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Coast To Coast AM Facebook TOS?

Started by 11angeleyes11, August 07, 2011, 05:32:17 AM


I am a member of Facebook, but not the Coast to Coast Am Community and do not post on their wall.  However, occassionally I do go visit to read comments about a specific show if I was interested in it.  I visit maybe every two weeks.  Tonight I found this as one of the posts.  I am including it without comment.  I just found it . . well Good Point!

August 3 at 12:21am  Hi Coast Fans-- we posted this back in March, but for some of your newbies, here's our policy: We love having you be a part of our page. However, as some
of you may have noticed, sometimes the comment threads degenerate into bickering, name-calling and foul remarks between & from certain parties. That is not something that we care to host or support. We do block access to those who persist in posting antagonistic & offensive remarks.
(Courtesy of the Coast Community on Facebook)


In other words, they don't allow Noory haters to post there. :D


Quote from: Morgus on August 07, 2011, 02:21:03 PM
In other words, they don't allow Noory haters to post there. :D
protecting their product, i guess.


We need code words, like:

spectacularendous: shit-like
good man!: dickshitfuckluckhead
voice of gold: pollutant of radio air

Comment on Coast's next Facebook post - "Noory, good man! Your voice of gold is spectacularendous. Teehee."

Quote from: DanDan on August 07, 2011, 10:55:15 PM
We need code words, like:

spectacularendous: shit-like
good man!: dickshitfuckluckhead
voice of gold: pollutant of radio air

Comment on Coast's next Facebook post - "Noory, good man! Your voice of gold is spectacularendous. Teehee."

I love that cat. He thinks he's people, trying to eat corn like that.


Quote from: Morgus on August 07, 2011, 02:21:03 PM
In other words, they don't allow Noory haters to post there. :D

I've also followed that group from time to time and have observed it rise and fall and rise and fall again.  I see plenty of Noory-bashing going on (which makes my heart sing), and as far as I know that hasn't been challenged.

What they've had problems with is really foul-mouthed mud-slinging by the posters at each other.  Friends of mine in a different FB group were actually responsible for getting Coast's FB people to crack down on them last March.

A lot of the posters have the same sort of intellect that so many of George's callers have.  Do the math.  ;)


Quote from: Scully on August 08, 2011, 01:33:38 AM

A lot of the posters have the same sort of intellect that so many of George's callers have.  Do the math.  ;)

A cumulative IQ of 70?


I was forum surfing this morning, trying to read what I missed by only listening to the first hour of the show last nite, when I went to the Coast Facebook page.  That is probably one of the most interactive commentaries that post during the show.

It happened!  The whole thread from last nite was deleted.  I read the commentaries posted this morning. 

Imagine what if. . the TPTB on a forum took out a whole thread here how you would feel. 

I am not making a judgment or value call on this, again I am just trying to do fair and accurate reporting.  However, this is an issue separate and apart from that.  I do not favor censorship in any form.  It does make you wonder, however, what happened to the mystery thread.

This is like a personal situation I am in.  Due to disasters, I am having to stay with a one hundred percent staunch Obama supporter.  I attempted to bring Jerome Corsi's book into the house about Obama's birth certificate.  There was a book banning even before the book was checked out of the library.

Relating a mere thread censorship back to Coast,see, where this could be leading.  Apologizes are given in advance if this was a technical difficulty  of Facebook.

Sorry if this post seems rambling, it is just that I am trying to model after Rodger, before he found out he may be getting bored with the website.  As an aside, the last post he made was acutally the first I could actually follow.   


Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on August 09, 2011, 10:17:00 AM
I was forum surfing this morning, trying to read what I missed by only listening to the first hour of the show last nite, when I went to the Coast Facebook page.  That is probably one of the most interactive commentaries that post during the show.

It happened!  The whole thread from last nite was deleted.  I read the commentaries posted this morning. 

Imagine what if. . the TPTB on a forum took out a whole thread here how you would feel. 

