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Messages - Yorkshire pud

September 06, 2022, 07:10:30 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 06, 2022, 07:04:20 PMThat's more like a nightmare. :o

You'll never know Barbie. ;)
September 06, 2022, 07:10:05 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 06, 2022, 09:25:01 AMSome current words and phrases that have been current for a number of years but still annoy the living fuck out of me. Those uneducated fuckbrains from across the Atlantic are mostly responsible for this bullshit.

1. 'Leaning in'. What started as a reasonably useful way of describing a gradual course of action is now used to describe any action whatsoever. People use it all the time now.

2. 'Having said that' or 'with that said'. Repeatedly mindlessly ad nauseam for no reason at all.

3. 'So....'. Yeah, let's all start every sentence with 'so...', as though it's in the middle of something rather than at the start. Why????

4. 'Does that make sense?' This one really boils my piss, it's as though they think you are so fucking dense they need to keep checking that you are following it all. Fuck off!

5. 'Right?' This is said at the end of almost every sentence now, like a bloody parrot. Whenever I hear someone say this I want to rip their fucking arms off and beat them to death with the wet end.

With that said, you are all a bunch of cunts.

If that winds you up, you'll really bust a blood vessel when I tell you that what is a simple professional position in the UK, in the US it's a Dr.. Opticians, Veterinarian, Psychologists; All are called Doctors. And this will blow the fluff out of your navel, What we call an Anesthetist...Ready? Anesthesiologist.. They are a weird lot with their vocabulary; Dropping consonants and vowels to make it simpler for the natives yet unnecessarily making some words longer than they need to be...LOTS of ologists...Presumably to make them more important sounding? Who knows?
September 06, 2022, 07:03:08 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 06, 2022, 02:52:08 PMWe get it! She wears the pants...and the strap-on. 🙄

In your dreams.  ;D

Politics / Re: The Ukraine CrySis - Crimea River
September 06, 2022, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on September 06, 2022, 02:14:23 PMSeems like the Uke's are appreciating it.


WW2...Blackpool. Here are the locals for one evening trying to forget the horror of what they'll wake up to...You cannot view this attachment.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 06, 2022, 02:39:33 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 06, 2022, 01:31:41 PM

Ahh, so when Biden leaves the WH, you'll be fine with him stealing documents? And although he won't you'd be okay him encouraging his supporters to ransack the Capitol and sympathise with those who want to kill anyone inside?
September 06, 2022, 02:35:34 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 06, 2022, 10:20:25 AMProbably eating biscuits (that's 'cookies' for you not fortunate enough to born on the right side of the Atlantic) as well, and spreading crumbs everywhere. The bed must look a right state, like you both have psoriasis.

Of the two of us, she's the one who shys away from eating in bed. When I say shys, I mean discourages it..when I say discourages it I mean she really really doesn't like crumbs in bed.

How are you on 'game changer' 'Sounds good' 'perfect' (for everything), 'FYI'?
September 05, 2022, 10:10:29 PM
Quote from: WOTR on September 05, 2022, 10:01:13 PMWhat your graph represents is not a drop in the number of people infected, but rather the number of people who give a Sh!t anymore and actually report it or get tested at a lab. According to our official numbers, there are 880 people in the hospital right now with Covid- and only 145 cases in total reported yesterday. Looking at the daily numbers, this vaccine thing is really working. Looking at the hospitalizations- not so much. Nobody I know has gotten a lab test when they test positive at home in the last several months- because nobody cares about the nothingburger anymore.

As for wishing people dead. Yeah- that was (and is) unfortunately on both sides, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. I posted a cartoon here  a couple of days ago that made me laugh. No, I don't actually wish people dead. I'm on a telegram group that posts every death of every vaccinated person they can find. And I feel like I'm yelling into an abyss that they are all screwed in the head celebrating death and cheering it because "they" wished "us" dead for not taking the vaccine. So, naturally, "we" should all celebrate when one of "them" dies. It's bloody insane, morbid and sad.

I'd be very interested to know where this group gets their figures from of vaccinated people dying from covid, and the pathology surrounding the cases.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 05, 2022, 10:08:21 PM
Quote from: paladin1991 on September 05, 2022, 10:02:11 PMWTF are you doing out of your closet, young man?  BAck to your closet.  Lie  down on your fouled nest of diapers and bath towels.  You stay inside now and let the big ppl talk.

Now steady on Gunner...MD isn't and has never been big people. He can't shave without carving chunks out of his angelic but wafer then hypodermis..

How about food?

