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President Donald J. Trump

Started by The General, February 11, 2011, 01:33:34 AM


Quote from: aldousburbank on December 21, 2019, 02:33:13 PM
Inflating the Trump administration's actions to the impeachment level of criminality while ballcupping the Obama administration is likely the clearest example of political fuckery in my lifetime.

Damn straight. ;)

It's so good to see you again, Aldous. ;D :-*


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 15, 2019, 12:32:51 PM
Why do you keep defending the Bushes who are totally deep state?!

Why do you lie constantly?




Understanding the Orange Ogre's Cult Members

To Understand Trump, You Must Understand His Cult

Gage Skidmore / Flickr

As Americans watch the political drama of impeachment against President Donald Trump unfold in Congress, it seems clear that Democrats and Republicans seem to occupy entirely different planes of reality, speaking in opposite terms about the same issues. It is a reflection of the political polarization in the nation at large that social scientists have struggled to understand. But there is a simple explanation: We are witnessing the development of a dangerous and massive cult. And Trump, the cult leader, knows exactly how to wield his power over his supporters in order to retain his position.

At a rally in Hersey, Pa., last week, multiple Trump supporters threatened violence if their leader was removed from power, with one man invoking his “.357 Magnum,” and another predicting a second civil war. One woman explained, “As a Trump supporter, I believe in him.” Do such statements not sound like those of cult members? How else to explain the fact that Trump has convinced millions of Americans that he stands up for them even while his policies have disproportionately benefited wealthy corporations? How else to make sense of how he spews lies at a record-breaking pace while at the same time claiming he is the only one telling the truth?
Related Articles
The Cult of Trump
The Cult of Trump
by Chris Hedges

The Cult Education Institute lists the warning signs of a “potentially unsafe group/leader,” and almost all of them are uncanny descriptions of President Trump. Among the signs that dangerous cult leaders display is “absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.” Trump’s backers have made it clear they think he is above the law. The most important law-enforcer in the nation, Attorney General William Barr, who is a leader in the cult of Trump, believes the president is above the law. Trump’s acting chief of staff has made it clear Trump can do what he likes because the rules don’t apply to him and that the rest of us should just “get over it.” Trump has himself said, “I can do whatever I want.” And he made it clear he was aware of his status as a cult leader even before he was president when he said during his campaign that he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and still retain his supporters.

Another warning sign of being in a cult is that the leader displays “[n]o tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.” In a democracy, the news media in particular represents “critical inquiry.” Trump the cult leader has waged war on the press for the entirety of his presidential tenure, dismissing it as the “enemy of the people.” His repeated claims that media outlets are “fake news” have worked, as the latest Pew Research Center report on Journalism and Media found that “on item after item, Republicans consistently express far greater skepticism of the news media and their motives than Democrats.”

The Cult Education Institute also warns cult leaders claim to have “the exclusive means of knowing ‘truth’ or receiving validation; no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.” Trump  has said to his supporters, “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” A CBS poll last year found that among Trump’s strongest supporters, 91% trust the president for all their information, compared to only 63% who trust their own friends and family.

Another warning sign that sounds like it was specifically written with Trump in mind is that dangerous cult leaders make “[n]o meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.” Trump is so obsessively secretive about his financial records that he has fought numerous legal battles at the same time to keep his tax returns secret and has now appealed to the Supreme Court, where he hopes the conservative majority that he installed will back him.

Trump also engages in what the Cult Education Institute describes as “unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.” He has described immigrants and asylum seekers at the border as an “invasion,” and said last week at a rally: “At stake in our present battle is the survival of the American nation itself. We will destroy our country if these people get in.”

Do Trump’s supporters realize they are part of the nation’s biggest cult? Just as instructive as the warning signs about leaders are the lessons to ordinary people. One such example is “Extreme obsessiveness regarding the group/leader, resulting in the exclusion of almost every practical consideration.” When a CBC reporter in November profiled Trump supporters attending his rally in Tupelo, Mississippi, he found people who camped out in the freezing cold overnight just so they could be among the first to be let in. One after another they told the reporter how much Trump had changed their lives and how far they had driven across the country to attend the rally. One man saw the billionaire president as “the man of the people.” One woman said she had never imagined backing a president in this manner and said, “We love him and it is an honest, heartfelt love because he loves us.”

