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"Christian von Lahr, Msc.D." and Michael Jackson

Started by kaleidoscope, June 28, 2009, 09:38:40 AM

Who would win a psychic battle?

Dr. Christian von Lahr
Quotei did listen to your appearance on c2c.  i found it to be at least worthy of hearing out.

Thank you.  Not much more one can hope for, ?I am pleased for the consideration.  It is clear from the theme that serves as the undertone of this forum, that such deliberation is indeed an infrequent courtesy.  I will consider myself fortunate.

I have to say, though, if I might be further indulged for a moment of levity, that I TOO experience the ?weirdness? you all so openly sudder to.  But, I get it in reverse.  LOL   You?re going to get a kick out of this.  This is like a real life-lesson or something.

I have to say, and with the same degree of moral attitude as the typical posters I have read throughout this Forum, that it was hard for me to even comprehend that someone doesn't have an appreciation for "channeling" and the other mediumistic, clairvoyant, spirituality or metaphysical arenas that I would frequent as commonly and carefree as going to the store for milk. 

I thought, ?OMG, ? this is some kind of back-alley, third-world, middle-ages throw-back kind of nightmare; Freddie?s in here somewhere, ?this place can?t actually be real. ?  (Please accept the humor of my perception, no offense is meant.)  I was shocked, and aghast at what I make out as a narrow scope of perception, which this venue holds of the world, universe et?al.  (Although, clearly, those of you of this confab see it in reverse.)  ?How did I somehow wake up under this rock????  And you would say conversely, ?when did you lose contact with your mothership??  LOL 

This mutual world of ours seems to actually function and thrive as some kind of split personality.  I don?t know whether to  be amazed, laugh, cry ? or run???  Since I am in Rome, I guess I will have to resort to instincts.

This must seem hysterical to you?all too.  For me, I felt early-on while visiting and reading the bi-lines as if I was a Star Trek officer who suddenly finds himself  back on 1960?s Earth.  I am sure you remember the episode.   (LOL, maybe this too is a stretch, at this point I would believe anything.  Just to be safe I?ll offer that Star Trek was a kind of science-fiction TV show set in the future, but aired in the 1960?s.) 

I have somehow, and obviously too arrogantly, dismissed the collective mindset herein as too outmoded to possibly exist; indeed, THOUGH, clearly it does  ─ it thrives ─ and those with whom it resonates, which would be you?all, contemplate its real/physical-world hard-line 1960-80?s psychics as the ONLY comprehensible rationale for our world(s) at large, the Universe and dimensions, ?and those things in it. (I hope that didn?t sound condescending, for I did not mean it as such.) 

LOL ? clearly there is a dichotomy of extreme, yet fruitfully productive and function polarities of thought and existence alive and well co-mingling on this world.  I, for example would represent your worst nightmare, "a wierdo who talks to spirits," and such, where I feel myself a typical person of the 21st century, were everyone gets Readings, balances their Chakras, dusts off their Aura, talks occassionaly to their passed-over family, and contemplates probable life on other planets.  See what I mean.

Funny.  Still, I did perceive, but only after a while, that to you all, your shared views seem real, sensible, logical, and the only sane interpretation of the world at large; and ACTUALLY ARE, to you.  Bizarre as it came across to me, I had to accept that everyone has parameters on their perceptions, and BECAUSE OF THAT, such parameters must literally channel or otherwise direct us as if on a straight course through our shared world so we simply pass and miss each other like the preverbal ships in the night. 

Therefore, this encounter has been our mutual ?Philadelphia Experiment.?  It?s been a pleasure, ? thanks for allowing me to visit.  I?m going to scurry off now and contemplate how weird I come across to some people who have contrary, yet totally legitimate views.  Our worlds are oil and water, each seldom mix, yet ? on special occasions we meet for a really great salad.

... christian


Quote from: Dr.ChristianvonLahr on July 02, 2009, 01:12:39 AM
Thank you.  Not much more one can hope for, ?I am pleased for the consideration.  It is clear from the theme that serves as the undertone of this forum, that such deliberation is indeed an infrequent courtesy.  I will consider myself fortunate.

I have to say, though, if I might be further indulged for a moment of levity, that I TOO experience the ?weirdness? you all so openly sudder to.  But, I get it in reverse.  LOL   You?re going to get a kick out of this.  This is like a real life-lesson or something.

I have to say, and with the same degree of moral attitude as the typical posters I have read throughout this Forum, that it was hard for me to even comprehend that someone doesn't have an appreciation for "channeling" and the other mediumistic, clairvoyant, spirituality or metaphysical arenas that I would frequent as commonly and carefree as going to the store for milk. 

