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Messages - Barn_Yard_Fire

An article discussing reason for Japan's surrender was when Stalin with the Soviets entered the war with Japan.  https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/05/30/the-bomb-didnt-beat-japan-stalin-did/

It shows how careless he is in using people and letting them incriminate themselves while he sits pretty.  This has been dangerous all along.  I can think of numerous examples from the past year.  Recently, he tried to suggest that Judith's son would kill him. I find that kind of rhetoric dangerous. It creates victims that should never be exposed to his assassination/handler rhetoric through his show. I think he knows quite well what he is doing   Somewhere in my emails there should be a Cease-and-Desist letter sent by V. Clark to him and cc'ed to me.

Going to call it a night.
Very cool of you.  I too, expect to talk with them.  I do intend to mention bellgab and the blog.  I am familiar with the reason for Dietrich's previous website being taken down and operating on facebook despite being blacklisted,which too is important to mention.

Even though the FBI does have a bureau up here in Canada, I'll be going with a filing in the States through their website.

I'll see how it goes.
Quote from: Gunner65 on April 05, 2020, 08:35:50 PM
"At this point it'd be doing him and everyone else a favor to put him out of his misery and have him taken of youtube! "
Indeed!  So why don't you?

Wasn't sure what to do but seems best to go with an FBI report for cyberstalking and exposing me and anyone related to me to neo-nazis that do tend to listen in on his glorification of nazism and Hitler.  But that in itself might not be enough for the FBI to take action. 

I'd like to include you Gunner, in the report and outline the multi-year campaign of harassing his listeners to call the FBI on you.  I think that is something the FBI would consider worth investigating.  And thanks to John Warrington, all those videos are still up on youtube to refer the FBI to.  Would you be alright with this?
Quote from: Gunner65 on April 05, 2020, 08:11:50 PM
Yes. I remember.  And Dietrich is quite repetitive and ultimately predictable.  And yes, although he dropped the 15 minute attack on Pavel and Rose Dio (and others) he continues to restate his claims which he continuously embellishes.  He also continues to extend the length of his shows to over 12 hours, making it excruciatingly difficult to isolate an attack.

The length also is a cover for the extremist rants he likes to pepper in between the articles he reads.  It's probably not audible on the live stream but through  SKYPE you can hear him press a key each time he scrolls a page while reading the articles he cut-and-pasted together that day to his google-hard drive.  Last year in June, I actually watched the cursor move on that night's google drive document.  He'd stop reading and add the whole bit about "sewer of shit" and "assholes" and "people eating shit" etc.  The classic deitrich that I knew him for last year.  Those rants are the only "original" things he adds to the show.  The rest is copy-pasted articles available on the net.

At this point it'd be doing him and everyone else a favor to put him out of his misery and have him taken of youtube! 
Quote from: Gunner65 on April 05, 2020, 07:32:21 PM
Dietrich claims again he has been all over the world - in combat zones - looking through a sniper scope.  Dietrich has barely left the State of California!  Perhaps to Arizona or New York State (once each).  He has NEVER left the United States!

So the Geo-Pathetic Historian is at it again, making manic-delusional claims.  On SKYPE last year, his major travel psycho-drama was having to take the garbage to the curb once a week! Does anyone remember last year he nearly collapsed emotionally because there were people entering his place to work on plumbing?

And this pussy excuse for a  jack-ass wants people to believe he was in a war zone!!  What a pathetic joke!  I told him he is an idiot.  The fucking moron continues to bring Pavel (me) up on his shows?!  What a psychologically fucked up and mentally disturbed individual!
Quote from: Barn_Yard_Fire on March 04, 2020, 08:47:44 PM
People don't seem to listen to it that much.  I downloaded the stats for the channel up to August 4, 2019 and the average time watched for the whole channel was 40 minutes.  Of all the uploads and livestreams, up to that point, not one video broke an average watch time of 1 hour.

Interestingly, the uploads with "many" views (which is 600-1000 for this channel) were averaging closer to 20 minutes of watch time on average!  These Dietrich LiveStreams are a waste of bandwidth!
People don't seem to listen to it that much.  I downloaded the stats for the channel up to August 4, 2019 and the average time watched for the whole channel was 40 minutes.  Of all the uploads and livestreams, up to that point, not one video broke an average watch time of 1 hour.
Last year, when Dietrich was wasting my time streaming this shit and managing the youtube account, I'd see the history of youtube videos he'd watch.  He was binge watching youtube on all sorts of topics: ww2 tanks, video games, anime .. all sorts of stuff.