Warning signs that you might be in a cult also include, “Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned, it is characterized as ‘persecution.’” Trump, who is clearly aware of the allegiance he has built up among his followers through repetition, has said the words “witch hunt,” so often that his supporters really do believe the entire impeachment process, and before that the special counsel’s probe, were unfair persecutions of their leader rather than attempts to hold him accountable. No matter how much evidence is revealed or how many witnesses come forward, Trump’s backers have stuck with him consistently and that is because they believe him when he says he is innocent, can do whatever he wants, and is the victim of a witch hunt.

A psychological study of Trump’s supporters uncovered key traits that are remarkably consistent with the warning signs of being in a cult. The research, published in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology, concluded five phenomena were commonly found among Trump supporters: “authoritarianism, social dominance, prejudice, lack of intergroup contact and relative deprivation.” Also, “[a]uthoritarian leaders have long understood that they can attract followers by enhancing the perception of dangerous threats to the society and offering simple solutions.”

Trump knows that by sheer repetition he can brainwash his supporters into believing anything he says. Perhaps the most dangerous aspects of a cult leader’s behavior are to characterize constitutionally legitimate efforts to investigate him as an “attempted coup.” Even more frightening is his signaling to his cultish followers that he is eligible for a third term as president, an idea so ludicrous that one might imagine it would be dismissed outright. However, in the ‘cult of Trump’ such a notion may actually gain traction. In fact, Trump supporter and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has even said he is heading up Trump’s 2024 reelection campaign.

How does one save one’s country from a cult? A New York Times Magazine article titled “How to Get Someone Out of a Cult,” offers some advice to that effect, albeit on an individual level. Author Malia Wollan cited one former cult member who “had what she thought of as a little shelf in the back of her mind … where she stowed doubts, questions or concerns.” The woman â€" who successfully left the cult â€" explained, “At some point all of those things get too heavy and the shelf breaks and that’s when they’ll realize they need to get out.” She advised that, “Your job is to get them to put more things on their shelf.”

In other words, one of the best means of battling the cult of Trump is to continue to hammer away at the truth, hoping the shelf of nagging doubts at the back of the MAGA heads may collapse someday with the weight of facts and truth.
Sonali Kolhatkar
Sonali Kolhatkar is a columnist for Truthdig. She also is the founder, host and executive producer of "Rising Up With Sonali," a television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV (Dish Network, DirecTV,…
Sonali Kolhatkar
In this article:
cult cult of pers


Quote from: starramus on December 23, 2019, 11:06:59 AM
In other words, one of the best means of battling the cult of Trump is to continue to hammer away at the truth,

Dunsky doesn’t even read his cut and pastes.

Those educated in politics are fully aware of the communist Democrat party and their lemmings repeated attacks on the truth. Thanks for your post and welcome to bellgab.


From a shirt ad found here at Bellgab:


Poor starranus.  Suffering from the commie-induced TDS, with more diharrea spewing from his butthole.


Quote from: ItsOver on December 23, 2019, 12:49:56 PM
Poor starranus.  Suffering from the commie-induced TDS, with more diharrea spewing from his butthole.


I really love this President. What an incredible 3 years it's been *just shy of anyhow....  [attachment=1]


Quote from: starramus on December 23, 2019, 11:06:59 AM
Sonali Kolhatkar

Heh heh, that's how my brain processed that for a second when I skimmed it.


