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Started by starrmtn001, December 28, 2017, 03:00:59 PM


Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State: Chapter 1: Introduction to Pedophilia - The Mental Disorder and the Child Sex Abuse Crime
by Joachim Hagopian

American Empire Exposed
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Chapter 30 North Wales Masonic Sex Abuse Epidemic: Elite Pushback - Lies of Denial and Murder Part 2


PedoGate Update: Global Elite's Pedophile Empire Is Crumbling... Will It Ever Crash?
Published on March 21, 2017
Joachim Hagopian

As both the scandal and crime of the century, pedophiles entrenched in power have been praying on generations of children for centuries. I don't care if this post offends others on LinkedIn who feel this topic is taboo and has no place on this social media venue. My call to duty as a therapist who for years worked with sexually abused youth as well as an alt news journalist and world citizen who cares about children, compels me in every way possible to spread the word of truth about this monstrous epidemic. So below is my latest article on this all important, highly disturbing subject matter...

Since the internet bombshell launched by WikiLeaks’ release of John Podesta emails and the uncovered Comet Pizza’s bizarre and suspicious activities leading to last fall’s Pizzagate scandal, and the simultaneous reporting of unprecedented number of arrests made in child sex trafficking rings worldwide, clearly demonstrate that law enforcement is finally treating the global epidemic seriously. Yet the systematic kidnapping, torturing and raping of children by highly organized trafficking rings have barely if at all even scratched the surface of mainstream media coverage, which has chosen to act as a complicit accomplice and partner-in-crime in the unholiest of alliances with the child rapists themselves, consistently ignoring child sex trafficking rings being operated by powerful members of the world’s elite ruling class.

A prime example is the state owned BBC that knew for a number of decades that entertainer Jimmy Savile was raping hundreds if not thousands of defenseless, innocent children throughout the United Kingdom, and said and did absolutely nothing to stop it other than punish and silence those few who came forth trying to expose the evil. Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols was banned by the BBC after he spoke up and once the 37-year old TV presenter Jill Dando called attention to the known pedophilia abuse at the BBC, she was abruptly murdered outside her West London home in April 1999.

And now we’re facing the exact same sort of criminal cover-up and retribution in America with the Pizzagate turned PedoGate scandal, as more children are sacrificed in the interest of protecting the guilty pedophiles. Again, the Podesta-Clinton connected Pizzagate is but one local DC trafficking network exposed, but PedoGate represents the far global reach of all the child sex trafficking rings that flourish worldwide. And why mainstream media continues to ignore and pretend that this pure evil savagery isn’t happening anywhere is pure diabolical criminality in and of itself, especially when this epidemic has grown so egregiously out of control that human trafficking as modern day slavery hit a record high in 2016. Last year’s 7,572 cases of human trafficking jumped by 35% over the previous year. The UN estimates 1.8 million kids are trafficked into the global sex trade every year. We’ve received our collective wake-up call.

Despite these cold hard monstrous facts, America’s lame stream media continues to suppress and protect demented sexual predators at the highest rungs of power, by its longstanding wall of denial, ridicule and even assassination toward those courageous truth seekers, whistleblowers and journalists contending that the planet’s pedophilia scandal is every bit real. Despite CBS Atlanta affiliate news anchor Ben Swann featuring a fair and accurate six minute synopsis on Pizzagate in January, and then suddenly losing his job and his online presence silenced with Ben’s own “going dark” admission for weeks afterwards, MSM can no longer sweep the inconvenient truth under the rug of denial and deception. We won’t allow it.

No longer will the elite’s despicable pedophile history be tolerated, enabling child rapists like Jimmy Savile to violate and pimp British children for an entire half century, nor will President George H. W. Bush’s criminal role in the Franklin scandal cover-up be dismissed, nor last year’s exposure of disgraced congressional kingpin - former GOP Speaker of the House and pedophile just two heartbeats away from US presidency Dennis Hastert. Eight US attorneys were fired by President George W. Bush in December 2006 in order to protect convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s sex ring, busily pimping trafficked in children, homosexual and lesbian prostitutes to high government officials and elite media figures at the DC Hilton, Ritz Carlton and Sheraton hotels. For decades pedophilia has thrived in our infested swamp of a capital. 

For over a half century the global intelligence community like the CIA, Mossad and MI6 has in fact functioned as pedophilia pimps for the rich and powerful, supplying them with child victims from poor communities, orphanages and group homes around the world, joining the sins of the church in destroying countless young people’s lives and then covering them up. The heartrending video account by the Hampstead 9-year old sister and her 8-year old brother of satanic ritualized sexual abuse and sacrificial murder drew little response from local UK police other than place the innocent mother in jail. This case typifies how the very agencies mandated to investigate and protect children instead become conduit layers to cover-up and protect the child rapists.

Until just recently global law enforcement as simply standard operating procedure protected the powerful in this world, historically turning a blind eye, abruptly suspending and ceasing every investigation when child molesting perpetrators happen to be presidents, prime ministers, congressional and parliament members, high court judges, top spies, military brass, cabinet officials, famous entertainers, royalty, prominent CEO’s and police chiefs, head detectives and police commissioners. But all that may well be changing now.

