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The Spec Sheet

Started by MV/Liberace!, May 30, 2009, 11:47:14 PM


Quote from: Agent : Orange on December 24, 2013, 01:58:00 AM
Has Keith commented publicly on any of this, then?

not that i'm aware of, but it's ok.  i'm over it.


Quote from: MV on December 25, 2013, 09:34:47 PM
not that i'm aware of, but it's ok.  i'm over it.

MV...after a hiatus from being very busy, I returned to ufoship to play catch up on spec sheet. After listening, as I've told you in my sugary girly way... 'loove you MV and Curtis' squeal. You're brilliant. Personally, that quality you and Curtis bring are what I prefer as a listener. Keep it up. Always tuned in to you guys.


Thanks, Chine. As far as I'm concerned, if you're listening, we're doing something right.


Quote from: MV on December 23, 2013, 12:35:12 PM
…although leo makes my skin crawl in numerous ways.
Especially in one called "iPad Today" with Sarah Lane. Vapid pointless drivel in what should be a showcase for iPad APPS.

I eventually bailed out on Windows Weekly, too. Very dry; there's only so much to say and it's been going for months/years now. "Security Now" with Gibson is great for techies but also slow-going as Gibson gets way* ito the weeds.


Anything besides Security Now you guys would recommend?   I will give that one a shot.    Some of these casts are so fucking commercial it wants to make you puke.   I can't remember which one it was (thank goodness) but he had some gal on talking about homos (not that but something like that) .. people who own small businesses and her planethomo.com website that supports them.   It was done in interview style as if it were a real segment in the show but clearly it was one big ad for them.   That was on top of the carbonite ads and the ads for other online services I will never use.   I just want a couple people sitting around talking tech and bullshitting like we were just having a normal conversation.   Like the spec sheet.


Quote from: area51drone on December 26, 2013, 11:27:57 AM
Anything besides Security Now you guys would recommend?   I will give that one a shot.    Some of these casts are so fucking commercial it wants to make you puke.   I can't remember which one it was (thank goodness) but he had some gal on talking about homos (not that but something like that) .. people who own small businesses and her planethomo.com website that supports them.   It was done in interview style as if it were a real segment in the show but clearly it was one big ad for them.   That was on top of the carbonite ads and the ads for other online services I will never use.   I just want a couple people sitting around talking tech and bullshitting like we were just having a normal conversation.   Like the spec sheet.

the problem with windows weekly is that the show was ruined when microsoft released windows phone.  the show felt obligated to talk about the new phone platform in detail, EVERY WEEK, and that's a total buzzkill.  nobody cares about windows phone.  it's not an interesting subject of conversation.  i know it's a show about microsoft, but i don't think that necessarily obligates you to talk about windows phone so much.  i'm sure less than 10% of the show's listeners use windows phone.

of leo's entire podcast catalog, i'd say security now is the best.  that's largely because steve gets highly technical and leo finds himself with nothing to say since he's out of his element.

edit:  and ipad today sounds insufferable.


Quote from: area51drone on December 26, 2013, 11:27:57 AM
Anything besides Security Now you guys would recommend?   
Area51droneP I found one just last week about iPad and IOS. Called Today in iPad. That guy crams more techie relevant shit in one hour than Leo & Sarah Lane do in a year on iPad Today.

Leo Laporte's program called The Tech Guy does offer a lot of help for the qaverage user. If you can fast-forward past the commercials which get longer every week. When Leo began he promised everyone he would NEVER have commercials and tried to run his empire on donations. But over time he liked that cash rolling in.

If you're a hardware geek there's one called Tekzilla with Patrick Norton (if it's still going). He hosted another one called This Week in Computer Hardware, don't know if that's still going either. I got tired of Norton a couple years ago (his style just gets too* irritating) but on the plus side he's likable as you get to know him. In fact, it's weird, the more you get to like him the more you hate him. Isn't it ironic? It's like rain on your wedding day… a free ride when you've already paid…


I am the furthest thing you can get from an apple user, so I'll stay away from the ipad stuff, probably, but maybe I'll check it out just to have something on in the background.   I like it when the talk gets really technical.  Honestly, I love listening to even someone talking about programming.   A spec sheet like show on programming would probably be my favorite show, but it would have a limited audience of about 5 people.    Thanks for the heads up on the others too, I will definitely check out what I can.


