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Messages - Ravenna

Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 06, 2013, 02:01:17 AM

The economy and the stock market are not the same thing.  Certain segments of the market have been doing well for years now, but the economy has been flat.

True, but very often a Recession (or a Depression) starts with a big stock market sell off.  That happened in the Great Depression, and also in the Recession of 2008.  I remember sitting at work, and hearing from a co-worker how badly the stock market was diving, and thinking, "This won't be good."  It wasn't. 
Random Topics / Re: Falling Skies and Walking Dead
December 05, 2013, 12:59:01 PM
Quote from: valdez on December 05, 2013, 06:13:49 AM
     And dealt with he was.  Oh the joy of seeing Mishonne's samurai pop out of his chest.  And the younster with the gun.  Bravo.  We’ll be needing those skills down the road.  And thank you, Daryl, for not hesitating (well, I suppose you did...a little) to put an arrow into "asshole."   Rick, I love you, but you showed weakness and it almost got you killed.  Too bad about Hershel, and I think the baby is just fine.  Some folks say this was the best WD they'd seen.  I'm not sure about that, but it was good.

I thought it was excellent.  However, if Carl had taken out the Governor when he first got his gun's sights on him, couldn't a lot of, maybe most, of that big battle have been avoided?
Not sure what will happen if the stock market takes a big slide, but it could be bad.  Both this financial expert (see link) and Tom Sullivan, a financial expert who has his own talk radio show and is on a business show on FOX, predict this will occur (Tom thinks in the first quarter of 2014).


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Dark Matter
December 04, 2013, 09:43:02 PM
Quote from: SixWeekTenure on December 04, 2013, 07:11:46 PM
Quality programming and Dark Matter Radio Network do not mix. Pray for Dark Weekend in the meantime.

Oh, I do hope Dark Weekend doesn't get yanked.  It's my fave.
Quote from: zeebo on November 20, 2013, 03:11:51 PM
I found Herzog's Fitzcarraldo to be so compelling, and I can't put my finger on exactly why though.  There's just something strange and haunting about that movie for me.

As for Wenders' Wings of Desire what really amazed me about it was the dialogue, so deep and lyrical.  Another Wenders movie that I remember being pretty cool was Until the End of the World which has a great soundtrack as I recall - I'll have to check that out again and see if it holds up.

Fitzcarraldo is great:  probably my fave Herzog film.  Have you ever seen the documentary on the making of that film, 'Burden of Dreams'?  Utterly fascinating.  Highly recommended.
The current economy is a house of cards, precariously balanced.  You can depend on that it will collapse, and when that happens a HUGE slide in the stock market and many ripples of repercussions.  Recession?  It might push the U.S. into worse than that even.  It's a matter of when, not if.
Random Topics / Re: Breaking Bad
December 01, 2013, 02:37:44 AM
People who write it off because it's about "a cancer-ridden teacher who turns to making drugs in order to leave money for his family coz he's going to die".... well, they're missing out in a very big way.  Probably one of the best dramatic series to ever appear on television, plain and simple.
Quote from: zeebo on December 01, 2013, 12:30:40 AM
True of course.  They've been doing that for years.  Punishing savers & rewarding debtors.  Seems like an odd incentive structure for a healthy economy.

Savers must be punished:  they are not spending, and therefore their money is holed up somewhere and not circulating out there in the economy.  Not my thinking:  "theirs."
Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 30, 2013, 10:18:39 PM

All administrations do this - they control the calendar to a certain extent.

It will be interesting to watch the current administration and Big Media try to contain the fallout from ObamaCare - short of a full repeal, I think it's too late for that and they will just end up keeping people agitated all the way to election day.

Agree that all administrations do it, to some degree or another.  Still seems crafty to me, but then that's politics.

I don't think anything can be done about Obamacare.  It will come down to the next President, elected running on an anti-Obamacare platform, to clean it up.  And don't expect premiums to ever, ever lower again to the rates they were before the "Affordable" Health Care Act set in.
Random Topics / Re: Breaking Bad
November 30, 2013, 10:18:48 PM
Quote from: HorrorRetro on September 30, 2013, 06:02:24 PM
That's how I felt before I watched my first episode a few years into the series.  I never expected to like it.  I didn't like it. I loved it.  I just watched the final episode a few minutes ago.  Perfection.