That said, a just released critique of the FBI’s longstanding Operation Cross Country (OCC) launched in 2008 that’s designed to save children from pedophiliac rape only marks a return to its J Edgar Hoover roots as a mere vice squad primarily out to gain federal funding and favorable publicity based on questionable scant results that render the operation not worth the hefty price tag. Also it siphons off monies from programs set aside for true minors while more often than not services young adults. Actual innocent prepubescents abducted, forced into the booming sex trade and trafficked across international and state borders are few and far between, as the flawed FBI operations fail to even reach the major pedophilia rings. Additionally, the punitive treatment of mostly older adolescents and young adults (median age 17) caught up in these FBI stings are still subject to prostitution and loitering arrests, placed in handcuffs, regularly interrogated and confined for days or weeks at a time, while whatever sketchy, piecemeal services they do manage to receive grossly fail to meet the multiple needs that this targeted population sorely could benefit from, specifically basic shelter, safety, social support and love.

Three weeks ago President Trump held a meeting with advocates from various anti-human trafficking organizations when he reiterated committing his Justice Department, Homeland Security and federal law enforcement agencies to aggressively move forward with both investigation as well as prosecution of child sex trafficking networks worldwide. Long before Trump’s initial press conference a month ago, promising to make busting human trafficking rings among his top priorities, back on October 8th, 2012 the future president tweeted:

Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents - fast trial, death penalty.

In response, this unprecedented action by a US president to openly vow to remove the scourge of worldwide pedophilia has thousands of powerful psychopathic child rapists desperately waging an all-out siege to get rid of Trump before he gets rid of them. This high stakes war easily explains why all the alleged biggest sex offenders â€" John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer, Tim Kaine, Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi among scores of others are Trump’s most venomous, vicious and loudest enemies now. Deep state, Obama and Soros’ American Spring is bent on removing Trump from office.

We can readily point to the little fish caught in the big pond, Democratic and Republican politicians and party staffers alike who’ve been busted engaging in pedophilia in recent years, like John McCain’s former campaign organizer. Or the recent arrest of Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky’s no doubt abused, adopted son pedophile who recruited child victims. But until the predators at the top of the pedo-food chain are summarily rounded up and indicted, skeptics will keep reminding us “I told you so,” and the vast majority of nonbelieving Americans will not face this cold hard reality, regardless of how severe the global epidemic caused by the sexual criminals at the top of the world’s power pyramid really is. As a direct consequence of the continued cover-up and lack of pending arrests, an upcoming march on Washington DC’s Lafayette Park to raise public awareness of the PedoGate scandal is scheduled for March 25th at 11AM EDT.

One longtime thorn in the PedoGate saga is pedophile bigwig billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, due to ongoing multiple lawsuits against him that simply won’t go away. Within the last decade we’ve learned that the Wall Street financier and registered sex offender has also been a Mossad agent - a planted mole for Israel, who for years enticed high profile powerbrokers to his Virgin Island Sex Slave mansion and his other estates in Palm Beach, New York City and New Mexico, specifically to catch on hidden camera fellow pedophiles in action, so that they and their careers could easily be blackmailed, manipulated and controlled. This pathetically shocking reality, seeking the lowest dirt on others as a precious commodity and insurance lifesaver, is how the game at the top is ruthlessly played, and it’s worked wonders for the Greater Israel Project, wielding power and control over the US Empire to fight Israel’s wars in the Middle East and permit the Jewish State to engage in nonstop systematic genocide against Palestinians with impunity.

As far back as the late 1700’s, Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt laid the groundwork of the Modus Operandi religiously followed to the T over the next several centuries, dictating how this demonic power game at the top is covertly executed:

"Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of people already occupying positions in high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once an influential person has fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati, they are to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm, and even death to themselves and their loved ones."

As an obedient disciple of the Satanic occult, disgraced convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his gal pal socialite Ghislaine Maxwell and Israel have ensnared scores of ambitiously powerful fool-tools into their dark blackmail web, forevermore obediently deployed to do the international crime cabal’s dirty bidding. Ghislaine is the daughter of another controversial Mossad agent, former British MP and media mogul Robert Maxwell, who in 1991 was likely murdered aboard his yacht in the Canary Islands.

It’s worth noting that pedophilia as a mental disorder is found almost exclusively in males, relating to adult sexual attraction in the form of fantasies, sexual urges and/or arousal towards prepubescent children usually younger than age 14, male or female. A related crime disorder is pederasty, which is the erotic homosexual relationship between an adult male and a pubescent or adolescent male. When acted out through sexual behavior directed upon a child victim, like most forms of sexually deviant psychopathology, it’s rarely a onetime deal. Similar to serial rapists of adult victims, pedophiles will most often succumb to uncontrollable compulsions and continue molesting children until they’re ultimately caught. With a notoriously high recidivism rate, androgen deprivation therapy is known to lower the testosterone level that in turn reduces a pedophile’s sex drive. OCD antidepressants are also prescribed with less side effects. Pedophilia is difficult to effectively treat through conventional talk therapy though the cognitive behavioral modality is the most common treatment. Pedophilia is also amongst the most underreported sex crimes of all, as only 1-10% of actual incidents of pedophilia are ever disclosed, much less the offender caught, convicted and imprisoned.

