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Art Bell

Started by sillydog, April 07, 2008, 11:21:45 PM


The key words are I don't know. I don't know if the stalker was just trying to scare me or really hurt me, I don't know if the stalker would have moved to hurt me or my Family if scaring me failed to achieve whatever the goal was/is. I don't know if the threat is still there or leaving the air was the goal. I don't know if the Stalker will ever be caught (maybe if he brags to somebody) I don't know if it's over or if I ever will know unless he is stupid enough to come back again. I don't know who is in every car that drives up. (Many do just to stop out front and take pictures). That's a lot to not know and sleep well which I am not.

You also don't know that the next step would have been to hire a detective, especially when the police marginalized your experience?


Quote from: nika01 on December 17, 2015, 05:22:24 PM
Art should just found a commune of ham radio geeks, Nam vets, and bell gabbers. Once the zombie apocalyse starts, it would be a groovy, safe place to be.
What makes you think he hasn't?


Quote from: stargazr1976 on December 17, 2015, 07:47:12 AM
Site dont like me. I dont like them. I have worked security tho and in my current job i can take a year and one day off without losing it with a proper leave of absence. I have worked security. I volunteer to shoot the son of a bitch myself as long as my basic bills still get paid. I have a family. Its really not that hard if you grew up as a hunter. 8)

Yes.  This is what I mean.  Someone like you would have been the next step - if the threat were real, but that's a step I would not take if this is all smoke and mirrors.


Quote from: Freyja on December 17, 2015, 03:26:30 PM
So am I starr...that will never change, despite my opinions of this latest fiasco with Art.

Giving kudos, praise, criticism, questioning does not change that.

If we didn't care we would just walk away, wouldn't care and certainly not spend as much time as we do reading and posting, no?
No!  Wait, YES!  Er, um, I'm confused. :o  Art Bell Forever!!! ;) ;D


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 17, 2015, 03:49:27 PM
Thanks. I had heard some no-name podcaster mentioning it...

At first, I thought you might be talking about Heather Wade, but the dates are all wrong...  ;)


Quote from: bateman on December 17, 2015, 04:57:30 PM
I look forward to the Guy from Pahrump Youtube channel.

Best post in a week!

(and sadly, the best possible outcome to all this mess we can, probably hope for)


Quote from: Uncle Duke on December 17, 2015, 05:25:42 PM
How fucked up are things?  This is the most reasonable post I've read in a week.
QuoteArt should just found a commune of ham radio geeks, Nam vets, and bell gabbers. Once the zombie apocalyse starts, it would be a groovy, safe place to be.


Quote from: Segundus on December 17, 2015, 05:27:08 PM
The key words are; . . .
"That's a lot to not-know, and sleep well, which I am not."

I see what you mean now.


Couldn't Art get Major Ed Dames to remote view the guy and get him arrested?


Quote from: Diabhal on December 17, 2015, 05:44:19 PM
Couldn't Art get Major Ed Dames to remote view the guy and get him arrested?

That assumes Dames could find his ass with a flashlight


Quote from: Philosopher on December 17, 2015, 12:14:48 PM
So, if the shooter keeps shooting, and leaves cryptic messages demanding that Art return to broadcasting, will Art return to broadcasting?
I'll bet not.  I'll bet THEN Art will hire detectives to get THAT individual. 


Quote from: Diabhal on December 17, 2015, 05:44:19 PM
Couldn't Art get Major Ed Dames to remote view the guy and get him arrested?

better yet.. the creepy dude who confessed to remote viewing Art years ago, who now admits to taking a side trip specifically to check out Art's radio tower or some such.


Quote from: nika01 on December 17, 2015, 05:22:24 PM
Art should just found a commune of ham radio geeks, Nam vets, and bell gabbers. Once the zombie apocalyse starts, it would be a groovy, safe place to be.

Would probably hear the best camp fire tales in the history of the world.......and probably the best music ever heard as well!  Sounds like a PLAN to me!  ;D

Quote from: VtaGeezer on December 17, 2015, 02:03:47 PM
Pahrump Valley Times didn't exactly print a resounding validation of the saga; lots of "alleged" being used...


