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Midnight In The Desert

Started by Falkie2013, December 12, 2015, 01:13:40 AM

Corona Kitty

Quote from: Nobody on May 16, 2018, 01:51:16 AM
Am I the only relieved to hear BG described merely as a cesspool of gay porn?

It's ironically hysterical, since he's from San Francisco & crossdresses. He's proudly talked about this a few times.


Quote from: Catsmile on May 15, 2018, 01:24:28 AM
Or most ignorant of birth control. He must be making lots of cash just to keep insurance on all those children, much less feed and clothe them. Unless the state is keeping his kids up...
Maybe he married a woman of means...
I'm sure his gigs lay well, I mean pay well.
Not to start any more disagreements, but there are some serious ramifications of birth control that are not common knowledge.  For instance, in traditional birth control pils, there is an abortion-causing chemical included in each control pill as a last resort which kicks in, if the hormones fail to prevent a pregnancy.  Catholics seem to be the only people who acknowledge this.  And IUDs have been a malpractise nightmare, killing women.  That leaves barrier methods, which evidently Tom Tom, I mean Dave, doesn't seem interested in. 
It could be a blended family or some children might have different fathers through no fault of Tom Tom, I mean Dave. 


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 16, 2018, 01:45:08 AM
What do you think when you see Noory?
Evolution has been unkind to some.


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 15, 2018, 09:49:32 PM
Next broadcast won’t be tonight.

Yes, I see that now.  I am still trying to catch up on the thread.  8)


Quote from: monica on May 16, 2018, 02:06:03 AM
Maybe he married a woman of means...
I'm sure his gigs lay well, I mean pay well.
Not to start any more disagreements, but there are some serious ramifications of birth control that are not common knowledge.  For instance, in traditional birth control pils, there is an abortion-causing chemical included in each control pill as a last resort which kicks in, if the hormones fail to prevent a pregnancy.  Catholics seem to be the only people who acknowledge this.  And IUDs have been a malpractise nightmare, killing women.  That leaves barrier methods, which evidently Tom Tom, I mean Dave, doesn't seem interested in. 
It could be a blended family or some children might have different fathers through no fault of Tom Tom, I mean Dave.

Thanks for adding to my list of corporate pharma evils.

Always Always.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 16, 2018, 01:39:44 AM
Hey, maybe that's just what it takes to get your book made into a movie, an alien dick in your mouth. ;)
If that were true Mary, I'd be the king of all media!


Quote from: dsz on May 15, 2018, 10:03:09 PM
And what kind of craphole is KCAA for relaying something like that?

The kind that was willing to play Hoagland at one point.


Lasha has things under control:

By the way....I notice quite a few known trolls on this page pretending to be all nice and sweet in order to get Heather talking. So just be forewarned....they're just looking for info and will soon turn ugly, I would guess. Trolls...so predictable.


Quote from: GravitySucks on May 16, 2018, 03:42:34 AM
Lasha has things under control

I used to think Lasha was funny, but more and more it's just become sad.


Lasha really wants to moderate the info Heather and her facebook followers get to read.
It is looking more like a cult every day. Either you think and behave like they do or they'll put you on a list  ;D
What a fucking controlling bitch she is  :D


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on May 15, 2018, 10:50:38 PM
Or more crudely nab the text and dump it into a quote as in below where Douglas Dietrich discusses what went down

So Pate edits Dietrich's email? 


Quote from: HumanBeing on May 16, 2018, 04:07:03 AM
Lasha really wants to moderate the info Heather and her facebook followers get to read.
It is looking more like a cult every day. Either you think and behave like they do or they'll put you on a list  ;D
What a fucking controlling bitch she is  :D


Quote from: Kolchak on May 15, 2018, 05:41:30 PM
LNM doesn’t have terrestrial affiliates, right? It’s an internet show. They can swear up a storm.

Pretty sure it's just online. If the show had terrestrial affiliates, then lack of a dump button would be a legit concern. Working in radio myself I can tell you that the dump button is rarely used. Maybe 1 in 200 calls needs to be edited for bad content. This is a super lame excuse for Heather not to do her show.


Quote from: awguy on May 16, 2018, 04:23:40 AM
Pretty sure it's just online. If the show had terrestrial affiliates, then lack of a dump button would be a legit concern. Working in radio myself I can tell you that the dump button is rarely used. Maybe 1 in 200 calls needs to be edited for bad content. This is a super lame excuse for Heather not to do her show.