Whereas only 1-5% of the general population is estimated to molest children, in stark contrast, a projected one third of those employed at the highest levels of the federal government are believed to be out-and-out child rapists. This alarmingly high number goes far in explaining why there’s so much formidable opposition and pushback currently against Trump, coming from both political parties inside deep state, so overtly attempting to overthrow the sitting US president. The entire crime cabal government stands to be destroyed if Trump successfully follows through on his campaign promise to “drain the [pedophilia-infested] swamp.” The big question is whether Trump himself has been compromised. He too was in tight and ran with Epstein back in the day… and up till a couple days prior to last November’s election, he had a lawsuit and rape charge hanging over his head as well from an alleged underage victim who at the last minute decided to withdraw her case.

Much has been written about the Clintons traveling on Epstein’s Boeing 727 dubbed the “Lolita Express” (Bill listed on the flight log at least 26 times and Hillary at least 6), both together but more often separately, to their pedophile buddy’s Sex Slave Island. Donald Trump as well is listed as a witness for Epstein’s upcoming civil suit trial brought by two of Epstein’s victims filed nearly eight years ago. Apparently it’s on record that Donald Trump was also at one time a close friend and guest at Jeffrey Epstein’s homes on St. James Island, Palm Beach and New York City during a time when underage girls were molested, plus, per a 2009 affidavit from Epstein’s brother Mark, the current president also rode on his pedo-pal’s Lolita Express at least once.

Additionally, the only reason today’s civil case was initiated was because Trump’s current nominee for Labor Secretary, Alexander Acosta, acting as the lead prosecutor at the time, secretly agreed to the original sweetheart deal with Alan Dershowitz (another Lolita Express frequent flyer) and Epstein’s defense team without bothering to inform the two victims, a clear violation of the Victims Crime Act. Democratic senators intend to grill Acosta at his confirmation hearing over his legal baggage that was set to begin this week but postponed till the end of the month. Acosta allowed the Epstein case to stay at the state level, resulting in a 13-month, get-out-of-jail card six days a week from his private wing at the local Palm Beach jailhouse where the child rapist was allowed to leave all day long, instead of his federal crimes raping perhaps hundreds of girls 13-17 that carry a standard 10 years to life sentence. Acosta’s central role in this flagrant travesty of justice makes him a remarkably odd and definitely wrong Trump choice (to say the least) to oversee and protect America’s labor force, both legal and illegal. Illicitly forced labor in the US, epitomized by today’s rising epidemic of sexual slavery and child sex trafficking, renders Trump’s selected Labor Secretary holding such a shameful track record that he’s the last person on earth who should be in charge of America’s labor rights.

During the last week of January 2017 another “Jane Doe,” this one # 43, stepped forward to slap yet another federal lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and her two other female accomplices, filing evidence in a New York City district court that they lured and then forced the underage girl into sexual slavery based on Epstein’s broken promise that he would use his connections and wealth to get her into college.

Meanwhile, there’s also Virginia Roberts-Giuffre’s pending lawsuit, also filed in New York City against Epstein’s former girlfriend Maxwell as Giuffre’s alleged sex slave handler after accusations that then Virginia Roberts was raped by Prince Andrew. In all three lawsuits under oath Epstein will be forced to once again take the stand during cross examinations by the victims’ attorneys. More lurid evidence is bound to surface on his elaborate child sex trafficking network operating throughout the 1990’s up until his 2005 arrest, including the Clintons’ pedo-trafficking involvement along with scores of other “compromised” members of the elite.

Much of this dark ongoing Epstein saga has been meticulously chronicled by another central pedophile player, disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner. After being implicated last year in a child pornography case attempting to solicit nude photos from a North Carolina minor, NYPD Victims Unit discovered a smoking gun trove of hardcore pedophilia evidence inside Weiner’s confiscated laptop containing over 650,00 emails, and dozens of files one labeled “life insurance.” A NY police chief stated the police found one photo depicting Hillary’s twenty year plus employed aide, lesbian lover, suspected Saudi intelligence operative and Weiner’s estranged wife Huma Abedin and Hillary caught in a sexually compromising pose with an underage girl. The New York police turned their findings over to the FBI last October, which pressured Director James Comey to reopen the criminal investigation against Hillary a week and a half prior to the presidential election, no doubt playing a significant factor in causing her defeat.

Meanwhile in recent months since then, desperate to avoid becoming a jailbird, Anthony Weiner has taken to singing like a songbird. The initial claims from FBI insiders a month and a half ago disclosing that newly confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions would be signing scores of arrest warrants, including all those aforementioned politicians, has not yet occurred because Weiner’s allegedly been providing the FBI with more than enough convictable evidence in exchange for not being charged with a sex crime himself. Thus, Weiner’s full disclosure is causing the delay in the pending high profile arrests.

In a related side development, in early February The Globe reported that aware of these “soon to happen” arrests, Hillary Clinton was caught attempting to flee the United States on a flight to Bahrain as the Gulf State nation holds no extradition laws with America. Also seeking leniency, fellow perp Bill Clinton has apparently chosen to sing Weiner’s tune, turning against his wife as well. This dubious pair of serial sex offender politician husbands score miserably low on loyalty and selfishly high on saving their own asses.

In a Henry Makow article posted a month ago, Henry assesses the Trump administration, questioning whether it too might be “infested with pedophiles.” Makow refers to now deceased videographer Tory Smith who he believes correctly asserted:

"Child Protective Agencies, Immigration & Customs Enforcement, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the CIA are running a massive child trafficking network [that] is credible. He says there are 39 Military Intelligence Laboratories (Milabs) operated by DARPA and the CIA, connected with child trafficking. This is consistent with what Carolyn Hamlett reported on this [Henry Makow’s] website in 2012."