One night, he ended the show with a peculiar phrase that had the word "godspeed" in it.  When I looked at his YouTube history, after the show, one of the 12 minute anime shorts was about speed and racing with Godspeed in it, and the anime ended with exactly the same phrase that Dietrich regurgitated to his idiotic mindless followers that night!

Peter Moon and Dietrich will stoop to new lows!  What a pathetic joke!
Quote from: Pelayo on February 19, 2020, 09:03:41 PM
Ha! ddd somehow thinks his detractors will suffer a fate worse than hell. No ddd, a lying, thieving, begging, perverted little asshole like you will receive that fate. You are probably the most worthless human being, and I'm be generous with that description of you, on the face of the Earth. Your worthless carcass should be sent into outer space to get it as far from Earth as possible, https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Ui3OdHbBFKTnlptX7rhU8xpS3uQ=/0x0:852x476/320x213/filters:focal(358x170:494x306):gifv():no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/58726287/tesla.0.gif

Detractors? There is no detractors! What you have is people protecting themselves against ddd's Meth-Nazi-Kabbalah induced mania because some of us still have ancestors that remember what happened when those assholes spewed their deranged hateful violent confused selves onto humanity the first time!
Listening to Gunner on https://www.patriotoutlaws.com/.  He just exposed Dietrich for copying the Highjump material from Ernst Zundel.  LOL ;D
Reading Historian David Livingstone's Transhumanism, sample excerpt from Chapter 11:
QuoteThe Nazis were the first political expression of the eugenics of Nietzschean
social Darwinism, and the occult beliefs that would come to be collectively referred
to as the doctrines of the New Age. The bizarre beliefs of the Nazis were not a
sudden anomaly, but an extension of Sabbatean occult traditions by way of the
group within the SRIA headed by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who were recognizable
by their use of the swastika, which they identified with the red cross of the
Rosicrucians. The doctrines of the Nazis merged the ideas of Bulwer-Lytton’s The
Coming Race and the theory of the Atlantean origins of the Aryans developed by
Blavatsky. Thus, Nazi teachings were founded on the idea that the Aryan race
colonized Central Asia, where they were responsible for transmitting the so-called
“Oriental Kabbalah,” which survived in Tibetan Buddhism.
According to Rabbi Antelman, Hitler was the deliberate creation of a ritual
participated in by his mother, Klara Polzl, and a Sabbatean Frankist. 3 In fact, Hitler’s
Jewish and African ancestry has been confirmed through recent genetic studies. 4
In Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel, Hennecke Kardel quotes a book called Before Hitler Came,
by a German Jew named Dietrich Bronder, which claims that not only Hitler,
but his leading associates were all also Jewish. As Abraham Duker noted, given the
extent of their assimilation into Christian societies, “It is not by accident that the
Nazi encyclopedia, Sigilla Vrei had nothing to say about the Frankists. Evidently the
Nazi genealogists preferred to leave them alone, fearful that such revelations might
embarrass many persons of importance.” 5
The book: https://www.scribd.com/document/347105338/Livingstone-Transhumanism-pdf
The Author: https://ordoabchao.ca/about
Quote from: Pelayo on February 16, 2020, 09:15:37 PM
Hey ddd, my advice to you is go down into the basement and grab a couple of mannequins, grease them up and celebrate President's day. And the lord have mercy on your soul.

;D ;D ;D LOL OMG That's called being in Deep! Good one Pelayo!

In the few convo's I suffered with Dietrich,  he would complain bitterly, having to go out and take the trash bin to the curb once a week!  And he wants people to believe he was a Marine!
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 16, 2020, 07:43:11 PM
Dietrich is going to speak for the dead and Star TreK?  More ranting egotistical lying bullshit.

Dietrich is a toxic liability. Professionally speaking.  Since it was shown that he is willing to lie about his personal involvement in events, as he did with the story of saving a woman from a burning car which he ripped off of V Clark, combined with his lies about the art, accounts, etc., Dietrich's stories become all suspect. People should demand proof when approaching or working with this toxic dumpster fire! No longer should anyone believe he met Philip K Dick, he burned ww2 documents, was consulted on movie 'Dead Mine' and refused a credit because they showed Japanese surrender of WW2, or Werewolves, the Dark Survivors (Animal Planet Special) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1525474/

He means to tell us that his Mama had a photo of hitler in a kimono but never took a photo of anything ever again.  Where is one piece of proof he was involved in anything that he claims! Nothing and never coming because he invents one lie and builds another quickly on top to distract from the previous invented story. 

It makes for an insecure nit-wit and anybody who has had to suffer his presence is subject to the emotional wrangling that stems from the insecurity about his lies!

