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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



     Stark raving lunatic David Icke on how nothing is as it seems, and the Reptile people that secretly controll the world. Please, NWO, hurry up and put these folks out of my misery.  Later George brings on Sterling Allan and Italian guy, Andrea Rossi, to talk about their free energy devices.
First, you need a lot of aluminum foil...


I used to listen to C2C mainly for the host, since Snoory took over I listen occasionally for the guests (but the good ones are few and far between). What's really been bothering me lately is George Noory giving commentary on The History Channel as if he is some sort of academic or otherwise versed in the topics at hand. I seriously wonder if any non-C2C listeners watch Ancient Aliens and think  to themselves, "Who the hell is this doof with the mustache?" when his clips come on. I think the Ancient Aliens  thing is interesting. Some of it makes sense, but why is Snoory on it? To weaken it's credibility?! >:( Does this grind anyone else's gears?   


I heard the guy talking about the free energy devices, and how they will be available soon.
He said something about instructions simple enough that anyone will be able to make them in their garage.

Then, the free-energy guy said how he thought David Icke was a great guy, and George agreed, saying 'Oh, definitely. He's a great thinker. You may not agree with him, but he's a great thinker.'


yeah i don't agree. that free energy devices work. that icke is a thinker


Tonight's c2c with dipshit snoorrub. Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport will discuss how genetic engineering of human beings will change the composition of humanity for all time creating two classes of humans - the elite and the drones, using patented genes.

Let me guess. snoortard will "quote" the movies "The Time Machine" to describe the the Eloy vs the Morlocks.

Eddie Coyle

Diner#1..."Yuck, the food here is awful,just terrible"
Diner#2..."I know and the portions are so small!"


I know that I shouldn't bitch about George, but this week I turned on the radio and unfortunately George was interviewing Joel Skousen about current events.  I understand that Art used to interview Skousen as well.  I wonder if Art gave this crackpot any shit.  I hope so.   I patently hate that asshat, a cold war relic who still sees Commies underneath his bed.    Skousen blamed the USA for the revolutions in the Arab world.  For a "conservative" American, he sure does hate this country.  What gets my stomach churning, of course, is the fact that George agrees with everything he says.  George could've had Stalin on the next night, and he'd be a yes man to him. 

Seriously, if you're a fan of the right-wing Mormon Skousens, check out their minion, Glenn Beck, who is a far more talented and creative broadcaster, even though his politics make me ill. 


     Richard C. Hoagland talking about...well, it doesn't matter what he was talking about as long as he says it with conviction, grace, humor, and imagination.  George says he visits Richard's website "everyday".  Please.  Hoagland's website hasn't been updated in about a year and a half.  Put a sock in it, George.  There is a tired weariness of a man who knows too much in Jon Rappoport's voice that lends him credibility, but there is a book in his past in which he interviews whack job David Icke, so I'm not sure what to conclude.  Oh, the fog of uncertainty.


G.Noory has fallen from the ranks. His last few shows have been such snoozers. Those Geopolitic shows are the same thing over and over. Libya is a provoked attack to set up WW3. Yea, like I haven't heard that about a dozen times already. That guest that night was such a waste of air space. Man, I am bored with it. I think Art Bell needs to get back into it. Please Art just 1 or 2 weeks of solid Art bell could pull C2C out of the gutter and then go back to Noory for his lame topics again.  I do think the show he did on Ancient Astronauts was somewhat 'satisfactory'. Thats like finding one Gold bar out of every 20 bronze bars. Oh, and genetic engineering? Good choice for a topic...I may pass out during that show...Don't even have to drink anything to lessen the pain.


Quote from: anagrammy on March 23, 2011, 06:24:14 PM
  He further proves he's not listening bec. he'll ask a question the answer to which the guest has just covered in the previous 2 minutes.   

That is one of the things that I hate the most.  That Idiot Noory will ask a question that has been answered, like, 2 minues ago.  Pay Attention man!


Quote from: b_dubb on March 24, 2011, 06:45:02 PM
yeah i don't agree. that free energy devices work. that icke is a thinker

After about 10 minutes with the Free Energy guy I just couldn't take it any longer and shut it off.  That Idiot Noory was in fine form for that 'Interview".  A child of 7 would have asked more meaningful questions.

I seem to remember that Last year ( over the summer ) those energy boxes that would run your home were due out.

Ten C

YES!  I've found my home. 

Right now I'm listening to a podcast in which he spends a good five minutes "instructing" us on how to pronounce "nuclear".  According to George, it is NOT (you won't believe this) pronounced 'NOOCULAR".  It is, in fact, pronounced "NOO-CLEER".  *head slap*

Uh, and we won't even talk about "harmness". 