This is what I tell friends of mine who haven't seen it:  rent disc 1 of Season 1, and watch episodes 1 and 2.  If you're not completely hooked after watching episode #2, check to see if you have a pulse.  Anyone alive who has any vitality or discernment whatsoever, is going to be hooked on this show after episode 2.  Probably the best #1 and #2 episodes of any TV series I've seen ever (and I've seen a LOT of them, being a TV junkie since a toddler).
Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 30, 2013, 10:07:57 PM

The Fed and Treasury will try to do whatever it takes to delay a correction until after the Nov 2014 elections.  Whether they have anything left in their quiver to be able to do that remains to be seen.

I agree.  Coz if they do raise the interest rate, and there's a big stock market sell off, people will blame that on the Dems and they'll lose out at the polls.

I believe that this is why they're pushing back the open period for the Employer Mandate, too:  so that the bad news that will hit from that will hit AFTER the Nov. 2014 elections take place.
Quote from: zeebo on November 30, 2013, 09:36:11 PM
I agree.  And I believe moreover that the Fed is not just printing money to keep the economy afloat, but it pretty much has to keep down interest rates at this point to avoid a spike in costs of servicing our ballooning nat'l debt.  The crisis will come when they're no longer able to keep rates down after the world catches on and demands higher rates to hold our debt.  Hope there's a good episode of "Doomsday Preppers" on tonight.   ::)

Exactly.  In fact, the last big sell-off that occurred on the Stock Market was when there was just a RUMOR out that The Fed was about to raise the interest rate!  They did not, but ended up keeping it the same, and the stock market quickly recovered.
Quote from: zeebo on November 30, 2013, 08:50:19 PM
Thanks, Ravenna I've caught his cable show on FBN a few times, he seems pretty level-headed to me as well.  I'll definitely check out his radio show for more info. 

And I agree about the likelihood of a pullback.  Actually I'm rather surprised we've been drifting upwards for so long and also in daily disbelief how nonchalant our gov't officials are with the ongoing extreme monetary manipulation, seemingly unstoppable growth of nat'l debt, etc.

That is due to the Fed continuing the bolster the economy artificially by feeding more newly printed money into it.  Any time you have something that's being artificially bolstered, you're in for a crash sooner or later.
Quote from: (Redacted) on November 30, 2013, 05:05:22 PM
After looking at his bio, I think I have heard him, guest hosting for Rush a few times.  Thank you for the suggestion.  I could use a good, half-sane, stand-in-the-middle financial/ current news voice in my ear...  For the times are a little grim around the edges lately, in our country.

That's one of the things I love about Tom Sullivan.  He's right in the middle, and looks at, and takes in, both the left and the right sides of things politically.  He doesn't view a situation through biased glasses because he's a Republican or a Democrat.  He's an Independent, and allegiance to none of the political parties enables him to fairly see what ALL of them are trying to do, without being biased.  There is no one else in talk radio that I can think of who's an independent Moderate to the extent that Tom Sullivan is.  Granted, he does come from a Republican background and believes in less government rather than more.

He believes that Obama's policies during the Recession delayed the recovery, and have been largely responsible for such a weak recovery.  He believes we will have a double-dip.
Random Topics / Re: America Unearthed (tv show)
November 30, 2013, 09:01:29 PM
Quote from: Ravenna on November 30, 2013, 09:00:57 PM
Two good episodes of 'America Unearthed' tonight on H2:

Episode: Stonehenge in America
S01, E06
(First Aired: Jan. 25, 2013)
Geologist Scott Wolter believes an archaeological oddity in New Hampshire has a connection to the famous megalithic site in England.
9:00 - 10:00 PM History 2 (276)


Episode: Ark of the Covenant
S02, E01
(First Aired: Nov. 30, 2013)
A search for the final resting place of the ``Stone of Destiny``.
10:00 - 11:00 PM History 2 (276)

I love this show.