I thought, ?OMG, ? this is some kind of back-alley, third-world, middle-ages throw-back kind of nightmare; Freddie?s in here somewhere, ?this place can?t actually be real. ?  (Please accept the humor of my perception, no offense is meant.)  I was shocked, and aghast at what I make out as a narrow scope of perception, which this venue holds of the world, universe et?al.  (Although, clearly, those of you of this confab see it in reverse.)  ?How did I somehow wake up under this rock????  And you would say conversely, ?when did you lose contact with your mothership??  LOL 

This mutual world of ours seems to actually function and thrive as some kind of split personality.  I don?t know whether to  be amazed, laugh, cry ? or run???  Since I am in Rome, I guess I will have to resort to instincts.

This must seem hysterical to you?all too.  For me, I felt early-on while visiting and reading the bi-lines as if I was a Star Trek officer who suddenly finds himself  back on 1960?s Earth.  I am sure you remember the episode.   (LOL, maybe this too is a stretch, at this point I would believe anything.  Just to be safe I?ll offer that Star Trek was a kind of science-fiction TV show set in the future, but aired in the 1960?s.) 

I have somehow, and obviously too arrogantly, dismissed the collective mindset herein as too outmoded to possibly exist; indeed, THOUGH, clearly it does  ─ it thrives ─ and those with whom it resonates, which would be you?all, contemplate its real/physical-world hard-line 1960-80?s psychics as the ONLY comprehensible rationale for our world(s) at large, the Universe and dimensions, ?and those things in it. (I hope that didn?t sound condescending, for I did not mean it as such.) 

LOL ? clearly there is a dichotomy of extreme, yet fruitfully productive and function polarities of thought and existence alive and well co-mingling on this world.  I, for example would represent your worst nightmare, "a wierdo who talks to spirits," and such, where I feel myself a typical person of the 21st century, were everyone gets Readings, balances their Chakras, dusts off their Aura, talks occassionaly to their passed-over family, and contemplates probable life on other planets.  See what I mean.

Funny.  Still, I did perceive, but only after a while, that to you all, your shared views seem real, sensible, logical, and the only sane interpretation of the world at large; and ACTUALLY ARE, to you.  Bizarre as it came across to me, I had to accept that everyone has parameters on their perceptions, and BECAUSE OF THAT, such parameters must literally channel or otherwise direct us as if on a straight course through our shared world so we simply pass and miss each other like the preverbal ships in the night. 

Therefore, this encounter has been our mutual ?Philadelphia Experiment.?  It?s been a pleasure, ? thanks for allowing me to visit.  I?m going to scurry off now and contemplate how weird I come across to some people who have contrary, yet totally legitimate views.  Our worlds are oil and water, each seldom mix, yet ? on special occasions we meet for a really great salad.

... christian

You would fit right in here. In fact you are rather typical. Welcome to our plane brother.


Props to you sir for coming here to defend yourself, but you have to admit there is a lot of garbage out there (like the 'Numbers Lady'), so you have to understand our skepticism.

I was intrigued by your 'channeling' of Michael Jackson because it seemed like you were speaking in his vernacular, and using his selection of phrases. I'm not saying I was convinced it was really happening, but was very interesting to listen to. Maybe with time, and more trials/experiments I might be more convinced that it's a reality.

Thanks for coming here though!

Thank you for your openness, and welcome, Mr. Michael van Deven, the Pirate King AtomSM, and Mentally Impaired PandaGN.  It is appreciated to have a voice as regards any position(s) I might have, regardless of whether those positions are supported by this focus group, or not. 

It could not be presumed, nor was it, that my philosophically spiritual journey and intellectual pursuits, as well as the practice to which that learning has been applied, would be given any open reception by any collective that does not have a similar exposure to the "experience" of spiritual science.  Only a option to present that/my personal perspective has ever been sought.  Nonetheless, this site has gone an extra mile or two to remain intellectually involved, and inquisitive of the tenets of my belief system -- one shared by many outside of this forum -- to reach their own conclusions as reason and rationale is tested against each individuals framework of reference points.  I consider this fair, and therefore have not felt any necessary "defense" posture being imposed upon me.  When people make extrordinary claims (again, given that one is not preaching to the choir) extordinary proofs are demanded.  This is understandable, and I've enjoyed the willingess to acheive a "working communication" relationship.

Thank You.
Dr. Christian von Lahr, Msc.D.


The realm I function in is Ancient Wisdom, the class of collective spiritual awareness and experience that has been suggested to pre-date all religious beliefs, and more importantly, that which formed the basis of them during their [first] incarnation as "faith."  No such claim necessarly applies to the more dogmatic presentation of those faiths after that fact, as "faith" itself would be counter to any concept of an underlying "truth," or wisdom.

Remaining true to those initial aspects of a true spiritual, dimensional existence is not only sometimes counter to the inclination of those on this class of forum, but the very New Age Movement itself.  It sounds like a paradox, but it is not actually.  And it explains why I will ACTUALLY AGREE with the intent of your comment.   