Tory Smith openly accused Vice President Mike Pence of being “a pedophile and child murderer,” and that Pence was the globalist system’s running mate choice foisted on Trump not unlike Reagan’s required VP was Bush senior. General Michael Flynn lost his National Security Advisor job after only 24 days because Flynn was determined to take down the pedophile cabal, and among the politicians on the FBI arrest list that Flynn had acquired was Pence’s best friend. Pence and the deep state ousted Flynn. Speculation exists over whether Pence may have been responsible for Tory Smith’s death for exposing Pence’s child sex trafficking.

To get an idea how pervasive and sinister these child sex trafficking rings are, the very governmental agency designed to protect children in America - child protective services (CPS) â€" mandated to operate in every county throughout the nation in charge of overseeing both the child welfare and foster care system, has actually been caught repeatedly funneling children into the demonic sex slave trafficking rings for enormous financial profit no less. It’s a global problem as a child welfare officer in India was just arrested for selling children into a trafficking ring. All 28 children who were sex crime trafficking victims rescued last month in California’s largest trafficking bust in state history were being “cared for” by various county children and family services. In one Arizona study 1 in 8 children in CPS placements are sexually abused. The statistics across the nation are highly disturbing. After Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer heroically exposed countless cases of nationwide CPS kidnapping, drugging and supplying children to trafficking rings for additional revenue of up to $140,000 per child, in 2010 she and her husband were likely murdered for bringing this heinous crime increasingly to public attention.

As a longtime licensed therapist butting heads on behalf of my child clients against this nation’s largest county CPS, LA County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and LA County Children’s Court judges, I can attest firsthand to the severe abuse perpetrated on America’s youth placed under governmental authoritarian “care.” The county service care- to-child sex trafficking pipeline is often supplied directly by CPS, foster parents, group homes, kidnapped by both personnel operating within the child welfare system as well as criminals operating outside the system.

Trafficking rings have received a steady flow of child victims as runaways at local bus stations, homeless street youth exploited by predators and pimps for profit who snatch them into the child sex industry, frequently using them to recruit their peers from nearby group homes. Kids’ average age entering this dark criminal world as horribly exploited child sex workers is only twelve years old. But once in, their average life expectancy is only seven years, which means as many youth never even reach young adulthood prior to being murdered, beaten, tortured, starved or diseased to death.

A far greater volume of child sex slaves is more easily procured in war torn nations around the globe. Like international drug smuggling, the CIA predatorily controls the global child sex trafficking trade as well. Historically the UN “peacekeeping” forces and private US contractors like DynCorp have also been notorious in buying and selling child sex slaves from CIA run global trafficking rings. It’s actually legal to sell children in nations like Pakistan and Thailand where it’s a $1 billion business.  8 million children end up missing in the world every year. In the US 800,000 go missing. These numbers are staggering and each year they’re only growing worse. Well organized multibillion dollar crime syndicates operate massive interlocking trafficking rings globally. We can no longer afford to simply deny reality. We must learn and understand the problem more.

A pattern of a symbiotic connection exists between those who work closely with children, like CPS frequently in the role of ostensibly protecting them, and the sex trafficking networks that horrifically abuse them. That’s why those very professions entrusted to care for and protect children all too often are the first line of abusers since they’re in regular daily contact with young people - schoolteachers, coaches, priests, social workers, health care workers, child protection agencies and police officers to name a few.

An illustration of this dynamic can be found in the Pizzagate story. Located on the same Northwest Washington DC block as the so called “family friendly” Comet Ping Pong, the Pizzagate epicenter a short distance from the White House, lie several other restaurants with business logos (identical to FBI listed symbols) linked to pedophilia. Located just three doors down from Comet, another pizzeria, Besta Pizza, complete with the “boy love” logo, happens to be owned by none other than high powered Bill Clinton appointed attorney Andrew Kline who works in the Justice Department child trafficking division. Another federally employed US attorney, Arun Rao, operating out of Comet’s adjacent Maryland district, is also ironically in charge of prosecuting child trafficking and pornography cases with Comet owner James Alefantis’ Instagram account filled with Rao’s salaciously running commentary, suggesting another fox guarding the henhouse. With a known underground tunnel system running below these establishments, multiple signs of a not-so-secret pedo operation abound on that one upscale DC block, with the fingerprints of the Podestas, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama written all over it.

The troubled lone gunman (prototypical of virtually every US false flag operation) who fired off a couple rounds inside Comet Pizza in early December last year was very likely another deep state prop or stooge designed to instantly discredit the online Pizzagate investigation and convincingly tag its true believers as “conspiracy nuts.” It also served to jumpstart the deep state campaign to prove how “dangerously irresponsible” so called “fake news” is, triggering America’s wackos into committing reprehensible acts of violence that warrant urgent legislation to protect an imperiled public from further harm and endangerment.

Thus, Pizzagate was exploited by deep state as a nefarious, over-the-top scheme to censor and eliminate alternative media from being able to continue exposing the truth about the evils of both deep state criminality and specifically the pedophiles who run the world. But the false flag facts remain - that lone gunman turned out to be yet another known actor, and both actor and his father while serving as director of yet another NGO for Haitian children were employed in Haiti just several years earlier, indelibly linked to the Clintons’ pillaging of the poorest Western Hemisphere nation where the infamous crime duo swindled billions from Haitian post-earthquake victims.