The wikipedia on Peter Lavenda says that some occultist, of all things, named Alan Cabal came up with the accusation that Simon is Lavenda.  Wikipedia notes that Lavenda has denied it.  Why does Dietrich get so worked up about it instead of providing facts? (At times Dietrich is practically foaming at the mouth in his vehement insistence!)


When looking at the topics Lavenda writes of, Nazism, Hitlerism, Occultism, it runs counter to Dietrich's promotional agenda of Nazis and Satanism!
If you have listened to Dietrich's shows than you likely have heard him rave about the simon necronomicon being authored by Peter Lavenda!  He  has repeated this often enough!  That's how brainwashing is done. 

Now, I don't much know anything about it but recently I came across Scribd.com's description of simon the author.   [attachment=1,msg1376072] 

Seems people in New York are familiar with Simon! It certainly seems to have nothing to do with Peter Lavenda. So why has Dietrich ranted and keeps force-feeding more disinfo down the throat of his blind mass of brainwashed followers?  Tells them to avoid the Necronomicon.  Dietrich, from what I observed, draws on the tradition of opposite doers, in magic known as the left hand path.  It's quite possible that he himself uses the necronomicon.  Combined with his admiration of Gobbles nazi propaganda tactics, he points his followers one way and does the opposite!

When Dietrich, on the spot, came up with the accusation that John L. cast a spell that back fired, I'd bet my million that only someone that thought of such a ridiculous accusation, participated in that magical attack!

And keep in mind that Dietrich tells about himself that Michael Aquino was grooming Dietrich to take over the temple of Set! There is a reason why he includes this in his brainwashing sessions!  He is the biggest promoter of occultism and goes out of his way to promote himself as god and jesus - the Satanic agenda! 

Edit: not sure if that's readable so trying a close up of the blurb:  [attachment=2,msg1376072]
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 09, 2020, 10:37:11 PM
Next Saturday night at 8 pm EST: Tune in to Patriot Outlaws http://www.patriotoutlaws.com/

Fact or Fiction? The secret diary of Adm. Richard E. Byrd, Jr. and Operation Highjump
Patriot Outlaws Radio - February 15, 2020

Part 2: "The Battle of Antarctica" Feb 26, 1947

  Listened to the whole show. Quite the riot.
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 09, 2020, 10:17:39 PM
I do not have satellite or WIFI and I will NOT modify anything.

Got it!  I didn't know your tech situation!  Mine is different with access to a big city, so more options.

It is of interest to me.  I'd like to get my server online and host / stream shows dealing with hidden history.
If Arola wants to talk illegal porn, I'll send him Dietrich's porn list, the "pomore" file, so he can yack at the sick psycho he shills for!  Bunch of brainwashed victims supporting Dietrich.
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 09, 2020, 10:03:00 PM
But this does not connect to my landline.

Directly to your computer!  Then you'd arm your computer with a mic ... It's an idea. 

This is the sim/cell phone usb dongle that'd can connect you digitally.  The only advantage would be that you could hook a digital mic to your computer.
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 09, 2020, 09:37:09 PM
So let's hear it. The audio sucked.

The only option for digital that I can think of is to try a usb dongle for a sim card. You'd be connected to a cell tower/satellite. You'd need a data plan. It's a suggestion. -- This is interesting but a some of the details got muffled.
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 09, 2020, 08:21:05 PM
You can listen to it with me instead of Dietrich!  And you can critique MY ass!   :)

It's the patriotoutlaw link? Listening to the patriotoutlaws now. I don't listen to Dietrich!  Dietrich regurgitates the same schlock each year.  He goes by the calendar to spew each year the same defense of the nazis cabalist which he does not understand historically, except to regurgitate the same nazi propaganda he believes in!  The rest is filler with articles ripped off from the net and a cover for his attacks that in reality are the ravings of a delusional-paranoid psychotic.   I remember the first time he came out with the chicken thing (2019), he said Aquino showed him the video!?!  WTF When did he see Aquino.  Why is he seeing Aquino?!  People have to be brain washed stooges to not ask questions!

Do they want proof Dietrich runs a cult?  Try and leave!  And then they'll face the same tactics employed by Scientology!

To call Dietrich a pseudo historian is giving him too much credit!  He too is a brainwashed tool!  But he is deeply rooted in the tradition of pseudo scientists.  He does no research by his own admission!  He is a fantasist!
Part one: Fakes and Myths was last night. Mack will post the show soon after the post/edit. But the segment outline is here: https://rkcolejr.blogspot.com/

This is good research.  That's what historical research looks like.  Knowing how and who manufactured Richard Byrd documents helps to expose how  spin doctors (like Dietrich) operate.
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 05, 2020, 10:50:26 PM
Dietrich failed to remember the woman he claimed to heal! Where is she?