The New Age concept, that which most are actually speaking to when we re: spirituality, reincarnation, connection with the various and varied [bodies] of those who leave the physical ─ {whether in Astral form, Mental bodies pertaining to Heaven and the region there and about it, and the "blissful" stage higher still and which is more recognized in association with Eastern Spiritual Philosophy, the human Ego and its associated "causal body", or much [higher] still to the purest body in the form of "the Soul", and lastly to the subject of [actual] "Spirit" and a preceding "Divine Essence"} ─ or whether we take note of Reincarnation to [perfect] the developing ?Consciousness? of man (over great ages) and the therefore requisite "Karmic Law," (to ensure we continuously learn and eventually succeed) all of which play out in a background of ?Planes of Consciousness? (and the source of the classical reverence for the number ?7?) and therefore that these Planes substantiate the necessity of Archangels, Dhyani-Chohen or Elohiem, and their subsequent Deva, Angelic and Nature Spirit (people) helpers of the non-human (meaning "non-ego-based") to both [build] and maintain existence of Physical Plane (and others) in which we grow) ? HAS ADDED SOMETHING NEW  to this ORIGINAL WISDOM.  It is called ?Free Choice? in how we accept the Ancient Wisdom. 

This, was never recognized even in the realm of spirituality there was a requisite ?scientific method? applied.  Any concept should be  reasonable, it should be demonstrable (albeit often at spiritual levels), repeatable, and universally applied.  THEREFORE, we now have a form of spiritual expression which is NOTION-BASED, and even challenges the older ways upon which it is based/formed whereby things should be provable.

To make the long story short, you are correct.  I would disagree with a great deal of New Age Notions of today.

As regards skepticism, I have already spoken of it.  It is a compliment that you are skeptical, as it is a Divine intent and the [actual] purpose of your Ego.  (By the way, from the spiritual perspective Ego is not merely the personality expression that Psychology has introduced; it was a much much older concept that pertained to your setting up a [framework] of thinking whereby you developed a sense of awareness and actual ?knowing.? 

QuoteThis would separate this Plane of Consciousness, HOWEVER, from the next one, (which is essentially behind the concept of 2012 in the spiritual context) ?. In the NEXT one, we will actually drop this ego we?ve worked so hard to develop because we will have the wisdom to recognize a connection between us and ALL THINGS inside and outside of this world, and the attentive realms of existence.  This is by logical spiritual inference extended to other worlds, other dimensions, and ?consciousness? throughout the Universe.  AND THEN, we allow that there is something behind the meaning of a religious or spiritual ?Trinity,? and [experience] a ?oneness? with the Divine, ? which is a one-ness with ALL there is.  That NEXT phase requires us to GO BACK before the Ego and recapture our sense of full ?Emotions,? which is the true significance of the Atlantis of the New Age as it refers actually to a [state of Man?s consciousness development), and earlier still to Lumerian times (again, a state) where we developed ?Instincts.?  When coupled with our fully developed Ego, we have the full means to appreciate existence BEYOND physical man.  LIFE MAKES SENSE, and an awareness that there must be some Divine Plane becomes self-evident as it is ?universally experienced.?  It is expected to be obvious at that time that live must exist EVERYWHERE in every way as the expression of consciousness is ceaseless ? it must ever-expand.  Human Life, and life on Earth must be merely ONE EXAMPLE of some far greater Divine Expression, something so obviously vast it MUST exceed the limits of Man.  Some consciousness out there will be [beyond] us, some [behind] us.  The Universe itself is just a great big playground and we can move from class to class eventually, and already have (again, according to spiritual philosophy), therefore the REAL objective is to keep moving, to progress, to climb an endless coil of development.

The New Age Notions cannot fully encompass all I have laid out as it is discrete and fragmented.  So, it will fail many of your tests since you have already established [some] foundation of ?truth,? and it will fail all of mine eventually, as UNITY of all spiritual tenets are a necessity; there can?t be any variance on the ultimate ?truth? (consider this word to be ?Divine Fact.?)   Regardless that you, or you all, can see, accept or comprehend the scope I have laid out for your convenience, I agree with your intended result.  Much out there seems like garbage (although, modesty requires I use a more delicate word.)   

As regards your recapped experience of my Channel of Michael Jackson, if you got [some] clue or inference that WE CONTINUE TO EXIST you?ve got the only real important message.  Life MUST go on or there is no spiritual foundation to Man.  If not to man, then not to anything.  We would exist in an inconceivably impossible paradox of existence where EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE just HAPPENS to be perfect for the production of Man in an ?instant? of time, out of 15,000,000,000 years of foundation, and ALL IS FOR NOTHING.  Spiritual philosophy actually takes the scope I laid out further ? the Universe itself is simply a PHASE, and IT TOO comes and goes, and we play a continued re-emergence in it and achieve ourselves, ALL OF US and eventual level of Divinity (from our current perspective.  OF COURSE, if this scenario were true, our progression, even Divinely, would be relative.)