(Warning:  this guy is obsessed with the Knights Templar).
Random Topics / America Unearthed (tv show)
November 30, 2013, 09:00:57 PM
Two good episodes of 'America Unearthed' tonight on H2:

Episode: Stonehenge in America
S01, E06
(First Aired: Jan. 25, 2013)
Geologist Scott Wolter believes an archaeological oddity in New Hampshire has a connection to the famous megalithic site in England.
9:00 - 10:00 PM History 2 (276)


Episode: Ark of the Covenant
S02, E01
(First Aired: Nov. 30, 2013)
A search for the final resting place of the ``Stone of Destiny``.
10:00 - 11:00 PM History 2 (276)
Quote from: (Redacted) on November 30, 2013, 03:32:00 PM
I've never listened to Mr. Sullivan, but my spidey sense is tingling... a shock is coming for us.  I can't imagine it will be a good one.

Mr. Sullivan is right about 90% of the time, I've noticed.  If he's right about a big correction in early 2014, then you might just consider listening to his radio show.  One hour a day, the first hour, is all you need (the 2nd and 3rd hour of his show he usually goes onto other things that aren't quite as compelling:  first hour he reserves for the "important stuff").

Here's a bio on him from Wiki.  Don't hold it against him that he's on the Fox News Channel.  He is a Conservative, but a very moderate one and his views exist in a mid-place between the right and the left.

You'll note that he ran his own brokerage firm for years.  The guy knows the stock market well.

Quote from: (Redacted) on November 30, 2013, 03:23:25 PM
Anyone see the dow chart?  Seems the stock market gave up, and flatlined at eob Friday.   ???

Hey guildnavigator... tomales, fresh pico, chips, rice, n beans.  With cheese n guac too.   ;)  Great minds.

It will be interesting to see if there is a big correction in early 2014.  If so, after calling the 2008 Recession, too, I'll be listening to Tom Sullivan with even greater dedication.  (Right now, I only have time to listen to the first hour).
Random Topics / Re: Falling Dead and Walking Skies
November 30, 2013, 03:22:51 PM
Quote from: Philosopher on November 30, 2013, 03:03:54 PM
I like "Falling Dead and Walking Skies" better.

They are Falling Dead often on TWD.  Trouble is, they get back up again.
Random Topics / Re: Game of Thrones
November 30, 2013, 03:06:50 PM
Quote from: Tarbaby on November 29, 2013, 05:56:34 PM
I've wondered a few times what makes the books so absorbing. They're full of cruelty, violence and barbarism. Yet richly textured; full of a strange joie de vivre. The author (George R. R. Martin) reminds me of a grown-up Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series). Martin obviously gets bored and forces bizarre plot twists impulsively. Killing off favorite characters after developing them for hundreds of pages. (These books are long).
   Also, I would submit Martin has a kinky if not downright perverted bent.

The HBO series complimented the books quite well tho' it did take liberties. Martin, I think, was satisfied with it (the cable series).

I watched the first season of GoT after it came out on DVD, and thought it was magnificent (nearly as good as the books, which are great).  I haven't watched Season 2 yet of the HBO series, and am planning to after Xmas (I don't get HBO, and don't do the torrents thing, so I always wait for the DVDs to come out).

I've read the whole series, and thought Books 1-3 were fabulous.  Book 2, A Storm of Swords,' had one of the best endings of a book ever:  it left me literally gasping. 

Unfortunately, I didn't like Books 4 and 5 in the series nearly as much as the first 3.  I sort of got the impression that George R.R. Martin may have lost the muse after Book 3, and Books 4 and 5 which much harder to read and felt "forced" somehow, whereas Books 1-3 just flowed and led me right along without having to "try" much at the reading of them.  Books 4 and 5 were more of a hard slog for me, although both of them had good moments, but overall something was missing in them.  I'll read Book 6 when it finally comes out, though.  I'm eager to see what's up with all the characters.
Random Topics / Re: Falling Skies and Walking Dead
November 30, 2013, 02:51:42 PM
Quote from: valdez on November 27, 2013, 07:46:28 AM
     Do these writers think they can get away with anything?  Last week I was ready to join  The Governor  and in one episode he's back to being a tired and boring homicidal psycho boy.  All because of a piss poor golf stroke?  He needs to be dealt with quick lest he stink up another season.