Watching the latest episode of Tekzilla now.. yeah this is pretty good.  The audio kind of sucks I guess because they're doing a video cast rather than an audio cast and their mic is picking up some room echo, but I do like it.  Thanks.

Edit: uh-oh.. here comes the carbonite ad..  oh well it was quick anyway!  LOL


Quote from: area51drone on December 26, 2013, 05:37:04 PM

Edit: uh-oh.. here comes the carbonite ad..  oh well it was quick anyway!  LOL

yeah, i can tolerate a quick advert.  actually, i think a quick advert is much more effective than a lengthy monologue as leo laporte likes to deliver for advertisers on his podcasts.  guess he just loves the sound of his own voice, but when i know a 3 minute PLUS commercial is starting, the first thing i do is TAP TAP TAP... i blast right by it.  if it were just a quick 30 second spot, i wouldn't bother reaching for the device i'm listening on.  how leo hasn't figured this out is beyond me.


I was about to ask a question here which I will hold off on. It's perfectly suited for Spec Sheet call in. Being ignorant on tech related issues, I need some help which I'm sure you guys can offer. Next show is...next Tuesday?


Quote from: Chine on December 26, 2013, 06:20:17 PM
Next show is...next Tuesday?

looks that way, but i'm going to see about airing an hour early (4PM PST, 7PM EST) so i can make clearance for that evening's festivities.  i need to ask curtis if this is ok.  oh, hell.  he reads this thread.  will that work, curtis?  btw... this is all assuming i've fixed my audio issues which i have yet to actually investigate.


Quote from: MV on December 26, 2013, 06:31:19 PM
looks that way, but i'm going to see about airing an hour early (4PM PST, 7PM EST) so i can make clearance for that evening's festivities.  i need to ask curtis if this is ok.  oh, hell.  he reads this thread.  will that work, curtis?  btw... this is all assuming i've fixed my audio issues which i have yet to actually investigate.

Nice. I'll have something to listen to whilst recovering with a hangover.


Quote from: MV on December 26, 2013, 06:11:57 PM
yeah, i can tolerate a quick advert.  actually, i think a quick advert is much more effective than a lengthy monologue as leo laporte likes to deliver for advertisers on his podcasts.  guess he just loves the sound of his own voice, but when i know a 3 minute PLUS commercial is starting, the first thing i do is TAP TAP TAP... i blast right by it.  if it were just a quick 30 second spot, i wouldn't bother reaching for the device i'm listening on.  how leo hasn't figured this out is beyond me.

Agreed, a quick advertisement now and then is fine.   I understand people need to make money.   But what seems like 50 of them strung in a row will make me close that media and never return.   I wonder how many listeners you need before carbonite will start paying you.  Or maybe you just advertise and then they pay based on the number of downloads/views you've had.

Quote from: area51drone on December 26, 2013, 05:10:38 PM
I am the furthest thing you can get from an apple user, so I'll stay away from the ipad stuff, probably, but maybe I'll check it out just to have something on in the background.   I like it when the talk gets really technical.  Honestly, I love listening to even someone talking about programming.   A spec sheet like show on programming would probably be my favorite show, but it would have a limited audience of about 5 people.    Thanks for the heads up on the others too, I will definitely check out what I can.


There is one about working on Mars you might find interesting.


About Leo and whether he loves his own voice. Yes, I've noticed that for a long time. He is literally incapable of not talking even if the situation calls for it. He interrupts his callers, his guests and even himself. He has an abnormality in the pre-fontal lobes (akin to attention deficit disorder) so that his brain will lose focus if not stimulated constantly, which is what his compulsive chatter subliminally compensates for. I say this only because I heard him say it the other day in an aside to a caller. I paraphrased what he said.

But he knows a lot of useful medium-grade techie stuff just from hearing of thousands of calls on the same issues. But you sound like you'll like Gibson more.