Throw in Laura Silsby, a convicted child kidnapper and would-be trafficker of 33 Haitian kids, who was legally aided and abetted by Hillary as then secretary of state, and the untimely, highly suspicious death of young journalist Monica Petersen several days after last November’s election, effectively silencing Monica’s ongoing investigation of Clinton ties to Haitian child trafficking, and we have compelling, albeit circumstantial evidence linking the Clintons to the global PedoGate scandal. And then if that’s not enough, internet sleuths found that Silsby and Alefantis, two protagonists in this pedo-scandal drama, apparently both showed up as Obama White House guests on the very same day, September 26th, 2012. 

Three weeks ago sex victim advocate and astute journalist Liz Crokin in a Townhall.com article asked why mainstream news is not reporting the over 1,500 arrests made (474 in California alone last month) against child sex trafficking rings during President Trump’s very first month in office as opposed to the entire year 2014 under Obama’s watch when only 400 arrests resulted. Crokin justifiably points out that fake stream news is conspicuously absent in what should be among America’s biggest news stories of the year. But then the answer to her question is all too obvious. MSM and the pedophiles are one and the same. Case in point, alleged pedophile John Podesta was just hired as the Washington Post’s latest columnist.

We’ve witnessed overwhelming evidence that mainstream news only protects and covers up the grossly criminal actions of the Clintons and Obamas, while regularly engaging in libelous accusations against Donald Trump. Bottom line, MSM’s role as the liberal left’s propaganda machine is to constantly lie and create only fake news rather than reveal the honest truth. That’s why Congress and Obama rushed through censorship legislation less than a month prior to the traitor leaving office, handing over bogus authority to their prostitutes Google, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and MSM to eliminate the only truthful news source left to the people â€" the independent media.

Flat out denial and looking the other way while pedophiles in our government continue harming our children is simply the above enlisted prostitutes following their marching orders from the pedophiles in charge. That’s why they don’t dare cover the truth that Trump is arresting pedophiles en masse like never before. One, it gives way too much credit to their sworn enemy Trump who’s out to bring them down, and two, children being saved from malicious perverts would actually be good news for a change, and MSM thrives on only doom and gloom. Positive news and useful information that offers hope and encouragement to the public is simply not permitted. A longtime mainstream media edict has been to propagate and spread only horror, dread, fear and paranoia for elitist purposes of easier population control. This in turn cultivates and conditions a clueless, desperate populace dependent on a “benevolent” centralized government for direction and protection.

With just a passing glimpse of the rampant pedophilia long entrenched in Hollywood, the demonic signs are incessantly saturated throughout the film, TV and music industries, especially featured on worldwide display in enormous venues like Super Bowl Sunday that carry mass mind control effects over a captive, mesmerized global audience. The insidious criminality, sinister promotion and sealed off protection of pedophilia kingpins in entertainment are embedded everywhere in today’s morally-lapsed, depraved Western culture. Brave young actors like Corey Feldman, an admitted pedophile victim, and most recently Elijah Wood have come forth as Hollywood whistleblowers. Wood referred to the current pedophile scandal gripping Tinsel Town involving “very powerful figures” that are being protected “right at the top” by elitist ties to Washington.

For some time now social engineers from the elitist ranks have been subversively working towards normalizing and advocating pedophilia as a mere life choice, pushing its “non-harmful,” “legal rights” message for its proponents. As a prime example, a 2014 New York Times article maintains that pedophilia is a mental disorder but not a crime, arguing that a pedophile attracted to prepubescents but who never acts on those impulses or thoughts never commits a crime. Though true within the narrowly defined context, the rationalization it makes fails to take into account the compulsive, at times out of control nature of pedophilia that drives those afflicted to act out sexually towards children, and more often than not become a serial pedophile or pederast.

As effort along the same destigmatizing lines, the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) latest revised 2013 DSM-5 edition initially called for pedophiles who never act on their sexual desires for children to be a sexual orientation rather than a formal mental disorder. When barraged by a storm of opposition, the APA was forced to change its position, drawing the distinction between sexual interest (and not orientation) while making the disclaimer that the APA still recognizes pedophilic disorder as both a mental disorder among other paraphilic disorders as well as a crime. However, the “error” on page 698 remains in every diagnostician’s hardcopy “bible,” until the next print revision, as only the online e-DSM-5 was corrected. In the transparently persistent push (if not rush) to culturally normalize pedophilia, APA’s “Freudian slip” may well have been a barometric tack to test the waters of tolerance toward the mental disorder that remains a serious sex crime.   Regardless of diabolical spin or label, child raping reminds us that “evil is as evil does.”

Likewise, former President Obama and his minions pushed Common Core and his LGBT agenda down our throats through his federalized public education system, willfully harming our children right out of the kindergarten gate with developmentally inappropriate, sexually explicit dogma that’s been damaging, overloading and confusing recent generations of young Americans toward gender identity issues that commonly manifest as confused gender roles, sexual acting out and interpersonal relationship barriers that reflect a normalized cultural and sexual pathology and dysfunction. Obama’s statist attack on both family and parental rights along with religion is but part of the elite’s massive mind control operation to further its sinister agenda.

