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George Noory Sucks! - The Definitive Compendium

Started by MV/Liberace!, April 06, 2008, 01:23:02 AM

Can Noory pronounce anything correctly?

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 28, 2013, 12:13:20 AM
I'm going to count how many times Quayle says "People have got to understand..." tonight, though I think he 's managing to avoid saying that now.

I stopped counting at 4 sometime during the second half-hour when my connection dropped out.  He doesn't use this expression much anymore.  Disappointing.  In any case instead of tuning back in I decided to make better use of my time by staring into space.

Quote from: General Johnson Jameson on May 28, 2013, 01:52:05 AM
Wake me up when we get to the Nephilim.

I think we may have passed that point already.  I'm hearing some other "philim" thrown in here and there.

Quote from: Phantastic SanShiSan on May 28, 2013, 01:49:36 AM
Steve Quayle is deep.  Maybe it IS more than entertainment.
Its like that Baron Munchausen movie. There is some deeper meaning I just missed it.

Quote from: Rico999 on May 27, 2013, 11:35:36 PM

Leave it up to George to screw up everything he does. 

He's reading the news about this volcano on the Argentina-Chile border that's evidently ready to erupt and tells us that it's all of 3000 feet high ("that's a big volcano, folks!").

OK, George.  That volcano is actually 3000 METERS high -- roughly 10,000 feet!...   

3000 inches, feet, pounds, meters, miles, pieces of string, George doesn't care about the details - he just knows 3000 is a lot.

Quote from: Rico999 on May 27, 2013, 11:35:36 PM

Leave it up to George to screw up everything he does. 

He's reading the news about this volcano on the Argentina-Chile border that's evidently ready to erupt and tells us that it's all of 3000 feet high ("that's a big volcano, folks!").

OK, George.  That volcano is actually 3000 METERS high -- roughly 10,000 feet!   

Can this moron get anything right?

No, but at least it has comic value -- just like his "commercials."    I like the one about storable food, that is "so delicious that you want to eat it."  And that it's "still great tasting after 25 years!"  Yeah, sure, George, we ALL want to eat freeze dried emergency food for every meal!

Didn't you hear?  George was in Vancouver last weekend.  'Meter' is just the way those wacky Canadians pronounce 'foot.'  Kind of like they say 'root' instead of 'route,' or 'pop' instead of 'soda.'  Bizarre huh?  Logically it only follows that it's the same way in that other America, the south one.  George is smart.  He knows he has to make things relevant to his audience who may not understand these things.  Therefore he did the 1:1 meter to foot conversion for us.

Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 28, 2013, 02:54:07 AM
Didn't you hear?  George was in Vancouver last weekend.  'Meter' is just the way those wacky Canadians pronounce 'foot.'  Kind of like they say 'root' instead of 'route,' or 'pop' instead of 'soda.'  Bizarre huh?  Logic only follows that it's the same way in that other America, the south one.  George is smart.  He knows he has to make things relevant to his audience who may not understand these things.  Therefore he did the 1:1 meter to foot conversion for us.

George "just get's" this stuff

Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 28, 2013, 03:07:16 AM

George "just get's" this stuff

After writing that, I realized I was kind of cashing in on your joke to which I apologize.  It had just struck me that he thought 3000 feet was an especially large volcano.  After reading the clarification here and your post I needed to get my fix by expressing how much I think George Noory Sucks.


Quote from: Morgus on May 27, 2013, 11:29:57 PM
Noory used up the first half hour tonight playing one of his boring recorded poem readings and 15min of marching band music (probably from an old dusty LP record he has had since a kid)
Quote from: Roy Hinkley on May 27, 2013, 11:28:53 PM
"And least we forget.... The Coast Guard."
Quote from: Jackpine Savage on May 28, 2013, 01:16:26 AM
Steve Quayle hate peer review procedures. Shocker.

     I would rather hear George sing Elvis songs than suffer through his 'renditions" of anything.  Last year he spaced out those military songs ("goose bump time" he called it) throughout the show, but tonight he thought that playing them back to back would somehow not be a radio listener nightmare.  And when did the Coast Guard get a song?  Didn't they agree to use the theme to Miami Vice until something better came along?  George said he will tell us about his Vancouver trip "at the end of the week, of course."  Because that's when he always tells us about his little trips?  Of course?  Joshua P. Warren on his Puerto Rican escapades.  Steven "the peer review system is diabolical" Quayle on world events, giants, and Jesus, in that order.  Always.  Of course.

Quote from: ufogadfly on May 27, 2013, 10:09:37 PM
Has anyone else noticed a recent decrease in the number posts on this topic (GN Sucks)? It can't be because he's any better recently. We may be getting tired of it.

    Mysterious ancient writing on recently discovered 25000 year old structure translated:
"Long after other threads have turned to dust,
and gravity has ceased to exist,
the Compendium will have but only just begun."


Well, my bedside radio got pounded into small shards again. That was right after George said "Steve, do a lot of people come up to you and say 'I didnt believe what you said 5 years ago, but you were right by God'"?"