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Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 03, 2022, 06:25:23 AM

Way to go, guys! 🙄

[slow, sarcastic claps]

Correction (if true); Boris Johnson is more than capable of fucking up eating a bacon sandwich. He should never have been PM. But sadly the election of the head of the party isn't decided by anyone but the party members. The way it works is you vote for the representative of your constituency, and if successful they represent you in Parliament and the other party members and MP's vote for the party leader.

Johnson is a mendacious, conniving, disgusting entitled cunt. When at Eton his parents were sent a letter to tell them that his behaviour was completely unacceptable, he had no concept of having any responsibility for anything he did. Those were his good points. He has been fired from two of the arguably most untrusted professions there are because of mendacity, being a newspaper journalist and an MP, he lied in both jobs and was fired for it.

So although it says UK, no, it's Johnson, very few in the UK would say he represented them, he certainly fucked them over on Brexit.
QuoteFalkie2013 on October 19, 2015, 07:11:16 PM

Dumb bitch, YOU claim to work at the DMV. I wouldn't have you staple two pieces of paperwork together because you'd probably fuck it up.
I have already discussed this but for those mentally challenged such as yourself who failed to comprehend what I wrote about it on here I will repeat it one more time.
No lies as your hate filled mind wants you to believe.
I have a sciatic nerve problem which causes periodic pain spikes in my leg and upper right thigh. Also
an area of that leg was cut accidentally and shut by a surgeon but it never healed right.
I had a spike of pain in that area the night before I went to the DMV in Concord and was standing in line with Kathy and told her about and said " It hurt so much I thought I was having a stroke or something. "
This was within earshot of the clerk who wound up waiting on us. She asked NO questions about my MEDICAL condition and took it upon herself with no corroborating evidence to report to the DMV that I had a stroke when NO stroke occurred.
About a month later I got paperwork from the medical department of the DMV in Oakland that said my license had been SUSPENDED because I had had a stroke and had NOT reported it to the DMV and that I would need a doctors letter stating that I had NOT had a stroke and that I would have to pay a $75 fee and take a written test to remove the suspension .
I raised hell about this because NO stroke had occurred but they refused to remove the suspension and while they now have the paperwork stating that I did not have a stroke I had been fighting the fee and demand I take a written test since the suspension should never have occurred in the first place.
My state senator was in Walnut Creek and I and Kathy went in there several times to deal with this but I had to wait until I could find a doctor to certify that NO stroke had occurred.  Not one but two doctors so certified that fact and I can go into that office today and take up the issue and they have talked to that department several times in the past and have said to me in WRITING that they would get the suspension and requirements lifted when I am ready to do so. As I did not have a car for two one year periods and had had difficulty getting the doctor paperwork, I put the matter on hold.
I can do this any time I want and have the copies in my desk. The senator's office is still willing to see me under the current senator as a courtesy even though I no longer live in that district since the case was initiated IN that office when I was a constituent and resident of that district and I have their letters as well stating that FACT.
As usual in your arrogance, you THINK you know everything about the DMV when you do not.
Mind your own damned business and shut up about something you know nothing about.


Listen up you dumb motherfucker. You know I work for the DMV. Then how the fuck do you think you can get away with telling all these lies? You are obviously too mentally deranged to have a valid DL besides any supposed physical disability you claim to have. If you were suspended on medical grounds all you need to do is fill out the first page of this form:
take it to your doctor, have them complete it and return it to the address at the top. Once received the DMV will contact you for an appointment to discuss it with a hearing officer.
NO fee is required to reinstate your license from a medical suspension.

I no longer work for the driver safety division but a good friend is the manager for one of the Bay Area DS offices. I won't say which one in case you show up there, and I hope you do. How I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the hearing room when you talk to the DS officer. I already know how it would go. You won't be able to keep your stupid fucking mouth shut. All the bullshit you spew will turn your case from a physical medical suspension to one on mental grounds. Good luck dipshit.

I'm always telling her she doesn't express herself enough
September 05, 2022, 04:07:19 PM

Elvis Costello's dad.. Really..
Quote from: albrecht on September 04, 2022, 10:26:51 PMWill there be a show? The archive spun up one of the old ones and vintage RCH. Now with Artemis not working RCH 'models' will be in hyper-demensional hyper drives and DEMAND some memos and an audio imaging panel!

And 19.5...you neglected 19.5!!! How??
September 05, 2022, 03:36:12 PM
Quote from: Juan on September 05, 2022, 03:33:17 PMKeep us posted.  I met Margaret Thatcher once. She gave every evidence of being a complete horse's arse - along the lines of John Kerry - maybe worse.