Honestly, I'd pay $5 a month just to hear people swear at Heather and rip apart hack guests. That would be a real niche in the paranormal radio genre.


Hi Lasha! You pathological lying sack of shit :D Are you trying to get in Heather's pants?
The day Heather recognizes you for what you are she'll be so much better off. Fucking lunatic  ;D

Chad Jacobs

I'm short on details here maybe someone can catch me up. I know that Heather's show on Tuesday was a repeat of Monday, but I didn't realize that it had something to do with a "dump button" (I'm not a Facebook member).  If this is true and Heather won't do the show without one we have a possible solution (other than LMH adding one).  She could go back to The Dark Matter Network as a lead into Dave's show (or as a followup). She would have to change the name, but could probably keep everything else the same. I for one would pay another $5.00 for her show's feed/archive if she keeps doing interesting interviews.


Quote from: Nobody on May 16, 2018, 01:51:16 AM
Am I the only one disappointed to hear BG described merely as a cesspool of gay porn?

Is there not enough for you? Activate turbo mode and you’ll be VERY satisfied.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on May 15, 2018, 09:20:55 PM
Dave #2 is Mormon? 🙄

praise Joseph Smith!

prasie multiple young wives!

I wasn't paying attention to where he said he was Mormon... not that I care. As someone raised in a wacky religion, I like to learn about other wacky religions. ;)  (teasing..sort of)

If you're  a fan of Bill Paxton, I highly suggest the show Big Love. It's actually hilarious. Plus at least one of his wives is hot. ;D  LOL


Hey Chad, yes.. supposedly there were two issues. One was fixed, and the other is the dump button.  She can't do a show w/out it, apparently. (SO why the hell didn't she/they think of this before starting?   ::) ::) )


Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 16, 2018, 05:05:00 AM
I wasn't paying attention to where he said he was Mormon... not that I care. As someone raised in a wacky religion, I like to learn about other wacky religions. ;)  (teasing..sort of)

If you're  a fan of Bill Paxton, I highly suggest the show Big Love. It's actually hilarious. Plus at least one of his wives is hot. ;D  LOL


Hey Chad, yes.. supposedly there were two issues. One was fixed, and the other is the dump button.  She can't do a show w/out it, apparently. (SO why the hell didn't she/they think of this before starting?   ::) ::) )

Which wacky religion? ???


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on May 15, 2018, 09:38:23 PM
I cannot get past how every comment, every sentence is word for word something I've heard Art say.  Same pauses, same emphasis on certain words.

Stupid girl, as a supposed long time fan listener she truly thinks if she can just memorize Art's diction and repeat his comments and questions that's all there is to it?  Has anyone ever successfully done that with any other entertainer?  Did anyone do that with, say, Johnny Carson?  Of course not - it's absurd.

She must have recorded literally hundreds of questions and comments, and spend thousands of hours practicing repeating them.  Like a fucking Art Bell tribute band.  Her performance is a pastiche of old Art Bell shows.  She ought to call it Midnight Pastiche in the Desert.  It would be perfect, her two digit IQ fans wouldn't know what that meant, but would find it sophisticated.

What's the quickest way to get someone to love you? Reflect them in what you do and say. Your voice, your mannerisms..  if the person falls for you, or wants to work with you (despite saying they don't want a replacement whose trying to be them), then that says more about that person then it probably does the one doing the mimicking.    Art seems to have really fucking fallen for it.  Art was pretty damn full of himself. I don't know if he was a narcissist (which is what I think Heather is), but we all heard him read his own book.  He thought he was the Shit.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 16, 2018, 05:07:15 AM
Which wacky religion? ???

We were talking about it yesterday. Sorry you missed out. You haven't been around as much lately. Everything good?


QuoteFor most of a half-century, no book on cults was complete without a chapter on the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) and its founder, Herbert W. Armstrong. The late Walter Martin, in his classic "The Kingdom of the Cults," devoted 34 pages to the group, documenting how Armstrong borrowed freely from Seventh-day Adventist, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormon doctrines. And it was during my own research and writing on cults and new religions in 1988 that I became aware that something unusual was happening.