Leo and these guys that do the ultra-long commcercials know users hate these long commercials. I've heard Leo talk about it and he says, hey, if people can't figure out how to fast-forward past them they're stupid. So evidently he is pandering to the advertisers.  I am burning out on Leo's armada of podcasts, down to two now. Security Now and the Tech Guy.


Quote from: Tarbaby on December 27, 2013, 12:49:54 PM
I am burning out on Leo's armada of podcasts, down to two now. Security Now and the Tech Guy.

i no longer listen to the tech guy.  i get sick of hearing leo's "faux nice" shtick he lays on callers, only to turn around and make fun of these same callers on his podcasts where he apparently thinks nobody is listening.  he does it all the time.  the guy is just such a two faced twat that i can't tolerate him.

i'll bet he's a real pleasure to work for, as well.  check this out:

Why I'm No Longer at TWiT

edit:  leo's obsession with political correctness, which he wears on his sleeve at any opportunity, also grates on me.  he's every buzzkill you've ever met, all in one package.


Precisely, MV. If you listen to Leo for any length of time you notice that and other idiosyncrasies.
1. He talks compoulsively though he "invites" everyone to engage in whatever topic they want to.
2. When someone is irritating him rather than make an excuse to end the call he just unplugs them, keeps talking, and eventually goes on to another call (like we, the listeners, didn't notice).
3. He solicits donations yet spends $9,000 on a TV. Buys every electronic device, gadget and cellphone on the market, saying it's his job. Yet he doesn't report on 99% of his purchases. I guess that's okay but it irritates me that he solicits donations and spends money like a millionaire on crack.
4. Yes, I've often heard him make fun of specific users as well as "idiot" users in general when he's with his pals (Dvorak).
5. His professional glibness and nice/friendly demeanor has worn thinner and thinner as the years go by. By that I mean it's getting phonier and phonier.
6. Lastly, for years he PROMISED he would NEVER have ads and now has ads that grow longer every quarter. And he has changed his position on it saying now that it's only fair that the people who provide service get paid for their service somehow. Even if it's ads rather than cash. Yes, that argument can be made it's just so shocking since he promised so vociferously for so many years about it.

But it's interesting how we (and by that I mean "I") will stick with my habitual vices and/or podcasts even after the infatuation has long ago worn off. Hosts we hate we jettison quickly. Hosts we have liked it's more difficult to end it. At least for me. So I am down to 2 of Leo's podcasts and I know I want to wean myself off. I might need methadone?

I have another such guilty addiction: Imus in the Morning. He's a decrepid hypocrital tyrannical L'enfant terrible cowboy-ish millionaire shock jock radio host. I found his Imus in the Morning show entertaining once but ahve loathed him/it for about 2 years now and still turn it on. Thirdly, there one other local radio show whose host I absolutely detest but there are aspects of the co-hosts (panel) that I like. I was once able to quit listening to that show for several years but I got roped back in and I'm nowtrying to go cold turkey again.

It's just that there are so MANY unlistenable horrible radio shows and podcasts when I finally find one I like (for a while) it's hard to let it go. Plus familiarity breeds contempt.

I want to add that Leo has qualities that have made me a regular listener too: quick-witted, funny, irreverent, silly and spontaneous.


Well shit, now I have to listen to Leo.  Ouch, after listening to 5 minutes worth of that video above, I already can't stand him.  He is extremely arrogant.


I used to like Leo when he did the Screen Savers, but it turns out that when he gets to the top (his own company) he's a arrogant jerk.

The CEO of TWiT, Lisa Kentzell (she is a few of the segments sitting next to Leo), is just as bad as Leo.  I'm glad she doesn't host any of the shows. 

These people have their noses pointed way up.


Looks like Leo Laporte and Lisa Kentzell are lovers:

I just happen to find this:  'Come over, I'm naked in bed': Tech guru accidentally broadcasts explicit sex chat with his boss to massive online audience

It looks like those two have more than a business relationship.


They did it again....



Quote from: slipstream on January 03, 2014, 06:07:00 PM
Looks like Leo Laporte and Lisa Kentzell are lovers:

I just happen to find this:  'Come over, I'm naked in bed': Tech guru accidentally broadcasts explicit sex chat with his boss to massive online audience

It looks like those two have more than a business relationship.


