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Bernie Sanders 2016 Thread

Started by Jackstar, January 02, 2016, 02:04:57 AM


I think the Bern or Bust people (since I'm one of them my opinion is obviously slanted) are in general very hopeful for a new political system. These people are breaking the mold of the rigid two party my team verus your team system. They are smart enough to know that Hillary is a crook and in no way represents anything they want.


Quote from: henge0stone on March 20, 2016, 08:40:07 AM
I think the Bern or Bust people (since I'm one of them my opinion is obviously slanted) are in general very hopeful for a new political system. These people are breaking the mold of the rigid two party my team verus your team system. They are smart enough to know that Hillary is a crook and in no way represents anything they want.

I'm more on the right than the left, but I agree. I think Bernie is honest and believes in the things he says. I consider that respectable, even though I politely disagree politically. The trouble is, Hillary has the superdelegates, which to me seems to be built-in institutional corruption within the Democratic Party. Bernie never had a chance for the nomination, unfortunately.


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on March 20, 2016, 12:11:20 PM
Bernie never had a chance for the nomination, unfortunately.

Yeah, more than true enough, unfortunately. At this point, his remaining in the race has to be to keep his message in the fore.


Quote from: onan on March 20, 2016, 05:04:50 PM
Yeah, more than true enough, unfortunately. At this point, his remaining in the race has to be to keep his message in the fore.

I think that's probably the case. Plus, who the hell knows what would happen if an indictment came.



Bernie Sanders won big last night and now comes his most favorable States so it not over yet. By the way Arizona is looking like their was election  fraud. This has been happening to Berine since Iowa. They are not letting independents who register as Democrats vote. Because they know it is no for Hillary Clinton.



The General

Quote from: VoteQuimby on March 15, 2016, 10:28:27 PM
Thank Christ we dodged this bullet. People aren't stupid enough to vote for Hilary but they may have been dumb enough to vote for Bernie.
Yes.  They're plenty dumb enough.
Man, if you ever needed more proof that Joseph McCarthy was right, along comes Bernie Sanders.
Where's HUAC now that we need them?


Quote from: The General on March 23, 2016, 10:51:12 AM
Yes.  They're plenty dumb enough.
Man, if you ever needed more proof that Joseph McCarthy was right, along comes Bernie Sanders.
Where's HUAC now that we need them?

At least he is trying to help the people. Everyone else is in it for the corporations but who cares right. Let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Fuck the people and the planet. Let's burn this fucker to the ground; Merica Trump 2016!!1


Quote from: Zoo on March 23, 2016, 12:59:50 PM
At least he is trying to help the people. Everyone else is in it for the corporations but who cares right. Let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Fuck the people and the planet. Let's burn this fucker to the ground; Merica Trump 2016!!1
What are the Bernie supporters going to do when Hillary is inevitably crowned at the Dem convention?

The General

Quote from: ItsOver on March 23, 2016, 01:08:05 PM
What are the Bernie supporters going to do when Hillary is inevitably crowned at the Dem convention?

Same thing they did before-
Make my lunch.


Quote from: The General on March 23, 2016, 01:19:11 PM
Same thing they did before-
Make my lunch.
Ha!  "Would you like fries with that?"


Quote from: ItsOver on March 23, 2016, 01:08:05 PM
What are the Bernie supporters going to do when Hillary is inevitably crowned at the Dem convention?

Well so far at least 1/3 of Bernie Sanders supporters will not vote for Hillary Clinton. They have made a stand called #bernieorbust . this is to say they will either right Bernie in or not vote for Hillary Clinton. Why? Because of several things such as lack of attention to independents, MSM coverage, and simply the Democrats dismissive of Bernie Sanders supporters. Here is a little video to help explain!!1


The General

Quote from: Zoo on March 23, 2016, 04:05:50 PM
Well so far at least 1/3 of Bernie Sanders supporters will not vote for Hillary Clinton. They have made a stand called #bernieorbust . this is to say they will either right Bernie in or not vote for Hillary Clinton.

They'll vote Clinton when Bernie endorses her in a few months. 


Quote from: The General on March 23, 2016, 05:09:53 PM

They'll vote Clinton when Bernie endorses her in a few months.

I don't think they will.