Chad Jacobs

Dave's a Mormon?  I've been listening to the guy for many years and didn't know that. Well, he could be on the 8th rung of the Path and I would still find him to be a compelling broadcaster and generally nice guy.


Quote from: dsz on May 15, 2018, 11:11:21 PM
Would it surprise you to know an hour in and her repeat is still beating Dave on TalkStreamLive.

It would surprise me to learn that anyone who knew what they were doing was willing to listen to anything via TSL.

TSL was thoroughly dissected here last year.  This is what a very clever member of BG had to say about the site:

Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on June 05, 2017, 12:36:58 AM

QuoteLOL - There's almost 30 scripts running on the player page. Whoever set up the talkstream page knew what they were doing as far as the js goes. Anyone that connects to that page has a web beacon follow them around the net. I won't use the players because they send your mac address to whoever is running the site / stream. That means you can be blocked from the stream unless you use a different device if they decide to black-list your device. They're using a shoutcast server though, using the standard port. [emphasis added]

Speaking for myself, that is not the kind of site I'd care to load in my browser if it could be helped.

Quote from: dsz on May 15, 2018, 11:11:21 PM
We may have underestimated the power of Heather.

It is also possible that people (not just you) keen on Heather Wade are innocently attempting to misrepresent something they do not fully understand in their enthusiasm to "boost" her (and should consider that possibility).

If it's any help, Art Bell tried to make the exact same point last year by claiming HW was in the TSL Top Fifty.  Unfortunately, no one seems to be able to produce any actual numbers (e.g. number of listeners) to put the rankings into any kind of meaningful context.  KR is on record as saying DMRN was bleeding subscriptions every month HW was hosting, yet last year's TSL Top Fifty listing was ranking her with the likes of Leo LaPorte and Dave Ramsey.

Huh?  That doesn't make any more sense in 2018 than it did in 2017.

Quote from: dsz on May 15, 2018, 11:11:21 PM
#StillWinning... ... somehow

If you can throw up some meaningful numbers, I might agree with that assertion. 

I don't begrudge Heather any legitimate success she may enjoy, but the idea that TSL determines who's hot and who's not is ridiculous.  It's a single site that does not give listener numbers and should be treated as such.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 16, 2018, 05:16:03 AM
We were talking about it yesterday. Sorry you missed out. You haven't been around as much lately. Everything good?


I was here. Glad you noticed. ::)

So, you were raised Mormon?


Quote from: Taco Bell on May 15, 2018, 10:25:06 PM
There's no dump button when you die

That IS the final dump.  :'(


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on May 16, 2018, 05:36:24 AM
I was here. Glad you noticed. ::)

So, you were raised Mormon?

No, I was not..  but I like learning about the church. 

You weren't posting as much.. not in this thread. I would have noticed you.  ;)

Quote from: Chad Jacobs on May 16, 2018, 05:19:03 AM
Dave's a Mormon?  I've been listening to the guy for many years and didn't know that. Well, he could be on the 8th rung of the Path and I would still find him to be a compelling broadcaster and generally nice guy.

On the one hand, it seems to be a rumor. On the other, I seem to recall him saying something to that effect.   Makes no difference to me personally. Just another interesting tidbit.  I'm wading through last night's posts to see if he said anything. Then I can look at his previous posts. Guessing the answer is in there somewhere.


Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 16, 2018, 05:39:45 AM
No, I was not..  but I like learning about the church. 

You weren't posting as much.. not in this thread. I would have noticed you.  ;)

On the one hand, it seems to be a rumor. On the other, I seem to recall him saying something to that effect.   Makes no difference to me personally. Just another interesting tidbit.  I'm wading through last night's posts to see if he said anything. Then I can look at his previous posts. Guessing the answer is in there somewhere.

I posted some. The thread moves pretty fast these days though. You need to keep a close eye out for my gems. ;)

So, what wacky religion were you raised in?


Quote from: El Chorro on May 15, 2018, 10:32:47 PM
Dave is a flirty guy! I bet he has a lot of...children.

It seems to be a requirement to flirt with the older ladies..  and when he's old enough, he'll be flirting with the younger ones.  The really old guys are the charmers. LOL

Bart Ell

Quote from: mv on May 16, 2018, 01:32:35 AM
I want to know if the BartEllLegacy.com store sells delay dumps.

I usually have it before they even know they need it.

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