Quote from: Flyingmerkitty on December 23, 2019, 04:14:53 PM
I really love this President. What an incredible 3 years it's been *just shy of anyhow....  [attachment=1,msg1370115]
Nice photo.  It no doubt drives the President Trump haters into their usual rage.  ;D


Quote from: ItsOver on December 23, 2019, 05:30:44 PM
Nice photo.  It no doubt drives the President Trump haters into their usual rage.  ;D

Yeah, that should be a picture of secret service men pushing Hillary in Hannibal Lechter type rig while she has an out of control coughing fit. >:(


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2019, 05:39:17 PM
Yeah, that should be a picture of secret service men pushing Hillary in Hannibal Lechter type rig while she has an out of control coughing fit. >:(

Heh, heh, with a drunk Hillary cussing out the agents while they dream of feeding her to man-eating boars.


Quote from: Liberace! on December 23, 2019, 05:09:25 PM
Heh heh, that's how my brain processed that for a second when I skimmed it.

That's interesting.  It has come to the point that when just catching sight of and before reading one of what is sure to be another of Star Anus' lengthy shit posts containing the latest excretions of gonzo anti-Trump propagandists my brain screams "EAT MY SHORTS YOU BRAIN-DEAD MARXIST POS" or something along those lines.  Funny how the mind works.   


Let's keep America great, ladies and gents!



Reposted from RefuseFascism.org:
In January 2020:
Join the #OUTNOW Movement
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go NOW!

Everyone with a conscience and heart for the people and the planet must confront that EVERY DAY THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME REMAINS IN POWER THREATENS THE FUTURE. We must face this hard truth. But, that is not enough, we must ACT ON IT.

There is a way to remove this whole regimeâ€"the #OUTNOW! Movement of sustained, nonviolent protest that doesn’t stop until the regime has been removed from power.

From now through January 2020, as the impeachment of Trump roils in the U.S. Senate, this movement must grow... each week making advances, becoming a growing force of all who feel that life here and around the world will be unbearable under the fascism the Trump/Pence regime is rapidly imposing.

All over the world, millions are carrying out mass struggle demanding regime change because they feel they cannot go on another day with what their rulers are doing.

Do we face a situation that demands anything less? Can anyone dispute that the Trump/Pence regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity? Concentration camps on the border... environmental devastation accelerated... war, even nuclear war, casually threatened... white supremacist rule... fascist mobs and racist mass murderers... truth and science erased... the right to abortion near gone... the rule of law and democratic and civil rights stripped away... THIS IS FASCISM UNFOLDING AND IN POWER.

For three years people have adjusted to tremendous crimes while chasing the wisps of illusory saviors: the Mueller report, the so-called Blue Wave, and finally an impeachment that doesn’t even include the regime’s full range of crimes and in which the Democrats have not pulled out all the stops to fight for conviction and removal. No one is coming to relieve us of our responsibility to stop the fascist America that the Trump/Pence regime is bringing.

But, there is our power, the power of the people acting with determinationâ€"not protest one day and go home. No, we must flood the streetsâ€"starting in our hundreds, soon becoming thousands, and ultimately millionsâ€"in nonviolent protest that refuses to stop until the whole Trump/Pence regime has been removed from power.

Together, we must make January a month of struggle to advance this great cause.

More on how to get involved available here.

Saturday, January 4: Come to a mass organizing meeting to dig into and plan how to develop the week-after-week movement of sustained mass protests involving a broad diversity of people demanding Trump/Pence Out NOW!

Volunteer to join #OUTNOW in DC during the Impeachment trial.

Email info@refusefascism.org to volunteer, to donate to cover expenses, to provide places for people to stay...

Saturday, January 11 mass protestsâ€"as the Impeachment hearings are in full swing.

January 18-20â€"Bringing the OUTNOW! program of continuing, sustained mass protest to demand #OUTNOW! to the Women’s Marches.

January 25 mass protests in cities across the country that mark a leap in sustained, nonviolent protest demanding OUTNOW!

From now through the end of January, #OUTNOW needs to growâ€"every weekend coming back, waking and fighting for and winning more and more people and forces to see this is the only way to stop this fascist regimeâ€"week after week building the strength and influence.