SO, .. LIFE GOES ON.  That was my only real message, and I hope I?ve left you some rationale for my philosophy; which by the way, is the known ancient wisdom that has consistently existed for all recorded time (40,000 years, not 10,000).  My Channeling of Michael Jackson is PERFECTLY rational, and to be expected.  For Man to ACTUALLY exist spiritually, he would REQUIRE guidance, a means to cross dimensions to pull, tug and draw us to our Higher calling.  A ?Medium? especially a clairvoyant one as I am (clairvoyance allows us to cross time dimension references, not just see beyond them) is nothing impossible, just rarer than man of normal constitution.  It is simply an acquired skill based on proficiency in past lives; we don?t start over COMPLETELY.  ?All this and more you shall do? is often quoted to express this very likelihood in Christianity. 

SO, BE SKEPTICAL.  I only do/did the thing I do.  You would not be the typical audience, nor should I or anyone expect you to be; therefore, my expression will not naturally be received by you.  HOWEVER, you will appreciate that I have given you, you all, the courtesy of a brief recap of the rationale upon which ALL spirituality, even that of Religion and the New Age Movement is based.  THEREIN, you will find the little brick road to follow if you are, or ARE EVER inclined to take up the path.  The choice to live for TODAY, or live FOREVER is our own individual one.  No pressure, no problems.  No right way, no wrong way.  If there is something Divine behind existence, I am reasonably sure WE WILL ALL MAKE IT regardless of either our timing, or our methods.

So, be well.

Dr. Christian von Lahr, Msc.D.

There are a couple of problems with this post.  I'm going to fix a few of them and explain as I go

Please avoid changing the thread topic.  If you want to add a sub-header add it in the post box.  It helps us keep things tidy.
The Michael Jackson Channel by myself has seemed to dredged up some bottom feeders too. 
Now I know how the real celebrities feel.  We got?a Enquirer-type self proclaimed journalist dogging the story, Madam chris Herget.  I?m in a proverbial New Age retrograde.  No *&&$, all true.  I guess [she] doesn't appreciate the splendid work Ian Punnett did on hosting the program, nor George Noory's historical efforts to give honest review to the world's many and otherwise quieted voices.  I give props to them for the bashing the backrooms give them; it?s unfair, I really feel they are way underappreciated.  If we just put ourselves in those host?s shoes, we would realize how incredibly difficult their work is, and credible.  We can?t judge others because their guest?s views don?t resonate with any one of us.  And, if she?s going to bite the hand that feeds her, she?s not going to get anyone to work with her.

On the other hand, I would say some print writers have so very much to learn.  Not sure if they need an education, or a life.  My newsletter fan base gets a daily belly-laugh out of the hysterical ramblings of this one self-appointed biographer of my Coast to Coast appearance, Madame Chris Herget. 

Apparently, from her writings, she has made deals with a number of fringe paranormal NewsFeeds; presumably with the intent to latch onto a newsworthy figure (this must be me, cringe, <help>) I think they call them ?tags? and she dogs and badgers them to get story handouts.  But you know what they say about giving milk to cats? 
Perhaps this is how they get their attention, by using others; certainly not to belittle any of the actual professional journalists that serve the communities at large.  Of course, and to their credit, a true journalist actually shows integrity for his or her story and sources, but this one is all over the place.  I?m serious here; this Ever-ready? bunny has gone solar.  LOL  And she has a stuck rudder, causing her to run around in circles.  Banging her drum ? running around in circles.  Banking her drum ? running around in circles.  You have to imagine some tiny emaciated kitty playing with a great big ball of string.  It entertains them all night, and beyond.  They get no sleep following the thread before they figure out it?s just a ball of string.  Don?t try and take away their toy, though.  Meowwwww, scratch, scratch.  Sorry to be so whimsical on a serious forum, it?s just that I got three different people calling in on three different lines ? you can?t buy this kind of publicity.  She claims to write on the paranormal; I think we get it.  Wooooo-oooo <twists fingers in the air>   

She is entertaining, though, in a laughable way.  It is like Mrs. Doubt-fire playing Lois Lane with a face full of egg-cream. She?s a real lion at heart, the network has fondly come to dub her Commandant Kriss-Helga Herr Gott (imagine Shultz with delusions).  Helga, sorry Kriss ? whowever, her name changes with her mood swings ? writes [what] we have popularly come to title ?dynamic ink,? as the shadowy articles change right before your eyes, LOL sometimes dozens of times a day.  IT?S ALL TRUE!  You can?t buy creative journalism like this.  From Angel of Mercy, to the Fallen Angel, she has more episodes and costume changes than a popular comic book. When she gets bored, she goes back and rewrites the prior daily truth.  ?God I miss the Daily Planet.?   What ever happened to truth, justice and the American way?  LOL  Obviously a latent history editorialist, she is subliminally aware that the victor writes history, hence the truth.  The last pony has worn out that trick.  The fans have been copying her diatribe every 10 minutes so we can go back and point out the hundreds or retractions because she found her negative comments were her own assumptions, and therefore wrong.   Bad journalism.  All the audio, most of which I have not even heard is being fashioned into a You-Tube so we can share the pure profanity that is her vocabulary off-camera.  They're thinking of titling it "Airbrushed, the four-letter word journalist.  "  And subtitled, "Give me my story every day or you're in deep $(#*$."  How brainless of her to call phones that she know is recording <duhh.>  It will be clear to everyone why I refuse to work with her.