So Art's "compound", is right next to Bureau of Land Managment land.

It honestly sounds like there are some hillbillies either hunting, or just doing hillbilly things randomly around Art's place, and Art thinks he is under attack.

The random phone call death threat, while frightening, seems like it happens to almost every celebrity or personality.

It just looks like Art is overreacting so he can bail once again on his fans and doing radio.


Quote from: Diabhal on December 17, 2015, 05:44:19 PM
Couldn't Art get Major Ed Dames to remote view the guy and get him arrested?
Dames would f- it up


Quote from: The King of Kings on December 17, 2015, 06:21:35 PM
So Art's "compound", is right next to Bureau of Land Managment land.

It honestly sounds like there are some hillbillies either hunting, or just doing hillbilly things randomly around Art's place, and Art thinks he is under attack.

The random phone call death threat, while frightening, seems like it happens to almost every celebrity or personality.

It just looks like Art is overreacting so he can bail once again on his fans and doing radio.
Yeah.  It's feeling more and more like that to me.  If he'd wanted to continue the show there are more steps that he could have taken to accomplish that.

The man should see a shrink.  He's a great guy, a huge talent, but maybe not all that reliable. 
There is nothing incongruous in calling 'em the way you see 'em, yet still retaining appreciation of a person.  My husband and I have had a great marriage by, when we get into an emotional spat, backing up and analyzing the facts of the situation - what exactly happened and how each of us reacted.  Usually we find it is just some dumb misunderstanding. 

I think, if Art really took this threat seriously and really loved doing the show he would have taken the next logical step.  Just because I'm a fan, and I am, does not make me willing to bury my head in the sand and play dumb.


Quote from: starrmtn001 on December 17, 2015, 05:29:53 PM
No!  Wait, YES!  Er, um, I'm confused. :o  Art Bell Forever!!! ;) ;D

Apologies starr for the confusion.

What I am trying to say is that if we didn't care and we didn't want Art back on the air, if we question some of his decisions, get angry or frustrated at them, it doesn't mean we don't revere Art for the broadcaster extraordinaire that he is and that we are not fans if we don't just slobber all over Art no matter what he does....and if we don't slobber, that according to some is that we are trolls.

We do this because we are fans, because we have followed him for decades, because we have been through so many up and down rides with him, because we have put up with so many cryptic messages with hope,  because we care, because we have waited so long through so many "retirements" and it seems that he has done it again....and again...and again.

We waited so long for his non compete to end when he came back with Sirius. What did we get?...a couple of weeks? Could Art not have found some compromise?

Now he "hangs up the mic for the last time", "won't be on the air that night or any other night", but goes back on the air with Heather app. 24 hours later or less, but he "isn't retiring" but he's gone from MITD, his reason is to keep his family safe, yet he is still there at his home where all the alleged things occurred watching cars drive by and is doing nothing else that we know of. He basically stiffs Keith(  who has been working on the network solely for Art's return) and all on DMDN.

So ok...I am an Art Bell fan. I have been listening to him since early 1994. I have been on numerous forums/chats from the early days on going back to Keith's first chat room way, way back. When that folded I joined the FF etc.

Yeah, I am a "fan" ...I have followed Art Bell for a very long time. I have most of his archived shows going back to the early '90's. I have almost finished archiving all his MITD programs.

I have a set of commemorative CD's that Keith produced from one of Art's previous "retirements" and a former iteration of artbell.com

Yes I am a fan...but right now I am a PISSED off fan.

IMHO it did not have to go this way, now, with Sirius...I won't go back any further....what's the point?

This seems to be a serial pattern with Art and although I will always be a fan, this is no longer the "wanna take a ride" I want to take.

He's dangling that carrot again......

Sadly for me, this diminishes the gold he brought and could still bring to the airwaves, without all this drama and IMHO bad decisions related to circumstance.

I don't appreciate being jerked around with anyone in my life and I am certainly not going to be jerked around by Art Bell again. Enough is enough!