Thatcher was evil. Do NOT get me started on her.
September 05, 2022, 03:32:56 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 05, 2022, 10:47:35 AMNo no no do not give these chuckleheads a fucking inch  >:(  they opted out of the grand altruistic experiment, when their country asked them to accept a paltry risk of fatal clotting or heart inflammation while running around sweating and exerting like playing soccer like I am totally sure they do all the time in the name of protecting the elderly and obese, they did not answer the call, they hung up the phone and sat there clickysharing all sorts of nonsense about demon heads in the vaccine and snacking on apple-flavored horse paste they drove across state lines to some godforsaken feed store to procure and inventing all kinds of bullshit moral objections like the Jews were using fetus parts to stain everyone with the sin of Moloch and damn their eternal souls, and then sat there for a year gleefully waiting for all of us to die because some retarded prophet promised them every two weeks they'd be proven right for everyone to see.  They have forgotten all that silliness now, but I still remember.

Are you aware of a site called sorry anti vaxxer?

Herself reads it aloud to me when having our coffee in bed, and the stories all follow a similar thread..

Usually posting what the anti vaxxer sticks in fb etc..

Wife/husband refuse to be vaccinated..one or both get covid..they belligerantly declare it's going to be fine and tell anyone who listens it's all a myth/blown out of proportion..Socialist propaganda.

A few days pass..they have a fever but it's 'just a cold'. No-one going to tell this cool cat they can't go to work, go to Walmart...

A week or so...well, maybe it's flu. Yes, definitely flu..it'll pass.

10-15 days. They go to hospital, it isn't getting better, but it's precautionary only, because they know hospitals are death camps, and people go there to catch covid..

Still sending vids, but this time with O2 mask on and have laboured breathing..but they'll be fine..

Now things get serious, they're not sure who will look after their six kids and they've missed a mortgage payment, need to sort that out when they get out...

Three weeks later, they ask people to pray for them...that surely works, right? After all the idiotic medical staff are no use..

Four weeks and the spouse (who is also ill by now) posts she/he died yesterday...

Day later, a gofund me is set up to support and pay the funeral..$25000 should cover it. Wait? Isn't that asking others to bail you out? You know? The S word?
Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 05, 2022, 03:18:19 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 05, 2022, 10:33:57 AMAw that is sweet.  I am sure the stultifying masculine bro-code that prevails here prevents you from lavishing me with the full measure of your affection lest others suspect you are in some way soft, but I have seen through it all along.

I think it may have been in an agreeable little back street bier keller in one of more shall we say 'robust' areas of Heidelberg Southern Germany in 2014, July I believe; when SV and I, engaging in banter with the locals in our native tongue, happened on a technique to give porn star names to several of BG's finest. Obviously we had one or two steins brought to us in the course of the raucous evening by a sweet young gal by the name of Evelyn, and my memory can't fully recollect the list of monikers we came up with as we imbibed. But I think you were K Y jelly dubbadubdub..I added ramrod but SV said it would take too much space on the DVD case notes. Oh happy times.
Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 05, 2022, 03:05:09 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on September 05, 2022, 04:57:33 AMI totally promise you that Yorkie and I don't invent amusing nicknames for you and then titter over them behind our hands in private. That would be wrong.

It would? Oh, yes, indeed, it would.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 09:22:59 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 04, 2022, 06:30:53 PMThat's funny because I feel the same way about you.  :D

I've been called worse by better than you, Barbie. But don't feel too bad.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 09:21:45 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 04, 2022, 08:23:55 PMYou act like I'm saying Trump is an awesome person. I poked into this thread to note how some people's hate of him is unbalanced. It might be fun to pick at the horrible insurrection and see who was really responsible. The Charlottesville thing is so tired. Editing a speech in which he condemns the tiki torch meatballs to make it seems like he supports them. Weak. All that stuff is old pickings anyway because guess what? My original reason for posting in this thread today was, "Come up with something better." You might misidentify me as a Trump fan. I think the guy is just what he seems. He's as far from me as Lhasa is to Detroit. That's not the point. The point is that hating on him is so boring and contrived and indicates deeper personal issues.

What I mostly think is ridiculous is making him the bad guy when clearly he fails horrendously at surpassing the corruption of his predecessors and opposition. Failure!

