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The General Musings of Falkie2013 (George Senda, The Guy From Pittsburgh)

Started by heater, December 19, 2013, 09:37:40 PM

Should this thread be removed from the forum?

1296 (66.7%)
647 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 1937


Don't know any bulldogs who've been buying either the book or Immodium but here's a dog of a cookbook of another color. ...

The Guy From Pittsburgh (tm) Talks About George Noory's Late Night Snacks Cookbook !!! ...


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 12:53:50 AM
Don't know any bulldogs who've been buying either the book or Immodium but here's a dog of a cookbook of another color. ...

The Guy From Pittsburgh (tm) Talks About George Noory's Late Night Snacks Cookbook !!! ...

Falkie kills it again!

To answer the question posed on the vidyo, though:

Aliens Like Strawberry Ice Cream


I would say, though, Falkie, that you should really give curry a chance.

I'll give you a recipe from the Tertiary Imam late night snack book:

1. Cook whole wheat, organic Spaghetti noodles till their "Al Dente", as the Mexicans call them
2. Once cooked, put in table-spoon(s) of Thai Curry paste to taste
3. Then pour in gluten free Oriental orange sauce to taste

It is awesome as hell and it'll clear your sinuses right up. It is good for bulldog diarrhea too. If your cats ever have explosive diarrhea, you should make them this dish "Courtesy of the Imam".


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 02:16:20 AM
I would say, though, Falkie, that you should really give curry a chance.

I'll give you a recipe from the Tertiary Imam late night snack book:

1. Cook whole wheat, organic Spaghetti noodles till their "Al Dente", as the Mexicans call them
2. Once cooked, put in table-spoon(s) of Thai Curry paste to taste
3. Then pour in gluten free Oriental orange sauce to taste

It is awesome as hell and it'll clear your sinuses right up. It is good for bulldog diarrhea too. If your cats ever have explosive diarrhea, you should make them this dish "Courtesy of the Imam".

I lived in a hotel run by Indians for 3 years back in the 1970s & the smell of curry permeated the place. I don't like to eat or smell the stuff. Sorry.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 02:21:06 AM
I lived in a hotel run by Indians for 3 years back in the 1970s & the smell of curry permeated the place. I don't like to eat or smell the stuff. Sorry.

You can replace the curry with red pepper. It is not as good but it is still good.


I think Falkie should do a youtube video on the Roswell incident --- Alien Crash, Elaborate Hoax, or Stalin's Secret Weapon?


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 02:21:06 AM
I lived in a hotel run by Indians for 3 years back in the 1970s & the smell of curry permeated the place. I don't like to eat or smell the stuff. Sorry.
Falkie2013, I heard that you are winding down from bellgab.com . Welcome back Falkie.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: jazmunda on December 26, 2013, 09:47:07 PM
I thought I was the only one that Falkie was sending private sweet nothings to. :(

Typical favouritism to the Aussies! I never got one...bastard.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 26, 2013, 11:13:45 PM
I now have a big $200 in that brokerage account. Hardly a fortune. I had a TEMPORARY problem with funds.

And I'm going to get Noory and Birnes and someone else to autograph the book and auction it off for charity with a portion going to me to pay for a second book for my collection and to cover mailing costs back and forth.
In fact I have an idea to get everyone mentioned in the book to autograph it if possible.

Video in 20 minutes.

^^^ Tell me this guy isn't for fucking real! Jaz; c'mon man, we're from similar stock, tell me this is fucking made up.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 12:53:50 AM
Don't know any bulldogs who've been buying either the book or Immodium but here's a dog of a cookbook of another color. ...

The Guy From Pittsburgh (tm) Talks About George Noory's Late Night Snacks Cookbook !!! ...

He hates Noory, buys his cookbook, to make more money for Noory, who he hates? Yeeeeaaahhh...I get it,

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: c337pilot on December 27, 2013, 03:13:41 AM
Falkie2013, I heard that you are winding down from bellgab.com . Welcome back Falkie.

That was to try and get people begging him to come back; He'd so far up his own arse there's no way he can stay away, he might miss the attention.


The pud musta been saving those posts. Of course, I'll never see them.

Thanks for the kind wishes, pilot person.
I'm wondering about Noory's guest tonight. Ever notice that astrologers never seem to tell us about their failures ? Same with psychics like the late Sylvia Brown ?
And they're always hawking their products or services.