If he really wants to go back on the air like he says he does, he has many viable solutions to do so and keep his family safe. In addition, he better do it real soon, if he does, however I feel it's way too late. I fear he has lost any/all credibility he has in the broadcast world and no-one after this will touch him/his show with a 1000' pole.

It's very sad really, however that said, I always was and will always be a fan with thanks to Art for the many, many hours of great programming over the past 20+ years. 


Uncle Duke

Quote from: Freyja on December 17, 2015, 06:48:01 PM
Apologies starr for the confusion.

What I am trying to say is that if we didn't care and we didn't want Art back on the air, if we question some of his decisions, get angry or frustrated at them, it doesn't mean we don't revere Art for the broadcaster extraordinaire that he is and that we are not fans if we don't just slobber all over Art no matter what he does....and if we don't slobber, that according to some is that we are trolls.

We do this because we are fans, because we have followed him for decades, because we have been through so many up and down rides with him, because we have put up with so many cryptic messages with hope,  because we care, because we have waited so long through so many "retirements" and it seems that he has done it again....and again...and again.

We waited so long for his non compete to end when he came back with Sirius. What did we get?...a couple of weeks? Could Art not have found some compromise?

Now he "hangs up the mic for the last time", "won't be on the air that night or any other night", but goes back on the air with Heather app. 24 hours later or less, but he "isn't retiring" but he's gone from MITD, his reason is to keep his family safe, yet he is still there at his home where all the alleged things occurred watching cars drive by and is doing nothing else that we know of. He basically stiffs Keith(  who has been working on the network solely for Art's return) and all on DMDN.

So ok...I am an Art Bell fan. I have been listening to him since early 1994. I have been on numerous forums/chats from the early days on going back to Keith's first chat room way, way back. When that folded I joined the FF etc.

Yeah, I am a "fan" ...I have followed Art Bell for a very long time. I have most of his archived shows going back to the early '90's. I have almost finished archiving all his MITD programs.

I have a set of commemorative CD's that Keith produced from one of Art's previous "retirements" and a former iteration of artbell.com

Yes I am a fan...but right now I am a PISSED off fan.

IMHO it did not have to go this way, now, with Sirius...I won't go back any further....what's the point?

This seems to be a serial pattern with Art and although I will always be a fan, this is no longer the "wanna take a ride" I want to take.

He's dangling that carrot again......

Sadly for me, this diminishes the gold he brought and could still bring to the airwaves, without all this drama and IMHO bad decisions related to circumstance.

I don't appreciate being jerked around with anyone in my life and I am certainly not going to be jerked around by Art Bell again. Enough is enough!

If he really wants to go back on the air like he says he does, he has many viable solutions to do so and keep his family safe. In addition, he better do it real soon, if he does, however I feel it's way too late. I fear he has lost any/all credibility he has in the broadcast world and no-one after this will touch him/his show with a 1000' pole.

It's very sad really, however that said, I always was and will always be a fan with thanks to Art for the many, many hours of great programming over the past 20+ years. 

I think you've espoused the feelings of many fans/listeners.  I'm curious, however, if you think Art doesn't understand such feelings or just doesn't care?


You do realize that had that shooter been a slightly better shot, we'd all be here belly-aching about the flower arrangements at Art Bell's funeral.

Just give that some thought. Sheesh, eh?

Value Of Pi

I have to ask at this point (since time is marching on and there may not be a show to chat about pretty soon), does anyone here actually know Heather? Has anyone met her in person and really gotten to know her beyond her contributions on this site?

I have to wonder about this woman. She quits her job to work with Art Bell. Fair enough, that's a real kick for any fan. But she does this apparently on the basis that she'll get to co-host the show, or at least get a shot at it. That gets nixed right out of the gate by popular demand and now she's left in the role of guest-booker. She doesn't have the technical skills to actually produce the show, as Keith does, but she stays with Art as the "producer."

Suddenly, she gets the opportunity to sit in Art's chair -- a fantasy beyond almost any fan's dreams -- and naturally, she sounds extremely humble and almost overwhelmed at the thought of even beginning to fill Art's shoes. But, like a real trooper, she's willing to give it a shot. For Art. For the fans. For the future of paranormal radio.