He's not ESL, people.  He's just breathtakingly dumb.  I think he went to a voodoo priestess to achieve the career - it's the only possible explanation.


Quote from: MartianSealFetus on March 24, 2011, 02:26:51 PM
I used to listen to C2C mainly for the host, since Snoory took over I listen occasionally for the guests (but the good ones are few and far between). What's really been bothering me lately is George Noory giving commentary on The History Channel as if he is some sort of academic or otherwise versed in the topics at hand. I seriously wonder if any non-C2C listeners watch Ancient Aliens and think  to themselves, "Who the hell is this doof with the mustache?" when his clips come on. I think the Ancient Aliens  thing is interesting. Some of it makes sense, but why is Snoory on it? To weaken it's credibility?! >:( Does this grind anyone else's gears?   

That kind of ties into my fury today seeing someone quoting him, i'm sure, and bragging about all his investigative skills.  WHHHAAAAT??  That man has NEVER investigated anything, and can't learn from those that do.  Without his helpers, as of late, he couldn't find the subject discussed to pretend to be in the know.  His life must consist of 24/7 covering his ignorance.  Give it up george.  You are almost DONE---I hope.


Quote from: anagrammy on March 23, 2011, 06:24:14 PM
Check this out, people.  On another thread we were playing around with Googling phrases like "George Noory Sucks" and "Art Bell Sucks" and comparing the number of responses (jury is in--WAY more GN sucks), but I typed in "George Noory Idiot" and I got this www.rateitall.com.



Misery loves company. Nice find Ana.

Nick el Ass

Quote from: MartianSealFetus on March 24, 2011, 02:26:51 PM
I used to listen to C2C mainly for the host, since Snoory took over I listen occasionally for the guests (but the good ones are few and far between). What's really been bothering me lately is George Noory giving commentary on The History Channel as if he is some sort of academic or otherwise versed in the topics at hand. I seriously wonder if any non-C2C listeners watch Ancient Aliens and think  to themselves, "Who the hell is this doof with the mustache?" when his clips come on. I think the Ancient Aliens  thing is interesting. Some of it makes sense, but why is Snoory on it? To weaken it's credibility?! >:( Does this grind anyone else's gears?   

You're talking about the History Channel, or the one that employs Larry the cable guy. George fits right in with what they have going on over there lately. I would rather they bring back the 24 hour Hitler marathons again, at least it was history.

James G.

Enough said. Mr. George Noory has dragged Coast-To-Coast AM to the shameless levels of nonsensical science, reason or ration. It's all about ratings and advertisers.

Enough of it. Such may fool the ignorant masses, but they don't fool me.

If it wasn't for The Jim Rome Show these days, I'd write off Premiere Radio Networks. And don't forget their "fake caller" bit that was exposed recently. Shows what that network is made of:



in case anyone's wondering how George perceives himself


You've nailed it b dubb. How true, how true.  And, in case you haven't noticed -- George Noory sucks!!!!!  ;)


I awoke last night and listened for a moment to see what spudnut was mispronouncing.  Unless I was suffering an auditory hallucination, a caller was urging him to run for president and he was preening himself by basically agreeing with her about what a great guy he is, and what a swell president he would be.  How delusional can one idiot possibly be?


     Three guest, Jeffery Maldrum, Daniel Perez, and Loren Coleman, all with an hour to themselves, talking about Bigfoot.  No one brought anything new to the table.  All gave great excuses as to why there isn't a shred of evidence to prove the existence of anything other than a drunk guy in a monkey suit.  George wondered if they might be "interdimensional."  No, George, they're "made up."  And what's with the need to take calls when you only have an hour with each quest?  And why, when a relative of the "Patterson film" guy called in, did you only give her fifteen seconds?  She might have had something interesting to say, as oppose to your guest, who were about as exciting as a cheese sandwich.  You said tonight's program had the makings of a "classic show".  Not quite.  Not even close.
Bigfoot!  wait, no...Mothman!
Uh, hold on...Tweety Bird!


I woke up last night about 3am. I looked at the radio... saddened that noory was on, and realized I needed to use the bathroom. Coincidence... there are no coincidences.