You never hear them say :

" You're gonna lose your job, your house will burn down, your cat will die of cancer, your car will be wrecked, etc. ... "

I got an email from an astrologer who said everything in 2014 was gonna be great and she would tell me all if I sent her $80 bucks for a reading.
Better I should keep the $80 and use it to make me more money and more videos and commmentary and equipment/books, etc.

As to the caller that says you make your own bad luck, what a crock ! Shit happens to people that is beyond their control. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

As to Roswell, I read an article where they said we should quit talking about it since no new witnesses are coming forward and no new proof of the incident has been unearthed.
I hope to get to Roswell eventually to do some research on it but theres a supposed crash in Montana that NO one has investigated and it happened in the 1950s.
Even the current editor of the local paper didn't know about it yet its prominently mentioned in a Donald E. Keyhoe book.
We'll probably know what's really on the moon before we ever get told about what really happened at Roswell.
However, there are so many secrets held by our government that they won't reveal while openness is happening in countries all over. Its to be expected when the head of OUR government continues to hide his own personal information while making light of the UFO question AND while 48% of people in a recent Huffington Post poll now believe we have been visited by extraterrestials.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 03:45:23 AM
As to Roswell, I read an article where they said we should quit talking about it since no new witnesses are coming forward and no new proof of the incident has been unearthed.
I hope to get to Roswell eventually to do some research on it but theres a supposed crash in Montana that NO one has investigated and it happened in the 1950s.
Even the current editor of the local paper didn't know about it yet its prominently mentioned in a Donald E. Keyhoe book.
We'll probably know what's really on the moon before we ever get told about what really happened at Roswell.
However, there are so many secrets held by our government that they won't reveal while openness is happening in countries all over. Its to be expected when the head of OUR government continues to hide his own personal information while making light of the UFO question AND while 48% of people in a recent Huffington Post poll now believe we have been visited by extraterrestials.

That one lady with the Area 51 book basically said Uncle Joe Stalin sent over some Nazi aircraft with Japanese people inside it to scare us. This is what an Area 51 insider supposedly told her.


Her name is Annie Jacobsen:

The craft, she writes, wasn’t an alien spaceship, as many have since theorized, nor was it a weather balloon, as the U.S. military alleged in its clumsy cover story. It was, according to Jacobsen, a Nazi-inspired Soviet spy plane with Cyrillic letters embossed on the hull, crewed by malformed adolescents, two of whom survived the crash.

Stalin used captured Nazi aircraft designs to build the plane, according to Jacobsen. She says he had Mengele provide surgically altered “grotesque child-sized aviators” who were supposed to climb out of the aircraft and be mistaken for visitors from Mars -- to sow the kind of confusion in the U.S. created by Orson Welles’s 1938 “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast.

The wreckage and the comatose survivors found their way to the Nevada test site, where Area 51 engineers may have experimented on them for decades, Jacobsen says.


Yorkshire pud

Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:56:13 AM
Her name is Annie Jacobsen:

The craft, she writes, wasn’t an alien spaceship, as many have since theorized, nor was it a weather balloon, as the U.S. military alleged in its clumsy cover story. It was, according to Jacobsen, a Nazi-inspired Soviet spy plane with Cyrillic letters embossed on the hull, crewed by malformed adolescents, two of whom survived the crash.

Stalin used captured Nazi aircraft designs to build the plane, according to Jacobsen. She says he had Mengele provide surgically altered “grotesque child-sized aviators” who were supposed to climb out of the aircraft and be mistaken for visitors from Mars -- to sow the kind of confusion in the U.S. created by Orson Welles’s 1938 “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast.

The wreckage and the comatose survivors found their way to the Nevada test site, where Area 51 engineers may have experimented on them for decades, Jacobsen says.


This Annie Jacobson has a vivid imagination and seemingly jack shit knowledge of anything. Especially how things fly. Reading the revue it appears she's rehashed readily available information about the U2, A12 and no doubt the SR71; but when it gets to filling it out with bollox, she's a bit lost for the things that make it a reference; facts.


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 03:56:13 AM
Her name is Annie Jacobsen:

The craft, she writes, wasn’t an alien spaceship, as many have since theorized, nor was it a weather balloon, as the U.S. military alleged in its clumsy cover story. It was, according to Jacobsen, a Nazi-inspired Soviet spy plane with Cyrillic letters embossed on the hull, crewed by malformed adolescents, two of whom survived the crash.