Meanwhile, back at the BellGab ranch, the natives are getting very restless. Sure, one of the gang is getting her 15 minutes of fame, which she may well deserve after working so hard for five months, but a wild idea has started to dawn on a few people. Maybe she can really do this, with our support. She's getting better every day. Everybody's got to start somewhere, somehow. It's all just crazy enough to happen for her.

So here's my question, does anyone here know Heather well enough to venture a guess about whether she herself might be one of those few people? Because a real friend might be telling her not to let any of this go to her head. Better to stay grounded and try to see a strange situation for what it is.

Quote from: Uncle Duke on December 17, 2015, 06:53:27 PM
I think you've espoused the feelings of many fans/listeners.  I'm curious, however, if you think Art doesn't understand such feelings or just doesn't care?

Art went to the store for cigarettes.  That was 6 NIGHTS ago! 


Quote from: RoseGirl on December 17, 2015, 06:58:08 PM
You do realize that had that shooter been a slightly better shot, we'd all be here belly-aching about the flower arrangements at Art Bell's funeral.

Just give that some thought. Sheesh, eh?
It's already been determined that no shells were found, no evidence that shots were fired in his direction. 

Uncle Duke

Quote from: RoseGirl on December 17, 2015, 06:58:08 PM
You do realize that had that shooter been a slightly better shot, we'd all be here belly-aching about the flower arrangements at Art Bell's funeral.

Just give that some thought. Sheesh, eh?

Or as Art said himself it could have been a firecracker.  Something else to think about, eh?


Quote from: Segundus on December 17, 2015, 07:05:28 PM
It's already been determined that no shells were found, no evidence that shots were fired in his direction.

Determined by whom? No shells found doesn't mean no shots were fired. And people besides Art heard shots on several occasions.

Do you have some emotional investment in Art being a liar or something?

Like...what's the deal?


Quote from: Uncle Duke on December 17, 2015, 06:53:27 PM
I think you've espoused the feelings of many fans/listeners.  I'm curious, however, if you think Art doesn't understand such feelings or just doesn't care?

I'm afraid that might be part of the 'thrill'.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on December 17, 2015, 07:00:15 PM
I have to ask at this point (since time is marching on and there may not be a show to chat about pretty soon), does anyone here actually know Heather? Has anyone met her in person and really gotten to know her beyond her contributions on this site?

does anyone here know Heather well enough to venture a guess about whether she herself might be one of those few people?
Yes, yes, and yes.


Quote from: RoseGirl on December 17, 2015, 07:07:52 PM
Determined by whom? No shells found doesn't mean no shots were fired. And people besides Art heard shots on several occasions.

Do you have some emotional investment in Art being a liar or something?

Like...what's the deal?

Oh FFS, here we go again..


Quote from: RoseGirl on December 17, 2015, 07:07:52 PM
Determined by whom? No shells found doesn't mean no shots were fired. And people besides Art heard shots on several occasions.

Do you have some emotional investment in Art being a liar or something?

Like...what's the deal?
No, I just like to back up and deal with the facts when things get overly emotional.  The police found no shells.  Shots were fired - the neighbor heard them, but the neighbor, from what I've read, did not testify to this to the police. 

As others had mentioned, it could be that some clown fired into the air. 

Why did Art not want to file a police report, just wanted it on record that he had a threatening phone call?  Wouldn't YOU want as much police involvement as possible?  Wouldn't YOU have made out a report?


Quote from: Segundus on December 17, 2015, 07:05:28 PM
It's already been determined that no shells were found, no evidence that shots were fired in his direction.

Just because no brass was found does not mean a shot(s) was not fired. A revolver does not eject spent cartridges. Or a shot fired from within a car could contain an ejected cartridge.

Element 115

Quote from: phrodo on December 17, 2015, 07:14:42 PM
Just because no brass was found does not mean a shot(s) was not fired. A revolver does not eject spent cartridges. Or a shot fired from within a car could contain an ejected cartridge.

Or the perp policed his brass.

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