I hope this is not a threat.  We've always been a bit picky about that and - with good reason - become more so lately.  While indirect - it does smack of posting private information.

If everyone in my profession had this kind of paparazzi we would all be on the tonight show every evening.  I?m writing to other Coast to Coast guests to find out how they?ve had to deal with OCD journalists.  From burning tanna leaves at my literary feet, she has now turned to directing people to this George Noory reference forum to see how people hate me.  Shucks, I thought we were all intelligent enough to actually communicate our mutual views; now this is a hate forum?  Guess she thinks you?re all disdainful degenerates ? obviously she and Examiner.com hasn?t seen the real integrity of this board?s members.

Quote[]We talked awhile about radio in general, which was a real treat for me -- being all dressed up with a BA in broadcast journalism and no place to go --  after all these years. I shared my opinion that I thought the hour was well-received, and mentioned the online discussions that were still being debated days later. One particular forum with the dubious URL of http://coastgab.com/index.php?topic=1495.18 is a place listeners of Coast to Coast a.m. can opine about everything C2C; from wishing retired Art Bell was still host of the show, to insisting George Noory is THEE best thing since fresh bread, sliced or otherwise.[/]
LOL, she got a BA today.  And now, my friends who have proven themselves "the good gus" are D.U.B.I.O.U.S.  How does that sit with you?  Is that the pot calling the kettle black, or what???

Not since the wizard of Oz have we had a character like this.  Put on your broom shields and take a peek.  And stand back, a house could fall at any moment:

Start by imagining an incessant whining meow-w-w?w, as you read her unrelieved bay to the moon.  This is all true stuff, I?ve got reams of dribble, and hours of recordings:

The opening act is Chris Herget seeks out the Reverend Dr. Christian von Lahr, Msc.D.:

?I just feel that I could benefit from something of this sort.?
-Chris.? >DELETE<  Please do not EVER post private info - even if it seems in the public domain - unless it is blatantly public (like george@coasttocoatam.com )  The address I just deleted is not the address this writer uses in her publications.  Therefore - it is not "blatantly public" 

The Pitch:

??it helped me understand a lot as well as have good information to present in a story??

?I would like to get ? Christian ? on all the news that continues to get blasted going on 12 days after DCVL's channeling session with MJ.   I know it will probably be something along the lines of that he isn't surprised??
Chris Herget seattle.beat@gmail.com  <---- now THIS is the correct conact email for the public.

A Story Ensues Based on Coast to Coasts Stream Link replay:
Re: -- story

?I'm grateful for it (and awed by its words), ?.?

?You would have had no way of knowing all the trouble that has presented itself while trying to bring this story to light, and while I'm not speaking for Lon Strickler, I would like you to consider all the countless hours I've personally spent uncompensated, ??

?I need you to understand that I'm sensing  ? I didn't need you to tell me how uncommonly busy you've been, you may need to hear how uncommonly busy I've been, and it hasn't all been peaches and cream.   I?ve had to jump through hoops and deal with a lot of negative energy to make these stories ...?

?I underline the following statement in the darkest ink I can-- I'm not speaking for him, I'm only sharing the facts with you so that you can understand- that Lon, in addition to myself, has invested a lot of time dealing with things he could not have anticipated and because of that I've needed to essentially sweet talk him into even continuing the series. But he is still on board, and committed to running the stories and so am I.?

? I'm discouraged over my feeling that you have been less than appreciative or fully supportive since I first suggested doing these stories, and at the minimum you would approach my phone calls and emails with enthusiasm and gusto... I did make him aware that he may not be getting any more stories about this topic.?

?I've had to trade in a few nightly rituals and a whole bunch of  sleep to make time to talk to everyone I needed to in the last 10 days, not to mention all the research and writing that comes with storytelling. ? I'm just being overly sensitive and dramatic because of the fact that I am so sleep deprived.?
;)  -Chris Herget seattle.beat@gmail.com

The Tragedy:
?Writing about paranormal topics isn't the easy life,  ? ?I have no credibility, or writing talent for that matter.?
   ;)  - Chris Herget seattle.beat@gmail.com

?Some people in my situation would be posting negative stuff in their story, but Not me. NOT YET.?
Chris Herget seattle.beat@gmail.com

The Threat:
?I'm on deadline and as long as you're now saying that I'm such a pest, I might as well be. It would be so much easier just getting the information from you, than having to contact your peers ??
Chris Herget seattle.beat@gmail.com

I?m calling on all Coast to Coast guests to ?withhold the milk!?
And RECALL any that?s out there.