I live in Florida, and everyone I know that took part in the primary (who is a registered Democrat) voted for Bernie. The next day, there was a sense of incredulity at how she won by such a wide margin, and a lot of people agreed that the fix was in. One report showed Hillary having 71% of the vote to Bernie's 34%, which didn't help some of the more conspiracy-minded.

Most (myself included) can't bring themselves to vote for Hillary in November, nor do they particularly want to vote for Trump, so third party or write-in votes are looking like the most attractive option. I voted for Gary Johnson last election, as I saw nothing good in Barry or Mittens; I have no problem doing it again, especially if it gives a third party a chance at gaining 10% of the vote for matching federal funds.



Quote from: The General on March 23, 2016, 05:09:53 PM

They'll vote Clinton when Bernie endorses her in a few months.
You can bet that Trump's team has a plan to snatch the millennial and college vote from the Dark Side Hillary.  They've been three steps ahead since last summer.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: The General on March 23, 2016, 10:51:12 AM
Yes.  They're plenty dumb enough.
Man, if you ever needed more proof that Joseph McCarthy was right, along comes Bernie Sanders.
Where's HUAC now that we need them?

I can't say anything good about old Joe, but there's one thing in particular that has always struck me as particularly dumb and insensitive where the left is concerned. As passionately critical as they always were during the Cold War about our government's domestic and foreign policies, they hardly ever felt the need to criticize or demonstrate against Soviet policies which were much, much worse.

For some reason, our nukes were more dangerous than Soviet nukes, our human rights violations were more serious, our manipulation of foreign governments and undermining of democracy abroad was more egregious, etc etc.

Sanders, for his part, isn't even interested in foreign policy or the rest of the world. His focus is entirely domestic. For him, international affairs is just a distraction from his domestic agenda. If we were electing two presidents, one for domestic affairs and one for international, he might be well-suited to the first job. But not the second.

Trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow on foreign affairs either, which doesn't seem to bother his supporters because everything is "USA! USA!" It's a big world and we only get to choose one president. We have only bad choices (not counting Kasich, who doesn't have much of a shot).


A friend of mine just got back from Australia and was telling me how the rest of the world thinks are election is some joke and is not real. They think it is like the "War of the World's" and some day soon they are going to do the real election. So that to me shows how fucked we are.

Quote from: Value Of Pi on March 23, 2016, 08:56:11 PM
Sanders, for his part, isn't even interested in foreign policy or the rest of the world. His focus is entirely domestic. For him, international affairs is just a distraction from his domestic agenda. If we were electing two presidents, one for domestic affairs and one for international, he might be well-suited to the first job. But not the second.

Trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow on foreign affairs either, which doesn't seem to bother his supporters because everything is "USA! USA!" It's a big world and we only get to choose one president. We have only bad choices (not counting Kasich, who doesn't have much of a shot).

In my opinion screw the rest of the world. I mean really we pay for everything for everyone. So I am with Bernie Sanders on the one. Let the everyone fight their own problems and let's worry about are own for a term(4yrs). Then if we can fix our own problems then sure we can start looking in helping others. Like the old saying goes"If you are not doing ok how can you help others?" I think that makes a lot of since. So did George Washington Farewell Address on September 19, 1796 "Tis folly in one Nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its Independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favours and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect, or calculate upon real favours from Nation to Nation. 'Tis an illusion which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard." and I agree.

Quote from: The General on March 23, 2016, 05:09:53 PM

They'll vote Clinton when Bernie endorses her in a few months. 

No they will not. I for one will not. I will vote for Trump for two reasons.
1. So Hillary Clinton will not win.
2. Because Trump will fuck this country(hopefully the world) up so much we will have no choice but to burn it down and start again.

I already have a bug out spot with guns, ammo, food, water, power (solar,wind,diesel generator), and a plenty other supplies. So I say if I can not have hope with Bernie Sanders lets burn this down with Trump!!1   


Quote from: Zoo on March 24, 2016, 09:08:51 AM

I already have a bug out spot with guns, ammo,

I will never understand why gun owners vote for anti gun politicians (especially a fucking communist).


Quote from: mikuthing01 on March 24, 2016, 09:23:17 AM
I will never understand why gun owners vote for anti gun politicians (especially a fucking communist).

