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yorkshire pud now making personal threats against me

Started by gnooryblows, January 02, 2018, 12:11:52 AM

Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 12:34:03 AM
I don't believe anything I read here.

As you shouldn't but I basically tell the truth.  How come you didn't go out last night?  I figured with your millions that you'd be on that whore cruise down off of Colombia.  Y'know, doing something fun.

Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 12:30:48 AM
to be honest if someone got a hold of my wifes name and posted it on the internet...

I don't think that's her real name


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 02, 2018, 12:56:10 AM
I don't think that's her real name

well i don't know if its his wifes real name or not. i didn't even know what he was talking about at first. the reason i made that other thread about 4chan threads is cuz i started googling my screenname afterwards like "what the hell is he talking about".
i sent him a few messages. if he genuinely got doxxed it's unfortunate. if he's going to hold some kind of animosity towards me because somebody else doxxed him, or if he's going to presume it was me for no reason, with no evidence, then i dunno. i guess the two of us would have problems. i don't really care that he has vastly different politics than me, but on the other hand that MIGHT matter to him. i mean if he's going to continue to make threats against me and stuff then i dunno. like i've said, i've already been down this road before. it went on for a long time and i was lucky that it finally ended because the person terrorizing me was openly discussing making and selling designer drugs on his profile, so he was bagged for that.


the guy who did this to me before was mad over my denial of the holocaust. lol. i dunno. i dunno why its such a hotbutton issue frankly. i'm not even a real "nazi" or anything, i'm a wicked libertarian, just don't want the government fuckign with me or anyone else. basically the opposite of an authoritarian nazi. but based on the evidence, having looked it over, i 100% do not believe the holocaust happened as people say. whatever lol. people literally want to fucking hunt you down and murder you over it. that's just another way you know its bullshit. people are just kept in line and intimidated out of asking questions and thinking for themselves on the topic.


its impossible to have been homeless, and to understand that because of vagrancy laws your mere existence is literally made into a crime, and then literally still believe that a big authoritarian government is in any way going to be actually "just" or "rightful". having that point of view, it basically makes you think the government is evil and should eternally fuck off.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 01:06:42 AM
its impossible to have been homeless, and to understand that because of vagrancy laws your mere existence is literally made into a crime, and then literally still believe that a big authoritarian government is in any way going to be actually "just" or "rightful". having that point of view, it basically makes you think the government is evil and should eternally fuck off.

and cops aren't exactly friendly to homeless people either.


i'll be banned from this site either way tomorrow. sort of blows, i was really enjoying posting here. i posted here basically like all day today. i'm sure MV won't want to deal with this BS once he wakes up though.


Quote from: 21st Century Man on January 02, 2018, 12:43:41 AM
As you shouldn't but I basically tell the truth.  How come you didn't go out last night?  I figured with your millions that you'd be on that whore cruise down off of Colombia.  Y'know, doing something fun.

I have money so I DON'T  have to go out. I hate society with a passion. It's beyond retarded. I insulate myself with cash so I don't have to be annoyed by it.  I've done a lot of things in my life, but my dream was to do NOTHING, and I'm  living the dream now my friend! I don't want to interact with or assist this retard party. I want to watch it tear itself to shreds while I sit in my pajamas and collect classical art and eat fine McDonalds!


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 01:14:18 AM
I have money so I DON'T  have to go out. I hate society with a passion. It's beyond retarded. I insulate myself with cash so I don't have to be annoyed by it.  I've done a lot of things in my life, but my dream was to do NOTHING, and I'm  living the dream now my friend!

this accurately describes me except i don't have that much money so i do have to do some things, but i've cut those down to a pretty bare minimum.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 01:15:39 AM
this accurately describes me except i don't have that much money so i do have to do some things, but i've cut those down to a pretty bare minimum.

All the best Mein Fuhrer! I hope you win!


this is our big goodbye swishy. i'm gonna be banned tomorrow at the very least. and then after im banned pud is going to track me down and murder me because he thinks i doxxed him, and apparenlty, according to him, MV gave him all of my personal information (even though im pretty sure MV doesn't have any personal info on me). so i dunno bro. our tragic romance was doomed from the beginning. we were starcrossed lovers from the outset.


When the WWII people left power, everything was fucked. Gen X has brought it back but I'm not doing anything to help the Boomers or their retarded 2nd Family offspring.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 01:18:13 AM
When the WWII people left power, everything was fucked. Gen X has brought it back but I'm not doing anything to help the Boomers or their retarded 2nd Family offspring.

boomers are pretty bad.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 01:17:52 AM
this is our big goodbye swishy. i'm gonna be banned tomorrow at the very least. and then after im banned pud is going to track me down and murder me because he thinks i doxxed him, and apparenlty, according to him, MV gave him all of my personal information (even though im pretty sure MV doesn't have any personal info on me). so i dunno bro. our tragic romance was doomed from the beginning. we were starcrossed lovers from the outset.

Get used to a lack of drama. This forums superpower is not giving a fuck! MV breaks his own rules because he's just so Middle Aged and Married and  Daddy and Taxes! He was once a Skater though! Oh how he soared!


im a millennial but millennials aren't good either. millennials are a product of boomers though.

if you go to the store and buy some steaks, cook them, and they suck, only two things happened, 1) you bought shitty steaks or 2) you cooked them wrong.

either boomers fucked wrong, or they raised their kids wrong. prob a bit of both. millennials are a problem but only because their parents did them wrong, IMO.