I haven't enjoyed these past two episodes that focused on The Governor.  I know he's supposed to be fascinating, but I just find him off-putting and not all that interesting.  I'm much more interested in knowing what's going on with the Core Group back at the prison.  I can't believe that they have put off dealing with The Carol Situation for TWO whole episodes.  Daryl is gonna have a FIT when he knows she's gone, and I bet they're not going to even address that until after the mid-season finale (which is Sunday).

Btw, here's an article about the Mid-Season Finale.  Not many hints of what may occur, other than that the prison may be sustainable and also that they may be introducing a major new character.

Quote from: zeebo on November 29, 2013, 03:16:56 PM
I've been waiting for a major correction for like two years now and I get the sneaking suspicion that someone somewhere keeps cancelling it.

Tom Sullivan, this radio talk show host (a Conservative but not a Republican; he's an Independent) I listen to every day, predicts a major correction is coming, and thinks it will happen in the first half of 2014, maybe even in the first quarter.

He pretty much predicted the last Recession (the one that started in 2008 with the stock market slide), so he's worth paying attention to.  His show covers the economy, politics and the top news topics of the day.  Very much appointment radio for me.  You can listen to him live streaming via Tunein.com (there's a free app for that for android on Amazon), via KFBK out of Sacramento at noon to 3pm Monday to Friday.  If you're lucky enough to live in/around the Bay Area, up north to Redding, you can listen to him on the radio itself, Old School style.  His first hour, noon to 1pm, I make a point of listening to every day:  that's when Tom goes over the top news events of the day.


(I feel sure that Tunein has an app for the iPhone, too).

Tom ran his own investment firm for years, so the economy is something he very much knows about.  He's very much up on politics, too.  (You probably don't want to listen to him if you're an Obama Lover:  he's not a fan.  Nor does he bash him:  simply points out how the guy is doing a bad job.  Tom feels that Obamacare is going to collapse under its own weight by 2015).
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Matter Network Content
November 26, 2013, 09:54:44 PM
Quote from: HMC on November 26, 2013, 08:58:52 PM
From ArtBell.com:

While we wait for Art's return, we'll be offering up other Internet radio shows on our LIVE stream, for your listening pleasure.
Mon   5p PST 8p EST   Paranormal Podcast w/Jim Harold
Mon   7p PST/10p EST   Ravenstar's Witching Hour
Tue   5p PST/8p EST   The Spec Sheet w/MV and Curtis
Wed   5p PST/8p EST   Podcast UFO w/Martin and Sam
Wed   6p PST/9p EST   The Malliard Report
Thu   Next Week   Keeping the Spirits Alive!
Fri   7p PST/10p EST   Starfire Wolflair w/Carolyn Goyda
Fri   12a PST/3a EST   After Dark w/Bryan Alvarez
Sat   7p PST/10p EST   Dark Weekend w/Steve Warner
Sat   9p PST/12a EST   The Secret Teachings
Sun   5p PST/8p EST   Paranormal Central w/Jeffre Gonzalez and Allen Thomas
Sun   7p PST/10p EST   Supernatural Science w/Tobias McGriff

Almost a full line-up other than the second slot on Tuesday nights.  Would be nice to see Mysterious Universe there.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Spec Sheet
November 26, 2013, 08:38:20 PM
I missed it.  When will the archive be up?
Quote from: analog kid on November 24, 2013, 10:06:35 PM
My home town in Louisiana has the "Gothic Jail." It's a 100 year old hanging jail that gets regular visits from paranormal investigators. The pics don't do it justice and you can practically hear the ominous male voice choir while driving past it.

What's the exact name and location of this place?  I'd like to look up information about it.  Thanks.
Quote from: Jnthn932 on November 24, 2013, 10:10:55 PM
Excellent! Those guys are a little over the top at times but any publicity that brings tourists to my state is great. Honestly, they will probably be one of the last guys to do an investigation there or at any other plantation in LA for a while. Last week, a group of jackass "ghost hunters" were getting stoned and managed to burn down a 300 year old plantation. F'n potheads. I'll have to check that book out. I could probably write one myself detailing all the weird stuff I've seen and heard there. Louisiana is by far one the most haunted and paranormaly active states. I recommend anyone come down for a visit!Laissez les bons temps rouler!!!!