When we the people can ultimately realize that the planetary controllers and their thirteen ruling bloodlines have for centuries been engaging in ancient occult, Satanic worship and Illuminati rituals that regularly involve child sacrifice, drinking youth blood and eating their flesh, making snuff films, all part of their age-old devil worshipping practices, suddenly the agenda of plotting and executing human genocide under the false guise of overpopulation doesn’t seem so farfetched either. Then and only then can we readily discern the epochal scope of today’s most dire and urgent crisis facing humanity at this critical juncture in our human history.

But in our favor, the evildoers have never been more exposed than they are right now, and their greatest fear is an informed, educated and empowered world citizenry that outnumbers them a million to one, coalescing in unified force and reaching critical mass, committed to actively opposing and resisting the globalists’ willful planetary and life destruction through grassroots power of peaceful, nonviolent civil disobedience and spiritual evolution. Currently humanity has the technological means to cure every cancer and disease, feed every human on earth, eliminate the planet’s growing life-killing pollution and radioactivity, and supply free energy to every household and transport vehicle that can cleanly, unlimitedly fuel all our needs. These are all indisputable facts. By purging the evildoers from power along with their debtor-slavery system and launching a financial reset, the human species will at last be free to advance these technological facts into our everyday living and breathing reality.

The economic system reset button is already underway, and the US fiat currency as the standard international reserve is already over as a return to gold backing is well in progress. Wallowing in pessimism and stagnating in cynicism is exactly where the globalists would prefer us, knowing if we the global masses have already concluded that we’re too powerless and weak to ever change the course of history and cannot possibly defeat the destructive demonic forces in control, their apocalyptic endgame’s already been achieved. Neither should we succumb to the elite’s divide and conquer strategy, forever blaming others instead of seeking the ultimate deeper truth that automatically holds the real criminals against humanity accountable. Rather than fight amongst ourselves or give up and roll over and play dead as the elite no doubt desires us to do, we must join forces in order to optimize our chances of defeating them. If we love our children and want to leave a future for them, and we value life over death, then we the people of planet earth simply have no other choice.   



Quote from: Stupid Robbings on December 23, 2019, 01:23:00 PM
Progressives are Communists.  Neocons are Fascists.      Both of them are Globalist.

A reasonable summary of the American political landscape today.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on December 23, 2019, 03:18:41 PM
The same day that the USA Freedom Act was extended, a so-called, Palestinian who had served a fifteen year sentence in prison for terrorism, had his sentence extended indefinitely under that Act, by President Trump.  The PLA refused to accept him back as a deportee so the President wasn't about to let him lose on the streets of America.

Sounds good, except that when you violate one man's Rights, you infringe upon everyone.  It may be legal, but it's not Lawful.  Under Common Law, Civil Law, and even in courts of Equity and blended Chancery, such as Admiralty, a judge can overturn a guilty verdict or reduce a sentence, but he can't increase a sentence nor overturn a verdict of innocent.  The USA Freedom Act is Martial Rule.  When it's acted upon, it's under Martial Law.

If Americans accept incarcerating this asshole, they saw off the branch upon which they sit.  I say drop the son of a bitch from a cargo plane over Gaza, and be done with him.

I agree with all you say about extending a sentence but one could argue that a defacto state of war exists between the U.S. and all duly designated "terrorist organizations."  In cases such as this where no other country will accept responsibility for a convicted terrorist upon his release and competent authority determines that there is a strong likelihood that he will continue to commit terrorist acts, it becomes a matter of prior restraint versus public safety and I would place more weight on the latter.  I would also argue that the individual is not a U.S. citizen and under the circumstances could be designated a prisoner of war or at the very least an enemy alien in which case he could be held until he is repatriated, released to one of our Muslim allies or until the defacto state of war ceases to exist.  I guess I just don't think it's that much of a slippery slope where U.S. citizens are concerned.


Dec 27 2019

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fd9547 No.7640038📁
Dec 28 2019 01:17:48 (EST)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3d379b No.7639247📁
Dec 28 2019 00:12:03 (EST)
Anonymous ID: f81040 No.7639202📁
Dec 28 2019 00:08:41 (EST)

DJT retweets himself 2 hrs later
Driving the point home.
Post drop?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a902c6 No.7638553📁
Dec 27 2019 23:26:04 (EST)

They are FIGHTING for their LIVES.
Good people in place.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 812ed1 No.7638205📁
Dec 27 2019 23:00:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: e28319 No.7637777📁
Dec 27 2019 22:27:26 (EST)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 812ed1 No.7638149📁
Dec 27 2019 22:58:17 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 985a8e No.7637926📁
Dec 27 2019 22:38:58 (EST)

When will they ask the question?
Something BIG is coming.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f59e7c No.7634563📁
Dec 27 2019 17:18:54 (EST)
Do you believe in coincidences?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1ec396 No.7634396📁
Dec 27 2019 16:58:48 (EST)

US Taxpayer > FED Gov't
FED Gov't [HUSSEIN] > Pearson Publishing
Pearson Publishing > [HUSSEIN]
Follow the money.


Sure, everyone knows about Q Anon but do you know about Cuc Anon?

It’s the next level shit. 8)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 28, 2019, 02:43:57 AM
Sure, everyone knows about Q Anon but do you know about Cuc Anon?

It’s the next level shit. 8)

Hey, Doc! ;D  Hey man, I'm so happy you're talking with me again.  I honor your 1st amendment right to respond to my post anyway you wish.  I'm just happy you are responding, even though you may not understand. ;) ;D


Quote from: starrmtn001 on December 28, 2019, 03:02:26 AM
I honor your 1st amendment right to respond to my post anyway you wish.