They did it again....


leo's ceo/jizz receptacle comes off as an insufferable twat. 


Yeah, their relationship has been public knowledge for a long time. He mentions it routinely. BUT he doesn't mention any really explicit dialogue. I'll have to listen to this. he made an oblique reference about two weeks ago to something that got aired that shouldn't have but don't know if this is it.

Today was the first time I'd heard her last name. He said on his podcast that when he says her last name with GOOGLE NOW voice it thinks he's saying "CANCEL" rather than "KENTZELL" so it aborts the operation.

As well as that blow-up with Eric whosis they also dropped FRAME RATE and I guess it was because Merritt's wife moved to L.A. and Tom followed but the TWIT empire wanted show hosts to be in the studio and not skype it in.


His compulsion to jabber incessantly (plus the ADHD I mentioned previously) is apparent when he has a guest on for a specific issue and then while asking the guest the question Leo will blurt out what he thinks the answer is, much like a victim of Tourette sundrome. Thus rendering the guest's answer moot. In the Enneagram psychological model we would have placed him in the "FEAR" triad, i.e. he lives in deep subconscious fear of abandonment and/or rejection. So he HAS to  blurt out the "correct" answer so he gets the credit which reaffirms his fragile/damaged self-image. (The drunker I am the better I get at this. :) ) Of course this is just an opinion that has been forming over the years as the clues roll in. He has great qualities too; we're all flawed. But, yeah, I dislike that arrogance when it shows up. If my theory is consistent it would be (over)compensation for deep feelings of inadequacy. All of us have to some degree coping mechanisms. The more egregious and overt they are the deeper the disturbance (or cognitive dissonance) they are trying to resolve.


Quote from: MV on December 11, 2013, 03:37:46 PM
For those who give a crap about my old podcast that I no longer do (Michael Vandeven's Radio Train Wreck), I've placed updated RSS and iTunes podcast feed info in the first post of this thread.
MV Are you going to do Radio Train Wreck 2.0?


Quote from: c337pilot on January 08, 2014, 01:35:51 AM
MV Are you going to do Radio Train Wreck 2.0?

nah, i think the spec sheet is probably going to be the limit of my activities.


Quote from: MV on January 08, 2014, 05:20:25 PM
nah, i think the spec sheet is probably going to be the limit of my activities.
Ok but if you change your mind just let me know. You did set the bar pretty high for podcasters.

Have you ever discussed Replicant (open source android) on the Spec Sheet?


Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on January 09, 2014, 11:16:26 AM
Have you ever discussed Replicant (open source android) on the Spec Sheet?

we haven't in any great detail that i can recall.


Ok, serious questions that I have for the Spec Sheet. This goes back to a few weeks ago when someone suggested an Aldous/GuildNavigator music cast. Well, the fact is that previous to that I contacted the Guild to ask if he was interested in doing a music/magic/call in style program. MV, MudKing, Bateman and others kindly offered tech advice and encouragement and I am in the process of acquiring some of the equipment they suggested would be useful. Wanting to make this live, as I really believe in the magic of shared music and group moment mojo, and am somewhat experienced in the traditional, primitive means of creating this. But I am not a tech dude.

So certain mix equip, mic, dedicated sever unit (for doing live programming) are all on my list. But what I really want to know is- How can we play music without violating whatever performance use regs?  Can you play bits of tunes, if do how long?  Can we register/pay fees to use them?  Running a regular program like that, which is not all music, but is about music, would seem to me to be a postive PR resource gor the artists. Does anyone care?  How can we get this done and make the world a weirder place, with Guild's assistance?


You go to BMI and ASCAP and buy performance licenses to play the music.  How much they charge for a podcast, I don't know.  Otherwise, you are supposed to be limited to 20-seconds of each song.  I hear that violated all the time now, so it's possible the rules have changed.

Looking further, it looks as though the Harry Fox Agency considers a podcast as a reproduction and distribution of music, so you have to pay them, too, if you are playing music recorded by other people.   I think that if you are playing your own versions of the songs, you only have to deal with BMI and ASCAP.

You might look at this, and remember the legal advice is worth what you pay for it.

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