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Started by BigWorm, July 14, 2008, 01:07:23 AM


"JC Webster III" is going crazy on Facebook with rants against your Satanic Halloween decorations.


No , the voice of JC was used with noory as a few different characters .. So im thinking its someone who works for the show


Quote from: Jackstar on October 09, 2013, 06:19:44 PM
I have heard him on Noory's show repeatedly. I assumed that he was a paid shill.

The fake JC, paid indeed, and goes by the alias UFO Phil.


I was just listening to some of the shows that Jazmuda uploaded. JC was on the 1999-09-15 show for a full hour and a caller at 37.35 said he sounded like "Liberal Charlie" to which JC replied "Charlie Liberal? That name's familiar…" in a very coy manner.

I'm wondering, was it ever established that these were the same people?

Uncle Duke

Quote from: mikealden on November 01, 2013, 05:38:00 PM
I was just listening to some of the shows that Jazmuda uploaded. JC was on the 1999-09-15 show for a full hour and a caller at 37.35 said he sounded like "Liberal Charlie" to which JC replied "Charlie Liberal? That name's familiar…" in a very coy manner.

I'm wondering, was it ever established that these were the same people?

Is/was "Charlie Liberal" a caller to Art's shows or is that the air name of another broadcaster?


Charlie Liberal was a frequent caller into Art's show in the mid 90s. As his name suggests he was a big defender of Bill Clinton and often clashed with Art when it came to politics.

Next time I hear a call from Charlie Liberal I will keep an ear open for any similarities with JC.

Uncle Duke

Quote from: jazmunda on November 01, 2013, 05:49:23 PM
Charlie Liberal was a frequent caller into Art's show in the mid 90s. As his name suggests he was a big defender of Bill Clinton and often clashed with Art when it came to politics.

Next time I hear a call from Charlie Liberal I will keep an ear open for any similarities with JC.

Thanks Jaz, back in those days I only got to hear the last 20-25 minutes of Art's show as I was getting ready for work.  Don't remember ever hearing Mr. Liberal.

As for JC, I've always assumed he is what I've heard guys in talk radio refer to as a "shill caller".  These folks call talk shows at the behest of the station to stir up the pot and fire up real callers to phone in, usually on political left/right issues.   WLW here in Ohio is famous for its shills, going back to the late 80s through today.  I got to know some of the on-air talent from WLW while doing some work for them, and they related a few of the stories.  Most were on-air personalities from markets far removed from our local area, assume it's still the same today. 

So does anyone think Art, or even George, uses/has used shills? 


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 01, 2013, 06:08:20 PM
Thanks Jaz, back in those days I only got to hear the last 20-25 minutes of Art's show as I was getting ready for work.  Don't remember ever hearing Mr. Liberal.

As for JC, I've always assumed he is what I've heard guys in talk radio refer to as a "shill caller".  These folks call talk shows at the behest of the station to stir up the pot and fire up real callers to phone in, usually on political left/right issues.   WLW here in Ohio is famous for its shills, going back to the late 80s through today.  I got to know some of the on-air talent from WLW while doing some work for them, and they related a few of the stories.  Most were on-air personalities from markets far removed from our local area, assume it's still the same today. 

So does anyone think Art, or even George, uses/has used shills?

I would bet my last dollar that Dave does. I am a bit "iffy" on Art. He says he doesn't but the pilot over area 51 makes me think otherwise.


Quote from: onan on November 01, 2013, 06:10:59 PM
I would bet my last dollar that Dave does. I am a bit "iffy" on Art. He says he doesn't but the pilot over area 51 makes me think otherwise.

Do you think that was a setup? i never believed it really was a guy flying over Area 51 but i never thought it was a setup perpetrated by Art. Say it aint so.


Quote from: jazmunda on November 01, 2013, 06:20:26 PM
Do you think that was a setup? i never believed it really was a guy flying over Area 51 but i never thought it was a setup perpetrated by Art. Say it aint so.

Well the call was definitely faked. A pilot in a propellar driven plane isn't going to hear sirens on the ground at 1000 feet. Did Art know? Hard to say. But since radio is often entertainment... it is often "staged".