He's not worth hating. Really, I have never hated anyone in my life even when I had very good reason to do so. It's not worth the emotional energy. But it's interesting you claim Charlottesville is 'so tired' which was a few years ago. But cite corruption of his predecessors, who preceded Charlottesville. Nixon was corrupt (revered by a trump disciple, Stone); rescued by his successor and a hardly known Ford. Political expediency prevails.

Clinton impeached for lying that he had an affair (Lying...He isn't in the same league as drump for lying)...impeached by that holier than thou, righteous, god fearin, upstanding GOP (At least one of whom made his mistress have an abortion...NOW that's a dichotomy)...

Some of it's incumbents exist today who found no reason to impeach someone who firstly tried to blackmail (illegally) the President of a foreign country; and the second time for instigating a coup on the US government. Please tell the gallery at what point you think his actions would qualify him to be removed from office? Burn down the WH and make one of his over leveraged golf clubs the new one? Have the first born of say NY state or MI killed? Make it mandatory for anyone who ever said something about him he didn't like, executed? He admires Putin and Kim who both dispatch the none believers, so that isn't a stretch.. C'mon, what's the red line?
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 06:23:23 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 04, 2022, 02:46:45 PMRight. I don't think you're trying to buttress my point but thanks. Trump is the worst worst president because papers followed him home. The classified narrative is probably extended by definition but ok, let's say that's true. Let's even say no president previously has ever done such an evil thing. Wow fucking horrible. He should be hung.

You wisely specify ex potus so as not to include the killery servers with so many yoga recipes. But how does the previous administration to Trump abusing warrant privileges against a candidate, and then a president not ring the corruption warning bell for you? And how does hellfiring 7 kids unloading water with dad in any way not concern you as much as misfiling office papers, allegedly. I don't get it. You want one hanging. I want dozens.

Drump isn't the worst POTUS just because he stole documents. No, his entire existence from whenever his mother got moist and thought of Scotland has been one of abject ownism. The concept of anyone other than him getting what he can get for him is anathema (you ought to read/listen to his niece's book).

How anyone really believed after paid stooges cheered him down the escalator that he was going to do anything for anyone but himself and his very close family (possible exception being the thick one Eric) is astonishing. Or,they don't care:in which case they either hoped they'd get a few crumbs or they're so wealthy that they grew large out of the 85% lions share of the famous 'tax cut'. Anyone who voted for him get invited to Mar a Lago? Seeing as he's "one of them"..Anyone?

 He claimed the military was 'his', all ranks, all services. Yet when the SEALS lost a man in Yemen he immediatly took zero responsibility (Like a C in C does) and blamed the CO of the unit. Naturally it didn't stop him having the sailor's widow attend the S o t U so he could milk her grief.

Then of course "Good people on both sides" at Charlotesville. One of those sides were chanting anti semitic oaths.

We can throw in his acceptance of whatever Putin told him and his dismissal of all if the security services. Why might that be? He certainly had no interest in his PDB's and would at best only look at pictures, at least one of which he put on his twitter account. Thats a highly classified satelite photo btw..no real surprises there.

Oh and telling the then Russian Foreign sec and ambassador about an embedded spy (Isreali) who was infiltrating a Syrian faction of terrorists

There's too many more but mention must be made of the coup attempt on Jan 6th last year. Diddums didn't win, so he threw out his rattle and encouraged his mob of brainless (but organised by...?) sops to ransack the Capitol and attack those inside..politicians, staffers, reporters, janitors, police, made no difference. Oh, and hang Pence. What for? To put him out of his self inflicted misery?

The sad part is some really thought their god would either go with them (you know..leadership!) or at least help them when it got tough and they got arrested, charged and imprisoned...for what? For him??

He couldn't give two shits about them, he has destroyed families, and couldn't care less as he tees off again for a game he'll no doubt cheat at.

 He is a revolting example of humanity. Spare me the fucking bullshit about the previous admin: maybe they knew what he'd be, certainly those who knew him well in NY said he'd be terrible, even his own sister.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 02:26:08 PM
Quote from: aldousburbank on September 04, 2022, 02:00:53 PMIt cracks me up when I see people all up their wazoo about orange man bad. I mean holy fuck. Have you seen the other guys? And the women... Oh boy. Ok. Yeah Trump is SO bad. Just so happens the anal exams forced on him by truth seeking demclowns come up fecal matter free. Whereas the amount of double dipping crap in both dem and elephanty leadership is like a backed up leach line overflowing with crony cholera infested, you know, shit. Let's not look there. Trump seems to me to be the only non cia installed prez of my lifetime since jfk. That's why every political power wing hates him. But no, why couldn't Hillary be in its second term seems to be the only alternative for TDS victims as weekend at bernie's jumps a dead shark. Holy fuck people. Find yourself a half decent platform and a candidate who doesn't make Trudeau seem middle of the road and then we'll talk. I really want that political adjustment to happen so that Trump can cease to be the reasonable option. Fucking ridiculous, but it's true. Lacking that, instead of hyperventilating about Trump go check your meds.