Also, didn't he excel himself by saying "The point being, is is...."?


Quote from: valdez on May 28, 2013, 05:36:34 AM...And when did the Coast Guard get a song?  Didn't they agree to use the theme to Miami Vice until something better came along?


Quote from: Rico999 on May 27, 2013, 11:35:36 PM
...No, but at least it has comic value -- just like his "commercials."    I like the one about storable food, that is "so delicious that you want to eat it."  And that it's "still great tasting after 25 years!"  Yeah, sure, George, we ALL want to eat freeze dried emergency food for every meal!

The actual quote is even better than that, something like: "It's just as good today as it will be 25 years from now." Huh? Does that mean equally crappy whenever?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on May 28, 2013, 02:33:41 AM

3000 inches, feet, pounds, meters, miles, pieces of string, George doesn't care about the details - he just knows 3000 is a lot.

No. It's "Huuuuuge!"


Quote from: expat on May 28, 2013, 07:39:59 AM
Well, my bedside radio got pounded into small shards again. That was right after George said "Steve, do a lot of people come up to you and say 'I didnt believe what you said 5 years ago, but you were right by God'"?"

Also, didn't he excel himself by saying "The point being, is is...."?

That habit of his has always driven me up the wall, in addition to his constantly stopping himself and switching to another thought.
Can't stand these Bible-thumpers (and others) who start from their belief and then look for all the points that seem to support it.


Where was the National Guard song? Noory I'm outraged! What a Joker this guy is.

I did tune back in for the open lines last night.  I love how these guys get indignant and condescending whenever there is a rational challenge to their belief systems.  In the last few minutes a caller phoned in giving evidence that the Earth couldn't possibly be merely 6000 years old, siting among other things that mitochondrial DNA shows us to have a common ancestor 200 000 years ago.  Quayle got his back up, saying he's never said the Earth is 6000 years old.   He said Adam and Eve were here 6000 years ago, but that the nephilim, giants, and fallen angels were from before that time (or whatever the Quayle mythology claims). 

I suppose it's a legitimate defense if that is what he's always said, but I do notice the primary tool of snake oil salesmen is to become angry and treat their rational challengers like they don't know what they're talking about (see John Lear, Hoagland, etc.).  If you listen to scientists on Coast to Coast they are almost always more than eager to calmly address any caller with conflicting views.


Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on May 28, 2013, 12:00:52 PM
I did tune back in for the open lines last night.  I love how these guys get indignant and condescending whenever there is a rational challenge to their belief systems.c.).  If you listen to scientists on Coast to Coast they are almost always more than eager to calmly address any caller with conflicting views.

No kidding......that's Quayle in spades.  He can't stand it when someone questions the "truth" of anything he says. 

You'd think that if there was any kind of evidence of a race of "giants," for example, anthropologists the world over would be looking to find evidence for them -- wherever they could find it -- and would be writing papers on their findings -- in peer-reviewed journals no less....But Coast guests like Quayle and on a lesser level, Mitch Battros, count on the audience's (and Georges!) general ignorance on how science actually works. 

George must've been on the 23rd take of recording that "Soldier" poem......It sounded pretty bad.  Which isn't too surprising for a guy who can barely read news copy...

All in all, last night's show -- from the poem to the marching band schmaltz -- to the Long Walker's latest drivel --  was a real "classic" all right -- a comedy classic!


I gotta say I really love Quayle shows.  The guy is able to link EVERY crazy theory EVER thought up together into one HUGE mish mash.  So many "wtf" moments I almost couldnt count.  I found myself just falling out laughing every 5 minutes it was great. 

and George wasn't allowed to speak... definitely "classic" coast

The program has been so rotten during the week I had to come back to he GN sucks community for more therapy. He more than deserves it for torturing us all with that Little Orphan Annie music last week... at 4 in the morning... oh cripes when will this hostage crisis end????? Anyway, with the Quale train wreck last night I couldn't help but pick out a few gems in hopes amoeba anthropologists in the future can help piece together how it was the species devolved into amoebas.

May 28th 2013, Steve Quale as guest
(slightly paraphrasing to give you a general transcript of the program)

GN: "Tonight, we'll be discussing 'longwalkers', demons... angels...."
(what? longwalkers??? skinwalkers???)

GN: "I remember that one show we went on for a whole extra hour... when they were moving all those planes and trucks... moving them around...."
SQ: (responds)
GN: "...oh boy...."

SQ: (on antichrist, middle east, syria)
GN: "...mmmm.... hmmmm. Sure."
GN: "and what's confusing about Syria... is Assad... and he's no boyscout... is the rebels were arming are with al-qaeda.."

(that one hurt so bad I nearly fell on the floor laughing)

GN: "..Where do you see the next five years going?"

SQ: (on retinal scanning technology)
GN: "There's no question... no question... what's been happening on this planet... it's by design... and the elite are panicking."
(uncomfortable pause)

GN: "So true... so true... well.... the clock is ticking..."