I am not making a judgment or value call on this, again I am just trying to do fair and accurate reporting.  However, this is an issue separate and apart from that.  I do not favor censorship in any form.  It does make you wonder, however, what happened to the mystery thread.

This is like a personal situation I am in.  Due to disasters, I am having to stay with a one hundred percent staunch Obama supporter.  I attempted to bring Jerome Corsi's book into the house about Obama's birth certificate.  There was a book banning even before the book was checked out of the library.

Relating a mere thread censorship back to Coast,see, where this could be leading.  Apologizes are given in advance if this was a technical difficulty  of Facebook.

Sorry if this post seems rambling, it is just that I am trying to model after Rodger, before he found out he may be getting bored with the website.  As an aside, the last post he made was acutally the first I could actually follow.   

I just figured Roger was sober-posting.




I know of no forum that is censor free. Forums are not democracies nor are households. We all like our freedoms but we are not necessarily supportive of other's in our houses.

One has the right to buy porn and watch it but not in my house. One has the right to have KKK posters but not in my house. And forums aren't much different.

MV is pretty open but he does draw the line at linking files from c2c. Because if he doesn't he faces circumstances he doesn't need. I think if someone started a thread about harming someone MV would shut it down... and that, rightfully so, is censorship.

As to modeling roger... not even sure I know what that means. But so far I don't think that is a problem here or probably even where you are staying.


I agree with your two examples of censorship.  I have never encoutered anything unfair on this forum, nor do I imply that.  I guess I need to explain a little further. 

I have no idea what was posted on the disappearing thread last night, but I have read through a few of the threads over the last year or so.  There may have been some comments that I did not care for nor that I would posted, but they are a poster's opinion or way of expressing themselves.   I just go on.  None would have made me believe that a whole thread needed to be taken down.    Based on the average thread I read, removal of one would have been excessive.  If I posted on that forum under those conditions, then I might feel the same way if one was removed.

Another point is that it is Coast to Coast, and the show has favored openess overall through the thoughts and viewpoints expressed on the show.  The topics covered are not mainstream, or were not so much so in the past.  Then, to read that a whole thread was removed seems to be well. . maybe not consistent with the show.  You can be open and express yourself without harming someone else.  It is a matter of the degree of tolerance.  Has the tolerance range been shortened?

My example would be say that one day the George Noory thread was removed for no obvious reason, and I am not implying or saying anything about MV.  Just say it was gone.  You might be a little shocked.  That was all that I was  suggesting.  That might be the mutual feeling or example between the two forums.  I don't post lot, but I do read, and I read a range of the Coast forums, so I am aware of what is there.

Now Roger, he is a nice poster, but he writes very illusive.  I read his posts and sometimes he loses me in his thought process.  I look at his posts as poetic.  Then, last night or yesterday, he posted something so solid and concrete.  I could follow exactly what he was saying.   I mean noone no harmness. 


I am pretty sure I get your full meaning about the coast forum. Sometimes moderators go nuts.


Quote from: onan on August 09, 2011, 12:17:26 PM
I am pretty sure I get your full meaning about the coast forum. Sometimes moderators go nuts.
Got it!  I have free-typing fingers today, so I have typed all the way around without expressing my main point.

Instead of selectivley editing the thread, they nuked!!!!!!!!!

M Knight

Quote from: 11angeleyes11 on August 09, 2011, 12:22:45 PM
Got it!  I have free-typing fingers today, so I have typed all the way around without expressing my main point.

Instead of selectivley editing the thread, they nuked!!!!!!!!!

I was a contributor to another forum recently and was surprised one day when the thread of most importance to me had been nuked.  The cockeyed moderator simply said "it was getting too big". 

I remember when people used to think 'if you put it online it will never go away'. Obviously they don't write on some web forums


Quote from: M Knight on August 09, 2011, 12:40:14 PM
The cockeyed moderator simply said "it was getting too big".
uhh... isn't that what is SUPPOSED to happen on a forum?  isn't that what any rational forum owner would hope for? 

people are dumb.

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