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For indeed it is The Quickening

Started by Sardondi, May 14, 2013, 07:55:20 AM


One of Art's peccadilloes in my eyes was his insistence, going back to at least the mid-90's, on calling that time (and ever since) "The Quickening". It was his secular version of the last days. He was certain that the signs and portents pointed toward an end of things as humanity had known them, and within a two or three years at best. Usually it was associated with having Ed Dames or Steve Quayle as a guest, which could drive anyone to running naked through the streets shouting, "The End is near!".

I would chuckle at this, because I thought Art was exhibiting that very human tendency to look at things through his own very limited experience, and was ignoring the "big picture" of history over decades and centuries, and certainly not eons. But now I think he was on to something. Because I have seen some news which has shaken me to my core. It is a sign that there is nothing which is permanent, nothing which is solid under our feet. And that news is....

Angelina Jolie has had both breasts removed. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20130514/DA690BH02.html Apparently she learned she was genetically predisposed to breast cancer, and, in what I think was an act of great strength and will, had her breasts removed as prevention*.

So Art was right after all. What the hell is going on out there?

*Understand that while I am using this event for humor, I am very sympathetic to Jolie, of whom I have never been much of a fan, since I thought she was a spoiled, immature "star", whose fantastic wealth and celebrity immunized her from the hardships of life. Now this. And suddenly I really do feel sorry for her, and can admire the strength it took to ignore the silly trappings of a Hollywood career. She, who would not have had a career without her looks and sex appeal, acted to save her life, and that is admirable. Welcome to the hard choices of life, Angelina. I wish you well.

But can we at least cast them in cement outside Grauman's Chinese Theater? 

You`re bang on about Art`s apocalyptic analysis of the world as he perceived it. That was one of the few things Art spoke of that conjured a well deserved eye-roll on my part.

With regard to Angie Jolie, well...God bless her. She`s such a good woman and a class act. I certainly wish her well.

Now to cheer things up! Canada should be very PROUD today. Check it out, check it outers:



Regardless of the qualities of Angelina Jolie and best wishes to her, I never thought I'd see "The Quickening" and Ms. Jolie linked together.  Interesting, as always, Sardondi!

Eddie Coyle

         What a bummer. And from a solipsistic view, I find it a mortality check because she's 19 days older than me. I hate hearing about contemporaries getting maladies that indicate a "quickening".

Yorkshire pud

I share the good will and recognition of the great strength she must have called on..She may of course thought that it was a 'no brainer' decision; as the alternative was far worse. I'd be very surprised if she doesn't have prosthetics inserted at a later date, once the bruising has subsided. I suppose in a way it demonstrates that those we may think regard themselves as able to walk on water, actually know they don't.


Who was the poster that said something like "Art had the Quickening" and Jorch has the "slowening?"


Quote from: ziznak on May 14, 2013, 11:12:21 AM
Who was the poster that said something like "Art had the Quickening" and Jorch has the "slowening?"

A quick search seem to reveal the culprit as BobGrau.


It's post #14163.  However, if you scroll down to a later post, Bob mentions he thinks he got it from someone else.


"the slowening" refers to the mental regression that occurs as a direct effect of listening to George... Its so true when I hear his voice on the radio I think I actually get stupider... its like when you suddenly have to listen to a 5 year old talk about fairys n shit.


Quote from: ziznak on May 14, 2013, 12:04:59 PM
"the slowening" refers to the mental regression that occurs as a direct effect of listening to George... Its so true when I hear his voice on the radio I think I actually get stupider... its like when you suddenly have to listen to a 5 year old talk about fairys n shit.

Ever notice that Jorch's questions are just like a 5 year old's?  "What about angels?"  "Could it be portals?"  "Why is the sky blue?" 

Maybe Jorch is part of the master plan for the dumbing-down of America.  It's not the "slowening," it's the "dumbening."  ;)


Quote from: Sardondi on May 14, 2013, 07:55:20 AM

Angelina Jolie has had both breasts removed.

I'm just hoping for the ebay option.

Tinfoil Hat

Wait, Major Ed Dames remote viewed Angelina Jolie's breasts? What? How did I miss this one?


Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on May 14, 2013, 02:34:02 PM
Wait, Major Ed Dames remote viewed Angelina Jolie's breasts? What? How did I miss this one?
Oh, so he was actually saying Kill Cut. Dang, he was right.


That's right, make it legal to go topless in NYC just when Angelina Jolie has both breasts removed. http://www.policymic.com/articles/42359/topless-women-in-public-not-breaking-the-law-says-nypd

"God said, 'Ha!' ", indeed.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on May 17, 2013, 09:34:50 PM
That's right, make it legal to go topless in NYC just when Angelina Jolie has both breasts removed. http://www.policymic.com/articles/42359/topless-women-in-public-not-breaking-the-law-says-nypd

"God said, 'Ha!' ", indeed.

              June 2000.   Had the misfortune of seeing at least 50 self declared "dykes" parade topless through Boston Common as a renegade breakaway offshoot of the annual "pride" parade. About as sexually stimulating as the nudity in Schindler's List or National Geographic Rwanda documentaries.Picture 50 Kathy Bates, Gilda Radners and Odettas in all of their non-pulchritude.