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on December 25, 2019, 01:02:44 PM
I agree with all you say about extending a sentence but one could argue that a defacto state of war exists between the U.S. and all duly designated "terrorist organizations."  In cases such as this where no other country will accept responsibility for a convicted terrorist upon his release and competent authority determines that there is a strong likelihood that he will continue to commit terrorist acts, it becomes a matter of prior restraint versus public safety and I would place more weight on the latter.  I would also argue that the individual is not a U.S. citizen and under the circumstances could be designated a prisoner of war or at the very least an enemy alien in which case he could be held until he is repatriated, released to one of our Muslim allies or until the defacto state of war ceases to exist.  I guess I just don't think it's that much of a slippery slope where U.S. citizens are concerned.

I don't argue the legality of the action; just the Lawfulness of it.  The United States has been under Martial Rule since Lincoln's War, and the American people don't do shit about it.  The convicted terrorist ought never to have been tried in the US in the first place.  That's what Club Gitmo is for.


Dec 28 2019

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ccdcea No.7645614 📁
Dec 28 2019 16:02:40 (EST) NEW

Easy to understand?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2b1500 No.7643985 📁
Dec 28 2019 13:30:29 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: b8b53b No.7643939 📁
Dec 28 2019 13:28:43 (EST) NEW
Screen Shot 2019-12-28 at 19.28.12.png⬇

orensicator’s first decisive findings, made public in the paper dated July 9, concerned the volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rateâ€"the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.

These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed. Compounding this contradiction, Guccifer claimed to have run his hack from Romania, which, for numerous reasons technically called delivery overheads, would slow down the speed of a hack even further from maximum achievable speeds.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2b1500 No.7643917 📁
Dec 28 2019 13:27:33 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 778266 No.7643883 📁
Dec 28 2019 13:25:40 (EST) NEW

Future will prove past!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2b1500 No.7643842 📁
Dec 28 2019 13:23:27 (EST) NEW
DNC server(s).
Did Russia 'break-in' to DNC server(s)?
Why did FBI accept 'indirect' evidence re: DNC server(s) 'hack''break-in' by Crowdstrike [Ukraine]?
Why didn't FBI 'directly' investigate DNC server(s) [in-hand]?
Download speed internal data DL vs remote? [1]
How does one provide content to WL?
>person-to-person [1]
Personal comms [secured] prior to release? [1]
The (Source(s)):
>Feeder [1]
>Recipient [1]
Interning for the DNC can be deadly.
Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?
Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?
Possible to layer/insert code [Crowdstrike] to designate intruder [intended target]?
NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]
Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].
FISA is only the beginning.
The hole is DEEP.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d073d4 No.7643289 📁
Dec 28 2019 12:35:25 (EST) NEW
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d073d4 No.7643247 📁
Dec 28 2019 12:33:17 (EST) NEW

Haspel made Dir for a specific reason?
Brennan 'tapped' directly for support?
Brennan CLAS SEC DIV > spy_T?
Meeting(s) w/ Durham?
The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability.

Geo location 2015-2017?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d073d4 No.7643247 📁
Dec 28 2019 12:33:17 (EST) NEW

Haspel made Dir for a specific reason?
Brennan 'tapped' directly for support?
Brennan CLAS SEC DIV > spy_T?
Meeting(s) w/ Durham?
The only way to restore faith is through transparency and accountability.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d073d4 No.7643055 📁
Dec 28 2019 12:20:38 (EST) NEW
PANIC mode.
People awake is their greatest fear.



OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:35 AM PT â€" Saturday, December 28, 2019
President Trump is highlighting OAN’s report on how House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son may be involved in a Ukrainian corruption scandal. The president took to Twitter on Friday to share the report, which detailed how Pelosi and her son Paul might face corruption allegations involving Ukraine.

He called Pelosi “Crazy Nancy” and said the report is “big stuff.”

Among other things, the report revealed videos of Paul Pelosi Jr.’s 2017 trip to the country, which are currently being removed online.

These accusations are similar to those against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, who allegedly earned $156 million from corruption schemes in Ukraine.

President Trump shared an additional OAN report on Friday, in which Ukrainian officials testified on Democrat interference in the 2016 elections. He thanked One America News for “incredible reporting” and slammed mainstream media for not doing “the same.”

Watch more of Chanel Rion’s special report here: OAN’s Chanel Rion Gives Debriefing On Ukraine Trip


OAN’s Chanel Rion Gives Debriefing On Ukraine Trip
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:27 PM PT â€" Sunday, December 8, 2019
As part of her OAN Investigates exclusive, One America’s Chanel Rion flew to Europe to talk to additional witnesses. These officials claimed to have evidence proving DNC collusion and criminal activity by the Bidens. Here’s her summary of the trip and a preview into Part III of her series.




For anyone wondering... it was The Ukraine during the Soviet era.  It's now just Ukraine.


Quote from: Liberace! on December 28, 2019, 10:03:45 PM

For anyone wondering... it was The Ukraine during the Soviet era.  It's now just Ukraine.

I believe this distinction does not actually exist in Russian -- and is thus purely western (over)sensitivity -- as Russian has no articles, definite or otherwise, but I am open to being corrected on that point.


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 28, 2019, 10:14:47 PM
I believe this distinction does not actually exist in Russian

I think that's right.