BellGabs' logo should be a stupid fat kid poking a dead body with a stick.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 01:19:30 AM
Get used to a lack of drama. This forums superpower is not giving a fuck! MV breaks his own rules because he's just so Middle Aged and Married and  Daddy and Taxes! He was once a Skater though! Oh how he soared!

MV is an OK guy from what i can see, presuming he didn't really give my "personal info" out to pud for a bribe, i give him shit cuz he's technically an authority figure here and i can't stand people who suck up to authority figures. but i'm pretty sure he understandably is not going to want to deal with potentially being contacted by the police over all of this (even though they'll prob just say they'll keep the stuff on record in case anything more credible happens) and all of the rest. all of this stuff got pretty real tonight. when people start getting doxxed stuff gets real. pud got doxxed. he thinks i did it. i didn't, but that might not matter. he doesn't seem like the most rational of people and apparently he is very mad at me. lord knows the last dude who did this to me couldn't be reasoned with.


who would have thought that people who try to hunt other people down off the internet might not be the most rational people out there /s


Just don't care. No one can hurt you if you don't have any feelings to hurt, honor to defend, or image to uphold.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 01:25:52 AM
Just don't care. No one can hurt you if you don't have any feelings to hurt, honor to defend, or image to uphold.

dude this is 100% my motto and has been for so very long now.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 01:27:55 AM
Eat a lot of McDonald's. It pisses people off!

that def looks yummy. i haven't been to the McD's in a long time, even though i eat other junkfood like nonstop.


right now there are 10 guests and 5 members looking at this thread, one of them is me. i guess the dude thinks it was me that doxxed him cuz im registered and i was talking to him, engaging him, but i mean the majority of the people who peruse this board don't register.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 01:31:43 AM
that def looks yummy. i haven't been to the McD's in a long time, even though i eat other junkfood like nonstop.

I love that you tell everyone you eat doo-doo and love satanist-nazi shit. It's proof you're actually the nicest person here. :)


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 12:17:31 AM
Pud knows people! LMAO!

I’ll bet I can guess who his “legal counsel” is. Hint: he has “one client”.


Quote from: Gd5150 on January 02, 2018, 01:37:52 AM
I’ll bet I can guess who his “legal counsel” is. Hint: he has “one client”.

LOL! no shit! Pud is getting deported anyway. The fact that he even got mad makes me start to think it's real.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 01:33:44 AM
I love that you tell everyone you eat doo-doo and love satanist-nazi shit. It's proof you're actually the nicest person here. :)

i've never actually eaten the doo doo, that was just a troll post when i was mostly banned from the site. MV took my posting privileges away but i could still reply to threads.
the satanism stuff i am genuinely into. i was raised a catholic and i think it's wrong. sorry. i think the messages in the catholic religion are totally wrong. i think all of the self-hatred and the rules are just negative. so i became attracted to satan as a cosmic rebel. as a symbol of somebody who fights against a power bigger and stronger than himself, but does it, knowing he will lose, because he knows he is fighting against something wrong and evil. sort of the satan of John Milton, but still a little different, i suppose. i HATE properness and i love crassness, crudity, breaking social norms, all of that stuff. even the fucking homos, even though i don't really like them, i mean they've got to be able to do what they want to do.

the nazi stuff is mostly cuz the media uses them as the catch-all, end all be all badguy, and the reality is that they just weren't. if you know the history, Hitler was fighting against communism, which led to a hundred million deaths in the 20th century. it was all reactionary stuff. it was wrong stuff that i ideologically disagree with, but to sit and say it was "the biggest evil of all time" the way people do? nope. no way. and i genuinely do not believe there was ever an order to "murder all of the jews" AKA "the holocaust" as people say. were they put into camps? yes, obviously, dont think anyone has ever denied that, but there was no plan to murder them all, IMO. this isn't actually a belief based on "nazi sympathies", but just one from looking at the facts.

as far as what the nazis really stand for? big government? totalitarianism? i hate all of that stuff. but even still the communists were worse by every measure and our society gives them a major pass from what i see. so there's some merit in ironically defending nazis. until our society recognizes that 1) communists were just as bad if not worse and 2) chills the fuck out on its preachy moral bullshit, IMO there is still merit in ironically defending nazis.

but fuck no i mean as i've said 100 times before on this board, i'm a fucking libertarian lol. i want the government to eternally go away.


It was obvious to me from the beginning. The satanist shit is fucked but whatever man.


Nazism and Communism are just vehicles for the return of authoritarian (read: The Monarchies) government. They are transitional ideologies.


Quote from: Gd5150 on January 02, 2018, 01:37:52 AM
I’ll bet I can guess who his “legal counsel” is. Hint: he has “one client”.

i picture pud as being a pretty "successful" dude. i mean people who are willing to toe the line and be all of the things that society wants them to be, as pud is, usually do at least reasonably well because they're promoted for their willingness to follow orders. you know, middle management type with a 401K. he might have his own business by now, dunno. that's what i imagine anyhow.

not that those are things that i personally have any real respect for, just saying, that's what i think he is. he is NUTS with the "omg we are gonna fight bro" stuff just cuz i called him a pedo. like yeah dude, someone called you a bad name on the internet, ok, chill. as far as him being angry about his wife getting doxxed? sure, sort of understandable, but if he's going to keep directing it at me as if i'm the one who did it, when i'm definitely not, then you know, that's a real problem. and it's going to be a really big problem if he is genuinely seriously and genuinely wants to push this, im sure.

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