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 01, 2013, 06:08:20 PM
Thanks Jaz, back in those days I only got to hear the last 20-25 minutes of Art's show as I was getting ready for work.  Don't remember ever hearing Mr. Liberal.

As for JC, I've always assumed he is what I've heard guys in talk radio refer to as a "shill caller".  These folks call talk shows at the behest of the station to stir up the pot and fire up real callers to phone in, usually on political left/right issues.   WLW here in Ohio is famous for its shills, going back to the late 80s through today.  I got to know some of the on-air talent from WLW while doing some work for them, and they related a few of the stories.  Most were on-air personalities from markets far removed from our local area, assume it's still the same today. 

So does anyone think Art, or even George, uses/has used shills?

Oh, yeah, good 'ol WLW.  I remember Bill Cunningham's original night show in the '80s.  He was a lot funnier with his original show with Seg and I'm sure he had shill callers.  Remember the good 'ol boy trucker, Kenny, that used to call in?  Kind of sounded like Slim Pickens, at least to me.  I think he started every other sentence with "I tell you what..."  ;D


Old JC = Loony Christain Warrior
New JC = UFO Phil

I want to vomit after watching that because this guy is gross in all ways, but it's sound clips inserted, or overlayed.

Uncle Duke

Quote from: ItsOver on November 01, 2013, 06:39:16 PM
Oh, yeah, good 'ol WLW.  I remember Bill Cunningham's original night show in the '80s.  He was a lot funnier with his original show with Seg and I'm sure he had shill callers.  Remember the good 'ol boy trucker, Kenny, that used to call in?  Kind of sounded like Slim Pickens, at least to me.  I think he started every other sentence with "I tell you what..."  ;D

Yes, I remember Kenny from Norwood.   Sadly I think he was real.  Same with the guy who called himself the "Prince of Labor".  I know he was real.  Best shill on WLW currently goes by the name "Richard from Indian Hills".


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 01, 2013, 06:48:44 PM
Yes, I remember Kenny from Norwood.   Sadly I think he was real.  Same with the guy who called himself the "Prince of Labor".  I know he was real.  Best shill on WLW currently goes by the name "Richard from Indian Hills".

That was him, "Kenny from Norwood."  ;D  If Kenny was a real "truck'n good 'ol boy," I wouldn't be surprised.  If not, he was certainly a good actor.  He was good enough, I never even thought of him being a shill, at the time.  Kenny was pretty entertaining, along with Cunningham's dead-pan exchanges.  Bill's old show was right before The Truck'n Bozo's, at midnight.

I vaguely recall "The Prince of Labor."  I'm no longer in the Cincinnati area, but I'll tune into WLW on occasion, via IHeart.  Oh, yeah, "Richard from Indian Hills."  :D


Quote from: Uncle Duke on November 01, 2013, 06:08:20 PM
Thanks Jaz, back in those days I only got to hear the last 20-25 minutes of Art's show as I was getting ready for work.  Don't remember ever hearing Mr. Liberal.

As for JC, I've always assumed he is what I've heard guys in talk radio refer to as a "shill caller".  These folks call talk shows at the behest of the station to stir up the pot and fire up real callers to phone in, usually on political left/right issues.   WLW here in Ohio is famous for its shills, going back to the late 80s through today.  I got to know some of the on-air talent from WLW while doing some work for them, and they related a few of the stories.  Most were on-air personalities from markets far removed from our local area, assume it's still the same today. 

So does anyone think Art, or even George, uses/has used shills?

Perhaps george is a shill, working for Art.


Do tell.
Remember a few years ago when there was a mild scandal about Rush Limbaugh using fake callers?He vehemently denied  it. It got started when somebody claimed to have seen a help wanted ad for people to call radio shows. I think he gets more real callers than he could hope to get on the air, so why would be need to hire fake ones. I think even George Noory gets enough real callers. My theory is that the ads were for what he calls "seminar callers".

Has anybody heard of something called "Cash box?" I had never heard of it but somebody mentioned it on a forum( I don't think it was this one) discussing Michael Savage. I guess that some shows, in order to squeeze in a few more commercials, tape and edit in such a way, even speeding it up and removing or reducing pauses. Thats how I understand it anyway. As I said, Id never heard of it. The practice is sort of frowned upon, I guess. Of course to have it work, you need to have some advertisers in the first place.