Together we must reverse the horrible situation where those who oppose everything Trump/Pence stand for are not acting, but becoming increasingly complicitâ€"even as the fascists threaten civil war and Trump brays that he won’t leave office. We must find the ways together to challenge and inspire them to join us in stepping out of our comfort zones, overcoming fear and uncertainty, to struggle with all we’ve got so that the Trump/Pence Regime is removed from power.
In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
RefuseFascism.org | @RefuseFascism | 917-407-1286


Trump Impeached, Fascists React, People Rejoiceâ€"Take the Struggle Higher!

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Andy Zee Speaking at December 14 Rally in NYC:
How to struggle with people to get into the street to drive out Trump and Pence

Refuse Fascism Webinar, December 18, 2019â€"Watch Here

This Refuse Fascism webinar featured the film THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO! In The Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America: A Better World IS Possible! a talk by Bob Avakian, and a panel discussion of the significance and implications of that analysis. In the wake of the House vote to impeach Trump and Trump's response, it highlighted the need for Refuse Fascism's call for #OUTNOW! protests in January, 2020.

Letters From a Reader: There Is No Santa Claus, and the Democrats Cannot Be Relied on to Drive Out Trump

Part 4: Gallagher, Graham, and Barr: How the Fascists Intend to Fight to the Finish

Read more

Part 1: A Liberal Democratic Politician and a Fascist Functionary Walk Into a Bar... But What Happens Next Is Not Really a Joke

Part 2: The Democrats’ Impeachment Strategy: Whose Interests?

Part 3: Playing to Save the System, Not Trying to Defeat Fascism

How Do You Remove A Fascist Regime? #OUTNOW!

Many Voices Call on You: Into the Streets #TrumpPenceOutNow

Cornel West

Watch & share other messages from Carl Dix, Fr. Luis Barrios, Rev. Frank Wulf


Statements from Bob Avakian

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Read, download and print these pamphlets:

The Fascist Trump/Pence Regime: Climate Science Deniers and Christian Fascists Hell-bent on Plundering and Destroying the Planet

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Printer spread version PDF
Single pages version PDF

On the Road to Genocide: The Trump/Pence Regime’s Anti-Immigrant Barrage

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Printer spread version PDF
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Trump/Pence Regimeâ€"Racing Towards Theocracy at an Accelerating Pace   

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Printer spread version PDF
Single pages version PDF

    Go to the Act!/Get Involved page at RefuseFascism.org
    Go to the #OUTNOW! Protest near you
    Get the word out about #OUTNOW!â€"

for example, by spreading these memes and memes you create on social media

Get Involved

RefuseFascism.org is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met. This means working and organizing with all our creativity and determination to bring thousands, eventually millions of people into the streets of cities and towns, to demand:

This Nightmare Must End:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!

RefuseFascism.org welcomes individuals and organizations from many different points of view who share our determination to refuse to accept a fascist America, to join and/or partner with us in this great cause.

Read, share and endorse the full Refuse Fascism Call to Action here.

Find out more about Refuse Fascism here.


December 14:
#OUTNOW Protests Frontally Challenge Complicity and Collaboration
The Need to Break Through in Mobilizing Greater Numbers Remains

Read more

Reposted from RefuseFascism.org

Proposal for Advancing and Building the #OUTNOW! Movement: December â€" January 1

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Reposted from RefuseFascism.org

Real Advances, New Leaders, and the Challenge We Must Rise To: Trump/Pence #OUTNOW!

A Report from the Refuse Fascism National Meetings

Read more

“Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late”

A speech by Andy Zee, co-initiator of Refuse Fascism

An Example to Students across the Country ... And Millions who Hate This Fascism   

Snapshot of Berkeley protests against white supremacist Nazi Ann Coulter

November 23, 2019

Read more

Student protesters are put in handcuffs?!
Call UC police to demand they drop the charges: 510-642-6760


Challenge: Try to observe starAnus’ wall of communist orders without hearing Hitlers redundant screeeeeeeeee...


QuoteTrump rails against windmills "I never understood wind"
President Trump lashes out at an old enemy: windmills

Don 'Quixote' Trump tilting at windmills.

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