Well for one it comes down to this; it will never happen. We as Americans will never lose are guns unless we want to. I will never see this happening. I for one I am a felon with guns so that right there shows you all the laws they make do not mean shit. Also a person I am well acquainted with has couple GhostGunner's so the need for laws is a joke. He also makes his own clips from a couple 3D printers as well as his own ammunition(diffrent way). Everything he does is almost untraceable. Thank you Bitcoin and enjoy the video.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016!!1




Quote from: Zoo on March 24, 2016, 04:30:21 PM
Well for one it comes down to this; it will never happen. We as Americans will never lose are guns unless we want to. I will never see this happening. I for one I am a felon with guns so that right there shows you all the laws they make do not mean shit. Also a person I am well acquainted with has couple GhostGunner's so the need for laws is a joke. He also makes his own clips from a couple 3D printers as well as his own ammunition(diffrent way). Everything he does is almost untraceable. Thank you Bitcoin and enjoy the video.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016!!1



It happened in 1994 it can and probably will happen again. That's why i filled my gun safe full of black rifles and i have a pile of lowers. Before Obama i didn't own a single AR15 now i have enough to arm noguns friends and family and parts to build more. 3d printed lowers are junk and 80% lowers are to expensive to mess with when you can buy 100% lowers for $40.

Point is we should NEVER elect people that infringe on our rights. I don't want to have to resort to 3d printing shitty magazines that may or may not work. Some mags would not print well like AK mags that need metal locking lugs. Mags are hard to get right and we are lucky to have company's like CSSpecs that make steel mags for Saigas and Vepr's with a ban they could be gone overnight.

Fuck Bernie 


Well thanks for the info and worry not about them coming for your guns. As long as they are not registered they do not know. If it does come to the point where they are coming for guns we are already at war with the State anyways. So vote for who ever you like and I will do the same. If they come for are guns I will stand right beside you and tell them to go fuck themselves!!1

Value Of Pi

Quote from: Zoo on March 24, 2016, 09:08:51 AM
A friend of mine just got back from Australia and was telling me how the rest of the world thinks are election is some joke and is not real. They think it is like the "War of the World's" and some day soon they are going to do the real election. So that to me shows how fucked we are.

In my opinion screw the rest of the world. I mean really we pay for everything for everyone. So I am with Bernie Sanders on the one. Let the everyone fight their own problems and let's worry about are own for a term(4yrs). Then if we can fix our own problems then sure we can start looking in helping others. Like the old saying goes"If you are not doing ok how can you help others?" I think that makes a lot of since. So did George Washington Farewell Address on September 19, 1796 "Tis folly in one Nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its Independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favours and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect, or calculate upon real favours from Nation to Nation. 'Tis an illusion which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard." and I agree.

No they will not. I for one will not. I will vote for Trump for two reasons.
1. So Hillary Clinton will not win.
2. Because Trump will fuck this country(hopefully the world) up so much we will have no choice but to burn it down and start again.

I already have a bug out spot with guns, ammo, food, water, power (solar,wind,diesel generator), and a plenty other supplies. So I say if I can not have hope with Bernie Sanders lets burn this down with Trump!!1

Point number two is just where I think some percentage of Trump supporters are coming from: Burn the whole world down and start over again -- and the most ruthless guys with the most guns win. Just like in "Road Warrior." That's why the rest of the world is shaking their heads. Can't blame them.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on March 24, 2016, 07:31:43 PM
  -- and the most ruthless guys with the most guns win. Just like in "Road Warrior." That's why the rest of the world is shaking their heads. Can't blame them.
Likely because they already got their guns grabbed and so need to shelter in fear as nobody knows the next time some immigrant is going to go on a rampage, or bombing, or their girl (or boy) is raped by a friendly "refugee" with a "sexual emergency." Or some corrupt police or politician with cartel connections, or the cartels themselves, will massacre a school or village or kidnap a family member. Or, in the case of some areas to our south and in the Middle East already experiencing a "Max Max" scenario....a sad state of affairs. Having said that I admire the people that are beginning to organize and standup against the enemies by forming autodefensas, popular movements, electing politicians who care about their people or borders, etc.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: albrecht on March 24, 2016, 07:56:18 PM
Likely because they already got their guns grabbed and so need to shelter in fear as nobody knows the next time some immigrant is going to go on a rampage, or bombing, or their girl (or boy) is raped by a friendly "refugee" with a "sexual emergency." Or some corrupt police or politician with cartel connections, or the cartels themselves, will massacre a school or village or kidnap a family member. Or, in the case of some areas to our south and in the Middle East already experiencing a "Max Max" scenario....a sad state of affairs. Having said that I admire the people that are beginning to organize and standup against the enemies by forming autodefensas, popular movements, electing politicians who care about their people or borders, etc.

