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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?



Noory used up the first half hour tonight playing one of his boring recorded poem readings and 15min of marching band music (probably from an old dusty LP record he has had since a kid)

Roy Hinkley

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 27, 2013, 11:19:22 PM

I wonder what George is doing while he plays this patriotic march.

Maybe Tommie is helping him polish his flute??


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 27, 2013, 11:19:22 PM
I wonder what George is doing while he plays this patriotic march.
probably munching on pizza rolls?  8)


Quote from: ufogadfly on May 27, 2013, 10:09:37 PM
Has anyone else noticed a recent decrease in the number posts on this topic (GN Sucks)? It can't be because he's any better recently. We may be getting tired of it.
nah, its just because its a 3day holiday weekend and Noory was off for the past 3 days...


Noory acts like he is doing a service playing the same old music and recorded poetry readings every year on these holidays.
But its just another sign of his laziness, that he doesn't have to do something new each year and can use up a bunch of air time without any new work...



Leave it up to George to screw up everything he does. 

He's reading the news about this volcano on the Argentina-Chile border that's evidently ready to erupt and tells us that it's all of 3000 feet high ("that's a big volcano, folks!").

OK, George.  That volcano is actually 3000 METERS high -- roughly 10,000 feet!   

Can this moron get anything right?

No, but at least it has comic value -- just like his "commercials."    I like the one about storable food, that is "so delicious that you want to eat it."  And that it's "still great tasting after 25 years!"  Yeah, sure, George, we ALL want to eat freeze dried emergency food for every meal! 


I can't help but to envision him prancing around the studio while Tommy looks on approvingly.  "Prancing" being the operative word here.


Noory is now telling about a new feature for paying premium members where some will get a chance for a phone call direct chat with George, and he is going to call it "George Time"
Maybe this could be a chance for a few to get thru without screeners and really tell him how bad he is? ;)
Nah they will probably still use screeners I bet before you are allowed to talk to George and the staff is probably listening in too and ready to cut your connection if you dare to tell him anything negative...

Steve Quayle on tonight. Can't miss train wreck radio. Here's to hoping a call gets through about his fine piece of ass daughter. Product of annunaki breeding project perhaps?  8)

Someone please call during george time to let him know it's "ahhm-age" not "home-age". Sheesh.

Quote from: Morgus on May 27, 2013, 11:37:52 PM
Noory is now telling about a new feature for paying premium members where some will get a chance for a phone call direct chat with George, and he is going to call it "George Time"
Maybe this could be a chance for a few to get thru without screeners and really tell him how bad he is? ;)
Nah they will probably still use screeners I bet before you are allowed to talk to George and the staff is probably listening in too and ready to cut your connection if you dare to tell him anything negative...

They may be talking, but George won't be listening.  'How are; yew?', 'thunks for bein' a member', 'sumpthin's goin' on, can yuh fee-lit?'

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on May 28, 2013, 12:00:47 AM
Steve Quayle on tonight. Can't miss train wreck radio. Here's to hoping a call gets through about his fine piece of ass daughter. Product of annunaki breeding project perhaps?  8)

Oh that poor girl.


Yup, he went there:

George told Joshua P Warren that people are saying the Oklahoma tornado might be HAARP .

Right after Knapp told the guy on Friday that he was having none of that

I'm going to count how many times Quayle says "People have got to understand..." tonight, though I think he 's managing to avoid saying that now.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 28, 2013, 12:07:19 AM
Oh that poor girl.

She's actually a decent country singer, good voice, with legs that go all the way up and make a real ass of themselves. Imagine trying to start a legitimate career in that seven foot, six fingered shadow.


I suggest we start calling Coast again. No agenda, just do your own thing and report back.

I can play the role of a moderately heavy speech impediment fan fascinated about shadow people OR a modified Herb Sewell.

Just checked steve's website, he has a ticker with current gold, silver, platinum, and palladium prices, but no beets. Damn it, does lear capital sell beets?

been trying all night. Getting through to steve on coast has always been a goal of mine.

If ya'll are interested in an off the wall movie about bigfoot (and indians!), but not really about bigfoot, check out Escanaba in da Moonlight,by Jeff Daniels. Worth a look see.

Steve Quayle hate peer review procedures. Shocker.

Quayle just said
"Its the scream of the 'squatch that opens the (dimensional) gate"

da 'squatch.

I've counted seven mentions of Art Bell so far by Quayle.

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on May 28, 2013, 01:31:07 AM
I've counted seven mentions of Art Bell so far by Quayle.
Keep monitoring this situation please.
Jeorge's reactions?

Good luck on breaking thru the flooded lines of waterheads in your Quayle quest Sir.

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 28, 2013, 01:37:13 AM
Keep monitoring this situation please.
Jeorge's reactions?


I think that's why Quayle keeps mentioning him. He's name dropping, and it's like he thinks george ain't catching it.

For sheer pointless entertainment, Quayle has got to be the greatest guest ever.  It's like a geyser of never-ending mind-numbing "facts".  He gets deeper and deeper as the years go by.

Steve Quayle is deep.  Maybe it IS more than entertainment.

Quote from: Jackpine Savage on May 28, 2013, 01:44:45 AM

I think that's why Quayle keeps mentioning him. He's name dropping, and it's like he thinks george ain't catching it.
It was a really stupid question of me to ask. I should have done some background thinking of exactly who we're dealing with.
Jeorge reacting to anyting other than a nuclear enema, and to think his reaction time via the pizza roll incident. I really wasn't thinking on this one.

What is the number to that joint anyway these days?


Its a cake walk for noory tonight. Halfway thru a rant, Quayle will stop and change the subject all by himself. He's done it several times tonight saving noory the hassle of actually saying something. Then again, maybe that aint such a bad idea...
Who's the anti-christ george? Why, its none other than Crusty the clown.

Quote from: Phantastic SanShiSan on May 28, 2013, 01:49:36 AM
Steve Quayle is deep.  Maybe it IS more than entertainment.
Wake me up when we get to the Nephilim.

Quote from: Doomed on May 28, 2013, 01:51:25 AM
Its a cake walk for noory tonight. Halfway thru a rant, Quayle will stop and change the subject all by himself. He's done it several times tonight saving noory the hassle of actually saying something. Then again, maybe that aint such a bad idea...
Who's the anti-christ george? Why, its none other than Crusty the clown.


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