Clear Channel syndicates Rush Limbaugh and Coast.  Coast is owned by Clear Channel and Rush is not.  Clear Channel is the largest owner of radio stations in the US, and many of those stations are music stations.  Clear Channel also operates a division that hires voice-over talent, some of whom are hired to call in to the music stations as regular, whacko personalities.  They frequently work from scripts.  You've all heard them.  Liberal political sites jumped on this and claimed Rush has paid callers.  I've never heard anyone who I would think fits this category on Rush's show.

JC, on the other hand, sounds exactly like one of these paid callers.  I don't think Art would stoop to this, but I would not be surprised if JC had not done this kind of work int he past.  He is just too polished and quick to be the type of lunatic he portrays.

Cash Box is a music and radio publication, something like Billboard.  There was a big controversy a few years ago in which radio stations which played shows on a delayed basis, would speed up the shows to get in more commercials.  The software to do that, without changing the pitch of voices, is easily available - maybe even free stuff such as Audacity will do it. Yes, you do need advertisers, and I suspect the economic crash in 2008 killed the practice.


The JC in the last 10 years or so sounds different to me than the original 1990s JC.
I think Noory uses a JC impersonator, where Art's original JC was a real caller.


Quote from: onan on November 01, 2013, 06:10:59 PM
I would bet my last dollar that Dave does. I am a bit "iffy" on Art. He says he doesn't but the pilot over area 51 makes me think otherwise.

Dude.  No way. 

Art does use shills.  Everybody uses shills in this business.

The only people who do not use shills are the shills who happen to be hosts, like Michael Savage

Do not think for a minute that Art does not use shills despite what he says to the contrary.

It is still entertainment, and a show, and the showbiz side of Art, and not the "real" Art, as genuine as his on-air personality actually is to real life.


Quote from: DanTSX on November 03, 2013, 02:11:03 PM
Dude.  No way. 

Art does use shills.  Everybody uses shills in this business.

The only people who do not use shills are the shills who happen to be hosts, like Michael Savage

Do not think for a minute that Art does not use shills despite what he says to the contrary.

It is still entertainment, and a show, and the showbiz side of Art, and not the "real" Art, as genuine as his on-air personality actually is to real life.

I pretty much agree with ya here.


Quote from: onan on November 03, 2013, 02:52:05 PM
I pretty much agree with ya here.

The only question is to who is a paid shill, who is a friend of the show, and who is just someone that calls constantly with their schtick.

A lot of paid shills start off as someone who is just a nut job that calls a show a lot and gets a lot of feedback.  Some just like to be heard and are not paid.  Essentially, internet trolls IRL. 

A lot of these guys from back in the classic C2CAM days are probably Art's buddies from HF HAM nets.  There are a couple bands where the FCC rulebooks go out the window and things get pretty wild.  14100, I'm looking at you.

Bart Ell

And the award for trying too hard goes to...

Bart Ell

And the award for quickest bailing on a character goes to....

Maybe someone can edit together a video of your accomplishments.


I agree he laughs sometimes while talking.


So there were 3 JC's in total? Or were people saying it was UFOPhil?  Wasn't there a clip where he called and actually talked to Phil? 

Sounds like the one that kept calling Noory was bullshit.


GHost to Ghost 2014

TUne in!



I thought he was dead!!!! That was really JC!!!! He got all out of breath toward the end hahaaa...Whyyyy didn't Noory ask where he's been?!???? Where *has* he been???


Quote from: BattyBrooke on November 01, 2014, 12:24:26 AM
I thought he was dead!!!! That was really JC!!!! He got all out of breath toward the end hahaaa...Whyyyy didn't Noory ask where he's been?!???? Where *has* he been???

George quickly tried to get rid of him...typical


Quote from: nextgen.fm on November 01, 2014, 12:25:48 AM

George quickly tried to get rid of him...typical

Because George doesn't know how to roll with anything.


Could have been another fake JC...

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