Name the woman in Oregon who Dietrich "saved" He has already mentioned her!  The woman who was "gang stalked" and attacked with vehicles and has kids and ran a business about bamboo

I am not sure who he or you mean but the name on the tip of my tongue is Heather Holman(?) ...  She had photos of Dietrich above her bed.

BUT I don't know anything about her or her relationship to Dietrich except what Dietrich would tell me about her and he brought her up numerous times.  She also has a youtube channel!

Dietrich gets really spun with any female that shows the slightest of recognition.  Dietrich always interprets it as complete infatuation with himself.

The only thing I believe on his long ass resume is that he was a model because he sure acts like a vain self-righteous prick!  Self centered and conceited.

People need to be wise when engaging this prick!  Reading Richard K. Cole's blog is definitely part of the education!
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 05, 2020, 10:34:34 PM
Now he has 3 women. Maria Gregorich, Lena Sheigh and her fake identities

Like the porn star Saro Oui that Dietrich used to create new Facebook pages and accounts

The Sora Aoi account on facebook was actually created by Laura Lee Solomon in days when she was trying to get Dietrich some recognition on facebook.  It is likely that lena has access to it and quite possibly posts there but since dietrich lost his accounts he has been using it to promote his crap.  He actually regularly sends pinterest emails from his google email account to the Sora Aoi email account!

It would be trivial to have the fake Sora Aoi account (and Dietrich the impersonator (he actually pretends to know Sora Aoi))  removed if the real Sora Aoi would have her FaceBook account check marked!  Might be worth mentioning to her that there is a dude on Facebook who "only works with facts" pretending she is into him and his fraudulent ways.

Maria Gregorich is one of those fools Dietrich would openly abuse when speaking with me!  He hated her, like many of the women in the Dietrich cult.  He would focus on her misfortunes and take pleasure in her misguided "infatuation" with Dietrich (according to narcissist Dietrich.)  Dietrich is mind manipulator and many get taken!
Quote from: Gunner65 on February 05, 2020, 10:30:04 PM
Lena is not his premiere girl.

He keeps Lena in the background as much as possible! In the days of Google+, Lena (Shei on Facebook) was apparently "attacked" after Dietrich used her real name on air.  Since then she has been using the "Shei" as cover and Dietrich is instructed to not mention her.  BUT she actually is the only real organizer and loyal member (due to the money owed) of the Dietrich cult.  She does the majority of work behind the scenes.  She runs, owns and posts all to the douglasdietrich.com website, she ran the Moriaha Mills facebook account (until it was shutdown) and when Dietrich used to say the Marquies Benefactress he always meant Lean Crane! 

I mention this so that people understand where the money is going!
So, Douglas Duane Dietrich is defrauding the public of their money, organizes gangstalking on the internet and misdirects law enforcement.  All to point the finger away from his own culpability! Just like a Daniel Arola NAZI propaganda meme!
One of the satanic victims of this cult is the so-called Marquis(?) Benefactress.  That is Lena Crane.  Why is she the Benefactress? And why is Dietrich raising all this money?  What Dietrich told me is that Lena Crane, at one point, lent $6,000 dollars to Laura Lee Soloman (former and still in contact (got the gig for Dietrich with Strange Tales Weekly)) and Lena never got the six thousand  back!  She collects the money donated through his website and sends Dietrich what ever material crap he whines about.   And I assume Lena keeps the money as payback for her "loan."

How is Dietrich's influence Satanic?  Lena would call me now and then through Skype (at this point I think it was at the behest of Dietrich).  She'd tell me how her husband was against her talking to Dietrich on most night! But Lena is too far gone into supporting Dietrich's gangstalking cult and ignored her husband.

The second time she called me she told me how she just fucked one of her clients at her business/massage studio.  She hung up when her husband disrupted her.  Lena is young and was innocent, God believing but I am sure Dietrich likes the satanic path she has chosen to go down.  Her and Dietrich get along having laughs at her hubby's small dick.  You may have heard Dietrich gush over someone he aided in inseminating.  He was talking about Lena.
The fact that Dietrich takes pleasure in other people's misery took me by surprise.  He would go out of his way dwelling on people's misery!  He'd go to great length to dwell on the misfortune of people like Justin White, John Warrington, Daniel Arola and Ramona Halitha Henry! I did not understand it until that quote above.  Dietirich is the gangstalker and operates on the premise outlined above!  He uses his weekly pessimistic shows to continue to gangstalk people that have seen through his bull shit or exposed his fraudulent ways!
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