to give a guest benefit of the doubt, when they're on exclusively with Noory.

Farrell was so good on Ians show, I actually ordered his book. There'd be no way I would order anything, anyone promoted while being interviewd by Snoory.

pretty sure i didn't say this.  i think you may have pruned a quote incorrectly

One of Ian's last callers last night was some total moonbat who I think actually confused George with G Gordon Liddy. Started yammering about Noory, censorship and Watergate.......

Talbot was pretty harsh on Obama too. Basically said he was no different than Bush in his defense of the elite as opposed to the little guy. Probably not the narrative conservatives would push, but I'm sure they still like to hear of cracks in his base.


Quote from: Stevenqbosell on December 05, 2010, 02:11:21 AM

I think is the reason why I have to give a guest benefit of the doubt, when they're on exclusively with Noory.

Farrell was so good on Ians show, I actually ordered his book. There'd be no way I would order anything, anyone promoted while being interviewd by Snoory.

I agree.  Noory tends to take everything extremely seriously, to the point of making a fool of himself sometimes (by sometimes I mean often), where Ian just kind of rolls with it and if something strikes him as bizarre or humorous, he jumps all over it and won't let it go. 


"So ... they're hybrids, right?" - George Noory

HAL 9000

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on December 04, 2010, 08:49:04 AMI second that opinion of Ian!

Since Ian is filling in for Snoory tonight, and his guest/topic is about angels, and you have "angel" in your screenname, here is a little toe-tappin' angel music compilation. (see attachment)

I have a large collection, so I do take individual tune requests  ;)

♬ ♪♪ ♩♩ ♬♬ ♬♬♬

[attachment deleted by admin]


     Irishwoman and mystic, Lorna Byrne, talking about guardian angels.  A while back Ian tore into the whole idea of such a thing, but tonight he was nice and wondered what do these guardian angels do while you're having sex?  Shame on you, Ian.  The Irish accent seems to go well with mystical subjects.

Anyone know what the guy who had a "ghost story" from North Carolina said before getting cut off and getting a "Okay...that was interesting" from Ian? I think it was near the top of the third hour.


sounded like the guy was either messing with Ian or was straight up crazy.  or both


I love how hyperdefensive Ian gets when he is slighted, even if it's just perceived. Yesterday a man called in saying how Ian has improved a lot this year and Ian launched into this tirade and said something like "oh did I SUCK before?!" and the man calmly explained that no, he was good before, it's just he has gotten even better.

His retorts to people who actually do criticize him are so much better than George "You, my friend, need to learn some manners" Noory.


Quote from: Agent : Orange on December 12, 2010, 05:17:31 AM
Ian Punnet did a great job with Mary Roach tonight. I'm a space-geek so maybe I just naturally had a soft spot for this guest. Hearing about these obscure details of the space program and challenges in the future was absolutely fascinating. Even the second half guest Rick Collingwood was passable, even though I don't buy much of the hypnosis stuff.

I hope Ian will interview Mary Roach again in the future. Does anyone know if she's been on the show in the past?

     Yeah.  Back in August.  Oddly enough on a similar fri-sat-sun Ian weekend.  She's cool.  Space is always cool.


haven't ben listening to coast to coast am for awhile.  i have been an art bell fan since the show began as dream land...ian punnet is
the spiritual side of coast to coast am--he is a minister by the way.  thought i was the only person who liked rollye james.  I used to love listening to her--it's a shame she left coast to coast.  my fav interview of hers is the one she did during halloween week, where she interviewed a real witch.  wish she would come bk to coast. 


Second hour Guest: Like General motors RIIIGGHT?
Ian Punnet; RIIIGGHT!


Quote from: teger8 on December 12, 2010, 08:46:36 PM
thought i was the only person who liked rollye james...  I used to love listening to her--it's a shame she left coast to coast.  my fav interview of hers is the one she did during halloween week, where she interviewed a real witch.  wish she would come bk to coast.
she's awesome.  however, she won't be returning to coast.  click here for insight as to why.


Quote from: MV on December 13, 2010, 08:34:23 AM
Quote from: teger8 on December 12, 2010, 08:46:36 PM
thought i was the only person who liked rollye james...  I used to love listening to her--it's a shame she left coast to coast.  my fav interview of hers is the one she did during halloween week, where she interviewed a real witch.  wish she would come bk to coast.
she's awesome.  however, she won't be returning to coast.  click here for insight as to why.

I think the thread MV listed was one that thoroughly changed my perspective  on what I want Coast to be.

I never even figured Ramona in the equation. Hence the show will NEVER be the same, and the best we can expect is for them to open up the 90's archives in full.

On an Ian note, Ian swears up and down he's never smoked cannabis - but a lot of his humor is so... pothead, is the only way I can describe it.

Am I alone here?


Quote from: Stevenqbosell on December 13, 2010, 09:28:49 AM
On an Ian note, Ian swears up and down he's never smoked cannabis - but a lot of his humor is so... pothead, is the only way I can describe it.

Am I alone here?
i don't believe him, either.  he's too well-rounded an individual to have cut himself off from something so common in our society.


Quote from: MV on December 14, 2010, 07:47:17 AM
i don't believe him, either.  he's too well-rounded an individual to have cut himself off from something so common in our society.

I suspect he's telling true - simply because he has said he does not like being intoxicated at all.  No drinking either - not a judgement, just a choice.  He did install a small wine cellar for his wife, so it's not like he thinks it's bad.

::::shrug::: but who knows, really?


Quote from: EvB on December 14, 2010, 01:23:00 PM

I suspect he's telling true - simply because he has said he does not like being intoxicated at all.  No drinking either - not a judgement, just a choice.  He did install a small wine cellar for his wife, so it's not like he thinks it's bad.

::::shrug::: but who knows, really?

I believe him too.  I've got a good friend who has never drank alcohol or done any drugs.  He's not against them, he's more than willing to be a designated driver.  He just doesn't have enough interest in them to even experiment with them, and having been around high/intoxicated people has made it all extremely unattractive to him. 

On the other side, when I had to take a psych exam a few years ago for law enforcement, the lady who handed me the test told me that even if I'd never smoked pot, mark the selection saying I had and it was over 5 years ago.  She said everytime they see someone putting they never smoked pot once in their life, they automatically assume they're lying. 


He may not drink or smoke pot, but I'm sure he has used prescription painkillers recreationally once or twice.


being around drunks and potheads can be really annoying. i could see how it would turn you off to the 'scene'.  as for prescription painkillers .... if there's no appeal to being drunk or high for someone, i doubt they'd start popping pills.  i've known some people who were into pills and they were (all of them) abusing hard drugs and alcohol.  but i'm not saying it's not possible.  just unlikely. 

i personally hate taking pain meds.  i had a scrip for percocet when i broke my arm and never filled it because the pain killers mess my head up so bad. 

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