If drump died, the MAGA cult and GOP wouldn't be so terrified to go against anything he says. Reasonsble? On what planet does an ex POTUS steal 10000 documents he has no authority to possess, truck them to a golf club with public access, where there are at least two so far incidents of possible spying and be deemed reasonable?
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 02:19:23 PM
Quote from: albrecht on September 04, 2022, 02:13:21 PMHa! Barr. Dad ran Dalton School. Epstein only 'taught' there. Family converted and so raised Catholic. Gee, that an old one! A big fan of 'unitary executive' theory. And then all the CIA and political stuff. It is funny who the modern Left supports and lauds these days!

Who is supporting him? He was one of drump's 'best' people, remember?

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Barr is a cunt. But he's also aware of how the law works when it does work correctly.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 02:04:55 PM
Quote from: pate on September 04, 2022, 12:51:47 PMI'll let you handle that, Pud!

Maybe I'll get a visit from a Three(or moar!) letter agency-type?

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene 'swatted' for second time in two days, police say

Armed police swarm Steve Bannon's DC home in 'swatting' incident

That seems like a great tactic to take with a Political Enemy-of-the-State, eh?

Also, if I have some misunderstanding of how this "classification" of Official Government Documents thing actually works:  Perhaps you would care to CITE A SOURCE from somewhere relevant;  Pro-tip you might start with https://armypubs.army.mil.

Of couse, tread lightly there:  although there shouldn't be anything your naughty little pig-like eyes shouldn't see;  there does exist the distinct possibility that you yourself might be-foul the Law.

Nautical Shore!



Well the legal/spook world has a slightly completely different interpretation to you; you can't both be correct. Trump appointees and besties Barr, Bolton and even Alan Dershowitz have said in the last week drump a)has no-one to blame but himself and b) likely facing charges. I believe all three are lawyers, two of whom had security clearances in the WH.

As for the swatting, that is reprehensible. As reprehensible as drump naming voting workers and accusing them of falsifying voting counts  who went on to recieve (and still do) death threats from his moronic cult. So terrified are they that they won't leave the latest address they had to move to.

So you'll understand if I have little to zero sympathy for the (in his head) most persecuted grifting billionaire on the planet. I truly hope he dies the most miserable, painful, lonely death immaginable. He's caused misery for many others simply because in his entire life he's never been told no. And like all toddlers, he has a tantrum until he gets his way. Not this time. The vile, poisoness disgusting filth has met hus match. Then watch the sychophants evaporate and deny they ever knew him  karma.
Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 04, 2022, 12:40:58 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 04, 2022, 12:39:28 PMIt just reflects the truly juvenile level of your "thinking."

You should have seen the first draft! 🤣
Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 04, 2022, 12:26:42 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 04, 2022, 08:26:11 AMFake news.

I agree.. drump was the one who quoted the Enquirer in the 2016 campaign.

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 12:14:11 PM
Until today I'd not heard of Romana Didulo. Apparently she's an alien, capable of cloaking herself for invisibility, is the true leader of Canada, AND a big noise in Qanon. She advocated her flock arrest police...yes really. That went well. 😀.

Meanwhile the Qanon camp in Dallas is still going with a communial bowl that the gathering throng can drink Chlorine dioxide from..The throng includes one mother who left her family to be with like minded morons (not a cult).

A beautiful day in the neighbourhood.
Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 04, 2022, 12:05:25 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 04, 2022, 10:48:12 AMJust how much skunk cabbage did it take for you to come up with that one 👀

He doesn't inhale, okay?
Politics / Re: Joe Biden 2020
September 04, 2022, 12:03:56 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 04, 2022, 10:20:03 AMI am proudly a MAGA extremist. I want to stick my tongue in drump's hole so far, he'll never need diapers again...mmm yum :)

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 04, 2022, 12:01:32 PM
You should send your post to the FBI and DoJ, because obviously they don't have your wider knowledge of the way things work. I'm sure they'd be gratified and humbled by your insight, expertise and indeed vastly superior grasp of laws that pertain to said topic.

Meanwhile, drump and his enablers are in the shit.. Bill Barr too has come out and said as much.
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