         Even Winston Moseley* would have passed this herd by.

        * Special "atta boy/girl" to anyone who gets that reference without the benefit of a search engine.

Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 17, 2013, 09:52:56 PM
              June 2000.   Had the misfortune of seeing at least 50 self declared "dykes" parade topless through Boston Common as a renegade breakaway offshoot of the annual "pride" parade. About as sexually stimulating as the nudity in Schindler's List or National Geographic Rwanda documentaries.Picture 50 Kathy Bates, Gilda Radners and Odettas in all of their non-pulchritude.


Eddie, FanShiSan, you're killing me, guys. It's too late to laugh like that. 

Oh, and speaking of unattractive topless women, I confess I found the Kathy Bates nude plop into the hot tub in About Schmidt, I dunno, uplifting or something. I guess because of its sheer exuberance and courage and lack of giving a damn. Confidence and throwing caution to the wind can be sexy even in ahem non-traditionally attractive body types. But not the angry tirades which I associate with lesbian nudity. Like the "Our bodies belong to us and don't you ever forget it, you killer rapists!" stuff. Don't worry, girls.


What... no Bea Arthur reference, yet?  If you wonder what I'm talking about, just Google "Bea Arthur painting."


Quote from: ItsOver on May 17, 2013, 10:39:48 PM
What... no Bea Arthur reference, yet?  If you wonder what I'm talking about, just Google "Bea Arthur painting."
I saw that. Who paid that? Who?!


Wow... I didn't know this.  Bea was a Leatherneck....although she later denied it, per Wiki.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on May 17, 2013, 10:24:00 PM
But not the angry tirades which I associate with lesbian nudity. Like the "Our bodies belong to us and don't you ever forget it, you killer rapists!" stuff. Don't worry, girls.

       Absolutely. "I'd rather put it in a blender" is my general feeling toward them. The Andrea Dworkin-types who have the femininity of Leslie West. When he was morbidly obese.


Quote from: Eddie Coyle on May 17, 2013, 10:53:35 PM
       Absolutely. "I'd rather put it in a blender" is my general feeling toward them. The Andrea Dworkin-types who have the femininity of Leslie West. When he was morbidly obese.
..with all the warmth and charm of Howard Stern.

Not to draw attention away from that horsemouthed over-ego'd uppity bitch having her titties mutilated, should be referenced as the lactating btw.
Seriously, takes on this please....

Nuclear Attack on Syria 2

Quote from: Sardondi on May 17, 2013, 10:24:00 PM
Oh, and speaking of unattractive topless women, I confess I found the Kathy Bates nude plop into the hot tub in About Schmidt, I dunno, uplifting or something. I guess because of its sheer exuberance and courage and lack of giving a damn. Confidence and throwing caution to the wind can be sexy even in ahem non-traditionally attractive body types. But not the angry tirades which I associate with lesbian nudity. Like the "Our bodies belong to us and don't you ever forget it, you killer rapists!" stuff. Don't worry, girls.

I know of what you speak.  And let's just leave it at that.   As for the last bit, it's probably why I never felt sexually attracted to Garofalo.  I felt like I was supposed to, due to the first part of your post, but just couldn't, because of the last part. Kind of disappointing/unnerving.

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 29, 2013, 09:31:14 PM
Not to draw attention away from that horsemouthed over-ego'd uppity bitch having her titties mutilated, should be referenced as the lactating btw.
Seriously, takes on this please....

Nuclear Attack on Syria 2

I'll give you my take - That's fucking crazy if it's real.  Why isn't this on the news? (Not that I watch the news.)


Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 29, 2013, 09:31:14 PM
Not to draw attention away from that horsemouthed over-ego'd uppity bitch having her titties mutilated, should be referenced as the lactating btw.
Seriously, takes on this please...
Seriously, you really think this could have happened? And you don't immediately distrust the source of the report?

Ordinarily someone who comes in for criticism from the Southern Poverty Law Center these days should get a second look on the theory they're actually good guys.*  But just looking at the basic data surrounding the submission without going into the information alleged in the video pretty much disqualifies it. First, it was submitted to YouTube on May 11th. That's more than two weeks. Who knows when the blast was supposed to have occurred, but the vid we've had for two weeks. And in that more than two weeks there has been nothing from anyone else on a nuclear blast -
A nuclear blast which is intentional -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war against Syria -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war against Syria, set off "near Damascus" -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war against Syria, set off "near Damascus", by, presumably, Israel -
And no one else reports this?! 

No network news picks up the guaranteed Pulitzer story, perhaps the story of the decade, the story of the century? Not even any cable news? Not even any wildcat outfit - well other than a Mein Kampfer like Gordon Duff? Every news outfit has at least a couple of people who are at least as credentialed as Gordon Duff in the areas of foreign relations, intelligence, satellite intel and imagery, radiation and blast detection from space and/or from earth, war, combat, nuclear weapons, modern air war, ballistic missilery, the Middle East, Israel and so on. And these hundreds or thousands of experts working for or associated with dozens of news agencies say nothing to anyone?