I heard about those fools causing a historic plantation house to burn down.  Such a huge shame.  Not professional ghost investigators, that's for sure:  just a stupid bunch of people out partying, I got the feeling.

Frances Kermeen's book on The Myrtles is on Amazon (buy it used, is my suggestion:  I think it's about a penny).  Some better stocked libraries carry it, too.  It's a great read:  so scary I had to refrain from reading it right before bedtime.
Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 24, 2013, 07:46:45 PM
Obama earlier declared he is going to rule by decree - using Executive Orders, using the bureaucracy to issue new regulations that go far beyond what the underlying law says.  Many times he's already just decided to re-write the law (as when he hands out waivers and deferrals to ObamaCare to his cronies), or chooses to ignore parts of laws he doesn't like (such as parts of he immigration law).  He despises our form of government - the Congress is 'in the way' he's going to do whatever he wants without them..

That's what a dictatorship looks like.

Now he's in the process of purging the upper ranks of our armed forces.  He's retired literally hundreds of them over the past year or two.  It's unprecedented. The military is supposed to be non-partisan.  When the people who have been the leaders, the decision makers, who have advanced due to merit, are just eliminated and replaced by lesser people more in line with Obama politically, it hurts the military significantly.

Many of the best leaders are gone.  Morale among those who remain is low, wondering if they are next to be axed.  Imagine how this affects decision making and preparedness.  Obama has already hamstrung the military with his changes to the rules of engagement.  There is no doubt this has increased US casualties.

Now with Harry Reid changing the Senate rules on confirmations of judges, Obama will be able to push through wholly unacceptable far left radicals into the Federal judgeship.  These specific Senate rule changes are also unprecedented.  These are lifetime appointments.  And it's another area that is supposed to be non-partisan - that's why judges basically had to get 60 votes before, so they would be more moderate and acceptable to a super majority.  Not only is Obama lawless and cares nothing about our form of government, we can add Harry Reid and the rest of the Senate D's to that.  They should be removed from office.

So just because Obama's popularity is in the 30's, his policies have been failures - foreign, economic, and domestic - even though he's going to lose the Senate (unless the establishment Rs manage to screw that up) in the next election cycle, he's still going to leave us with a politicized military and a politicized Left wing judiciary.  He will leave us with our relations with our friends and allies in tatters, with our relations with countries like Russia and China worse than when he came into office, with the Middle East in an uproar.  Our economic recovery will start 8 years later than it would have had someone else been elected in 2008 - except we will be 10 Trillion deeper in debt.

Even though he's a failed President, he doesn't look at it that way.  He sees his destructiveness as success.  It's what he planned.  This is how demented the American Left is. 

But the Left hasn't done this by themselves.  They had a huge assist from the people voting for 'Hope and Change" and "Yes We Can".  Great.

Very well said.  I completely agree with this.  Pity the poor President that's going to inherit the mess he leaves behind.  And his legacy?  I think history will show he was one of the worst Presidents ever. 
Quote from: bateman on November 24, 2013, 06:40:08 PM
As far as whiskey goes, I lean heavily in the bourbon direction. Favorites include: Four Roses Small Batch, Woodford Reserve, Buffalo Trace, Elijah Craig 12, Michters 10, Widow Jane & Booker's (but water it down, Christ almighty it's strong).

Those are brand names I've never heard.  Are they easy to find?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Dark Matter
November 24, 2013, 08:55:49 PM
Also, Keith should be informed that the people who listen to the podcasts on Artbell.com want to have a way to download them to their iPods so they can listen to them whenever they want to.  This is what I'm hearing anyhow.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Dark Matter
November 24, 2013, 08:54:25 PM
Art just posted this on his FB page:

"If you are a Paranormal Talk Host or a listener it is all free at artbell.com a place where the next great Broadcaster may be found and the place I will be when I am free."

Sorry if this is old news; don't have time to read the back pages here.
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