No need to make excuses for or rationalize rug-peeing nihilists by painting a picture of rampaging barbarian immigrants. If these people had their way, in a very short time it would be impossible to tell the difference between "them" and "us." Then it will be a moot point.

IOW, I don't appreciate this kind of thinking or need this kind of inspiration. The cure is as bad as the disease.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on March 24, 2016, 09:21:14 PM
No need to make excuses for or rationalize rug-peeing nihilists by painting a picture of rampaging barbarian immigrants. If these people had their way, in a very short time it would be impossible to tell the difference between "them" and "us." Then it will be a moot point.

IOW, I don't appreciate this kind of thinking or need this kind of inspiration. The cure is as bad as the disease.
Right. Because there was no bombings/shootings and all the rapes were just "she (or he) was asking for it!" Or that Mexico has no cartels and their corruption, not to mention violence, is not spreading here, across our open-border (and often in cooperation from our banks who get slap-on-wrist fines when caught laundering money or for that matter mortgage fraud, LIBOR manipulation, or front-running?) The world is a dangerous place and I'm not into nihilism or the 'burn it down and start over' but saying ENOUGH and defend something- yourself, your family, your nation, your country, your border, your culture, your race, your religion, or something, anything- not just simply laying over and playing dead, or burying your head in the sand, in hopes that some illegal, some Muslim, some terrorist, some sicario, or some government(s) will not take your stuff, or worse. Even animals defend themselves and their young.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: albrecht on March 24, 2016, 09:47:05 PM
Right. Because there was no bombings/shootings and all the rapes were just "she (or he) was asking for it!" Or that Mexico has no cartels and their corruption, not to mention violence, is not spreading here, across our open-border (and often in cooperation from our banks who get slap-on-wrist fines when caught laundering money or for that matter mortgage fraud, LIBOR manipulation, or front-running?) The world is a dangerous place and I'm not into nihilism or the 'burn it down and start over' but saying ENOUGH and defend something- yourself, your family, your nation, your country, your border, your culture, your race, your religion, or something, anything- not just simply laying over and playing dead, or burying your head in the sand, in hopes that some illegal, some Muslim, some terrorist, some sicario, or some government(s) will not take your stuff, or worse. Even animals defend themselves and their young.

I can distinguish between rug-peeing nihilists hoping that Trump will make their Armageddon fantasies come true and other people trying to defend civilization. Are you sure you can (because you sound on the verge of panic and, in addition. somewhat confused) or is everybody one big, angry mob?

The point is, we have a political system that gives us the tools to solve even the hardest problems without sacrificing our core values or democratic traditions. Or, alternatively, blowing up the world and starting over. And, if you take the long view, this country has overcome worse problems than illegal immigration and terrorism.

So take Douglas Adams' advice. DON'T PANIC!!!


Well it all looks good on paper but in real life things are not as good as people think. i for one actually have hope that Bernie Sanders can bring us together. But most do not because they are blinded by the fact MSM tells them he can not. well that is such shit it is not even funny. I do think it is time to stop voting for the same fucking parties all the time and hope if Bernie Sanders does not get goes all third party but we will see!!1


Bernie is crushing the Clinton machine in WA and AK.  Must be that little bird.  A few more wins and some superdelegates are going to start flipping his way, just as they did for Obama.


Quote from: VtaGeezer on March 26, 2016, 03:01:58 PM
Bernie is crushing the Clinton machine in WA and AK.  Must be that little bird.  A few more wins and some superdelegates are going to start flipping his way, just as they did for Obama.

News is saying Bernie won the Washington primary and the Alaska Caucus. Billary I think will still get it but it is making it a bit more interesting and maybe divisive. I would imagine Hawaii goes to Bernie.

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