SQ: (On the United Nations)
GN: "Well, spot on that. What's new with your website these days?"

SQ: (On ancient alien technology)
GN: "It's truly amazing how fast everything is rolling. When we come back, we're going to talk about demons... angels... everything... it'll be fascinating." (then, realizing it wasn't time for a break yet) "What keeps you going Steven?"

GN: "We've gotta get Steven up to Denver to tape our Beyond Belief program where we'll talk about demons... angels... everything... it'll be fascinating."

SQ: (On Nephalim)
GN: "All these legends, Steven... I think they were all fact events."
(factevents?? factualevents?? ALL OF THEM?? WHA??)

SQ: (On stargates, ubermensch...)
GN : "You never know. It can't be stopped can it?"

SQ: (On the Smithsonian)
GN: "...I'm not sure they have everything in there...."

(huge gap of time before any comments are made in response to the guest.. thankfully)

GN: "...So many things going on on this planet.... that... just average folks have no idea..."

SQ: (On sasquatch screams opening dimensional gates)
GN: "Yeah... that may be... sure is... let's take some calls for ya..."

(caller on ancient stone anchors)

SQ: (responds)
GN: (says nothing on topic) "Ab-lal.. ab- of all the stories in your book is here one that stands out Steve?"

(after nodding out I came around and caught this one)

GN: "...the month-days just keep clicking by. Take a look at our android app up there at the top of the website. Gosh. Everything is up there at the top."

Sorry to say, dear readers, this was one of his more lively "discussions" (only practically comatose). A night of quality broadcasting excellence. How much longer will be held hostage??! The stupid must be documented! We must build the case! This thread needs to be the longest thread in internet history!!


Quote from: ziznak on May 28, 2013, 02:21:34 PM
I gotta say I really love Quayle shows.  The guy is able to link EVERY crazy theory EVER thought up together into one HUGE mish mash.  So many "wtf" moments I almost couldnt count.  I found myself just falling out laughing every 5 minutes it was great. 

and George wasn't allowed to speak... definitely "classic" coast

Yep!  I agree!   ;D


Quayle with Noory makes me think of Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd, if McCarthy was an addled motor-mouth and Mortimer was really stupid.

That transcript of the Quayle show was fucked up. I am so glad that I do not listen to that talentless asshatting bastard anymore.


No way man it was great.  Quayle is so all over the damn place that Noory didnt even have a chance to try and follow him.  That transcript was very accurate... Ol Jorch was forced to use his full aresenal of meaningless mushmouthed follow up statements. 

I can just picture Jorch asleep with his head resting on the microphone while tommy pokes at him with a stick everytime Quayle pretended to shut up.

Tommy :"Psssst Jorchy baby say something!!" <POKE him with his jorchy-prod>
Jorchy : "Meeeeh... It sure is... ya know.... sumphiiiins definitely hapeneeeeen.... portals... angels.... hrrrmphmmmhhh... zzzzzzzzz"

Oh I'm sure it was comedy gold, I just don't find it funny anymore. It gives me a headache.


Here's a forgotten gem. George Noory's PREDICTIONS! 2006. Complete with appearances by the Numbers Cow, Ed Dames & a segment on infant deaths. Classic Snoory.

Predictions with George Noory (full TV special from 2006)


Quayle stopped being interesting or entertaining many years ago, when he mixed his over-earnest Fundamentalism with tales of discovered giant skeletons and similar odd things.  IIRC, Punnett ripped him a new a few years back for going ballistic on a caller who called his BS and it was a good while before he got back on with Noory.

I'd like to hear Graham Hancock tonight; he's one of the few real C2C gems who still appear, but I can't take a minute of that rightwing crank Hulet so I'll probably fade fast.

Quote from: VtaGeezer on May 28, 2013, 10:10:22 PM
Quayle stopped being interesting or entertaining many years ago, when he mixed his over-earnest Fundamentalism with tales of discovered giant skeletons and similar odd things.  IIRC, Punnett ripped him a new a few years back for going ballistic on a caller who called his BS and it was a good while before he got back on with Noory.

I'd like to hear Graham Hancock tonight; he's one of the few real C2C gems who still appear, but I can't take a minute of that rightwing crank Hulet so I'll probably fade fast.

Just do like I do and imagine Brian Posehn when Hulet is talking.  Their voices are identical and when you think of Brian Posehn you can't possibly take anything he says seriously.


I, too, am going to enjoy Graham Hancock tonight.  He is definitely in my top 10 favorite guests.  I think I have listened to every YOU TUBE video he is in.


Quote from: bateman on May 28, 2013, 09:57:45 PM
Here's a forgotten gem. George Noory's PREDICTIONS! 2006. Complete with appearances by the Numbers Cow, Ed Dames & a segment on infant deaths. Classic Snoory.

Predictions with George Noory (full TV special from 2006)
Not really forgotten around here, the link to that video was posted in this thread several months back...  ;)
Its funny to note how different Noory looks in that 2007 New Year's pay-per-view special vs in his current Beyond Belief pay videos.

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