One more thing - this post has been here for a while so FOR NOW - I'm letting it stand - but I wish I had looked at it more carefully before.  We prefer people not post entire - or close to entire- articles because to do so is beyond "fair use" AND you can always jsut post a few lines and the URL.

That's all for now - as you were.EvB


I'm sure it's not easy work. 

I'm a big fan of Ian's --George loses something in audio translation for me. Most video I've seen from web-cams or public appearance, I've enjoyed.

I'm glad you were on with Ian.  And - despite my initial comments - I enjoyed listening to your interview with Ian and have listened since. (Stream Link)  I'm skeptical (in the tradional sense of the word) about channeling - and downright dubious about gnomes and the like. That dosn't mean I don't enjoy the stories - and wonder.

As for my wise-crack (y'all come back . . .) after your initial post - well, I'm sure you can imagine that we have people coming in here and saying they are this or that person.  Usually they are not. 

I'm glad you did come back, and hope you will continue to.

One question - you lost me here:

QuoteI?m calling on all Coast to Coast guests to ?withhold the milk!?

May I have a clue, please?


One question - you lost me here:


    I?m calling on all Coast to Coast guests to ?withhold the milk!?

May I have a clue, please?


That may have been a channeling moment...


Quote from: EvB on July 13, 2009, 07:14:54 PM
From whom?  Elsie the Borden Cow?

Maybe, or some kind of weird message from:

Frys Girl

Pardon me, Christian von Lahr, sir! Can you please offer your comments on whether you think George Noory is a low-rent moron? Thanks!

Thanks, EvB

Quotedespite my initial comments - I enjoyed listening to your interview with Ian and have listened since. (Stream Link)

I totally understand, and understood.  When we get to know each other as people, we start seeing qualities, and attributes we can appreciate.  We all have them.

AS FOR "Withhold the Milk,"

If you give a cat milk, it will keep coming back.
She called and talked to me under false pretenses, so I got trapped at first.

Ergo, you other Coast to Coast guests:  Don't talk to Examiner.com Journalists (unless you are totally aware,) or at least specifically this one, because you will NEVER get rid of 'em.  Even if you won't feed 'em, their animal natures will return to the spot for hoped-for crumbs.  If they don't get those, they will imagine they did. Fortunatly cat's are short lived, or at least this kind is.

Over here, we've named our new antagonistic pet;  "Dark Journey," a play on journalist.  No one want's to mention "the name that can't be spoken" any more.  She's been in heat this past week.  I just get an update every few days -minor highlights only- and then it goes in the shredder.


QuoteOver here, we've named our new antagonistic pet;  "Dark Journey," a play on journalist.  No one want's to mention "the name that can't be spoken" any more.  She's been in heat this past week.  I just get an update every few days -minor highlights only- and then it goes in the shredder.

AH!  Well, here we call them "Trolls" -- and they are nowhere near as entertaining as the "other plane" creatures you talk about.

Thanks for the clarification.


QuotePardon me, Christian von Lahr, sir! Can you please offer your comments on whether you think George Noory is a low-rent moron? Thanks!

Surely.  My dear friend, Mr. Noory is rumored to have some rather upscale digs in Los Angeles now.   Sponsers, at least, must judge his work respectably.  This, not withstanding that you might take difference to his communicative or interview style; we all have our preferences.  I wonder if we sometimes don't feel envioius when we see another doing a job we might imagine we could do, or do better.  If so, and I really don't know, but if one is so informed so as to be critical they [might] have the goods themselves.  Think about it!  So, how about manifesting your own Radio show and putting yourself to the public test.  It might be invigorating and all those quirky traits you' ve accumulated all your life might come across as a style that people just love. Deep down you may be looking to express yourself, and with your analytical skills, and the ability to evaluate while you communicate, perhaps this is a calling that has been overlooked.

Can't say if he's a Morman, though. 

Thank you for your interest in my humble opinion.
Christian von L?hr

QuoteI'm glad you did come back, and hope you will continue to.

Ooops.  Sorry EvB.  I really should have thanked you for this official coastgab.com and personally expressed sentiment earlier.  It is very well received and appreciated.  That I came back, of course, is a testiment that the members here actually have something substantial going on under their hats.  We don't all have the right keys to enter many of the unlocked doors in life, I kind of lucked out and found that at coastgab.com the door is actually always half-open. 

Christian von L?hr

Frys Girl

I don't pretend to be a radio host talent. I don't pretend to be better, I just know better. Ian is worlds better than Snoory. George Knapp mops the floor with Noory's busticles. I think you'd be better too Christian. Maybe you should pursue hosting C2C. I'm being serious. Thanks for coming here, btw.

QuoteThat may have been a channeling moment...