And then there are the scientists who aren't associated with any news outfit, whether astronomers, astrophysicists, nuclear physicists or even SETI scientists who are "watching the skies" around the clock, and not one of those thousands notice or say a thing?

And then there's the military. Not just the militaries of Syria, Iran, Jordan, Israel or the US, but any of a couple of dozen or maybe 50 around the world which could detect a nuclear blast - and not a single drinker among the thousands of personnel who would have known and talked? Not a single one with a buddy in the news biz?   

Even someone subscribing to the Hitlerian beliefs (as apparently Gordon Duff does) that "the Jews run the world" and control the media and the news, can truly believe a bunch of filthy untermenschen are so powerful as to be able to completely silence tens of thousands of persons who were aware of a nuclear blast. There's simply no way that independent, credible, confirming word of such a momentous event could be suppressed.

Then there's Gordon Duff and "Veterans Today". Look, long story short, this outfit is followed and believed by the people who brought us "Stormfront".  They're  anti-Semitic, Holocaust apologists, and they push the vile lie that 9/11 was a Zionist plot.

Is there really any need to go on?

*The SPLC at one time was a courageous outpost of justice. But for the last couple of decades the SPLC more and more has been a disappointment, much closer to a clone of Michael Moore than an NGO dedicated to hurling truth into the very teeth. And the fact that the SPLC has never had its tax exempt status investigated by Obama's IRS pretty much seals the deal.

Quote from: Sardondi on May 30, 2013, 12:09:04 AM
Seriously, you really think this could have happened? And you don't immediately distrust the source of the report?

Ordinarily someone who comes in for criticism from the Southern Poverty Law Center these days should get a second look on the theory they're actually good guys.*  But just looking at the basic data surrounding the submission without going into the information alleged in the video pretty much disqualifies it. First, it was submitted to YouTube on May 11th. That's more than two weeks. Who knows when the blast was supposed to have occurred, but the vid we've had for two weeks. And in that more than two weeks there has been nothing from anyone else on a nuclear blast -
A nuclear blast which is intentional -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war against Syria -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war against Syria, set off "near Damascus" -
A nuclear blast which is an act of war against Syria, set off "near Damascus", by, presumably, Israel -
And no one else reports this?! 

No network news picks up the guaranteed Pulitzer story, perhaps the story of the decade, the story of the century? Not even any cable news? Not even any wildcat outfit - well other than a Mein Kampfer like Gordon Duff? Every news outfit has at least a couple of people who are at least as credentialed as Gordon Duff in the areas of foreign relations, intelligence, satellite intel and imagery, radiation and blast detection from space and/or from earth, war, combat, nuclear weapons, modern air war, ballistic missilery, the Middle East, Israel and so on. And these hundreds or thousands of experts working for or associated with dozens of news agencies say nothing to anyone?

And then there are the scientists who aren't associated with any news outfit, whether astronomers, astrophysicists, nuclear physicists or even SETI scientists who are "watching the skies" around the clock, and not one of those thousands notice or say a thing?

And then there's the military. Not just the militaries of Syria, Iran, Jordan, Israel or the US, but any of a couple of dozen or maybe 50 around the world which could detect a nuclear blast - and not a single drinker among the thousands of personnel who would have known and talked? Not a single one with a buddy in the news biz?   

Even someone subscribing to the Hitlerian beliefs (as apparently Gordon Duff does) that "the Jews run the world" and control the media and the news, can truly believe a bunch of filthy untermenschen are so powerful as to be able to completely silence tens of thousands of persons who were aware of a nuclear blast. There's simply no way that independent, credible, confirming word of such a momentous event could be suppressed.

Then there's Gordon Duff and "Veterans Today". Look, long story short, this outfit is followed and believed by the people who brought us "Stormfront".  They're  anti-Semitic, Holocaust apologists, and they push the vile lie that 9/11 was a Zionist plot.

Is there really any need to go on?

*The SPLC at one time was a courageous outpost of justice. But for the last couple of decades the SPLC more and more has been a disappointment, much closer to a clone of Michael Moore than an NGO dedicated to hurling truth into the very teeth. And the fact that the SPLC has never had its tax exempt status investigated by Obama's IRS pretty much seals the deal.

So what is Al Jazeera saying about this?  ;D ;D ;D

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Sardondi on May 30, 2013, 12:09:04 AM

*The SPLC at one time was a courageous outpost of justice. But for the last couple of decades the SPLC more and more has been a disappointment, much closer to a clone of Michael Moore than an NGO dedicated to hurling truth into the very teeth. And the fact that the SPLC has never had its tax exempt status investigated by Obama's IRS pretty much seals the deal.
I knew Hunter S Thompson had officially become a relic destined for the ash heap when he began thanking Morri$ Dee$ in the back of his 1990's "works". Then again, he'd hardly written a readable sentence since roughly 1984, and pretty much most of his post Nixon work was bird cage liner.

Quote from: Sardondi on May 30, 2013, 12:09:04 AM
push the vile lie that 9/11 was a Zionist plot.
Is there really any need to go on?
Are you a Zionist?

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