Stalin used captured Nazi aircraft designs to build the plane, according to Jacobsen. She says he had Mengele provide surgically altered “grotesque child-sized aviators” who were supposed to climb out of the aircraft and be mistaken for visitors from Mars -- to sow the kind of confusion in the U.S. created by Orson Welles’s 1938 “War of the Worlds” radio broadcast.

The wreckage and the comatose survivors found their way to the Nevada test site, where Area 51 engineers may have experimented on them for decades, Jacobsen says.


If the russians had that kind of tech then they would have used it. So would we. Don't believe it happened that way.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 12:53:50 AM
Don't know any bulldogs who've been buying either the book or Immodium but here's a dog of a cookbook of another color. ...

The Guy From Pittsburgh (tm) Talks About George Noory's Late Night Snacks Cookbook !!! ...

Were you drunk?  Serious question, I know you brought up eggnog - but compared to other videos you my friend were tilted a bit.

The 1 minute of sound effects before the show for your "intro" and then the rip on G.Nooray's ill fated mention of sugar suppliment on page 217.  Then refer to your notes and forgot where you were going or what page he discusses sugar...I was grasping on your entire video here to give you benefit of doubt. 

Really blasting the book based on it's Alien overtures and conjecture that Nooray DID throw into the cook book was for the comedic value i'm sure and with keeping in the theme.
The recipe that you bring up about strawberries or lamberries or whatever it was you said, you laughed cause Nooray says it's been lost in antiquity but then you say "I've never heard that before, I've got a whole slew of paranormal books back here"  - paranormals not antiquity.  Sorry.

Then of your massive shelf collection of cookbooks, but you don't know how a cook book is supposed to be??, but you're reviewing one...and don't know if the recipes are genuine recipes or not...some expert =P

I guess my last critic would be...maybe a little show prep and how about if you're gonna add sound effects you do them in post...since you obviously had to post edit your show to get it ready for youtube...a little voice sync too.

overall and I'm unsure how the other 5 people that viewed your latest video feel...But this one wasn't up to par with the others.   I did however find the constant drinking while talking to be a big distraction, and the magnet image of winston churchill falling to be classic falkie.

Buy a soundboard if you're going to mix in audio sound clips or get a better software solution. 



Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 05:02:33 AM

If the Russians had that kind of tech then they would have used it. So would we. Don't believe it happened that way.


Quote from: Falkie2013 on December 27, 2013, 05:02:33 AM

If the russians had that kind of tech then they would have used it. So would we. Don't believe it happened that way.

The Russians had nukes, too, but they didn't drop 'em on us.



I believe my new avatar makes me an expert on all things Russians.


Quote from: steelbot on December 27, 2013, 05:02:46 AM
...a little voice sync too.

I initially read that as voice synth. It would be cool, Falkie, if you had a vocoder and a keyboard. Maybe some dry ice fog and lazer lights in the background, and an Edgar Winter wig. You could descend into the camera view from the ceiling on a suspended platform while multi-colored lazers shot in all directions while you played a brilliant synth riff accompanied by a mechanized drum beat.

And you should put purple vests on your cats with bat wings on them and call them "the incorrigible Falkettes". They could tear apart old phone books in the background illumined by soft, electric light.

Bart Ell

Wocka Wocka Mama Slappas! I'm still feeling a little high after my successful review of the Snoortrain cookbook review. For those who missed it, here is the link


I still have not heard back from my business partner, which is nothing new. At one point I was paying someone many dollars a month in order to get rid of my payday loans and they never paid a cent towards those! I should have researched it a bit better (lack of research seems to always haunt me) but why would someone pretend to do something only to take my hard earned money? There are months when I am short of money and have to ask internet strangers to float me a couple of bucks in order to buy a needed satellite radio or other somesuch important device, like a cookbook.

Me and Miss Fluffypants were sharing a tin of chicken & liver earlier and reminiscing about the days when the most important things to a man were his honor and his word. If a man said he was going to be there then you could count on it. Also, if he said he was leaving the he would do exactly that. No turning back, no showing up a day later like nothing happened. Men were real men then. It must have been much easier back then, without all those internet bullies and all their bullification.

Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory... cough, cough, ESCUE ME, cough, cough, ESCUE ME, Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory cough, cough ESCUE ME, Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory Noory

Hold on, just had a fantastic idea! I should make a video review of the Noorstrom cookbook! I will hold it up to the camera so everyone can see the mirror image of it, I will toss it into a garbage bin (if I remember how to use the garbage instead of the floor) and then I will mention I will mail the book to Nonoman to sign so I can auction it off and give all the money to the kitties - minus shipping & handling fees, naturally. I am sure Gorge would love this idea, knowing I could have 2 or 3 people bidding on it. Let me quickly do the math.... 10 bucks for the book because I will need another one for my collection and there is no way I will lose money to charity, another 10 in  shipping... there is no way this is a bad idea!



So Bart Ell  are you going to Trade mark your name too....I want to see  The man from BellGab (tm) on my youtube channel.


Quote from: Grov505th on December 27, 2013, 09:58:31 AM
So Bart Ell  are you going to Trade mark your name too....I want to see  The man from BellGab (tm) on my youtube channel.
Faulkiewannabe tm




Quote from: Yorkshire pud on December 27, 2013, 10:52:37 AM

Bad? I think he's pretty good really.

Well I think to up his game, he has to talk about the city he lives in and he has to go into other threads, but I would have to agree he is good.
Just has to polish it up a little.


Quote from: tertiaryimam on December 27, 2013, 07:44:01 AM

And you should put purple vests on your cats with bat wings on them and call them "the incorrigible Falkettes". They could tear apart old phone books in the background illumined by soft, electric light.

Now this would be GREAT content and could possibly launch Falkie's career as a paranormal investigator!! Not sure if Falkie has the space in his apartment for a full blown kittie stage and lighting arrangement. Surely where there is a will, there is a way. Yes?

To others here who have constructively critiqued falkies latest video on youtube.

The Guy From Pittsburgh (tm) Talks About George Noory's Late Night Snacks Cookbook !!! ...

I agree about the opening music and that it needs to be done in post-production. But falkie is still in the early stages as a producer and from my understanding he will be improving production quality and content in the upcoming months. I can do without the first 3 minutes of the various sound effects, but in time i suppose. Obviously to Falkie, those noises are dear to him and have meaning, so I wont judge, only GOD can judge him.

I actually think Falkie did a good job reviewing the book. He did reference specific pages and looks like he did his homework. Steel, I also noticed that Falkie was partaking in adult spirits. And there were moments were he looked a little tipsy, but GOOD FOR HIM, it is the holiday season after all and Im sure it helped him to stay warm. It definetly would be interesting to see Falkie completely drunk and wasted on youtube!! I am all about new and creative content to bring in more viewers/subscribers/fans, Just as long as no profanity is used while intoxicated.

I sort of freaked out when I saw one of Falkies pictures fly across the room as soon as he mentioned Chukie the evil demon posessed doll!!!! WEIRD!!! Falkies home may be haunted for all we know!!  If so, there is lots of material in that room alone for paranormal investigations!!!

I also feel that 18 minutes is WAAY too long for a youtube video!!, and I told Falkie that myself. But, I guess that is where future editing skills will come in handy. Its really hard for most people to commit to an 18 minute video. I say make them no more than 4 minutes! This is where show prep and post production skills come in handy. I hope to see this improved upon.

My major complaint, is that Falkie recommended that viewers NOT spend $10 on the book and then he throws the book away in the trash.  :(  I made sure to email Falkie and tell him that was a NO-NO!! Especially since he was going to try to collaborate with snoory and the other sci-fi authors in the book and promote it to raise money for the Pahrump S.P.C.A.  I dont think George is too happy with the video now. Now if Falkie can get Mr. Arthur William Bell to autograph noory's cook book, then I think he could really get a pretty penny for it at auction.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: littlechris on December 27, 2013, 02:21:25 PM
  I made sure to email Falkie and tell him that was a NO-NO!! Especially since he was going to try to collaborate with snoory and the other sci-fi authors in the book and promote it to raise money for the Pahrump S.P.C.A.  I dont think George is too happy with the video now. Now if Falkie can get Mr. Arthur William Bell to autograph noory's cook book, then I think he could really get a pretty penny for it at auction.

Yeah. well that's what happens when you don't think things through. He's the sort of guy who would sit (when he was much younger and slimmer)  on the end of a tree branch and saw it off between him and the trunk.

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