Actually, you're actually getting it.  It [communication] does indeed come in choppy at first, and can even seem to be out of sequence.  Has to do with the fact that we have three aspects to our dimension, and there are fourteen to the next one up ... never a one-for-one corrolation.  That's is where mediums come in, adjusting receiver and transmitter so we achieve a cohesive flow. 

Or, maybe I just wanted some milk. 
Christian von L?hr


QuoteI wonder if we sometimes don't feel envioius when we see another doing a job we might imagine we could do, or do better.  If so, and I really don't know, but if one is so informed so as to be critical they [might] have the goods themselves.

People's work is always critiqued by those who have a chance to observe it - public figures whose job it is to entertain and/or inform more than most.

The higher one's profile - the more feedback you get, good or bad.

You've already told us some of the reasons you have to know that yourself, it goes with the territory.

I think Jesse Jackson is one of the worst politicions I've ever known of, and does the cause (one I care deeply about) he works for more harm than good.  That doesn't mean I think I have any skill for it myself or would ever care to try.


Quote from: Dr.ChristianvonLahr on July 13, 2009, 07:44:18 PM


    That may have been a channeling moment...


Actually, you're actually getting it.  It [communication] does indeed come in choppy at first, and can even seem to be out of sequence.  Has to do with the fact that we have three aspects to our dimension, and there are fourteen to the next one up ... never a one-for-one corrolation.  That's is where mediums come in, adjusting receiver and transmitter so we achieve a cohesive flow. 

Or, maybe I just wanted some milk. 
Christian von L?hr

Welcome to our intellectual banquet.  From milk to fine wine, we feast 'till dawn and celebrate the Earth's diversity.  Thanks for your metaphysical presence.


QuoteThat I came back, of course, is a testiment that the members here actually have something substantial going on under their hats.  We don't all have the right keys to enter many of the unlocked doors in life, I kind of lucked out and found that at coastgab.com the door is actually always half-open.

Why thank you!  As a group, we're really not at all what we seem on the surface (though the surface is fairly translucent - as you've seen). 

Love the art.

QuoteI don't pretend to be a radio host talent. I don't pretend to be better, I just know better. Ian is worlds better than Snoory. George Knapp mops the floor with Noory's busticles.

Then start pretending.  Progress follows the imagination.  What we can visualize in our minds, our sub-conscious strives to make true, if oft repeated and internalized.  Truely, when one has a good sense of appreciation, they ought to consider the field.  You just might be sensational.

George Noory and other hosts have the difficult task of bringing out the best in thier varied guests, and to let surface their hidden, or at least seldom expressed sentiments; their story.  Is this something you could do?  Since you can analyze the hosts and differentiate them, then too, that gift can be applied to guests.  The focus, though, has to be on looking for one's good points, and setting aside thier lessor qualities in the interest of respect for the audience, in addition to thier guests.  THAT would be an almost impossible task for any one of us to do, so, would be quite a challenge.  To revisit the point -- critical people usually have themselves a gift of expression that should be / needs to be realized by levels beyond our peers.  Think of all your good points and use them to express your potential.  Attitude just suggests I am actually right, one just has to get over the barriers that life puts in the way -- you know, the impossible stuff.

good luck
Christian von L?hr


QuoteMaybe you should pursue hosting C2C.

That's actually a good idea!  And may even be in the realm of possibility.  I wonder if the people form Premier would have Dr. von Lahr on as a fill-in sometime, perhaps to interview some of his colleagues.  I'd tune in.  Its possible I'd even stay awake rather than listen in bed 'till I drift off - and play the stream later.

Heck - I would even try to call (something I've never done)


Quote from: EvB on July 13, 2009, 07:59:09 PM
That's actually a good idea!  And may even be in the realm of possibility.  I wonder if the people form Premier would have Dr. von Lahr on as a fill-in sometime, perhaps to interview some of his colleagues.  I'd tune in.  Its possible I'd even stay awake rather than listen in bed 'till I drift off - and play the stream later.

Heck - I would even try to call (something I've never done)

The refreshing element here would be to have a host who believes in the quest for the unknown, and doesn't just pretend to be interested...


QuoteGeorge Noory and other hosts have the difficult task of bringing out the best in thier varied guests

Which, IMO - is where Mr. Noory falls short. I listen to Art, to George Knapp, and to Ian, and they ask the questions that are on my mind as often as I have any right to expect. George Noory just doesn't seem engaged. 

It's a terrible double entendre - given the show format - but he seems like he's "phoning it in"

QuotePeople's work is always critiqued by those who have a chance to observe it - public figures whose job it is to entertain and/or inform more than most.

The higher one's profile - the more feedback you get, good or bad.

Hey, EvB.  Do you understand why?  If you do, then you could easily see that WE ARE ALL EQUAL.  Let me make a feeble attempt to explain my view:  (forgive me if I muff it, I am not speaking to my congregation here.)