Add "Reptile" to the list of words that idiot Norry can't pronounce


Quote from: valdez on March 30, 2011, 04:47:29 AM
     Three guest, Jeffery Maldrum, Daniel Perez, and Loren Coleman, all with an hour to themselves, talking about Bigfoot.  No one brought anything new to the table.  All gave great excuses as to why there isn't a shred of evidence to prove the existence of anything other than a drunk guy in a monkey suit.  George wondered if they might be "interdimensional."  No, George, they're "made up."  And what's with the need to take calls when you only have an hour with each quest?  And why, when a relative of the "Patterson film" guy called in, did you only give her fifteen seconds?  She might have had something interesting to say, as oppose to your guest, who were about as exciting as a cheese sandwich.  You said tonight's program had the makings of a "classic show".  Not quite.  Not even close.
Bigfoot!  wait, no...Mothman!
Uh, hold on...Tweety Bird!
i considered listening to this show on the outside chance that someone had something new to say about bigfoot. thank god i learn from my mistakes.  and read Valdez's post


How interesting that the pinnacle of ass-licking takes place when Eldon Taylor is the guest, a self-described author of self-realization.  "The number one host in America!" he cried and then went on into the bizarre notion that George Noory and the word President of the United States belong in the same sentence.  When Noory did not laugh, I snapped out of my drowsy "A" brainwave state, my mind shouting WHAT? WHAT?"

Eldon Taylor agrees that people are being controlled, mindfucked, so to speak, by media wizards.  OK, so television puts you into a light hypnotic state and before you know it, you are buying a bumper sticker reading "I don't get even, I get evener."  Here's my theory:

Coast to Coast is doing the same thing.  They figure that if they get enough (smart) guests to lick all over the Nooron, "So popular, so well-loved, waking-people-up...." and then they hire some kiss-kiss-love-love callers (stupid), and they keep telling people who are half asleep that the Nooron is loved, the Nooron is good, the Nooron is popular, the Nooron is number one, they will BELIEVE IT!  And, according to the expert, as people get conditioned, you have to give them more (violence) to achieve arousal, and correspondingly, we see the shameless stroking increasing.

And Noory gave his usual slim repetoire of responses, "Let me ask you this question, Eldon, on 9/11, did they set up the color terrorist danger threat system (which I was completely against) for the reasons you have been talking about?"

Noory has been inserting self-congratulatory parenthetical remarks much more frequently and I think it's for the reasons Eldon Taylor's been talking about.  If Noory repeats it enough, it must be true.  He'd have us thinking he identified the problem with the carbon dating on the Shroud of Turin.  He's have us thinking he predicted something would happen and it did.  He'd tell us he always knew it would be the sun which would cause a disaster event.  He was right, right, right, right.....and then the horrifying suggestion that this failing radio host could be president?  Only in the backwash of the appalling stupidity of George Bush and the pathetic performance of Arnold Swartznegger could such a suggestion could be scary.

Eldon Taylor quoted Kurt Vonnegut (!) and says, "Remember, you are what you pretend to be."



Quote from: anagrammy on March 30, 2011, 09:17:17 AM
Eldon Taylor agrees that people are being controlled, mindfucked, so to speak, by media wizards.  OK, so television puts you into a light hypnotic state and before you know it, you are buying a bumper sticker reading "I don't get even, I get evener."  Here's my theory:

Coast to Coast is doing the same thing.  They figure that if they get enough (smart) guests to lick all over the Nooron, "So popular, so well-loved, waking-people-up...." and then they hire some kiss-kiss-love-love callers (stupid), and they keep telling people who are half asleep that the Nooron is loved, the Nooron is good, the Nooron is popular, the Nooron is number one, they will BELIEVE IT!  And, according to the expert, as people get conditioned, you have to give them more (violence) to achieve arousal, and correspondingly, we see the shameless stroking increasing.

Of course Anagrammy- you nailed it!  That the Snoory is too stupid to be anything other than a complete idiot, or a craftily fashioned mass-mind-fuck agent, has been clear to me for some time.  Of course I don't have cable because I suspect the damn thing monitors and sucks the viewers brains out, so I may not be the best bench mark for how it really is.


Quote from: anagrammy on March 30, 2011, 09:17:17 AM
How interesting that the pinnacle of ass-licking takes place when Eldon Taylor is the guest, a self-described author of self-realization.  ........

I didn't bother listening to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th hours.  I know that Taylor is a self-absorbed pseudo...nothing.  I figured he and that idiot Noory would spend the next three hours jerking each other off.

Apparently, I was correct.

I did listen to the first hour with that fellow who spoke on the Mid-East.  He seemed relatively intelligent.  It is quite glaring when someone like that shows up with Noory.  Its a perfect display of how shallow and lacking Noory is in intellect.

Hi everyone, I had to register after finding this thread. I too am a recovering C2C listener. 

The only way to deal with George Noory is with a support group like this.  I have my own "best of" Noory moments which I'll post over time, there are so many.

After listening to a George Noory show I feel like I need to take a shower, even at 3am, just to wash off anything remotely associated with his personality and voice.

George Noory is radio's "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

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