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 28, 2019, 10:14:47 PM
I believe this distinction does not actually exist in Russian -- and is thus purely western (over)sensitivity -- as Russian has no articles, definite or otherwise, but I am open to being corrected on that point.
Does Chinese? Could this explain Charlie Chan's syntax?


Dec 29 2019

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa51d3 No.7654139 📁
Dec 29 2019 13:06:19 (EST) NEW
If Russia didn't [hack] the DNC (insider breach)…..
& US INTEL supported Russia [breach] claim……
What does that tell you?
[Mueller][impeachment] all meant to 'slowdelayprevent' the exposure [& prosecution] of their crimes.
Will new articles of impeachment be 'continually' drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?
Moves & countermoves.
The 'silent' war continues.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa51d3 No.7653873 📁
Dec 29 2019 12:45:14 (EST) NEW

Follow the guide.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa51d3 No.7653791 📁
Dec 29 2019 12:39:23 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 7f3f80 No.7653597 📁
Dec 29 2019 12:22:00 (EST) NEW



The point being many (R)s are confused re: must go through additional 'hoops' in order to vote (re: (R) party registration).
% not mailed?
% 'supposedly' lost?
% delayed?
% returned [D] _unchanged?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa51d3 No.7653595 📁
Dec 29 2019 12:21:48 (EST) NEW
Do you believe in coincidences?
The TRUTH will be told.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 83ae1d No.7653478 📁
Dec 29 2019 12:06:15 (EST) NEW
[D] party election interference?
[D] party corruption?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 83ae1d No.7653342 📁
Dec 29 2019 11:50:48 (EST) NEW
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 83ae1d No.7653316 📁
Dec 29 2019 11:48:36 (EST) NEW
No (R) option in CA when registering to vote?
Welcome to the [D] party con.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 83ae1d No.7653316 📁
Dec 29 2019 11:48:36 (EST) NEW
No (R) option in CA when registering to vote?
Welcome to the [D] party con.


Quote from: albrecht on December 29, 2019, 01:10:03 PM
Does Chinese? Could this explain Charlie Chan's syntax?

That would be a safe bet.

It's funny, Norwegian uses a suffix to handle the definite article instead of a stand-alone word but I rarely hear Norwegian people making the same error in English.


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 29, 2019, 03:00:23 PM
That would be a safe bet.

It's funny, Norwegian uses a suffix to handle the definite article instead of a stand-alone word but I rarely hear Norwegian people making the same error in English.
Though there can be some cadence or intonation issues.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) â€" President Donald Trump retweeted a post that included the alleged name of the anonymous whistleblower whose complaint ultimately led to Trump’s impeachment by the House.

Just before midnight Friday, Trump retweeted a message from Twitter user @Surfermom77, an account that claims to be a woman named Sophia who lives in California. The account shows some indications of automation, including an unusually high amount of activity and profile pictures featuring stock images from the internet.

By Saturday morning, the post seemed to have disappeared on many users’ feeds, suggesting Trump had deleted it, though it could still be found in other ways, including on a website that logs every presidential tweet.

The retweet then reappeared Saturday night. Twitter told The Associated Press that an outage with one of its systems caused tweets on some accounts, including Trump’s, to be visible to some but not others.


The Whistle Blower Protection Act, does NOT shield the identity of the blower.  It only protects the tattle tale against retaliation.


Could we not come up with a better name for these people than "whistleblower"?  Seeing grown folks all dressed up and serious talking about whistleblowing just fills me with mirth.  I get it's probably an allusion to a factory assembly line but my mind just sees a clown car.

Quote from: K_Dubb on December 29, 2019, 04:57:36 PM
Could we not come up with a better name for these people than "whistleblower"?  Seeing grown folks all dressed up and serious talking about whistleblowing just fills me with mirth.  I get it's probably an allusion to a factory assembly line but my mind just sees a clown car.

No.  I hear you, but Congress has already passed a bill with the term.  Even though you can't change a law by rewriting the dictionary, because laws are enforced by the meaning of terminology at the time the law is enacted, as how there's no such thing as a happy marriage, so homosexuals need a legal term such as Domestic Partnership, or Civil Union, instead of gay.


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 29, 2019, 04:57:36 PM
Could we not come up with a better name for these people than "whistleblower"?  Seeing grown folks all dressed up and serious talking about whistleblowing just fills me with mirth.  I get it's probably an allusion to a factory assembly line but my mind just sees a clown car.



Quote from: Stupid Robbings on December 29, 2019, 07:13:17 PM
No.  I hear you, but Congress has already passed a bill with the term.  Even though you can't change a law by rewriting the dictionary, because laws are enforced by the meaning of terminology at the time the law is enacted, as how there's no such thing as a happy marriage, so homosexuals need a legal term such as Domestic Partnership, or Civil Union, instead of gay.

Hahaha "civil union" won't work either because the unions, such as they are, are frequently marked by the most shocking degrees of incivility.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on December 29, 2019, 04:50:19 PM
The Whistle Blower Protection Act, does NOT shield the identity of the blower.  It only protects the tattle tale against retaliation.

So.  No condom for the blower?  Just as well.  Kind of anti-climatic otherwise. ::) ;D


Quote from: K_Dubb on December 29, 2019, 04:57:36 PM
Seeing grown folks all dressed up and serious talking about whistleblowing just fills me with mirth.


After having been outed here, Q seems to still be on holiday, since December, 29th, 2019.


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