That we ?Critique? is an indication that we are exercising our ego.  EGO.  This is very important concept because ego has little to do with our psychological personality as Freud introduced (actually he stole the word from it?s higher metaphysical lodgings in the deeper, albeit ancient, philosophies of the Greeks.)  At least, we should call Freud?s view the personality ego, or the ?lower ego? as some ancients would say.

The EGO, is a component that plays a part in what we ultimately feed back up to our Soul, such being the means to establish our destiny as we have thereby learned something.  WE KNOW.  We have delineated things, events, feelings in life and established our own personal perspective to such a highly tuned degree, we feel WE KNOW.  (By the why, we might not necessarily be right in any global sense.)

So, as our minds work, it is processed by our ever-developing minds and we ultimately have a feeling of ?knowing.?  Our Ego is gratified.  This makes us stronger and more straight and determined in our goals in life, and metaphysically we would say in the NEXT life, which is ACTUALLY the intent of the ego.  It causes [progress] or the evolution of our consciousness.

Therefore, public figures use and exercise of the ego is RELATIVE.  Don?t distinguish yourself from them, your peers, detractors or I based on [quantity] and opportunity.  You are doing exactly what they are, but you don?t function in a playground where it is shared.  That it is shared publically does not heighten its value, only its perceived value.  That places the problem, if there is any, on the perceiver.  If you, we, I understand ourselves as relatively the same, we won?t IMAGINE a differentiation between us and others.  From a spiritual perspective, you/I/we are all just as good and accomplished as any public figure because the experience of life is merely relative.  We do, however, vary where we may place our attention given the many things we must accomplish in life.  That, nonetheless, speaks only to the [quantity] component I mentioned earlier.  From a faculty perspective we are all equal.

How we perceive the quantity of another?s perspectives is actually [our] choice.  We can play in their ball field whenever we want, just as they walk into yours and tell you what is right or wrong, good or bad.  Notice, though, that they walk down very narrow, very carefully navigated pathways.  If they ever once feel off the trail, they would not be able to arbitrate any other issue of your life.

QuoteI think Jesse Jackson is one of the worst politicians I've ever known of, and does the cause (one I care deeply about) he works for more harm than good.  That doesn't mean I think I have any skill for it myself or would ever care to try.

YOU JUST DID.  That is all it takes.  A great clock work turns one tiny sprocket tong at a time.  People may look at the glorious face of the mechanism and see a marvelous conveyer of wisdom, but it was all due to the very many people slowly moving in some direction that determined the true accuracy and value.  Since your purpose is this latter objective, you are doing precisely what you want by doing what you do.  Just convince the other less-visible sprocket tongs and the glorious face will have to come around.

QuoteWelcome to our intellectual banquet.  From milk to fine wine, we feast 'till dawn and celebrate the Earth's diversity.  Thanks for your metaphysical presence.

I am humbled.  I am honored to have a voice.

That said, as your guest I'll perform the evenings entertainment.  Shall I turn the milk to honey, or the wine to roses?  LOL  Okay, so I'm not so good at that stuff, I'll have to resort to turning an inspirational phrase now and then.  I brought airbrushes though, we could color those balloons on your avatar.

Christian von L?hr


Quote from: Dr.ChristianvonLahr on July 13, 2009, 08:25:36 PM

I am humbled.  I am honored to have a voice.

That said, as your guest I'll perform the evenings entertainment.  Shall I turn the milk to honey, or the wine to roses?  LOL  Okay, so I'm not so good at that stuff, I'll have to resort to turning an inspirational phrase now and then.  I brought airbrushes though, we could color those balloons on your avatar.

Christian von L?hr

Better to enliven the lonely shadow your avatar presently casts.  ;D

Perhaps this, simply as an example...

Looks like I got yet another aspect of Michael Jackson's channel spot on.  My stalker Chris Herget is going to be livid I won't be giving her more leads to follow.

Yep, I mentioned that Jackson was describing his home as a laboratory.  My kitty "Dark Journey" (Herr Gott) reported the same.  La Toya just confirmed it on TV. 

Jackson indicated he did NOT want the kids going to his own mother; detractors want to point to the alleged valid will.  Now Jackson's own convictions on this matter are making sense.  Father Joe wants to turn the children into the "Jackson Three," precisely what Michael Jackson channeled he did not want.  He wanted them to have a real mother so they would have a real life.  Thus, he did NOT want the children to be brought up by his father, where they might suffer his own pain in life as a celebrity.

These are bread crumbs for "Dark Journey."  Here kitty kitty.  No scoop today, but some substanence.

Christian von L?hr


Two great minds - PennyWise!

The good Dr. said:

QuoteI brought airbrushes though, we could color those balloons on your avatar.

And I thought:  Well - avatars are not required here - but since this gentleman has become a regular participant, perhaps I'll offer him some from my own stock collection to choose from if he'd like"

And here they are:

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